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Re: Upcoming 2.0 of LedgerSMB

On 25 Jul 2010, at 19:02, Jeff Kowalczyk wrote:

Joshua D. Drake <jd@...> writes:
I firmly believe we need to eliminate Latex or at least not make it a
requirement and move to more modern technologies to generate invoices.

I appreciate and like LaTeX output. LaTeX::Table [1] seemed like something I would want to build templates around. The problem would be finding something
else that handles page-breaking and other things that LaTeX does well.


I started to write a long reply to this yesterday, but did not hit send because I was cautious of criticising or antagonising the devs. Strangely that reply does not seem to be in my drafts folder, but...

What I really like about LaTeX is that it can specify layout to the millimetre, and it seems extremely reliable - get it right and it will continue generating invoices correctly time after time, indefinitely and without error (that I have experienced).

With the current LaTeX templating system I don't seem to have any problems with a longer than average line, address or item description causing elements of the page to overflow in a bad way. Surely CSS, not being designed for the printed page, might suffer that, causing a single element to end up on a second sheet? Under the current LaTeX system a second sheet is generated *properly* if there is too much information for the first, footers are handled correctly &c. Under the current LaTeX system you will never have the total amount isolated on the last page alone, but the last line item will always be carried over before it, so the total is given "context".

I use longtable to print "page 2 of 3" (or whatever) at the footer of every page - but only if the invoice has more than one page, otherwise the footer is simpler.

LaTeX allows page sizes and stuff to be specified perfectly for print layout, so it one can format cheques for a 3.25" x 7" sheet.

I had to invest quite a bit of time getting my invoice.tex layout formatted correctly, so I do concede that customisation is demanding. I suppose my personal attachment to LaTeX within LedgerSMB is that I don't want to have to waste a lot of time reproducing that layout in an alternative system, and I fear that alternatives may be more prone to errors. Surely anything easier to customise will equally allow less powerful or flexible customisation? I fear that a system which is simpler to edit may just increase support calls, as elements overflow the page and produce poor layout.

I like the suggestions of a "middle layer" to LaTeX, because I can't help fearing that if a completely different system, such as CSS, is adopted then LaTeX will be depreciated and removed. I don't want my fears (previous paragraph) to be realised just because a poorer system is "good enough" for many and meets the criteria that any numptie can edit the templates. Maybe something like ConTeXt [1] could be considered? I have no idea if this is a helpful suggestion.

The downside of the current templating system is that it seems difficult to produce form-letters. I was not able to produce a template which properly generated "Dear Sir, I write to bring to your attention invoices 1234 and 2341, which remain unpaid with a total outstanding value of £7896", so I happily concede that all is not perfectly rosé.


[1] http://wiki.contextgarden.net/What_is_ConTeXt