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Re: Upcoming 2.0 of LedgerSMB

 On 24/07/2010 1:47 PM, Joshua D. Drake wrote:

2.0 of LedgerSMB is going to branch soon. The primary goal of 2.0 is to
eliminate all legacy code from our SQL-Ledger heritage. However, there
are other goals that others may have that I would like to start a
discussion on.

My Primary goals are:

I firmly believe we need to eliminate Latex or at least not make it a
requirement and move to more modern technologies to generate invoices.

I want to review the entity work I did for 1.3. Although extremely
flexible, now that it has been a while a second look never hurts.

I would like to create a new template for presentation. The old template
is fine for some folks but pretty matters and I want to eliminate frames
and push to a proper ajax style interface. (again optional)

Lastly, for 2.0 we are moving to Git. We have already created the
repository and will slowly begin to populate over the coming months.



Joshua D. Drake
What are you thinking of using to eliminate Latex?

Darren Wiebe