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Re: ready to branch 1.3 off?

On Sun, 14 Mar 2010, Armaghan Saqib wrote:

This was exactly what I was thinking but I thought I might be missing
something why this is being done.
Not all of the same reasons, but ditto.

My initial thought was "Is the plan for 2.0 sufficiently mapped out in developer documentation yet?" We've had plenty of good discussions here, but I haven't seen a full roadmap--"Stage 1 will incorporate these elements, have this functionality, and work thusly. Coding preferences are these..." &c&c&c. Obviously that will be a living document, but if nothing else the results of the discussions here (some of them haven't had results or conclusions, I think) should be placed in a full document and posted to the WIKI or some such. (There is the post "Upcoming Content: Beyond 1.3", but has "general consensus" "emerged"?)
(1) From recent discussion, it seems that 2.0 is a completely new
beast so why branching will help. Why not a completely new project?
What are we going to gain from branching existing code base?
I was struggling with that as well.  All I could think of, was that the 
intent was to patch 1.3 until it became a new project.:)
(2) I would recommend "release early release often" strategy. Get 2.0
stable out of door as soon as it is minimally usable; for example when
basic framework is ready and users can create chart and add GL
transactions (even without AR/AP transactions and related reports
Seems reasonable.

(3) I am not sure what are the reservations with git but it will
really help all of us. When git was getting popular I was using SVN
Did someone state reservations?
I missed that/those message(s) if so.
