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Re: Proof of concept structs for 2.0

Chris Travers wrote:
Here are some proof of concept struct definitions for 2.0.  What do folks think?

I'm assuming you are indicating data types, not literal strings of '$' et al., right? Working on that assumption, for now.

Also do you like right-justification or left justification of hash keys?

Either works for me. I'd probably pick left-justification because it's easier and I'm lazy. Plus if you use tabs it won't break horribly when using proportional fonts. (Not that I do so particularly often, I'm just saying...)

struct LedgerSMB::User, {
        role_prefix =>  '$', # formerly from $request
           username =>  '$', # normally we had to get credentials
              roles =>  '@', # formerly from $request

Can't $role_prefix be dropped if we have @roles?

                dbh =>  'DBI' # formerly from $request

I can honestly say that I don't care for the current method of maintaining sessions... not being able to look at things in two windows simultaneously is occasionally a royal P.I.T.A. I feel the burden of serialization (process, not data) has been pushed out onto the user, whereas IMHO it belongs in the web app framework.

Also, doesn't doing it this way completely prevent session pooling? Obviously you don't want multiple users crossing back and forth, but if I have multiple sessions open because I want to look at multiple things at the same time, all under the same userid, and each web request is atomic w.r.t. the database anyway... session pooling index by userid should be possible under those circumstances.

[Oops... see below.]

struct LedgerSMB::Web::Request, {
     params         =>  '*%', # formerly top-level hash
     method         =>  '$',  # GET/PUT/POST
     headers        =>  '*%', # Defined for the interface
     url            =>  '$',  # full url requested
     script_nsp     =>  '$',  # namespace of the script to run
     dispatch_point =>  '$',  # formerly 'action' on the top-level

I realize that CGI.pm may not be in use forever, and there is therefore some value in abstracting its interfaces instead of calling them natively, but is it worth the extra setup code? What about non-web requests, e.g. thick clients - does this concept make writing those clients easier or harder?

struct LedgerSMB::Session, {

[Oh.  Ignore my earlier comments about dbh in the ::User object.]

I would probably combine this with ::Web::Request - if we're using some sort of web-based infrastructure, the two are inextricable, and if we're not (e.g. thick client), will we need to keep track of the ::Session object at all?

struct LedgerSMB::Web::Form {

Same comments as about ::Session apply here, too.

struct LedgerSMB::Auth, {
> subclass LedgerSMB::Auth::HTTP_Basic...
> subclass LedgerSMB::Auth::HTTP_KRB5....

Similarly, I would not expect this to be something that needs to be exposed to the application innards. Either the web framework takes care of it, or something else does, and the ::User object is the result of the authentication process... I would also probably consider it an error to treat a user suddenly switching auth mechanisms from one request to the next as a single "session".

Now you tell me where I misinterpreted things or am making up demons of smoke and mirrors out of whole cloth. :-)

-Adam Thompson
 (204) 291-7950