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Proof of concept structs for 2.0

Here are some proof of concept struct definitions for 2.0.  What do folks think?

Also do you like right-justification or left justification of hash keys?

Best Wishes,
Chris Travers

struct LedgerSMB::User, {
       role_prefix => '$', # formerly from $request
          username => '$', # normally we had to get credentials
             roles => '@', # formerly from $request
       preferences => '*%', # formerly from $request->{_user}
       warn_expire => '$', # formerly from $request
     pw_expires_in => '$', # formerly from $request
            locale => 'LedgerSMB::Locale', # formlerly $request->{_locale}
               dbh => 'DBI' # formerly from $request

struct LedgerSMB::Web::Request, {
    params         => '*%', # formerly top-level hash
    method         => '$',  # GET/PUT/POST
    headers        => '*%', # Defined for the interface
    url            => '$',  # full url requested
    script_nsp     => '$',  # namespace of the script to run
    dispatch_point => '$',  # formerly 'action' on the top-level

struct LedgerSMB::Session, {
    id     => '$',
    token  => '$'

struct LedgerSMB::Web::Form {
    id      => '$',
    is_open => '$'

struct LedgerSMB::Auth, {
    username => '$', # Password or other token used to authenticate to the db
    token    => '$'

subclass LedgerSMB::Auth::HTTP_Basic...
subclass LedgerSMB::Auth::HTTP_KRB5....