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Re: Proposed Architecture Changes in 2.0 (Request for comments)

On Sun, Mar 7, 2010 at 4:25 AM, Chris Travers <..hidden..> wrote:
> Looking forward from 1.3, I am going to propose the following framework changes.

Hi Chris,

I am assuming that what you mean by 2.0 is a total rewrite. In that
case we can freely choose some existing framework.

I had a look at Jifty framework (jifty.org) few months ago for a new
custom work. Seems to be buzzword (ORB, MVC, REST) compliant and
includes its own template engine (as well as mason) and supports
addons support. (Also resembles Rails framework in some respects.)

Addons can be built using its addon functionality or using REST
interface. I think this can save a lot of time over a home grown

What are your comments?


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