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SF.net SVN: ledger-smb:[6362] trunk/templates
- Subject: SF.net SVN: ledger-smb:[6362] trunk/templates
- From: ..hidden..
- Date: Fri, 3 Jan 2014 09:19:40 +0000
Revision: 6362
Author: einhverfr
Date: 2014-01-03 09:19:40 +0000 (Fri, 03 Jan 2014)
Log Message:
scripts to load templates into the db.
Added Paths:
Added: trunk/templates/demo/templates.sql
--- trunk/templates/demo/templates.sql (rev 0)
+++ trunk/templates/demo/templates.sql 2014-01-03 09:19:40 UTC (rev 6362)
@@ -0,0 +1,5060 @@
+-- PostgreSQL database dump
+SET statement_timeout = 0;
+SET client_encoding = 'UTF8';
+SET standard_conforming_strings = on;
+SET check_function_bodies = false;
+SET client_min_messages = warning;
+SET search_path = public, pg_catalog;
+-- Data for Name: template; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
+INSERT INTO template VALUES (38, 'shipping_label', NULL, '<?lsmb FILTER latex ?>
+\usepackage[paperheight=10.5cm, paperwidth=16.2cm,top=1cm,bottom=1.5cm,left=2cm,right=2cm]{geometry}
+<?lsmb IF shiptoaddress1 ?>
+\noindent <?lsmb name ?>\\
+<?lsmb shiptoaddress1 ?>\\
+<?lsmb IF shiptoaddress2; shiptoaddress2 ?>\\ <?lsmb END ?>
+<?lsmb- shiptocity ?>
+<?lsmb IF shiptostate -?>
+\hspace{-0.1cm}, <?lsmb shiptostate ?><?lsmb END ?> <?lsmb shiptozipcode ?>\\
+<?lsmb shiptocountry ?>
+<?lsmb ELSE ?>
+\noindent <?lsmb name ?>\\
+<?lsmb address1 ?> \\
+<?lsmb- IF address2; address2 ?> \\<?lsmb END ?>
+<?lsmb- city ?>
+<?lsmb- IF state -?>, <?lsmb state ?> <?lsmb END ?> <?lsmb zipcode ?>\\
+<?lsmb END ?>
+<?lsmb END ?>
+', 'tex');
+INSERT INTO template VALUES (39, 'packing_list', NULL, '<?lsmb FILTER latex -?>
+ \parbox{\textwidth}{
+ \tiny
+ \rule[1.5em]{\textwidth}{0.5pt}
+<?lsmb text(''Items returned are subject to a 10% restocking charge.'') ?>
+<?lsmb text(''A return authorization must be obtained from [_1] before goods are returned. Returns must be shipped prepaid and properly insured. [_1] will not be responsible for damages during transit.'', company) ?>
+ }
+<?lsmb INCLUDE letterhead.tex ?>
+% Breaking old pagebreak directive
+%<?xlsmb pagebreak 65 27 37 ?>
+%\markboth{<?xlsmb company ?>\hfill <?xlsmb ordnumber ?>}{<?xlsmb company ?>\hfill <?xlsmb ordnumber ?>}
+% \textbf{Item} & \textbf{Number} & \textbf{Description} & \textbf{Serial Number} & & \textbf{Qty} & \textbf{Ship} & \\
+%<?xlsmb end pagebreak ?>
+\textbf{Ship To}} \hfill
+<?lsmb shiptoname ?>
+<?lsmb shiptoaddress1 ?>
+<?lsmb shiptoaddress2 ?>
+<?lsmb shiptocity ?>
+<?lsmb IF shiptostate ?>
+\hspace{-0.1cm}, <?lsmb shiptostate ?>
+<?lsmb END ?>
+<?lsmb shiptozipcode ?>
+<?lsmb shiptocountry ?>
+ <?lsmb shiptocontact ?>
+ <?lsmb IF shiptophone ?>
+ Tel: <?lsmb shiptophone ?>
+ <?lsmb END ?>
+ <?lsmb IF shiptofax ?>
+ Fax: <?lsmb shiptofax ?>
+ <?lsmb END ?>
+ <?lsmb shiptoemail ?>
+\textbf{\MakeUppercase{<?lsmb text(''Packing List'') ?>}}
+\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{*{7}{|X}|} \hline
+ \textbf{<?lsmb text(''Invoice #'') ?>} & \textbf{<?lsmb text(''Order #'') ?>}
+ & \textbf{<?lsmb text(''Date'') ?>} & \textbf{<?lsmb text(''Contact'') ?>}
+ <?lsmb IF warehouse ?>
+ & \textbf{<?lsmb text(''Warehouse'') ?>}
+ <?lsmb END ?>
+ & \textbf{<?lsmb text(''Shipping Point'') ?>}
+ & \textbf{<?lsmb text(''Ship via'') ?>} \\ [0.5em]
+ \hline
+ <?lsmb invnumber ?> & <?lsmb ordnumber ?>
+ <?lsmb IF shippingdate ?>
+ & <?lsmb shippingdate ?>
+ <?lsmb ELSE ?>
+ & <?lsmb transdate ?>
+ <?lsmb END ?>
+ & <?lsmb employee ?>
+ <?lsmb IF warehouse ?>
+ & <?lsmb warehouse ?>
+ <?lsmb END ?>
+ & <?lsmb shippingpoint ?> & <?lsmb shipvia ?> \\
+ \hline
+ \textbf{<?lsmb text(''Item'') ?>} & \textbf{<?lsmb text(''Number'') ?>}
+ & \textbf{<?lsmb text(''Description'') ?>}
+ & \textbf{<?lsmb text(''Serial Number'') ?>} &
+ & \textbf{<?lsmb text(''Qty'') ?>} & \textbf{<?lsmb text(''Ship'') ?>} & \\
+<?lsmb FOREACH number ?>
+<?lsmb lc = loop.count - 1 ?>
+ <?lsmb runningnumber.${lc} ?> &
+ <?lsmb number.${lc} ?> &
+ <?lsmb description.${lc} ?> &
+ <?lsmb serialnumber.${lc} ?> &
+ <?lsmb deliverydate.${lc} ?> &
+ <?lsmb qty.${lc} ?> &
+ <?lsmb ship.${lc} ?> &
+ <?lsmb unit.${lc} ?> \\
+<?lsmb END ?>
+<?lsmb FOREACH P IN notes.split(''\n{2,}'') ?>
+<?lsmb P ?>\medskip
+<?lsmb END ?>
+<?lsmb END ?>
+', 'tex');
+INSERT INTO template VALUES (40, 'check_base', NULL, '<?lsmb BLOCK check_single ?>
+ <?lsmb company ?>
+ <?lsmb address ?>}
+\parbox[t]{6cm}{\hfill <?lsmb source ?>}
+<?lsmb text_amount ?> \dotfill <?lsmb decimal ?>/100 \makebox[0.5cm]{\hfill}
+\hfill <?lsmb datepaid ?> \makebox[2cm]{\hfill} <?lsmb
+format_amount({amount = amount, format = ''1,000.00'', money = 1}) ?>
+% different date format for datepaid
+% <?lsmb DD ?><?lsmb MM ?><?lsmb YYYY ?>
+<?lsmb legal_name ?>
+<?lsmb street1 ?>
+<?lsmb street2 ?>
+<?lsmb city ?>
+<?lsmb IF state ?>
+\hspace{-0.1cm}, <?lsmb state ?>
+<?lsmb END # state ?>
+<?lsmb mail_code ?>
+<?lsmb country ?>
+<?lsmb memo ?>
+<?lsmb company ?>
+<?lsmb name ?> \hfill <?lsmb datepaid ?> \hfill <?lsmb source ?>
+\textbf{<?lsmb text(''Invoice #'') ?>} & \textbf{<?lsmb text(''Invoice Date'') ?>}
+ & \textbf{<?lsmb text(''Amount Due'') ?>} & \textbf{<?lsmb text(''Applied'') ?>} \\
+<?lsmb FOR inv = invoices ?>
+<?lsmb inv.invnumber ?> & <?lsmb inv.invoice_date ?> \dotfill
+ & <?lsmb inv.due ?> & <?lsmb inv.paid ?> \\
+<?lsmb END # FOREACH inv ?>
+<?lsmb memo ?>
+<?lsmb message ?>
+<?lsmb END # BLOCK ?>
+', 'tex');
+INSERT INTO template VALUES (41, 'request_quotation', NULL, '<?lsmb FILTER latex -?>
+<?lsmb INCLUDE letterhead.tex ?>
+\markboth{<?lsmb company ?>\hfill <?lsmb ordnumber ?>}{<?lsmb company ?>\hfill <?lsmb ordnumber ?>}
+\textbf{<?lsmb text(''To'') ?>}
+<?lsmb name ?>
+<?lsmb address1 ?>
+<?lsmb address2 ?>
+<?lsmb city ?>
+<?lsmb IF state ?>
+\hspace{-0.1cm}, <?lsmb state ?>
+<?lsmb END ?>
+<?lsmb zipcode ?>
+<?lsmb country ?>
+<?lsmb IF contact ?>
+<?lsmb contact ?>
+<?lsmb END ?>
+<?lsmb IF vendorphone ?>
+<?lsmb text(''Tel: [_1]'', vendorphone) ?>
+<?lsmb END ?>
+<?lsmb IF vendorfax ?>
+<?lsmb text(''Fax: [_1]'', vendorfax) ?>
+<?lsmb END ?>
+<?lsmb email ?>
+\textbf{Ship To}
+<?lsmb shiptoname ?>
+<?lsmb shiptoaddress1 ?>
+<?lsmb shiptoaddress2 ?>
+<?lsmb shiptocity ?>
+<?lsmb IF shiptostate ?>
+\hspace{-0.1cm}, <?lsmb shiptostate ?>
+<?lsmb END ?>
+<?lsmb shiptozipcode ?>
+<?lsmb shiptocountry ?>
+<?lsmb IF shiptocontact ?>
+<?lsmb shiptocontact ?>
+<?lsmb END ?>
+<?lsmb IF shiptophone ?>
+<?lsmb text(''Tel: [_1]'', shiptophone) ?>
+<?lsmb END ?>
+<?lsmb IF shiptofax ?>
+<?lsmb text(''Fax: [_1]'', shiptofax) ?>
+<?lsmb END ?>
+<?lsmb shiptoemail ?>
+\textbf{\MakeUppercase{<?lsmb text(''Request for Quotation'') ?>}}
+\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{*{6}{|X}|} \hline
+ \textbf{<?lsmb text(''RFQ #'') ?>} & \textbf{<?lsmb text(''Date'') ?>}
+ & \textbf{<?lsmb text(''Required by'') ?>} & \textbf{<?lsmb text(''Contact'') ?>}
+ & \textbf{<?lsmb text(''Shipping Point'') ?>}
+ & \textbf{<?lsmb text(''Ship via'') ?>} \\ [0.5ex]
+ \hline
+ <?lsmb quonumber ?> & <?lsmb quodate ?> & <?lsmb reqdate ?> & <?lsmb employee ?> & <?lsmb shippingpoint ?> & <?lsmb shipvia ?> \\
+ \hline
+<?lsmb text(''Please provide price and delivery time for the following items:'') ?>
+ \textbf{<?lsmb text(''Number'') ?>} & \textbf{<?lsmb text(''Description'') ?>}
+ & \textbf{<?lsmb text(''Qty'') ?>} & & \textbf{<?lsmb text(''Delivery'') ?>}
+ & \textbf{<?lsmb text(''Unit Price'') ?>} & \textbf{<?lsmb text(''Extended'') ?>}
+<?lsmb FOREACH number ?>
+<?lsmb lc = loop.count - 1 ?>
+ <?lsmb number.${lc} ?> &
+ <?lsmb description.${lc} ?> &
+ <?lsmb qty.${lc} ?> &
+ <?lsmb unit.${lc} ?> \\
+<?lsmb END ?>
+<?lsmb FOREACH P IN notes.split(''\n{2,}'') ?>
+<?lsmb P ?>\medskip
+<?lsmb END ?>
+<?lsmb END ?>
+', 'tex');
+INSERT INTO template VALUES (5, 'sales_quotation', NULL, '<?lsmb FILTER latex -?>
+ \parbox{\textwidth}{
+ \tiny
+ \rule[1.5em]{\textwidth}{0.5pt}
+<?lsmb text(''Special order items are subject to a 10\% cancellation fee.'') ?>
+ }
+<?lsmb INCLUDE letterhead.tex ?>
+\markboth{<?lsmb company ?>\hfill <?lsmb quonumber ?>}{<?lsmb company ?>\hfill <?lsmb quonumber ?>}
+<?lsmb name ?>
+<?lsmb address1 ?>
+<?lsmb address2 ?>
+<?lsmb city ?>
+<?lsmb IF state ?>\hspace{-0.1cm}, <?lsmb state ?>
+<?lsmb END ?>
+<?lsmb zipcode ?>
+<?lsmb country ?>
+<?lsmb IF contact ?>
+<?lsmb contact ?>
+<?lsmb END ?>
+<?lsmb IF customerphone ?>
+<?lsmb text(''Tel: [_1]'', customerphone) ?> ?>
+<?lsmb END ?>
+<?lsmb IF customerfax ?>
+<?lsmb text(''Fax: [_1]'', customerfax) ?>
+<?lsmb END ?>
+<?lsmb email ?>
+\textbf{\MakeUppercase{<?lsmb text(''Quotation'') ?>}}
+\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{*{6}{|X}|} \hline
+ \textbf{<?lsmb text(''Quotation #'') ?>} & \textbf{<?lsmb text(''Date'') ?>}
+ & \textbf{<?lsmb text(''Valid until'') ?>} & \textbf{<?lsmb text(''Contact'') ?>}
+ & \textbf{<?lsmb text(''Shipping Point'') ?>}
+ & \textbf{<?lsmb text(''Ship via'') ?>} \\ [0.5ex]
+ \hline
+ <?lsmb quonumber ?> & <?lsmb quodate ?> & <?lsmb reqdate ?> & <?lsmb employee ?> & <?lsmb shippingpoint ?> & <?lsmb shipvia ?> \\
+ \hline
+ \textbf{<?lsmb text(''Number'') ?>} & \textbf{<?lsmb text(''Description'') ?>}
+ & \textbf{<?lsmb text(''Qty'') ?>} & \textbf{<?lsmb text(''Unit'') ?>}
+ & \textbf{<?lsmb text(''Price'') ?>} & \textbf{<?lsmb text(''Disc %'') ?>}
+ & \textbf{<?lsmb text(''Amount'') ?>}
+<?lsmb FOREACH number ?>
+<?lsmb lc = loop.count - 1 ?>
+ <?lsmb number.${lc} ?> &
+ <?lsmb description.${lc} ?>
+ <?lsmb qty.${lc} ?> &
+ <?lsmb unit.${lc} ?> &
+ <?lsmb sellprice.${lc} ?> &
+ <?lsmb discountrate.${lc} ?> &
+ <?lsmb linetotal.${lc} ?> \\
+ & & & & & \\
+<?lsmb END ?>
+\hline \hline
+\multicolumn{6}{r|}{<?lsmb text(''Subtotal'') ?>} & <?lsmb subtotal ?> \\*
+<?lsmb FOREACH tax ?>
+<?lsmb lc = loop.count - 1 ?>
+\multicolumn{6}{r|}{<?lsmb taxdescription.${lc}
+ ?> on <?lsmb taxbase.${lc} ?> }
+ & <?lsmb tax.${lc} ?> \\*
+<?lsmb END ?>
+<?lsmb text(''All prices in [_1].'', currency) ?>
+<?lsmb IF terms ?>
+<?lsmb text(''Terms: [_1] days'', terms) ?>
+<?lsmb END ?>
+<?lsmb FOREACH P IN notes.split(''\n{2,}'') ?>
+<?lsmb P ?>\medskip
+<?lsmb END ?>
+\hfill \parbox{7cm}{X \rule{6.5cm}{0.5pt}}
+<?lsmb END ?>
+', 'tex');
+INSERT INTO template VALUES (3, 'pos_invoice', NULL, '<?lsmb company FILTER format(''%-40.40s'') ?>
+<?lsmb address FILTER format(''%-40.40s'') ?>
+Till: <?lsmb till FILTER format(''%-3.3s'') ?> Phone#: <?lsmb tel ?>
+Cashier: <?lsmb employee ?>
+Inv #/Date: <?lsmb invnumber ?> / <?lsmb invdate ?>
+Printed: <?lsmb dateprinted ?>
+ Qty Description Amount
+<?lsmb FOREACH number ?><?lsmb loop_count = loop.count - 1 ?>
+<?lsmb qty FILTER format(''%5.5s'') ?> <?lsmb description.loop_count FILTER format(''%-18.18s'') ?> <?lsmb linetotal.loop_count FILTER format(''%9.9s'') ?>
+ <?lsmb number.loop_count ?> @ <?lsmb sellprice.loop_count ?>/<?lsmb unit.loop_count ?>
+<?lsmb END # number ?>
+Number of items: <?lsmb totalqty ?>
+<?lsmb IF taxincluded ?>
+ ---------------
+ Total: <?lsmb invtotal FILTER format(''%9.9s'') ?>
+<?lsmb ELSE ?>
+ ------------
+ Subtotal: <?lsmb subtotal FILTER format(''%9.9s'') ?>
+<?lsmb END # taxincluded ?>
+<?lsmb FOREACH tax ?><?lsmb loop_count = loop.count - 1 ?>
+<?lsmb taxdescription.loop_count FILTER format(''%-23.23s'') ?> @ <?lsmb taxrate.loop_count FILTER format(''%2.2s'') ?>%: <?lsmb tax.loop_count FILTER format(''%9.9s'') ?>
+<?lsmb END # tax ?>
+<?lsmb FOREACH payment ?><?lsmb loop_count = loop.count - 1 ?>
+ Paid: <?lsmb payment.loop_count FILTER format(''%9.9s'') ?> <?lsmb currency.loop_count ?>
+<?lsmb END # payment ?>
+<?lsmb IF change ?>
+ Change: <?lsmb change FILTER format(''%9.9s'') ?>
+<?lsmb END # change ?>
+<?lsmb IF total ?>
+ Balance Due: <?lsmb total FILTER format(''%9.9s'') ?>
+<?lsmb END # total ?>
+<?lsmb IF discount ?>
+<?lsmb discount ?> % Discount applied
+<?lsmb END # discount ?>
+ Thank you for your valued business!
+<?lsmb IF taxincluded ?>
+Taxes are included in price.
+<?lsmb END # taxincluded ?>
+', 'txt');
+INSERT INTO template VALUES (6, 'check', NULL, '<?lsmb FILTER latex ?>
+<?lsmb REQUIRE check_base.tex ?>
+<?lsmb PROCESS check_single ?>
+<?lsmb END # FILTER latex ?>
+', 'tex');
+INSERT INTO template VALUES (4, 'work_order', NULL, '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
+ <title><?lsmb text(''Work Order'') ?></title>
+ <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
+<body bgcolor=ffffff>
+<table width="100%">
+ <?lsmb INCLUDE letterhead.html ?>
+ <tr>
+ <td width=10> </td>
+ <th colspan=3>
+ <h4 style="text-transform:uppercase">
+ <?lsmb text(''Work Order'') ?></h4>
+ </th>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td> </td>
+ <td>
+ <table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0>
+ <tr bgcolor=000000>
+ <th align=left width="50%"><font color=ffffff><?lsmb text(''To'') ?></th>
+ <th align=left width="50%"><font color=ffffff><?lsmb text(''Ship To'') ?>
+ </th>
+ </tr>
+ <tr valign=top>
+ <td><?lsmb name ?>
+ <br><?lsmb address1 ?>
+ <?lsmb IF address2 ?>
+ <br><?lsmb address2 ?>
+ <?lsmb END ?>
+ <br><?lsmb city ?>
+ <?lsmb IF state ?>
+ , <?lsmb state ?>
+ <?lsmb END ?>
+ <?lsmb zipcode ?>
+ <?lsmb IF country ?>
+ <br><?lsmb country ?>
+ <?lsmb END ?>
+ <br>
+ <?lsmb IF contact ?>
+ <br><?lsmb text(''Attn: [_1]'', contact) ?>
+ <?lsmb END ?>
+ <?lsmb IF customerphone ?>
+ <br><?lsmb text(''Tel: [_1]'', customerphone) ?>
+ <?lsmb END ?>
+ <?lsmb IF customerfax ?>
+ <br><?lsmb text(''Fax: [_1]'', customerfax) ?>
+ <?lsmb END ?>
+ <?lsmb IF email ?>
+ <br><?lsmb email ?>
+ <?lsmb END ?>
+ </td>
+ <td><?lsmb shiptoname ?>
+ <br><?lsmb shiptoaddress1 ?>
+ <?lsmb IF shiptoaddress2 ?>
+ <br><?lsmb shiptoaddress2 ?>
+ <?lsmb END ?>
+ <br><?lsmb shiptocity ?>
+ <?lsmb IF shiptostate ?>
+ , <?lsmb shiptostate ?>
+ <?lsmb END ?>
+ <?lsmb shiptozipcode ?>
+ <?lsmb IF shiptocountry ?>
+ <br><?lsmb shiptocountry ?>
+ <?lsmb END ?>
+ <br>
+ <?lsmb IF shiptocontact ?>
+ <br><?lsmb shiptocontact ?>
+ <?lsmb END ?>
+ <?lsmb IF shiptophone ?>
+ <br><?lsmb text(''Tel: [_1]'', shiptophone) ?>
+ <?lsmb END ?>
+ <?lsmb IF shiptofax ?>
+ <br><?lsmb text(''Fax: [_1]'', shiptofax) ?>
+ <?lsmb END ?>
+ <?lsmb IF shiptoemail ?>
+ <br><?lsmb shiptoemail ?>
+ <?lsmb END ?>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr height=5></tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td> </td>
+ <td>
+ <table width=100% border=1>
+ <tr>
+ <th width=17% align=left nowrap><?lsmb text(''Order #'') ?></th>
+ <th width=17% align=left><?lsmb text(''Order Date'') ?></th>
+ <th width=17% align=left><?lsmb text(''Required by'') ?></th>
+ <th width=17% align=left nowrap><?lsmb text(''Salesperson'') ?></th>
+ <th width=17% align=left nowrap><?lsmb text(''Shipping Point'') ?></th>
+ <th width=15% align=left nowrap><?lsmb text(''Ship Via'') ?></th>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><?lsmb ordnumber ?></td>
+ <td><?lsmb orddate ?></td>
+ <td><?lsmb reqdate ?></td>
+ <td><?lsmb employee ?></td>
+ <td><?lsmb shippingpoint ?> </td>
+ <td><?lsmb shipvia ?> </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td> </td>
+ <td>
+ <table width="100%">
+ <tr bgcolor=000000>
+ <th align=right><font color=ffffff><?lsmb text(''Item'') ?></th>
+ <th align=left><font color=ffffff><?lsmb text(''Number'') ?></th>
+ <th align=left><font color=ffffff><?lsmb text(''Description'') ?></th>
+ <th><font color=ffffff><?lsmb text(''Qty'') ?></th>
+ <th> </th>
+ <th><font color=ffffff><?lsmb text(''Bin'') ?></th>
+ <th><font color=ffffff><?lsmb text(''Serial #'') ?></th>
+ </tr>
+ <?lsmb FOREACH number ?>
+ <?lsmb loop_count = loop.count - 1 ?>
+ <tr valign=top>
+ <td align=right><?lsmb runningnumber.${loop_count} ?>.</td>
+ <td><?lsmb number.${loop_count} ?></td>
+ <td><?lsmb description.${loop_count} ?></td>
+ <td align=right><?lsmb qty.${loop_count} ?></td>
+ <td><?lsmb unit.${loop_count} ?></td>
+ <td><?lsmb bin.${loop_count} ?></td>
+ <td><?lsmb serialnumber.${loop_count} ?></td>
+ </tr>
+ <?lsmb END ?>
+ <tr>
+ <td colspan=7><hr noshade></td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td> </td>
+ <?lsmb IF notes ?>
+ <td><?lsmb FOREACH P IN notes.split(''\n\n'') ?>
+ <p><?lsmb P ?></p>
+ <?lsmb END ?></td>
+ <?lsmb END ?>
+ </tr>
+', 'html');
+INSERT INTO template VALUES (7, 'ar_transaction', NULL, '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
+ <title><?lsmb text(''AR Transaction'') ?></title>
+ <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
+<body bgcolor=ffffff>
+<table width="100%">
+ <?lsmb INCLUDE letterhead.html ?>
+ <tr>
+ <td width=10> </td>
+ <th colspan=3>
+ <h4 style="text-transform:uppercase">
+ <?lsmb text(''AR Transaction'') ?></h4>
+ </th>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td> </td>
+ <td>
+ <table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0>
+ <tr valign=top>
+ <td><?lsmb name ?>
+ <br><?lsmb address1 ?>
+ <?lsmb IF address2 ?>
+ <br><?lsmb address2 ?>
+ <?lsmb END ?>
+ <br><?lsmb city ?>
+ <?lsmb IF state ?>
+ , <?lsmb state ?>
+ <?lsmb END ?>
+ <?lsmb zipcode ?>
+ <?lsmb IF country ?>
+ <br><?lsmb country ?>
+ <?lsmb END ?>
+ <br>
+ <?lsmb IF contact ?>
+ <br><?lsmb contact ?>
+ <br>
+ <?lsmb END ?>
+ <?lsmb IF customerphone ?>
+ <br><?lsmb text(''Tel:'') _ '' '' _ customerphone ?>
+ <?lsmb END ?>
+ <?lsmb IF customerfax ?>
+ <br><?lsmb text(''Fax:'') _ '' '' _ customerfax ?>
+ <?lsmb END ?>
+ <?lsmb IF email ?>
+ <br><?lsmb email ?>
+ <?lsmb END ?>
+ <?lsmb IF customertaxnumber ?>
+ <br><?lsmb text(''Taxnumber:'') _ '' '' _ customertaxnumber ?>
+ <?lsmb END ?>
+ </td>
+ <td align=right>
+ <table>
+ <tr>
+ <th align=left nowrap><?lsmb text(''Invoice #'') ?></th>
+ <td><?lsmb invnumber ?></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <th align=left nowrap><?lsmb text(''Date'') ?></th>
+ <td><?lsmb invdate ?></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <th align=left nowrap><?lsmb text(''Due'') ?></th>
+ <td><?lsmb duedate ?></td>
+ </tr>
+ <?lsmb IF ponumber ?>
+ <tr>
+ <th align=left><?lsmb text(''PO #'') ?></th>
+ <td><?lsmb ponumber ?> </td>
+ </tr>
+ <?lsmb END ?>
+ <?lsmb IF ordnumber ?>
+ <tr>
+ <th align=left><?lsmb text(''Order #'') ?></th>
+ <td><?lsmb ordnumber ?> </td>
+ </tr>
+ <?lsmb END ?>
+ <tr>
+ <th align=left nowrap><?lsmb text(''Salesperson'') ?></th>
+ <td><?lsmb employee ?> </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr height=5></tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td> </td>
+ <td>
+ <table>
+ <?lsmb FOREACH account ?>
+ <?lsmb loop_count = loop.count - 1 ?>
+ <tr valign=top>
+ <td><?lsmb accno.${loop_count} ?></td>
+ <td><?lsmb account.${loop_count} ?></td>
+ <td width=10> </td>
+ <td align=right><?lsmb amount.${loop_count} ?></td>
+ <td width=10> </td>
+ <td><?lsmb description.${loop_count} ?></td>
+ <td width=10> </td>
+ <td><?lsmb projectnumber.${loop_count} ?></td>
+ </tr>
+ <?lsmb END ?>
+ <tr>
+ <?lsmb IF taxincluded ?>
+ <th colspan=2 align=right><?lsmb text(''Total'') ?></th>
+ <td width=10> </td>
+ <td align=right><?lsmb invtotal ?></td>
+ <?lsmb ELSE ?>
+ <th colspan=2 align=right><?lsmb text(''Subtotal'') ?></th>
+ <td width=10> </td>
+ <td align=right><?lsmb subtotal ?></td>
+ <?lsmb END ?>
+ </tr>
+ <?lsmb FOREACH tax ?>
+ <?lsmb loop_count = loop.count - 1 ?>
+ <tr>
+ <th colspan=2 align=right><?lsmb taxdescription.${loop_count} ?> @ <?lsmb taxrate.${loop_count} ?> %</th>
+ <td width=10> </td>
+ <td align=right><?lsmb tax.${loop_count} ?></td>
+ </tr>
+ <?lsmb END ?>
+ <?lsmb IF NOT taxincluded ?>
+ <tr>
+ <th colspan=2 align=right><?lsmb text(''Total'') ?></th>
+ <td width=10> </td>
+ <td align=right><?lsmb invtotal ?></td>
+ </tr>
+ <?lsmb END ?>
+ </table>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td> </td>
+ <td>
+ <?lsmb text_amount ?> ***** <?lsmb decimal ?>/100 <?lsmb currency ?>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td> </td>
+ <td><?lsmb FOREACH P IN notes.split(''\n\n'') ?>
+ <p><?lsmb P ?></p>
+ <?lsmb END ?></td>
+ </tr>
+ <?lsmb IF paid_1 ?>
+ <tr>
+ <td> </td>
+ <td>
+ <table>
+ <tr>
+ <th><?lsmb text(''Payments'') ?></th>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ <hr noshade>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ <table>
+ <tr>
+ <th><?lsmb text(''Date'') ?></th>
+ <th> </th>
+ <th><?lsmb text(''Source'') ?></th>
+ <th><?lsmb text(''Amount'') ?></th>
+ </tr>
+ <?lsmb END ?>
+ <?lsmb FOREACH payment ?>
+ <?lsmb loop_count = loop.count - 1 ?>
+ <tr>
+ <td><?lsmb paymentdate.${loop_count} ?></td>
+ <td><?lsmb paymentaccount.${loop_count} ?></td>
+ <td><?lsmb paymentsource.${loop_count} ?></td>
+ <td align=right><?lsmb payment.${loop_count} ?></td>
+ </tr>
+ <?lsmb END ?>
+ <?lsmb IF paid_1 ?>
+ </table>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <?lsmb END ?>
+ <tr height=10></tr>
+ <?lsmb FOREACH tax ?>
+ <?lsmb loop_count = loop.count - 1 ?>
+ <tr>
+ <td> </td>
+ <th colspan=9 align=left><font size=-2><?lsmb taxdescription.${loop_count} ?> <?lsmb text(''Registration'') _ '' '' _ taxnumber.${loop_count} ?></th>
+ </tr>
+ <?lsmb END ?>
+ <?lsmb IF taxincluded ?>
+ <tr>
+ <td> </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <th colspan=3 align=left><font size=-2>
+ <?lsmb text(''Taxes shown are included in price.'') ?></th>
+ </tr>
+ <?lsmb END ?>
+', 'html');
+INSERT INTO template VALUES (8, 'ap_transaction', NULL, '<?lsmb FILTER latex -?>
+<?lsmb INCLUDE letterhead.tex ?>
+\centerline{\MakeUppercase{\textbf{<?lsmb text(''AP Transaction'') ?>}}}
+<?lsmb name ?>
+<?lsmb address1 ?>
+<?lsmb address2 ?>
+<?lsmb city ?>
+<?lsmb IF state ?>
+\hspace{-0.1cm}, <?lsmb state ?>
+<?lsmb END ?> <?lsmb zipcode ?>
+<?lsmb country ?>
+<?lsmb IF contact ?>
+<?lsmb contact ?>
+<?lsmb END ?>
+<?lsmb IF vendorphone ?>
+Tel: <?lsmb vendorphone ?>
+<?lsmb END ?>
+<?lsmb IF vendorfax ?>
+Fax: <?lsmb vendorfax ?>
+<?lsmb END ?>
+<?lsmb email ?>
+<?lsmb IF vendortaxnumber ?>
+Tax Number: <?lsmb vendortaxnumber ?>
+<?lsmb END ?>
+ \textbf{<?lsmb text(''Invoice #'') ?>} & <?lsmb invnumber ?> \\
+ \textbf{<?lsmb text(''Date'') ?>} & <?lsmb invdate ?> \\
+ \textbf{<?lsmb text(''Due'') ?>} & <?lsmb duedate ?> \\
+ <?lsmb IF ponumber ?>
+ \textbf{<?lsmb text(''PO #'') ?>} & <?lsmb ponumber ?> \\
+ <?lsmb END ?>
+ <?lsmb IF ordnumber ?>
+ \textbf{<?lsmb text(''Order #'') ?>} & <?lsmb ordnumber ?> \\
+ <?lsmb END ?>
+ \textbf{<?lsmb text(''Employee'') ?>} & <?lsmb employee ?> \\
+<?lsmb FOREACH amount ?>
+<?lsmb lc = loop.count - 1 ?>
+ <?lsmb accno.${lc} ?> &
+ <?lsmb account.${lc} ?> &
+ <?lsmb amount.${lc} ?> &
+ <?lsmb description.${lc} ?> &
+ <?lsmb projectnumber.${lc} ?> \\
+<?lsmb END ?>
+ \multicolumn{2}{r}{\textbf{Subtotal}} & <?lsmb subtotal ?> & \\
+<?lsmb FOREACH tax ?>
+<?lsmb lc = loop.count - 1 ?>
+ \multicolumn{2}{r}{\textbf{<?lsmb taxdescription.${lc} ?> @ <?lsmb taxrate.${lc} ?> \%}} & <?lsmb tax.${lc} ?> & \\
+<?lsmb END ?>
+ \multicolumn{2}{r}{\textbf{Total}} & <?lsmb invtotal ?> & \\
+<?lsmb text_amount ?> ***** <?lsmb decimal ?>/100 <?lsmb currency ?>
+<?lsmb IF notes ?>
+<?lsmb FOREACH P IN notes.split(''\n{2,}'') ?>
+<?lsmb P ?>\medskip
+<?lsmb END ?>
+<?lsmb END ?>
+<?lsmb IF paid_1 ?>
+ \multicolumn{5}{c}{\textbf{<?lsmb text(''Payments'') ?>}} \\
+ \hline
+ \textbf{<?lsmb text(''Date'') ?>} & & \textbf{<?lsmb text(''Source'') ?>} & \textbf{<?lsmb text(''Memo'') ?>} & \textbf{<?lsmb text(''Amount'') ?>} \\
+<?lsmb END ?>
+<?lsmb FOREACH payment ?>
+<?lsmb lc = loop.count - 1 ?>
+ <?lsmb paymentdate.${lc} ?> & <?lsmb paymentaccount.${lc} ?> & <?lsmb paymentsource.${lc} ?> & <?lsmb paymentmemo.${lc} ?> & <?lsmb payment.${lc} ?> \\
+<?lsmb END ?>
+<?lsmb IF paid_1 ?>
+<?lsmb END ?>
+<?lsmb END ?>
+', 'tex');
+INSERT INTO template VALUES (9, 'work_order', NULL, '<?lsmb FILTER latex -?>
+<?lsmb INCLUDE letterhead.tex ?>
+% Break old pagebreak directive
+%<?xlsmb pagebreak 65 27 48 ?>
+%\markboth{<?xlsmb company ?>\hfill <?xlsmb ordnumber ?>}{<?xlsmb company ?>\hfill <?xlsmb ordnumber ?>}
+% \textbf{Item} & \textbf{Number} & \textbf{Description} & \textbf{Qt''y} &
+% & \textbf{Serial Number} \\
+%<?xlsmb end pagebreak ?>
+<?lsmb name ?>
+<?lsmb address1 ?>
+<?lsmb address2 ?>
+<?lsmb city ?>
+<?lsmb IF state ?>
+\hspace{-0.1cm}, <?lsmb state ?>
+<?lsmb END ?>
+<?lsmb zipcode ?>
+<?lsmb country ?>
+<?lsmb IF contact ?>
+<?lsmb contact ?>
+<?lsmb END ?>
+<?lsmb IF customerphone ?>
+<?lsmb text(''Tel: [_1]'', customerphone) ?>
+<?lsmb END ?>
+<?lsmb IF customerfax ?>
+<?lsmb text(''Fax: [_1]'', customerfax) ?>
+<?lsmb END ?>
+<?lsmb email ?>
+\textbf{Ship To}
+<?lsmb shiptoname ?>
+<?lsmb shiptoaddress1 ?>
+<?lsmb shiptoaddress2 ?>
+<?lsmb shiptocity ?>
+<?lsmb IF shiptostate ?>
+\hspace{-0.1cm}, <?lsmb shiptostate ?>
+<?lsmb END ?>
+<?lsmb shiptozipcode ?>
+<?lsmb shiptocountry ?>
+<?lsmb IF shiptocontact ?>
+<?lsmb shiptocontact ?>
+<?lsmb END ?>
+<?lsmb IF shiptophone ?>
+<?lsmb text(''Tel: [_1]'', shiptophone) ?>
+<?lsmb END ?>
+<?lsmb IF shiptofax ?>
+<?lsmb text(''Fax:[_1]'', shiptofax) ?>
+<?lsmb END ?>
+<?lsmb shiptoemail ?>
+\textbf{\MakeUppercase{<?lsmb text(''Work Order'') ?>}}
+\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{*{6}{|X}|} \hline
+ \textbf{Order \#} & \textbf{Order Date} & \textbf{Required by} & \textbf{Salesperson} & \textbf{Shipping Point} & \textbf{Ship Via} \\ [0.5em]
+ \hline
+ <?lsmb ordnumber ?> & <?lsmb orddate ?> & <?lsmb reqdate ?> & <?lsmb employee ?> & <?lsmb shippingpoint ?> & <?lsmb shipvia ?> \\
+ \hline
+ \textbf{<?lsmb text(''Item'') ?>} & \textbf{<?lsmb text(''Number'') ?>}
+ & \textbf{<?lsmb text(''Description'') ?>} & \textbf{<?lsmb text(''Qty'') ?>} &
+ & \textbf{<?lsmb text(''Serial Number'') ?>} \\
+<?lsmb FOREACH number ?>
+<?lsmb lc = loop.count - 1 ?>
+ <?lsmb runningnumber.${lc} ?> &
+ <?lsmb number.${lc} ?> &
+ <?lsmb description.${lc} ?> &
+ <?lsmb qty.${lc} ?> &
+ <?lsmb unit.${lc} ?> &
+ <?lsmb serialnumber.${lc} ?> \\
+<?lsmb END ?>
+<?lsmb FOREACH P IN notes.split(''\n{2,}'') ?>
+<?lsmb P ?>\medskip
+<?lsmb END ?>
+<?lsmb END ?>
+', 'tex');
+INSERT INTO template VALUES (10, 'receipt', NULL, '<?lsmb FILTER latex -?>
+ <?lsmb company ?>
+ <?lsmb address ?>}
+\parbox[t]{6cm}{\hfill <?lsmb source ?>}
+<?lsmb text_amount ?> \dotfill <?lsmb decimal ?>/100 \makebox[0.5cm]{\hfill}
+\hfill <?lsmb datepaid ?> \makebox[2cm]{\hfill} <?lsmb amount ?>
+% different date format for datepaid
+% <?lsmb DD ?><?lsmb MM ?><?lsmb YYYY ?>
+<?lsmb name ?>
+<?lsmb address1 ?>
+<?lsmb address2 ?>
+<?lsmb city ?>
+<?lsmb IF state ?>
+\hspace{-0.1cm}, <?lsmb state ?>
+<?lsmb END ?>
+<?lsmb zipcode ?>
+<?lsmb country ?>
+<?lsmb memo ?>
+<?lsmb company ?>
+<?lsmb name ?> \hfill <?lsmb datepaid ?> \hfill <?lsmb source ?>
+\textbf{<?lsmb text(''Invoice No.'') ?>} & \textbf{<?lsmb text(''Invoice Date'') ?>}
+ & \textbf{<?lsmb text(''Due'') ?>} & \textbf{<?lsmb text(''Applied'') ?>} \\
+<?lsmb FOREACH invnumber ?>
+<?lsmb lc = loop.count - 1 ?>
+<?lsmb invnumber.${lc} ?> & <?lsmb invdate.${lc} ?> \dotfill
+ & <?lsmb due.${lc} ?> & <?lsmb paid.${lc} ?> \\
+<?lsmb END ?>
+<?lsmb memo ?>
+<?lsmb END ?>
+', 'tex');
+INSERT INTO template VALUES (11, 'ap_transaction', NULL, 'account,amount,description,project
+<?lsmb FOREACH amount ?><?lsmb lc = loop.count - 1 ?><?lsmb accno.${lc} ?>,<?lsmb account.${lc} ?>,<?lsmb amount.${lc} ?>,<?lsmb description.${lc} ?>,<?lsmb projectnumber.${lc} ?>
+<?lsmb END ?><?lsmb FOREACH t IN taxaccounts.split('' '') ?><?lsmb loop_count = loop.count - 1 -?>
+<?lsmb t.remove(''"'') ?>,<?lsmb tax.${loop_count} ?>,<?lsmb taxdescription.${loop_count} ?>,
+<?lsmb END ?>
+', 'csv');
+INSERT INTO template VALUES (12, 'invoice', NULL, '<?lsmb INCLUDE ''ui-header.html'' ?>
+<table width="100%">
+ <?lsmb INCLUDE "letterhead.html" ?>
+ <tr>
+ <td width=10> </td>
+ <th colspan=3>
+ <h4 style="text-transform:uppercase">
+ <?lsmb text(''Invoice'') ?></h4>
+ </th>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td> </td>
+ <td>
+ <table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0>
+ <tr bgcolor=000000>
+ <th align=left width="50%"><font color=ffffff><?lsmb text(''To'') ?></th>
+ <th align=left width="50%"><font color=ffffff><?lsmb text(''Ship To'') ?>
+ </th>
+ </tr>
+ <tr valign=top>
+ <td><?lsmb name ?>
+ <br><?lsmb address1 ?>
+ <?lsmb IF address2 ?>
+ <br><?lsmb address2 ?>
+ <?lsmb END ?>
+ <br><?lsmb city ?>
+ <?lsmb IF state ?>
+ , <?lsmb state ?>
+ <?lsmb END ?>
+ <?lsmb zipcode ?>
+ <?lsmb IF country ?>
+ <br><?lsmb country ?>
+ <?lsmb END ?>
+ <br>
+ <?lsmb IF contact ?>
+ <br><?lsmb contact ?>
+ <br>
+ <?lsmb END ?>
+ <?lsmb IF customerphone ?>
+ <br><?lsmb text(''Tel: [_1]'', customerphone) ?>
+ <?lsmb END ?>
+ <?lsmb IF customerfax ?>
+ <br><?lsmb text(''Fax: [_1]'', customerfax) ?>
+ <?lsmb END ?>
+ <?lsmb IF email ?>
+ <br><?lsmb email ?>
+ <?lsmb END ?>
+ </td>
+ <td><?lsmb shiptoname ?>
+ <br><?lsmb shiptoaddress1 ?>
+ <?lsmb IF shiptoaddress2 ?>
+ <br><?lsmb shiptoaddress2 ?>
+ <?lsmb END ?>
+ <br><?lsmb shiptocity ?>
+ <?lsmb IF shiptostate ?>
+ , <?lsmb shiptostate ?>
+ <?lsmb END ?>
+ <?lsmb shiptozipcode ?>
+ <?lsmb IF shiptocountry ?>
+ <br><?lsmb shiptocountry ?>
+ <?lsmb END ?>
+ <br>
+ <?lsmb IF shiptocontact ?>
+ <br><?lsmb shiptocontact ?>
+ <br>
+ <?lsmb END ?>
+ <?lsmb IF shiptophone ?>
+ <br><?lsmb text(''Tel: [_1]'', shiptophone) ?>
+ <?lsmb END ?>
+ <?lsmb IF shiptofax ?>
+ <br><?lsmb text(''Fax: [_1]'', shiptofax) ?>
+ <?lsmb END ?>
+ <?lsmb IF shiptoemail ?>
+ <br><?lsmb shiptoemail ?>
+ <?lsmb END ?>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr height=5></tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td> </td>
+ <td>
+ <table width=100% border=1>
+ <tr>
+ <th width=14% align=left nowrap><?lsmb text(''Invoice #'') ?></th>
+ <th width=14% align=left nowrap><?lsmb text(''Date'') ?></th>
+ <th width=14% align=left nowrap><?lsmb text(''Due'') ?></th>
+ <th width=14% align=left><?lsmb text(''Order #'') ?></th>
+ <th width=14% align=left nowrap><?lsmb text(''Salesperson'') ?></th>
+ <th width=14% align=left nowrap><?lsmb text(''Shipping Point'') ?></th>
+ <th width=14% align=left nowrap><?lsmb text(''Ship via'') ?></th>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><?lsmb invnumber ?></td>
+ <td><?lsmb invdate ?></td>
+ <td><?lsmb duedate ?></td>
+ <td><?lsmb ordnumber ?> </td>
+ <td><?lsmb employee ?> </td>
+ <td><?lsmb shippingpoint ?> </td>
+ <td><?lsmb shipvia ?> </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td> </td>
+ <td>
+ <table width="100%">
+ <tr bgcolor=000000>
+ <th align=right><font color=ffffff><?lsmb text(''Item'') ?></th>
+ <th align=left><font color=ffffff><?lsmb text(''Number'') ?></th>
+ <th align=left><font color=ffffff><?lsmb text(''Description'') ?></th>
+ <th> </th>
+ <th align=right><font color=ffffff><?lsmb text(''Qty'') ?></th>
+ <th> </th>
+ <th align=right><font color=ffffff><?lsmb text(''Unit Price'') ?></th>
+ <th align=right><font color=ffffff><?lsmb text(''Disc %'') ?></th>
+ <th align=right><font color=ffffff><?lsmb text(''Extended'') ?></th>
+ </tr>
+ <?lsmb FOREACH number ?>
+ <?lsmb loop_count = loop.count - 1 ?>
+ <tr valign=top>
+ <td align=right><?lsmb runningnumber.${loop_count} ?>.</td>
+ <td><?lsmb number.${loop_count} ?></td>
+ <td><?lsmb item_description.${loop_count} ?></td>
+ <td><?lsmb deliverydate.${loop_count} ?></td>
+ <td align=right><?lsmb qty.${loop_count} ?></td>
+ <td><?lsmb unit.${loop_count} ?></td>
+ <td align=right><?lsmb sellprice.${loop_count} ?></td>
+ <td align=right><?lsmb discountrate.${loop_count} ?></td>
+ <td align=right><?lsmb linetotal.${loop_count} ?></td>
+ </tr>
+ <?lsmb END ?>
+ <tr>
+ <td colspan=9><hr noshade></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <?lsmb IF taxincluded ?>
+ <th colspan=7 align=right><?lsmb text(''Total'') ?></th>
+ <td colspan=2 align=right><?lsmb invtotal ?></td>
+ <?lsmb ELSE ?>
+ <th colspan=7 align=right><?lsmb text(''Subtotal'') ?></th>
+ <td colspan=2 align=right><?lsmb subtotal ?></td>
+ <?lsmb END ?>
+ </tr>
+ <?lsmb FOREACH tax ?>
+ <?lsmb loop_count = loop.count - 1 ?>
+ <tr>
+ <th colspan=7 align=right><?lsmb taxdescription.${loop_count} ?> on <?lsmb taxbase.${loop_count} ?> @ <?lsmb taxrate.${loop_count} ?> %</th>
+ <td colspan=2 align=right><?lsmb tax.${loop_count} ?></td>
+ </tr>
+ <?lsmb END ?>
+ <?lsmb IF paid ?>
+ <tr>
+ <th colspan=7 align=right><?lsmb text(''Paid'') ?></th>
+ <td colspan=2 align=right>- <?lsmb paid ?></td>
+ </tr>
+ <?lsmb END ?>
+ <tr>
+ <td colspan=5> </td>
+ <td colspan=4><hr noshade></td>
+ </tr>
+ <?lsmb IF total ?>
+ <tr>
+ <td colspan=5> </td>
+ <th colspan=2 align=right nowrap><?lsmb text(''Balance Due'') ?></th>
+ <th colspan=2 align=right><?lsmb total ?></th>
+ </tr>
+ <?lsmb END ?>
+ <tr>
+ </table>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td> </td>
+ <td>
+ <table width="100%">
+ <tr valign=top>
+ <?lsmb IF notes ?>
+ <td><?lsmb FOREACH P IN notes.split(''\n\n'') ?>
+ <p><?lsmb P ?></p>
+ <?lsmb END ?></td>
+ <?lsmb END ?>
+ <td><?lsmb text_amount ?> ***** <?lsmb decimal ?>/100</td>
+ <td align=right nowrap>
+ <?lsmb text(''All prices in [_1]'', currency) ?>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <?lsmb IF paid_1 ?>
+ <tr>
+ <td> </td>
+ <td colspan=9>
+ <table width="60%">
+ <tr>
+ <th align=left><?lsmb text(''Payments'') ?></th>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td colspan=4>
+ <hr noshade>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <th align=left><?lsmb text(''Date'') ?></th>
+ <th align=left><?lsmb text(''Account'') ?></th>
+ <th align=left><?lsmb text(''Source'') ?></th>
+ <th align=left><?lsmb text(''Amount'') ?></th>
+ </tr>
+ <?lsmb FOREACH payment ?>
+ <?lsmb loop_count = loop.count - 1 ?>
+ <tr>
+ <td><?lsmb paymentdate.${loop_count} ?></td>
+ <td><?lsmb paymentaccount.${loop_count} ?></td>
+ <td><?lsmb paymentsource.${loop_count} ?></td>
+ <td><?lsmb payment.${loop_count} ?></td>
+ </tr>
+ <?lsmb END ?>
+ </table>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <?lsmb END ?>
+ <tr height=10></tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td> </td>
+ <th>
+ <?lsmb text(''Thank you for your valued business!'') ?>
+ </th>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td> </td>
+ <td>
+ <table width="100%">
+ <tr valign=top>
+ <td width="60%"><font size=-3>
+ <?lsmb text(''Payment due by [_1].'', duedate) ?>
+ <?lsmb text(''Items returned are subject to a 10% restocking charge. A return authorization must be obtained from [_1] before goods are returned. Returns must be shipped prepaid and properly insured. [_1] will not be responsible for damages during transit.'', company) ?>
+ </font>
+ </td>
+ <td width="40%">
+ X <hr noshade>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <?lsmb FOREACH tax ?>
+ <?lsmb loop_count = loop.count - 1 ?>
+ <tr>
+ <td> </td>
+ <th colspan=9 align=left><font size=-2><?lsmb taxdescription.${loop_count} ?> <?lsmb text(''Registration [_1]'', taxnumber.${loop_count}) ?></th>
+ </tr>
+ <?lsmb END ?>
+ <?lsmb IF taxincluded ?>
+ <tr>
+ <td> </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <th colspan=8 align=left><font size=-2>
+ <?lsmb text(''Taxes shown are included in price.'') ?></th>
+ </tr>
+ <?lsmb END ?>
+', 'html');
+INSERT INTO template VALUES (13, 'timecard', NULL, '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
+ <title><?lsmb text(''Time Card'') ?></title>
+ <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
+<body bgcolor=ffffff>
+<table width="100%">
+ <?lsmb INCLUDE letterhead.html ?>
+ <tr>
+ <td width=10> </td>
+ <th colspan=3>
+ <h4 style="text-transform:uppercase">
+ <?lsmb text(''Time Card'') ?></h4>
+ </th>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td> </td>
+ <td>
+ <table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0>
+ <tr valign=top>
+ <td>
+ <table>
+ <tr>
+ <th align=left><?lsmb text(''Employee'') ?></th>
+ <td><?lsmb employee ?></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <th align=left><?lsmb text(''ID'') ?></th>
+ <td><?lsmb employee_id ?></td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </td>
+ <td align=right>
+ <table>
+ <tr>
+ <th align=left nowrap><?lsmb text(''Card ID'') ?></th>
+ <td><?lsmb id ?></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <th align=left nowrap><?lsmb text(''Date'') ?></th>
+ <td><?lsmb transdate ?></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <th align=left nowrap><?lsmb text(''In'') ?></th>
+ <td><?lsmb checkedin ?></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <th align=left><?lsmb text(''Out'') ?></th>
+ <td><?lsmb checkedout ?></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <th align=left nowrap><?lsmb text(''Hours'') ?></th>
+ <td><?lsmb qty ?></td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr height=5></tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td> </td>
+ <td>
+ <table width="100%">
+ <tr valign=bottom>
+ <td>
+ <table>
+ <tr valign=top>
+ <th align=left><?lsmb text(''Job/Project #'') ?></th>
+ <td><?lsmb projectnumber ?></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <th align=left><?lsmb text(''Description'') ?></th>
+ <td><?lsmb projectdescription ?></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr valign=top>
+ <th align=left><?lsmb text(''Labor/Service Code'') ?></th>
+ <td><?lsmb partnumber ?></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <th align=left><?lsmb text(''Description'') ?></th>
+ <td><?lsmb description ?></td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </td>
+ <td align=right>
+ <table>
+ <tr>
+ <th align=right><?lsmb text(''Rate'') ?></th>
+ <td><?lsmb sellprice ?></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <th align=right><?lsmb text(''Total'') ?></th>
+ <td><?lsmb total ?></td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <?lsmb IF notes ?>
+ <tr height=5></tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td> </td>
+ <td><?lsmb FOREACH P IN notes.split(''\n\n'') ?>
+ <p><?lsmb P ?></p>
+ <?lsmb END ?></td>
+ </tr>
+ <?lsmb END ?>
+', 'html');
+INSERT INTO template VALUES (14, 'statement', NULL, '<?lsmb FILTER latex -?>
+<?lsmb FOREACH customer IN data ?>
+<?lsmb import(customer) ?>
+<?lsmb INCLUDE letterhead.tex ?>
+<?lsmb name ?>
+<?lsmb address1 ?>
+<?lsmb address2 ?>
+<?lsmb city ?>
+<?lsmb IF state ?>
+\hspace{-0.1cm}, <?lsmb state ?>
+<?lsmb END ?>
+<?lsmb zipcode ?>
+<?lsmb country ?>
+<?lsmb IF customerphone ?>
+<?lsmb text(''Tel: [_1]'', customerphone) ?>
+<?lsmb END ?>
+<?lsmb IF customerfax ?>
+<?lsmb text(''Fax: [_1]'', customerfax) ?>
+<?lsmb END ?>
+<?lsmb email ?>
+\textbf{\MakeUppercase{<?lsmb text(''Statement'') ?>}} \hfill
+\textbf{<?lsmb statementdate ?>}
+ \hline
+ \textbf{<?lsmb text(''Invoice #'') ?>} & \textbf{<?lsmb text(''Order #'') ?>}
+ & \textbf{<?lsmb text(''Date'') ?>} & \textbf{<?lsmb text(''Due'') ?>} &
+ \textbf{<?lsmb text(''Current'') ?>} & \textbf{30} & \textbf{60} & \textbf{90} \\
+ \hline
+<?lsmb FOREACH invnumber ?>
+<?lsmb lc = loop.count - 1 ?>
+ <?lsmb invnumber.${lc} ?> &
+ <?lsmb ordnumber.${lc} ?> &
+ <?lsmb invdate.${lc} ?> &
+ <?lsmb duedate.${lc} ?> &
+ <?lsmb c0.${lc} ?> &
+ <?lsmb c30.${lc} ?> &
+ <?lsmb c60.${lc} ?> &
+ <?lsmb c90.${lc} ?> \\
+<?lsmb END ?>
+ \multicolumn{8}{|l|}{\mbox{}} \\
+ \hline
+ \textbf{<?lsmb text(''Subtotal'') ?>} & & & & <?lsmb c0total ?> & <?lsmb c30total ?> & <?lsmb c60total ?> & <?lsmb c90total ?> \\
+ \hline
+ & \textbf{<?lsmb text(''Total outstanding'') ?>} & \textbf{<?lsmb total ?>}
+<?lsmb text(''All amounts in [_1] funds.'', currency) ?>
+<?lsmb text(''Please make check payable to [_1]'', company) ?>
+<?lsmb IF NOT loop.last ?>
+<?lsmb END ?>
+<?lsmb END ?>
+<?lsmb END ?>
+', 'tex');
+INSERT INTO template VALUES (15, 'sales_quotation', NULL, '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
+ <title><?lsmb text(''Quotation'') ?></title>
+ <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
+<body bgcolor=ffffff>
+<table width="100%">
+ <?lsmb INCLUDE letterhead.html ?>
+ <tr>
+ <td width=10> </td>
+ <th colspan=3 style="text-transform:uppercase">
+ <h4><?lsmb text(''Quotation'') ?></h4>
+ </th>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td> </td>
+ <td>
+ <table width="100%">
+ <tr valign=top>
+ <td><?lsmb name ?>
+ <br><?lsmb address1 ?>
+ <?lsmb IF address2 ?>
+ <br><?lsmb address2 ?>
+ <?lsmb END ?>
+ <br><?lsmb city ?>
+ <?lsmb IF state ?>
+ , <?lsmb state ?>
+ <?lsmb END ?>
+ <?lsmb zipcode ?>
+ <?lsmb IF country ?>
+ <br><?lsmb country ?>
+ <?lsmb END ?>
+ <br>
+ <?lsmb IF contact ?>
+ <br><?lsmb text(''Attn: [_1]'', contact) ?>
+ <?lsmb END ?>
+ <?lsmb IF customerphone ?>
+ <br><?lsmb text(''Tel: [_1]'', customerphone) ?>
+ <?lsmb END ?>
+ <?lsmb IF customerfax ?>
+ <br><?lsmb text(''Fax: [_1]'', customerfax) ?>
+ <?lsmb END ?>
+ <?lsmb IF email ?>
+ <br><?lsmb email ?>
+ <?lsmb END ?>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td> </td>
+ <td>
+ <table width=100% border=1>
+ <tr>
+ <th width=17% align=left nowrap><?lsmb text(''Number'') ?></th>
+ <th width=17% align=left><?lsmb text(''Date'') ?></th>
+ <th width=17% align=left><?lsmb text(''Valid until'') ?></th>
+ <th width=17% align=left nowrap><?lsmb text(''Contact'') ?></th>
+ <th width=17% align=left nowrap><?lsmb text(''Shipping Point'') ?></th>
+ <th width=15% align=left nowrap><?lsmb text(''Ship via'') ?></th>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><?lsmb quonumber ?></td>
+ <td><?lsmb quodate ?></td>
+ <td><?lsmb reqdate ?></td>
+ <td><?lsmb employee ?></td>
+ <td><?lsmb shippingpoint ?> </td>
+ <td><?lsmb shipvia ?> </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td> </td>
+ <td>
+ <table width="100%">
+ <tr bgcolor=000000>
+ <th align=right><font color=ffffff><?lsmb text(''Item'') ?></th>
+ <th align=left><font color=ffffff><?lsmb text(''Number'') ?></th>
+ <th align=left><font color=ffffff><?lsmb text(''Description'') ?></th>
+ <th><font color=ffffff><?lsmb text(''Qty'') ?></th>
+ <th> </th>
+ <th><font color=ffffff><?lsmb text(''Price'') ?></th>
+ <th><font color=ffffff><?lsmb text(''Disc %'') ?></th>
+ <th><font color=ffffff><?lsmb text(''Amount'') ?></th>
+ </tr>
+ <?lsmb FOREACH number ?>
+ <?lsmb loop_count = loop.count - 1 ?>
+ <tr valign=top>
+ <td align=right><?lsmb runningnumber.${loop_count} ?></td>
+ <td><?lsmb number.${loop_count} ?></td>
+ <td><?lsmb description.${loop_count} ?></td>
+ <td align=right><?lsmb qty.${loop_count} ?></td>
+ <td><?lsmb unit.${loop_count} ?></td>
+ <td align=right><?lsmb sellprice.${loop_count} ?></td>
+ <td align=right><?lsmb discountrate.${loop_count} ?></td>
+ <td align=right><?lsmb linetotal.${loop_count} ?></td>
+ </tr>
+ <?lsmb END ?>
+ <tr>
+ <td colspan=8><hr noshade></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <?lsmb IF taxincluded ?>
+ <th colspan=6 align=right><?lsmb text(''Total'') ?></th>
+ <td colspan=2 align=right><?lsmb invtotal ?></td>
+ <?lsmb ELSE ?>
+ <th colspan=6 align=right><?lsmb text(''Subtotal'') ?></th>
+ <td colspan=2 align=right><?lsmb subtotal ?></td>
+ <?lsmb END ?>
+ </tr>
+ <?lsmb FOREACH tax ?>
+ <?lsmb loop_count = loop.count - 1 ?>
+ <tr>
+ <th colspan=6 align=right><?lsmb taxdescription.${loop_count} ?> on <?lsmb taxbase.${loop_count} ?> @ <?lsmb taxrate.${loop_count} ?> %</th>
+ <td colspan=2 align=right><?lsmb tax.${loop_count} ?></td>
+ </tr>
+ <?lsmb END ?>
+ <tr>
+ <td colspan=4> </td>
+ <td colspan=4><hr noshade></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td colspan=4>
+ <?lsmb IF terms ?>
+ <?lsmb text(''Terms Net [_1] days'', terms) ?>
+ <?lsmb END ?>
+ </td>
+ <th colspan=2 align=right><?lsmb text(''Total'') ?></th>
+ <th colspan=2 align=right><?lsmb quototal ?></th>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td> </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td> </td>
+ <td>
+ <table width="100%">
+ <tr valign=top>
+ <?lsmb IF notes ?>
+ <td><?lsmb text(''Notes'') ?></td>
+ <td><?lsmb FOREACH P IN notes.split(''\n\n'') ?>
+ <p><?lsmb P ?></p>
+ <?lsmb END ?></td>
+ <?lsmb END ?>
+ <td align=right>
+ <?lsmb text(''All prices in [_1] Funds'', currency) ?>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td> </td>
+ <td>
+ <table width="100%">
+ <tr valign=top>
+ <td width="60%"><font size=-3>
+ <?lsmb
+ text(''Special order items are subject to a 10% cancellation fee.'')
+ ?>
+ </font>
+ </td>
+ <td width="40%">
+ X <hr noshade>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+', 'html');
+INSERT INTO template VALUES (16, 'purchase_order', NULL, '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
+ <title><?lsmb text(''Purchase Order'') ?></title>
+ <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
+<body bgcolor=ffffff>
+<table width="100%">
+ <?lsmb INCLUDE letterhead.html ?>
+ <tr>
+ <td width=10> </td>
+ <th colspan=3>
+ <h4 style="text-transform:uppercase">
+ <?lsmb text(''Purchase Order'') ?>
+ </h4>
+ </th>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td> </td>
+ <td>
+ <table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0>
+ <tr bgcolor=000000>
+ <th align=left width="50%"><font color=ffffff><?lsmb text(''To:'') ?></th>
+ <th align=left width="50%"><font color=ffffff><?lsmb text(''Ship To:'') ?></th>
+ </tr>
+ <tr valign=top>
+ <td><?lsmb name ?>
+ <br><?lsmb address1 ?>
+ <?lsmb IF address2 ?>
+ <br><?lsmb address2 ?>
+ <?lsmb END ?>
+ <br><?lsmb city ?>
+ <?lsmb IF state ?>
+ , <?lsmb state ?>
+ <?lsmb END ?>
+ <?lsmb zipcode ?>
+ <?lsmb IF country ?>
+ <br><?lsmb country ?>
+ <?lsmb END ?>
+ <br>
+ <?lsmb IF contact ?>
+ <br><?lsmb text(''Attn: [_1]'', contact) ?>
+ <?lsmb END ?>
+ <?lsmb IF vendorphone ?>
+ <br><?lsmb text(''Tel: [_1]'', vendorphone) ?>
+ <?lsmb END ?>
+ <?lsmb IF vendorfax ?>
+ <br><?lsmb text(''Fax: [_1]'', vendorfax) ?>
+ <?lsmb END ?>
+ </td>
+ <td><?lsmb shiptoname ?>
+ <br><?lsmb shiptoaddress1 ?>
+ <?lsmb IF shiptoaddress2 ?>
+ <br><?lsmb shiptoaddress2 ?>
+ <?lsmb END ?>
+ <br><?lsmb shiptocity ?>
+ <?lsmb IF shiptostate ?>
+ , <?lsmb shiptostate ?>
+ <?lsmb END ?>
+ <?lsmb shiptozipcode ?>
+ <?lsmb IF shiptocountry ?>
+ <br><?lsmb shiptocountry ?>
+ <?lsmb END ?>
+ <br>
+ <?lsmb IF shiptocontact ?>
+ <br><?lsmb text(''Attn: [_1]'', shiptocontact) ?>
+ <?lsmb END ?>
+ <?lsmb IF shiptophone ?>
+ <br><?lsmb text(''Tel: [_1]'', shiptophone) ?>
+ <?lsmb END ?>
+ <?lsmb IF shiptofax ?>
+ <br><?lsmb text(''Fax: [_1]'', shiptofax) ?>
+ <?lsmb END ?>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr height=5></tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td> </td>
+ <td>
+ <table width=100% border=1>
+ <tr>
+ <th width=17% align=left><?lsmb text(''Order #'') ?></th>
+ <th width=17% align=left><?lsmb text(''Order Date'') ?></th>
+ <th width=17% align=left><?lsmb text(''Required by'') ?></th>
+ <th width=17% align=left><?lsmb text(''Contact'') ?></th>
+ <th width=17% align=left><?lsmb text(''Shipping Point'') ?></th>
+ <th width=15% align=left><?lsmb text(''Ship Via'') ?></th>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><?lsmb ordnumber ?></td>
+ <td><?lsmb orddate ?></td>
+ <td><?lsmb reqdate ?></td>
+ <td><?lsmb employee ?></td>
+ <td><?lsmb shippingpoint ?> </td>
+ <td><?lsmb shipvia ?> </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ <table width="100%">
+ <tr bgcolor=000000>
+ <th align=right><font color=ffffff><?lsmb text(''Item'') ?></th>
+ <th align=left><font color=ffffff><?lsmb text(''Number'') ?></th>
+ <th align=left><font color=ffffff><?lsmb text(''Description'') ?></th>
+ <th><font color=ffffff><?lsmb text(''Qty'') ?></th>
+ <th> </th>
+ <th><font color=ffffff><?lsmb text(''Price'') ?></th>
+ <th><font color=ffffff><?lsmb text(''%'') ?></th>
+ <th><font color=ffffff><?lsmb text(''Amount'') ?></th>
+ </tr>
+ <?lsmb FOREACH number ?>
+ <?lsmb loop_count = loop.count - 1 ?>
+ <tr valign=top>
+ <td align=right><?lsmb runningnumber.${loop_count} ?>.</td>
+ <td><?lsmb number.${loop_count} ?></td>
+ <td><?lsmb description.${loop_count} ?></td>
+ <td align=right><?lsmb qty.${loop_count} ?></td>
+ <td><?lsmb unit.${loop_count} ?></td>
+ <td align=right><?lsmb sellprice.${loop_count} ?></td>
+ <td align=right><?lsmb discountrate.${loop_count} ?></th>
+ <td align=right><?lsmb linetotal.${loop_count} ?></td>
+ </tr>
+ <?lsmb END ?>
+ <tr>
+ <td colspan=8><hr noshade></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <?lsmb IF taxincluded ?>
+ <th colspan=7 align=right><?lsmb text(''Total'') ?></th>
+ <th colspan=1 align=right><?lsmb ordtotal ?></th>
+ <?lsmb ELSE ?>
+ <th colspan=7 align=right><?lsmb text(''Subtotal'') ?></th>
+ <td colspan=1 align=right><?lsmb subtotal ?></td>
+ <?lsmb END ?>
+ </tr>
+ <?lsmb FOREACH tax ?>
+ <?lsmb loop_count = loop.count - 1 ?>
+ <tr>
+ <th colspan=7 align=right><?lsmb taxdescription.${loop_count} ?> on <?lsmb taxbase.${loop_count} ?> @ <?lsmb taxrate.${loop_count} ?> %</th>
+ <td colspan=1 align=right><?lsmb tax.${loop_count} ?></td>
+ </tr>
+ <?lsmb END ?>
+ <tr>
+ <td colspan=4> </td>
+ <td colspan=4><hr noshade></td>
+ </tr>
+ <?lsmb IF NOT taxincluded ?>
+ <th colspan=7 align=right><?lsmb text(''Total'') ?></th>
+ <td colspan=1 align=right><?lsmb ordtotal ?></td>
+ <?lsmb END ?>
+ <?lsmb IF terms ?>
+ <tr>
+ <td colspan=4><?lsmb text(''Terms Net [_1] days'', terms) ?></td>
+ <th colspan=3 align=right><?lsmb text(''Total'') ?></th>
+ <th colspan=1 align=right><?lsmb ordtotal ?></th>
+ </tr>
+ <?lsmb END ?>
+ <?lsmb IF taxincluded ?>
+ <tr>
+ <td colspan=2><?lsmb text(''Tax included'') ?></td>
+ </tr>
+ <?lsmb END ?>
+ <tr>
+ <td> </td>
+ </tr>
+ <?lsmb IF ordtotal ?>
+ <tr>
+ <td colspan=8 align=right>
+ <?lsmb text(''All prices in [_1] funds'', currency) ?>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <?lsmb END ?>
+ </table>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <?lsmb IF notes ?>
+ <tr>
+ <td> </td>
+ <td>
+ <table width="100%">
+ <tr valign=top>
+ <td><?lsmb text(''Notes'') ?></td>
+ <td><?lsmb FOREACH P IN notes.split(''\n\n'') ?>
+ <p><?lsmb P ?></p>
+ <?lsmb END ?></td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <?lsmb END ?>
+ <tr>
+ <td> </td>
+ <td>
+ <table width="100%">
+ <tr valign=top>
+ <td width="70%"> </td>
+ <td width="30%">
+ X <hr noshade>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+', 'html');
+INSERT INTO template VALUES (17, 'timecard', NULL, '<?lsmb FILTER latex -?>
+<?lsmb INCLUDE letterhead.tex ?>
+\centerline{\textbf{\MakeUppercase{<?lsmb text(''Time Card'') ?>}}}
+ \textbf{<?lsmb text(''Employee'') ?>} & <?lsmb employee ?> \\
+ \textbf{<?lsmb text(''ID'') ?>} & <?lsmb employee_id ?> \\
+ \textbf{<?lsmb text(''Card ID'') ?>} & <?lsmb id ?> \\
+ \textbf{<?lsmb text(''Date'') ?>} & <?lsmb transdate ?> \\
+ \textbf{<?lsmb text(''In'') ?>} & <?lsmb checkedin ?> \\
+ \textbf{<?lsmb text(''Out'') ?>} & <?lsmb checkedout ?> \\
+ \textbf{<?lsmb text(''Hours'') ?>} & <?lsmb qty ?> \\
+ \textbf{<?lsmb text(''Job/Project #'') ?>} & <?lsmb projectnumber ?> \\
+ \textbf{<?lsmb text(''Description'') ?>} & <?lsmb projectdescription ?> \\
+ \textbf{<?lsmb text(''Labor/Service Code'') ?>} & <?lsmb partnumber ?> \\
+ \textbf{<?lsmb text(''Description'') ?>} & <?lsmb description ?> \\
+ \textbf{<?lsmb text(''Rate'') ?>} & <?lsmb sellprice ?> \\
+ \textbf{<?lsmb text(''Total'') ?>} & <?lsmb total ?> \\
+<?lsmb FOREACH P IN notes.split(''\n{2,}'') ?>
+<?lsmb P ?>\medskip
+<?lsmb END ?>
+<?lsmb END ?>
+', 'tex');
+INSERT INTO template VALUES (18, 'pick_list', NULL, '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
+ <title><?lsmb text(''Pick List'') ?></title>
+ <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
+<body bgcolor=ffffff>
+<table width="100%">
+ <?lsmb INCLUDE letterhead.html ?>
+ <tr>
+ <td width=10> </td>
+ <th colspan=3>
+ <h4 style="text-transform:uppercase">
+ <?lsmb text(''Pick List'') ?>
+ </th>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td> </td>
+ <td>
+ <table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0>
+ <tr bgcolor=000000>
+ <th width=50% align=left><font color=ffffff><?lsmb text(''Ship To:'')
+ ?></th>
+ <th width="50%"> </th>
+ </tr>
+ <tr valign=top>
+ <td><?lsmb shiptoname ?>
+ <br><?lsmb shiptoaddress1 ?>
+ <?lsmb IF shiptoaddress2 ?>
+ <br><?lsmb shiptoaddress2 ?>
+ <?lsmb END ?>
+ <br><?lsmb shiptocity ?>
+ <?lsmb IF shiptostate ?>
+ , <?lsmb shiptostate ?>
+ <?lsmb END ?>
+ <?lsmb shiptozipcode ?>
+ <?lsmb IF shiptocountry ?>
+ <br><?lsmb shiptocountry ?>
+ <?lsmb END ?>
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ <?lsmb IF shiptocontact ?>
+ <br><?lsmb text(''Attn: [_1]'', shiptocontact) ?>
+ <?lsmb END ?>
+ <?lsmb IF shiptophone ?>
+ <br><?lsmb text(''Tel: [_1]'', shiptophone) ?>
+ <?lsmb END ?>
+ <?lsmb IF shiptofax ?>
+ <br><?lsmb text(''Fax: [_1]'', shiptofax) ?>
+ <?lsmb END ?>
+ <?lsmb shiptoemail ?>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr height=5></tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td> </td>
+ <td>
+ <table width=100% border=1>
+ <tr>
+ <th width=15% align=left><?lsmb text(''Invoice #'') ?></th>
+ <th width=15% align=left><?lsmb text(''Order #'') ?></th>
+ <th width=10% align=left><?lsmb text(''Date'') ?></th>
+ <th width=15% align=left nowrap><?lsmb text(''Contact'') ?></th>
+ <th width=15% align=left><?lsmb text(''Warehouse'') ?></th>
+ <th width=10% align=left><?lsmb text(''Shipping Point'') ?></th>
+ <th width=10% align=left><?lsmb text(''Ship via'') ?></th>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><?lsmb invnumber ?> </td>
+ <td><?lsmb ordnumber ?> </td>
+ <?lsmb IF shippingdate ?>
+ <td><?lsmb shippingdate ?></td>
+ <?lsmb ELSE ?>
+ <td><?lsmb transdate ?></td>
+ <?lsmb END ?>
+ <td><?lsmb employee ?> </td>
+ <td><?lsmb warehouse ?> </td>
+ <td><?lsmb shippingpoint ?> </td>
+ <td><?lsmb shipvia ?> </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td> </td>
+ <td>
+ <table width="100%">
+ <tr bgcolor=000000>
+ <th align=left><font color=ffffff><?lsmb text(''Item'') ?></th>
+ <th align=left><font color=ffffff><?lsmb text(''Number'') ?></th>
+ <th align=left><font color=ffffff><?lsmb text(''Description'') ?></th>
+ <th><font color=ffffff><?lsmb text(''Qty'') ?></th>
+ <th><font color=ffffff><?lsmb text(''Ship'') ?></th>
+ <th> </th>
+ <th><font color=ffffff><?lsmb text(''Bin'') ?></th>
+ </tr>
+ <?lsmb FOREACH number ?>
+ <?lsmb loop_count = loop.count - 1 ?>
+ <tr valign=top>
+ <td><?lsmb runningnumber.${loop_count} ?></td>
+ <td><?lsmb number.${loop_count} ?></td>
+ <td><?lsmb description.${loop_count} ?></td>
+ <td align=right><?lsmb qty.${loop_count} ?></td>
+ <td align=right>[ ]</td>
+ <td><?lsmb unit.${loop_count} ?></td>
+ <td align=right><?lsmb bin.${loop_count} ?></td>
+ </tr>
+ <?lsmb END ?>
+ </table>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td> </td>
+ <td><hr noshade></td>
+ </tr>
+', 'html');
+INSERT INTO template VALUES (19, 'invoice', NULL, 'ISA*00* *00* *12*XXXXXXXXXX *01*XXXXXXXXXX *<?lsmb EDI_CURRENT_DATE ?>*<?lsmb EDI_CURRENT_TIME ?>*^*00501*<?lsmb FILTER format(''%09d''); id ; END ?>*0*P*>~
+GS*DX*7196333434*031958655*<?lsmb EDI_CURRENT_DATE ?>*<?lsmb EDI_CURRENT_TIME ?>*0001*X*005010~
+ST*894*<?lsmb id ?>~
+G82*<?lsmb IF reverse; ''C''; ELSE; ''X''; END ?>*<?lsmb invnumber ?>*0001*0000*<?lsmb edidate(transdate) ?>~
+<?lsmb t_qty = 0; FOREACH n IN number; lc = loop.count - 1; t_qty = t_qty + qty.${lc} -?>
+LS*<?lsmb loop.count ?>~
+G83*<?lsmb loop.count?>*<?lsmb qty.${lc} ?>*UC*<?lsmb number.${lc} ?>*<?lsmb FILTER format(''%.4f''); sellprice.${lc}; END ?>**~
+LE*<?lsmb loop.count ?>~
+<?lsmb END # FOREACH n in number -?>
+G84*<?lsmb t_qty?>*<?lsmb invtotal ?>~
+SE*<?lsmb (3 * lc) + 7 ?>*<?lsmb id ?>~
+IEA*1*<?lsmb FILTER format(''%09d''); id ; END ?>~
+', '894');
+INSERT INTO template VALUES (20, 'invoice', NULL, '<?lsmb FILTER latex -?>
+<?lsmb BLOCK multiline -?>
+<?lsmb string ?>
+<?lsmb- END -?>
+ \parbox{\textwidth}{
+ \tiny
+ \rule[1.5em]{\textwidth}{0.5pt}
+<?lsmb text(''Payment due NET [_1] Days from date of Invoice.'', terms) ?>
+<?lsmb text(''Interest on overdue amounts will acrue at the rate of 12% per annum starting from [_1] until paid in full. Items returned are subject to a 10% restocking charge.'', duedate) ?>
+<?lsmb text(''A return authorization must be obtained from [_1] before goods are returned. Returns must be shipped prepaid and properly insured. [_1] will not be responsible for damages during transit.'', company) ?>
+ }
+<?lsmb INCLUDE letterhead.tex ?>
+\markboth{<?lsmb company ?>\hfill <?lsmb invnumber ?>}{<?lsmb company ?>\hfill <?lsmb invnumber ?>}
+<?lsmb name ?>
+<?lsmb address1 ?>
+<?lsmb address2 ?>
+<?lsmb city ?>
+<?lsmb IF state -?>
+\hspace{-0.1cm}, <?lsmb state ?> <?lsmb END ?> <?lsmb zipcode ?>
+<?lsmb country ?>
+<?lsmb IF contact ?>
+<?lsmb contact ?>
+<?lsmb END ?>
+<?lsmb IF customerphone ?>
+Tel: <?lsmb customerphone ?>
+<?lsmb END ?>
+<?lsmb IF customerfax ?>
+Fax: <?lsmb customerfax ?>
+<?lsmb END ?>
+<?lsmb email ?>
+\textbf{<?lsmb text(''Ship To'') ?>}
+<?lsmb shiptoname ?>
+<?lsmb shiptoaddress1 ?>
+<?lsmb shiptoaddress2 ?>
+<?lsmb shiptocity ?>
+<?lsmb IF shiptostate -?>
+\hspace{-0.1cm}, <?lsmb shiptostate ?><?lsmb END ?> <?lsmb shiptozipcode ?>
+<?lsmb shiptocountry ?>
+<?lsmb IF shiptocontact ?>
+<?lsmb shiptocontact ?>
+<?lsmb END ?>
+<?lsmb IF shiptophone ?>
+Tel: <?lsmb shiptophone ?>
+<?lsmb END ?>
+<?lsmb IF shiptofax ?>
+Fax: <?lsmb shiptofax ?>
+<?lsmb END ?>
+<?lsmb shiptoemail ?>
+\textbf{\MakeUppercase{<?lsmb text(''Invoice'') ?>}}
+\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{*{7}{|X}|} \hline
+ \textbf{<?lsmb text(''Invoice #'') ?>} & \textbf{<?lsmb text(''Date'') ?>}
+ & \textbf{<?lsmb text(''Due'') ?>} & \textbf{<?lsmb text(''Order #'') ?>}
+ & \textbf{<?lsmb text(''Salesperson'') ?>}
+ & \textbf{<?lsmb text(''Shipping Point'') ?>}
+ & \textbf{<?lsmb text(''Ship via'') ?>} \\ [0.5em]
+ \hline
+ <?lsmb invnumber ?> & <?lsmb invdate ?> & <?lsmb duedate ?> & <?lsmb ordnumber ?> & <?lsmb employee ?>
+ & <?lsmb shippingpoint ?> & <?lsmb shipvia ?> \\
+ \hline
+ \textbf{<?lsmb text(''Item'') ?>}
+ & \textbf{<?lsmb text(''Number'') ?>}
+ & \textbf{<?lsmb text(''Description'') ?>}
+ & \textbf{<?lsmb text(''Delivery'') ?>}
+ & \textbf{<?lsmb text(''Qty'') ?>}
+ & \textbf{<?lsmb text(''Unit'') ?>}
+ & \textbf{<?lsmb text(''Price'') ?>}
+ & \textbf{<?lsmb text(''Disc %'') ?>}
+ & \textbf{<?lsmb text(''Amount'') ?>} \\
+<?lsmb FOREACH number ?>
+<?lsmb lc = loop.count - 1 ?>
+ <?lsmb runningnumber.${lc} ?> &
+ <?lsmb number.${lc} ?> &
+ <?lsmb INCLUDE multiline string = item_description.${lc} ?> &
+ <?lsmb deliverydate.${lc} ?> &
+ <?lsmb qty.${lc} ?> &
+ <?lsmb unit.${lc} ?> &
+ <?lsmb sellprice.${lc} ?> &
+ <?lsmb discountrate.${lc} ?> &
+ <?lsmb linetotal.${lc} ?> \\
+<?lsmb END ?>
+\hline \hline
+\multicolumn{8}{r|}{<?lsmb text(''Subtotal'') ?>} & <?lsmb subtotal ?> \\*
+<?lsmb FOREACH tax ?>
+<?lsmb lc = loop.count - 1 ?>
+\multicolumn{8}{r|}{<?lsmb taxdescription.${lc}
+ ?> on <?lsmb taxbase.${lc} ?> }
+ & <?lsmb tax.${lc} ?> \\*
+<?lsmb END ?>
+<?lsmb IF paid ?>
+\multicolumn{8}{r|}{ <?lsmb text(''Paid'') ?> } & - <?lsmb paid ?> \\*
+<?lsmb END ?>
+<?lsmb IF total ?>
+ \hline
+ \hline
+\multicolumn{8}{r|}{<?lsmb text(''Balance Due'') ?>} & <?lsmb total ?>\\
+<?lsmb END ?>
+<?lsmb text_amount ?> ***** <?lsmb decimal ?>/100
+<?lsmb text(''All prices in [_1].'', currency) ?>
+<?lsmb FOREACH P IN notes.split(''\n{2,}'') ?>
+<?lsmb P ?>\medskip
+<?lsmb END ?>
+<?lsmb IF paid_1 ?>
+ \textbf{<?lsmb text(''Payments'') ?>} & & & \\
+ \hline
+ \textbf{<?lsmb text(''Date'') ?>} & & \textbf{<?lsmb text(''Source'') ?>}
+ & \textbf{<?lsmb text(''Amount'') ?>} \\
+<?lsmb END ?>
+<?lsmb FOREACH payment ?>
+<?lsmb lc = loop.count - 1 ?>
+ <?lsmb paymentdate.${lc} ?> & <?lsmb paymentaccount.${lc} ?> & <?lsmb paymentsource.${lc} ?> & <?lsmb payment.${lc} ?> \\
+<?lsmb END ?>
+<?lsmb IF paid_1 ?>
+<?lsmb END ?>
+\centerline{\textbf{<?lsmb text(''Thank You for your valued business!'') ?>}}
+<?lsmb END ?>
+', 'tex');
+INSERT INTO template VALUES (21, 'packing_list', NULL, '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
+ <title><?lsmb text(''Packing List'') ?></title>
+ <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
+<body bgcolor=ffffff>
+<table width="100%">
+ <?lsmb INCLUDE letterhead.html ?>
+ <tr>
+ <td width=10> </td>
+ <th colspan=3>
+ <h4 style="text-transform:uppercase">
+ <?lsmb text(''Packing List'') ?></h4>
+ </th>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td> </td>
+ <td>
+ <table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0>
+ <tr bgcolor=000000>
+ <th width=50% align=left><font color=ffffff>
+ <?lsmb text(''Ship To:'') ?>
+ </th>
+ <th width="50%"> </th>
+ </tr>
+ <tr valign=top>
+ <td><?lsmb shiptoname ?>
+ <br><?lsmb shiptoaddress1 ?>
+ <?lsmb IF shiptoaddress2 ?>
+ <br><?lsmb shiptoaddress2 ?>
+ <?lsmb END ?>
+ <br><?lsmb shiptocity ?>
+ <?lsmb IF shiptostate ?>
+ , <?lsmb shiptostate ?>
+ <?lsmb END ?>
+ <?lsmb shiptozipcode ?>
+ <?lsmb IF shiptocountry ?>
+ <br><?lsmb shiptocountry ?>
+ <?lsmb END ?>
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ <?lsmb IF shiptocontact ?>
+ <br><?lsmb text(''Attn: [_1]'', shiptocontact) ?>
+ <?lsmb END ?>
+ <?lsmb IF shiptophone ?>
+ <br><?lsmb text(''Tel: [_1]'', shiptophone) ?>
+ <?lsmb END ?>
+ <?lsmb IF shiptofax ?>
+ <br><?lsmb text(''Fax: [_1]'', shiptofax) ?>
+ <?lsmb END ?>
+ <?lsmb shiptoemail ?>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr height=5></tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td> </td>
+ <td>
+ <table width=100% border=1>
+ <tr>
+ <th width=17% align=left><?lsmb text(''Invoice #'') ?></th>
+ <th width=17% align=left><?lsmb text(''Order #'') ?></th>
+ <th width=17% align=left><?lsmb text(''Date'') ?></th>
+ <th width=17% align=left nowrap><?lsmb text(''Contact'') ?></th>
+ <?lsmb IF warehouse ?>
+ <th width=17% align=left><?lsmb text(''Warehouse'') ?></th>
+ <?lsmb END ?>
+ <th width=17% align=left><?lsmb text(''Shipping Point'') ?></th>
+ <th width=15% align=left><?lsmb text(''Ship via'') ?></th>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><?lsmb invnumber ?> </td>
+ <td><?lsmb ordnumber ?> </td>
+ <?lsmb IF shippingdate ?>
+ <td><?lsmb shippingdate ?></td>
+ <?lsmb ELSE ?>
+ <td><?lsmb transdate ?></td>
+ <?lsmb END ?>
+ <td><?lsmb employee ?> </td>
+ <?lsmb IF warehouse ?>
+ <td><?lsmb warehouse ?> </td>
+ <?lsmb END ?>
+ <td><?lsmb shippingpoint ?> </td>
+ <td><?lsmb shipvia ?> </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td> </td>
+ <td>
+ <table width="100%">
+ <tr bgcolor=000000>
+ <th align=left><font color=ffffff><?lsmb text(''Item'') ?></th>
+ <th align=left><font color=ffffff><?lsmb text(''Number'') ?></th>
+ <th align=left><font color=ffffff><?lsmb text(''Description'') ?></th>
+ <th align=left><font color=ffffff><?lsmb text(''Serial #'') ?></th>
+ <th> </th>
+ <th><font color=ffffff><?lsmb text(''Qty'') ?></th>
+ <th><font color=ffffff><?lsmb text(''Ship'') ?></th>
+ <th> </th>
+ </tr>
+ <?lsmb FOREACH number ?>
+ <?lsmb loop_count = loop.count - 1 ?>
+ <tr valign=top>
+ <td><?lsmb runningnumber.${loop_count} ?></td>
+ <td><?lsmb number.${loop_count} ?></td>
+ <td><?lsmb description.${loop_count} ?></td>
+ <td><?lsmb serialnumber.${loop_count} ?></td>
+ <td><?lsmb deliverydate.${loop_count} ?></td>
+ <td align=right><?lsmb qty.${loop_count} ?></td>
+ <td align=right><?lsmb ship.${loop_count} ?></td>
+ <td><?lsmb unit.${loop_count} ?></td>
+ </tr>
+ <?lsmb END ?>
+ </table>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td> </td>
+ <td><hr noshade></td>
+ </tr>
+ <?lsmb IF notes ?>
+ <tr>
+ <td> </td>
+ <td>
+ <table width="100%">
+ <tr valign=top>
+ <td>Notes</td>
+ <td><?lsmb FOREACH P IN notes.split(''\n\n'') ?>
+ <p><?lsmb P ?></p>
+ <?lsmb END ?></td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <?lsmb END ?>
+ <tr>
+ <td> </td>
+ <td>
+ <table width="100%">
+ <tr valign=top>
+ <td width="70%"><font size=-3>
+ <?lsmb text(''Items returned are subject to a 10% restocking charge. A return authorization must be obtained from [_1] before goods are returned. Returns must be shipped prepaid and properly insured. [_1] will not be responsible for damages during transit.'', company) ?>
+ </font>
+ </td>
+ <td width="30%">
+ X <hr noshade>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+', 'html');
+INSERT INTO template VALUES (22, 'bin_list', NULL, '<?lsmb FILTER latex -?>
+<?lsmb INCLUDE letterhead.tex ?>
+% Breaking old pagebreak directives
+%<?xlsmb pagebreak 65 27 37 ?>
+%\markboth{<?xlsmb company ?>\hfill <?xlsmb ordnumber ?>}{<?xlsmb company ?>\hfill <?xlsmb ordnumber ?>}
+% \textbf{Item} & \textbf{Number} & \textbf{Description} & \textbf{Serial Number} & & \textbf{Qty} & \textbf{Recd} & & \textbf{Bin} \\
+%<?xlsmb end pagebreak ?>
+\textbf{<?lsmb text(''From'') ?>}
+<?lsmb name ?>
+<?lsmb address1 ?>
+<?lsmb address2 ?>
+<?lsmb city ?>
+<?lsmb IF state ?>
+\hspace{-0.1cm}, <?lsmb state ?>
+<?lsmb END ?>
+<?lsmb zipcode ?>
+<?lsmb country ?>
+\textbf{<?lsmb text(''Ship To'') ?>}
+<?lsmb shiptoname ?>
+<?lsmb shiptoaddress1 ?>
+<?lsmb shiptoaddress2 ?>
+<?lsmb shiptocity ?>
+<?lsmb IF shiptostate ?>
+\hspace{-0.1cm}, <?lsmb shiptostate ?>
+<?lsmb END ?>
+<?lsmb shiptozipcode ?>
+<?lsmb shiptocountry ?>
+\textbf{\MakeUppercase{<?lsmb text(''Bin List'') ?>}}
+\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{*{6}{|X}|} \hline
+ \textbf{Order \#} & \textbf{Date} & \textbf{Contact}
+ <?lsmb IF warehouse ?>
+ & \textbf{<?lsmb text(''Warehouse'') ?>}
+ <?lsmb END ?>
+ & \textbf{<?lsmb text(''Shipping Point'') ?>} & \textbf{<?lsmb text(''Ship via'') ?>} \\ [0.5em]
+ \hline
+ <?lsmb ordnumber ?>
+ <?lsmb IF shippingdate ?>
+ & <?lsmb shippingdate ?>
+ <?lsmb END ?>
+ <?lsmb IF NOT shippingdate ?>
+ & <?lsmb orddate ?>
+ <?lsmb END ?>
+ & <?lsmb employee ?>
+ <?lsmb IF warehouse ?>
+ & <?lsmb warehouse ?>
+ <?lsmb END ?>
+ & <?lsmb shippingpoint ?> & <?lsmb shipvia ?> \\
+ \hline
+ \textbf{<?lsmb text(''Item'') ?>} & \textbf{<?lsmb text(''Number'') ?>}
+ & \textbf{<?lsmb text(''Description'') ?>} &
+ \textbf{<?lsmb text(''Serial Number'') ?>} &
+ & \textbf{<?lsmb text(''Qty'') ?>} & \textbf{<?lsmb text(''Recd'') ?>} &
+ & \textbf{<?lsmb text(''Bin'') ?>} \\
+<?lsmb FOREACH number ?>
+<?lsmb lc = loop.count - 1 ?>
+ <?lsmb runningnumber.${lc} ?> &
+ <?lsmb number.${lc} ?> &
+ <?lsmb description.${lc} ?> &
+ <?lsmb serialnumber.${lc} ?> &
+ <?lsmb deliverydate.${lc} ?> &
+ <?lsmb qty.${lc} ?> &
+ <?lsmb ship.${lc} ?> &
+ <?lsmb unit.${lc} ?> &
+ <?lsmb bin.${lc} ?> \\
+<?lsmb END ?>
+<?lsmb END ?>
+', 'tex');
+INSERT INTO template VALUES (23, 'statement', NULL, '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
+ <title><?lsmb text(''Statement'') ?></title>
+ <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
+<body bgcolor=ffffff>
+<?lsmb FOREACH customer IN data ?>
+<?lsmb import(customer) ?>
+<table width="100%">
+ <?lsmb INCLUDE letterhead.html ?>
+ <tr>
+ <td width=10> </td>
+ <th colspan=3><h4 style="text-transform:uppercase">
+ <?lsmb text(''Statement'') ?></h4></th>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td> </td>
+ <td colspan=3 align=right><?lsmb statementdate ?></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td> </td>
+ <td>
+ <table width="100%">
+ <tr valign=top>
+ <td><?lsmb name ?>
+ <br><?lsmb address1 ?>
+ <?lsmb IF address2 ?>
+ <br><?lsmb address2 ?>
+ <?lsmb END ?>
+ <br><?lsmb city ?>
+ <?lsmb IF state ?>
+ , <?lsmb state ?>
+ <?lsmb END ?>
+ <?lsmb zipcode ?>
+ <?lsmb IF country ?>
+ <br><?lsmb country ?>
+ <?lsmb END ?>
+ <br>
+ <?lsmb IF customerphone ?>
+ <br><?lsmb text(''Tel: [_1],'' customerphone) ?>
+ <?lsmb END ?>
+ <?lsmb IF customerfax ?>
+ <br><?lsmb text(''Fax: [_1]'', customerfax) ?>
+ <?lsmb END ?>
+ <?lsmb IF email ?>
+ <br><?lsmb email ?>
+ <?lsmb END ?>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr height=10></tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td> </td>
+ <td>
+ <table width="100%">
+ <tr>
+ <th align=left><?lsmb text(''Invoice #'') ?></th>
+ <th align=left><?lsmb text(''Order#'') ?></th>
+ <th width="10%"><?lsmb text(''Date'') ?></th>
+ <th width="10%"><?lsmb text(''Due'') ?></th>
+ <th width="10%"><?lsmb text(''Current'') ?></th>
+ <th width="10%"><?lsmb text(''30'') ?></th>
+ <th width="10%"><?lsmb text(''60'') ?></th>
+ <th width="10%"><?lsmb text(''90'') ?></th>
+ </tr>
+ <?lsmb FOREACH invnumber ?>
+ <?lsmb loop_count = loop.count - 1 ?>
+ <tr>
+ <td><?lsmb invnumber.${loop_count} ?></td>
+ <td><?lsmb ordnumber.${loop_count} ?></td>
+ <td><?lsmb invdate.${loop_count} ?></td>
+ <td><?lsmb duedate.${loop_count} ?></td>
+ <td align=right><?lsmb c0.${loop_count} ?></td>
+ <td align=right><?lsmb c30.${loop_count} ?></td>
+ <td align=right><?lsmb c60.${loop_count} ?></td>
+ <td align=right><?lsmb c90.${loop_count} ?></td>
+ </tr>
+ <?lsmb END ?>
+ <tr>
+ <td colspan=8><hr size=1></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td> </td>
+ <td> </td>
+ <td> </td>
+ <td> </td>
+ <th align=right><?lsmb c0total ?></td>
+ <th align=right><?lsmb c30total ?></td>
+ <th align=right><?lsmb c60total ?></td>
+ <th align=right><?lsmb c90total ?></td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr height=10></tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td> </td>
+ <td align=right>
+ <table width="50%">
+ <tr>
+ <th><?lsmb text(''Total Outstanding'') ?></th>
+ <th align=right><?lsmb total ?></th>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td> </td>
+ <td><hr noshade></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td> </td>
+ <td><?lsmb text(''All amounts in [_1] Funds'', currency) ?>
+ <br><?lsmb text(''Please make check payable to [_1].'', company) ?>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+<?lsmb END ?>
+', 'html');
+INSERT INTO template VALUES (24, 'envelope', NULL, '<?lsmb FILTER latex ?>
+\usepackage[paperheight=11cm, paperwidth=23cm,top=3.5cm,bottom=3cm,left=12cm,right=1cm]{geometry}
+\noindent <?lsmb name ?>\\
+<?lsmb address1 ?> \\
+<?lsmb- IF address2 ?>
+<?lsmb address2 ?> \\
+<?lsmb- END ?>
+<?lsmb city ?>
+<?lsmb- IF state -?>, <?lsmb state ?> <?lsmb END ?> <?lsmb zipcode ?>\\
+<?lsmb END ?>
+', 'tex');
+INSERT INTO template VALUES (25, 'ar_transaction', NULL, 'account,description,amount,memo,project
+<?lsmb FOREACH amount ?><?lsmb lc = loop.count - 1 ?><?lsmb accno.${lc} ?>,<?lsmb account.${lc} ?>,<?lsmb amount.${lc} ?>,<?lsmb description.${lc} ?>,<?lsmb projectnumber.${lc} ?>
+<?lsmb END ?><?lsmb FOREACH t IN taxaccounts.split('' '') ?><?lsmb loop_count = loop.count - 1 -?>
+<?lsmb t.remove(''"'') ?>,<?lsmb taxdescription.${loop_count} ?>,<?lsmb tax.${loop_count} ?>,,,
+<?lsmb END ?>
+', 'csv');
+INSERT INTO template VALUES (26, 'printPayment', NULL, '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
+ "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
+<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
+ <title><?lsmb titlebar ?></title>
+ <meta http-equiv="Pragma" content="no-cache" />
+ <meta http-equiv="Expires" content="-1" />
+ <link rel="shortcut icon" href="favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon" />
+ <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/<?lsmb stylesheet ?>" type="text/css" />
+ <script language="JavaScript" src="UI/payments/javascript/maximize_minimize.js"></script>
+ <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=<?lsmb charset ?>" />
+ <meta name="robots" content="noindex,nofollow" />
+<body id="printPayment">
+ <?lsmb PROCESS elements.html # Include form elements helper. ?>
+ <?lsmb accountclass.type = ''hidden'';
+ INCLUDE input element_data=accountclass ?>
+ <?lsmb login.type = ''hidden'' ; INCLUDE input element_data=login ?>
+ <?lsmb column_count = 0 -?>
+ <table width="100%" id="header_table">
+ <tr id="header_bar">
+ <th id="top_bar_header" colspan="2" width="30%" align="left">
+ <h5>
+ <br/><?lsmb text(''Address: [_1]'', company.address) ?>
+ <br/><?lsmb text(''Tel: [_1]'', company.telephone) ?>
+ </h5>
+ </th>
+ <th align="left">
+ <h1 style="text-transform:uppercase">
+ <?lsmb text(''Payment Order Number [_1]'', header.payment_reference) ?>
+ </h1>
+ </th>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ <table class="datarow" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="1" bordercolor="000000">
+ <tr>
+ <th class="titledatarow" align=center width=7%>
+ <font color=000000><?lsmb text(''Invoice'') ?> <?lsmb text(''Number'')?></font>
+ </th>
+ <th class="titledatarow" align=center width=11%>
+ <font color=000000><?lsmb text(''Account'') ?></font>
+ </th>
+ <th class="titledatarow" align=center width=68%>
+ <font color=000000><?lsmb text(''Description'') ?></font>
+ </th>
+ <th class="titledatarow" align=center width=14%>
+ <font color=000000><?lsmb text(''Source'') ?></font>
+ </th>
+ <th class="titledatarow" align=center width=14%>
+ <font color=000000><?lsmb text(''Amount'') ?></font>
+ </th>
+ </tr>
+ <?lsmb FOREACH row IN rows -?>
+ <tr valign="top">
+ <td align="center"> <?lsmb row.invoice_number ?></td>
+ <td align="center"> <?lsmb row.chart_description?>--<?lsmb row.chart_accno?></td>
+ <td align="center"> <?lsmb row.memo -?> </td>
+ <td align="center"> <?lsmb row.source ?> </td>
+ <td align="center"> <?lsmb row.amount ?> </td>
+ </tr>
+ <?lsmb END -?>
+ <tr valign="top">
+ <th align="right" colspan="4"> <?lsmb text(''TOTAL'') ?></th>
+ <td align="center"> <?lsmb header.amount ?> </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ <table width=100%>
+ <tr>
+ <th class="titledatarow" align="left" >
+ <font color=000000><?lsmb text(''Currency'') ?>: <?lsmb header.currency ?></font>
+ </th>
+ <th class="titledatarow" align="left">
+ <font color=000000><?lsmb text(''Date'') ?>: <?lsmb header.payment_date ?></font>
+ </th>
+ <th rowspan="5" width="30%" align="left">
+ <font size=3 style="text-transform:uppercase">
+ <?lsmb text(''Signature'') ?>
+ <br></br>
+ <br></br>
+ <br></br>
+ <br>___________________________________________</br>
+ <?lsmb text(''Identification'') ?>
+ </font>
+ </th>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td width="70%" align="left" colspan="3">
+ <font size="3">
+ <b><?lsmb text(''Pay in behalf of'') ?>:</b> <?lsmb header.legal_name ?>
+ </font>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td align="left" colspan="3">
+ <font size="3">
+ <b><?lsmb text(''The amount of'') ?>:</b> <?lsmb header.amount2text -?>
+ </font>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td align="left" colspan="3">
+ <font size="3">
+ <b><?lsmb text(''This document has been approved by'')
+ -?>:</b><?lsmb header.employee_first_name -?> <?lsmb header.employee_last_name -?>
+ </font>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td colspan="3" align="left">
+ <font size="3">
+ <b><?lsmb text(''Approved signature'')?>:</b> ____________________________
+ </font>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td align="left" colspan="3">
+ <font size="3"><b><?lsmb text(''Notes'') ?>:</b> <?lsmb header.notes ?></font>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </body>
+', 'html');
+INSERT INTO template VALUES (27, 'purchase_order', NULL, '<?lsmb FILTER latex -?>
+<?lsmb INCLUDE letterhead.tex ?>
+\markboth{<?lsmb company ?>\hfill <?lsmb ordnumber ?>}{<?lsmb company ?>\hfill <?lsmb ordnumber ?>}
+<?lsmb name ?>
+<?lsmb address1 ?>
+<?lsmb address2 ?>
+<?lsmb city ?>
+<?lsmb IF state ?>
+\hspace{-0.1cm}, <?lsmb state ?>
+<?lsmb END ?>
+<?lsmb zipcode ?>
+<?lsmb country ?>
+<?lsmb IF contact ?>
+<?lsmb text(''Attn: [_1]'', contact) ?>
+<?lsmb END ?>
+<?lsmb IF vendorphone ?>
+<?lsmb text(''Tel: [_1]'', vendorphone) ?>
+<?lsmb END ?>
+<?lsmb IF vendorfax ?>
+<?lsmb text(''Fax: [_1]'', vendorfax) ?>
+<?lsmb END ?>
+<?lsmb email ?>
+\textbf{Ship To}
+<?lsmb shiptoname ?>
+<?lsmb shiptoaddress1 ?>
+<?lsmb shiptoaddress2 ?>
+<?lsmb shiptocity ?>
+<?lsmb IF shiptostate ?>
+\hspace{-0.1cm}, <?lsmb shiptostate ?>
+<?lsmb END ?>
+<?lsmb shiptozipcode ?>
+<?lsmb shiptocountry ?>
+<?lsmb IF shiptocontact ?>
+<?lsmb text(''Attn: [_1]'', shiptocontact) ?>
+<?lsmb END ?>
+<?lsmb IF shiptophone ?>
+<?lsmb text(''Tel: [_1]'', shiptophone) ?>
+<?lsmb END ?>/
+<?lsmb IF shiptofax ?>
+<?lsmb text(''Fax: [_1]'', shiptofax) ?>
+<?lsmb END ?>
+<?lsmb shiptoemail ?>
+\textbf{\MakeUppercase{<?lsmb text(''Purchase Order'') ?>}}
+\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{*{6}{|X}|} \hline
+ \textbf{<?lsmb text(''Order #'') ?>} & \textbf{<?lsmb text(''Date'') ?>}
+ & \textbf{<?lsmb text(''Required by'') ?>} & \textbf{<?lsmb text(''Contact'') ?>}
+ & \textbf{<?lsmb text(''Shipping Point'') ?>}
+ & \textbf{<?lsmb text(''Ship via'') ?>} \\ [0.5ex]
+ \hline
+ <?lsmb ordnumber ?> & <?lsmb orddate ?> & <?lsmb reqdate ?> & <?lsmb employee ?> & <?lsmb shippingpoint ?> & <?lsmb shipvia ?> \\
+ \hline
+ \textbf{<?lsmb text(''Number'') ?>} & \textbf{<?lsmb text(''Description'') ?>}
+ & \textbf{<?lsmb text(''Qty'') ?>} &
+ \textbf{<?lsmb text(''Unit'') ?>} & \textbf{<?lsmb text(''Price'') ?>}
+ & \textbf{<?lsmb text(''Amount'') ?>} \\
+<?lsmb FOREACH number ?>
+<?lsmb lc = loop.count - 1 ?>
+ <?lsmb number.${lc} ?> &
+ <?lsmb description.${lc} ?> &
+ <?lsmb qty.${lc} ?> &
+ <?lsmb unit.${lc} ?> &
+ <?lsmb sellprice.${lc} ?> &
+ <?lsmb linetotal.${lc} ?> \\
+<?lsmb END ?>
+ & Subtotal & <?lsmb subtotal ?> \\
+<?lsmb FOREACH tax ?>
+<?lsmb lc = loop.count - 1 ?>
+ & <?lsmb taxdescription.${lc} ?> on <?lsmb taxbase.${lc} ?> & <?lsmb tax.${lc} ?>\\
+<?lsmb END ?>
+ \hline
+ & Total & <?lsmb ordtotal ?>\\
+ <?lsmb text(''All prices in [_1].'', currency) ?>
+<?lsmb FOREACH P IN notes.split(''\n{2,}'') ?>
+<?lsmb P ?>\medskip
+<?lsmb END ?>
+%\footnotetext[1]{\tiny }
+<?lsmb END ?>
+', 'tex');
+INSERT INTO template VALUES (28, 'sales_order', NULL, '<?lsmb FILTER latex -?>
+<?lsmb INCLUDE letterhead.tex ?>
+\markboth{<?lsmb company ?>\hfill <?lsmb ordnumber ?>}{<?lsmb company ?>\hfill <?lsmb ordnumber ?>}
+<?lsmb name ?>
+<?lsmb address1 ?>
+<?lsmb address2 ?>
+<?lsmb city ?>
+<?lsmb IF state ?>
+\hspace{-0.1cm}, <?lsmb state ?>
+<?lsmb END ?>
+<?lsmb zipcode ?>
+<?lsmb country ?>
+<?lsmb IF contact ?>
+<?lsmb contact ?>
+<?lsmb END ?>
+<?lsmb IF customerphone ?>
+<?lsmb text(''Tel: [_1]'', customerphone) ?>
+<?lsmb END ?>
+<?lsmb IF customerfax ?>
+<?lsmb text(''Fax: [_1]'', customerfax) ?>
+<?lsmb END ?>
+<?lsmb email ?>
+\textbf{Ship To}
+<?lsmb shiptoname ?>
+<?lsmb shiptoaddress1 ?>
+<?lsmb shiptoaddress2 ?>
+<?lsmb shiptocity ?>
+<?lsmb IF shiptostate ?>
+\hspace{-0.1cm}, <?lsmb shiptostate ?>
+<?lsmb END ?>
+<?lsmb shiptozipcode ?>
+<?lsmb shiptocountry ?>
+<?lsmb IF shiptocontact ?>
+<?lsmb shiptocontact ?>
+<?lsmb END ?>
+<?lsmb IF shiptophone ?>
+<?lsmb text(''Tel: [_1]'', shiptophone) ?>
+<?lsmb END ?>
+<?lsmb IF shiptofax ?>
+<?lsmb text(''Fax: [_1]'', shiptofax) ?>
+<?lsmb END ?>
+<?lsmb shiptoemail ?>
+\textbf{\MakeUppercase{<?lsmb text(''Sales Order'') ?>}}
+\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{*{6}{|X}|} \hline
+ \textbf{<?lsmb text(''Order #'') ?>} & \textbf{<?lsmb text(''Order Date'') ?>}
+ & \textbf{<?lsmb text(''Required by'') ?>}
+ & \textbf{<?lsmb text(''Salesperson'') ?>}
+ & \textbf{<?lsmb text(''Shipping Point'') ?>}
+ & \textbf{<?lsmb text(''Ship Via'') ?>} \\ [0.5em]
+ \hline
+ <?lsmb ordnumber ?> & <?lsmb orddate ?> & <?lsmb reqdate ?> & <?lsmb employee ?> & <?lsmb shippingpoint ?> & <?lsmb shipvia ?> \\
+ \hline
+ \textbf{<?lsmb text(''Item'') ?>} & \textbf{<?lsmb text(''Number'') ?>}
+ & \textbf{<?lsmb text(''Description'') ?>} & \textbf{<?lsmb text(''Qty'') ?>} &
+ \textbf{<?lsmb text(''Unit'') ?>} & \textbf{<?lsmb text(''Price'') ?>}
+ & \textbf{<?lsmb text(''Disc %'') ?>}
+ & \textbf{<?lsmb text(''Amount'') ?>}
+<?lsmb FOREACH number ?>
+<?lsmb lc = loop.count - 1 ?>
+ <?lsmb runningnumber.${lc} ?> &
+ <?lsmb number.${lc} ?> &
+ <?lsmb description.${lc} ?> &
+ <?lsmb qty.${lc} ?> &
+ <?lsmb unit.${lc} ?> &
+ <?lsmb sellprice.${lc} ?> &
+ <?lsmb discountrate.${lc} ?> &
+ <?lsmb linetotal.${lc} ?> \\
+<?lsmb END ?>
+ & Subtotal & <?lsmb subtotal ?> \\
+<?lsmb FOREACH tax ?>
+<?lsmb lc = loop.count - 1 ?>
+ & <?lsmb taxdescription.${lc} ?> on <?lsmb taxbase.${lc} ?> & <?lsmb tax.${lc} ?>\\
+<?lsmb END ?>
+ \hline
+ & Total & <?lsmb ordtotal ?>\\
+<?lsmb text_amount ?> ***** <?lsmb decimal ?>/100
+<?lsmb text(''All prices in [_1].'', currency) ?>
+<?lsmb IF terms ?>
+<?lsmb text(''Terms: Net [_1] days'', terms) ?>
+<?lsmb END ?>
+<?lsmb FOREACH P IN notes.split(''\n{2,}'') ?>
+<?lsmb P ?>\medskip
+<?lsmb END ?>
+\centerline{\textbf{<?lsmb text(''Thank You for your valued business!'') ?>}}
+<?lsmb END -?>
+', 'tex');
+INSERT INTO template VALUES (29, 'bin_list', NULL, '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
+ <title><?lsmb text(''Bin List'') ?></title>
+ <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
+<body bgcolor=ffffff>
+<table width="100%">
+ <?lsmb INCLUDE letterhead.html ?>
+ <tr>
+ <td width=10> </td>
+ <th colspan=3>
+ <h4 style="text-transform:uppercase">
+ <?lsmb text(''Bin List'') ?></h4>
+ </th>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td> </td>
+ <td>
+ <table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0>
+ <tr bgcolor=000000>
+ <th align=left width="50%"><font color=ffffff><?lsmb text(''From'') ?>
+ </th>
+ <th align=left width="50%"><font color=ffffff><?lsmb text(''Ship To'') ?>
+ </th>
+ </tr>
+ <tr valign=top>
+ <td><?lsmb name ?>
+ <br><?lsmb address1 ?>
+ <?lsmb IF address2 ?>
+ <br><?lsmb address2 ?>
+ <?lsmb END ?>
+ <br><?lsmb city ?>
+ <?lsmb IF state ?>
+ , <?lsmb state ?>
+ <?lsmb END ?>
+ <?lsmb zipcode ?>
+ <?lsmb IF country ?>
+ <?lsmb country ?>
+ <?lsmb END ?>
+ <br>
+ <?lsmb IF contact ?>
+ <br><?lsmb text(''Attn: [_1]'', contact) ?>
+ <?lsmb END ?>
+ <?lsmb IF vendorphone ?>
+ <br><?lsmb text(''Tel: [_1]'', vendorphone) ?>
+ <?lsmb END ?>
+ <?lsmb IF vendorfax ?>
+ <br><?lsmb text(''Fax: [_1]'', vendorfax) ?>
+ <?lsmb END ?>
+ <?lsmb IF email ?>
+ <br><?lsmb email ?>
+ <?lsmb END ?>
+ </td>
+ <td><?lsmb shiptoname ?>
+ <br><?lsmb shiptoaddress1 ?>
+ <?lsmb IF shiptoaddress2 ?>
+ <br><?lsmb shiptoaddress2 ?>
+ <?lsmb END ?>
+ <br><?lsmb shiptocity ?>
+ <?lsmb IF shiptostate ?>
+ , <?lsmb shiptostate ?>
+ <?lsmb END ?>
+ <?lsmb shiptozipcode ?>
+ <?lsmb IF shiptocountry ?>
+ <?lsmb shiptocountry ?>
+ <?lsmb END ?>
+ <br>
+ <?lsmb IF shiptocontact ?>
+ <br><?lsmb text(''Attn: [_1]'', shiptocontact) ?>
+ <?lsmb END ?>
+ <?lsmb IF shiptophone ?>
+ <br><?lsmb text(''Tel: [_1]'', shiptophone) ?>
+ <?lsmb END ?>
+ <?lsmb IF shiptofax ?>
+ <br><?lsmb text(''Fax: [_1]'', shiptofax) ?>
+ <?lsmb END ?>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr height=5></tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td> </td>
+ <td>
+ <table width=100% border=1>
+ <tr>
+ <th width=17% align=left nowrap><?lsmb text(''Order #'') ?></th>
+ <th width=17% align=left nowrap><?lsmb text(''Date'') ?></th>
+ <th width=17% align=left nowrap><?lsmb text(''Contact'') ?></th>
+ <?lsmb IF warehouse ?>
+ <th width=17% align=left nowrap><?lsmb text(''Warehouse'') ?></th>
+ <?lsmb END ?>
+ <th width=17% align=left><?lsmb text(''Shipping Point'') ?></th>
+ <th width=15% align=left><?lsmb text(''Ship via'') ?></th>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><?lsmb ordnumber ?> </td>
+ <?lsmb IF shippingdate ?>
+ <td><?lsmb shippingdate ?></td>
+ <?lsmb ELSE ?>
+ <td><?lsmb orddate ?></td>
+ <?lsmb END ?>
+ <td><?lsmb employee ?> </td>
+ <?lsmb IF warehouse ?>
+ <td><?lsmb warehouse ?></td>
+ <?lsmb END ?>
+ <td><?lsmb shippingpoint ?> </td>
+ <td><?lsmb shipvia ?> </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td> </td>
+ <td>
+ <table width="100%">
+ <tr bgcolor=000000>
+ <th align=left><font color=ffffff><?lsmb text(''Item'') ?></th>
+ <th align=left><font color=ffffff><?lsmb text(''Number'') ?></th>
+ <th align=left><font color=ffffff><?lsmb text(''Description'') ?></th>
+ <th><font color=ffffff><?lsmb text(''Serialnumber'') ?></th>
+ <th> </th>
+ <th><font color=ffffff><?lsmb text(''Qty'') ?></th>
+ <th><font color=ffffff><?lsmb text(''Recd'') ?></th>
+ <th> </th>
+ <th><font color=ffffff><?lsmb text(''Bin'') ?></th>
+ </tr>
+ <?lsmb FOREACH number ?>
+ <?lsmb loop_count = loop.count - 1 ?>
+ <tr valign=top>
+ <td><?lsmb runningnumber.${loop_count} ?></td>
+ <td><?lsmb number.${loop_count} ?></td>
+ <td><?lsmb description.${loop_count} ?></td>
+ <td><?lsmb serialnumber.${loop_count} ?></td>
+ <td><?lsmb deliverydate.${loop_count} ?></td>
+ <td align=right><?lsmb qty.${loop_count} ?></td>
+ <td align=right><?lsmb ship.${loop_count} ?></td>
+ <td><?lsmb unit.${loop_count} ?></td>
+ <td><?lsmb bin.${loop_count} ?></td>
+ </tr>
+ <?lsmb END ?>
+ </table>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td> </td>
+ <td><hr noshade></td>
+ </tr>
+', 'html');
+INSERT INTO template VALUES (30, 'letterhead', NULL, ' <tr>
+ <td width=10> </td>
+ <td>
+ <table width="100%">
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ <h4>
+ <?lsmb company ?><br>
+ <?lsmb address ?>
+ </h4>
+ </td>
+ <!-- Commenting out the image tag for now. In general, folks can
+ customize this to their servers, but if the server is behind a
+ firewall, then this won''t work. Recommend that if people do this,
+ they hardwire in a link to a publically accessible image. - CT -->
+ <th><!-- <img src=<?lsmb images ?>/logo.png border=0 height=58> --></th>
+ <td align=right>
+ <h4>
+ <?lsmb text(''Tel: [_1]'', tel) ?><br>
+ <?lsmb text(''Fax: [_1]'', fax) ?>
+ </h4>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td colspan=3>
+ <hr noshade>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+', 'html');
+INSERT INTO template VALUES (31, 'pick_list', NULL, '<?lsmb FILTER latex -?>
+<?lsmb INCLUDE letterhead.tex ?>
+% Breaking old pagebreak directive
+%<?xlsmb pagebreak 65 27 37 ?>
+%\markboth{<?xlsmb company ?>\hfill <?xlsmb ordnumber ?>}{<?xlsmb company ?>\hfill <?xlsmb ordnumber ?>}
+% \textbf{Item} & \textbf{Number} & \textbf{Description} &
@@ Diff output truncated at 100000 characters. @@
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