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SF.net SVN: ledger-smb:[6052] trunk/UI/lib/setup.js
- Subject: SF.net SVN: ledger-smb:[6052] trunk/UI/lib/setup.js
- From: ..hidden..
- Date: Wed, 18 Sep 2013 14:52:10 +0000
Revision: 6052
Author: einhverfr
Date: 2013-09-18 14:52:08 +0000 (Wed, 18 Sep 2013)
Log Message:
Adding accidently omitted setup.js
Added Paths:
Added: trunk/UI/lib/setup.js
--- trunk/UI/lib/setup.js (rev 0)
+++ trunk/UI/lib/setup.js 2013-09-18 14:52:08 UTC (rev 6052)
@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
+/* construct_form_node(query, cls, textbox, checkbox, datebox, radio, select,
+ * button, input)
+ * This constructs the appropriate dojo/dijit object from the input provided and
+ * returns it to the calling function. query and cls are needed for select box
+ * and textbox class detection. input is the node. The others are appropriate
+ * dijit/dojo classes for the widgets.
+ */
+function construct_form_node(query, cls, registry,
+ textbox, checkbox, datebox, radio, select, button,
+ input)
+ if (input.nodeName == 'INPUT'){
+ if (input.type == 'hidden') {
+ return undefined;
+ } else if (input.type == 'text'){
+ if (cls.contains(input, 'date')){
+ // logic to pick dates
+ // TODO. This looks pretty complex
+ // and the documentation in Dojo appears
+ // to be in flux. I am setting this
+ // as a standard text box for now and
+ // letting others turn this into a
+ // DateTextBox --CT
+ var df = dateformat;
+ df.replace('mm', 'MM');
+ var val = input.value;
+ var style = {};
+ if (val == undefined || val == ''){
+ val = null;
+ }
+ if (input.size !== undefined && input.size !== ''){
+ style['width'] = input.size + 'em';
+ }
+ return new datebox({
+ "label": input.title,
+ "value": val,
+ "name": input.name,
+ "id": input.id,
+ "style": style,
+ "constraints": { "datePattern": df }
+ }, input);
+ } else if (cls.contains(input, 'AccountBox')){
+ return require(['lsmb/accounts/AccountSelector'],
+ function(accountselector){
+ return new accountselector({}, input);
+ }
+ );
+ } else {
+ var style = {};
+ if (input.size !== undefined && input.size !== ''){
+ style['width'] = input.size + 'em';
+ }
+ return new textbox({
+ "label": input.title,
+ "value": input.value,
+ "name": input.name,
+ "style": style,
+ "id": input.id
+ }, input);
+ }
+ } else if (input.type == 'checkbox'){
+ }
+ if (input.type == 'radio'){
+ }
+ } else if (input.nodeName == 'SELECT'){
+ var optlist = [];
+ query('option', input).forEach(
+ function(opt){
+ var entry = {
+ "label": opt.innerHTML,
+ "id": input.id,
+ "value": opt.value
+ };
+ if (opt.selected){
+ entry["selected"] = true;
+ }
+ optlist.push(entry);
+ });
+ return new select(
+ { "name": input.name,
+ "options": optlist,
+ "label": input.title,
+ "id": input.id
+ } , input);
+ } else if (input.nodeName == 'BUTTON'){
+ return new button(
+ { "name": input.name,
+ "type": input.type,
+ "id": input.id,
+ "label": input.innerHTML,
+ "value": input.value
+ }, input
+ );
+ }
+ return undefined;
+/* Set up form.tabular forms.
+ * Supports the following additional classes for setting columns
+ * cols-1
+ * cols-2
+ * cols-3
+ *
+ * Normally tabular will attach to the form element in most simple forms, but
+ * for more complex ones, you can use div instead.
+ *
+ * Also sets up textboxes, checkboxes, and date pickers in the forms.
+ *
+ * As of first commit only setting up table containers.
+ */
+require( ['dojo/query',
+ 'dijit/registry',
+ 'dojo/dom-class',
+ 'dojo/dom-construct',
+ 'dojox/layout/TableContainer',
+ 'dijit/form/TextBox',
+ 'dijit/form/CheckBox',
+ 'dijit/form/DateTextBox',
+ 'dijit/form/RadioButton',
+ 'dijit/form/Select',
+ 'dijit/form/Button',
+ 'dijit/layout/ContentPane',
+ 'dojo/ready'
+ ],
+ function(query, registry, cls, construct, table, textbox, checkbox, datebox,
+ radio, select, button, contentpane)
+ {
+ query('.tabular').forEach(
+ function(node){
+ var tabparams = {
+ 'data-dojo-type': 'dojox/layout/TableContainer',
+ 'showLabels': 'True',
+ 'orientation': 'horiz',
+ 'customClass': 'tabularform',
+ 'cols': 1
+ };
+ var mycols;
+ if (cls.contains(node, 'col-1')){
+ tabparams['cols'] = 1;
+ } else if (cls.contains(node, 'col-2')){
+ tabparams['cols'] = 2;
+ } else if (cls.contains(node, 'col-3')){
+ tabparams['cols'] = 3;
+ }
+ var mytabular = new table(tabparams, node);
+ // Must hide labels in such a form!
+ query('label', node).forEach(function(node2){
+ construct.destroy(node2);
+ });
+ var counter = 0;
+ // Process inputs
+ query('*', node).forEach(
+ function(input){
+ if (input.nodeName == 'DIV')
+ {
+ if (cls.contains(input, 'input_line')){
+ var nodes_to_add = counter % mycols;
+ for (i=nodes_to_add; i<mycols; i++){
+ mytabular.addChild(new contentpane({
+ "content": ""
+ })); // spacer
+ }
+ counter = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ var widget = construct_form_node(
+ query, cls, registry, textbox, checkbox,
+ datebox, radio, select,
+ button, input
+ );
+ if (widget !== undefined){
+ ++counter;
+ if (input.nodeName == 'BUTTON'){
+ var mycp = new contentpane(
+ { content: "" }
+ );
+ mytabular.addChild(mycp);
+ mycp.addChild(widget); // obscures label
+ } else {
+ mytabular.addChild(widget);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ );
+ mytabular.startup();
+ }
+ );
+ query('input, button, textarea').forEach(
+ function(node){
+ var val;
+ var ntype = node.nodeName;
+ if (registry.byId(node.id) !== undefined){
+ return undefined;
+ }
+ var widget = construct_form_node(
+ query, cls, registry, textbox, checkbox,
+ datebox, radio, select,
+ button, node
+ );
+ if (widget !== undefined){
+ if (widget.declaredClass !== undefined){
+ widget.startup();
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ }
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