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SF.net SVN: ledger-smb:[5284] trunk/sql/modules/test/PNL.sql

Revision: 5284
Author:   einhverfr
Date:     2012-11-28 08:58:08 +0000 (Wed, 28 Nov 2012)
Log Message:
Adding accidently omitted test cases

Added Paths:

Added: trunk/sql/modules/test/PNL.sql
--- trunk/sql/modules/test/PNL.sql	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/sql/modules/test/PNL.sql	2012-11-28 08:58:08 UTC (rev 5284)
@@ -0,0 +1,257 @@
+/* Designing tests here based on data in taxform.sql.  We may want to split 
+   this out into another data script. --CT
+ */
+\i Base.sql
+-- Basic setup
+INSERT INTO account_heading(id, accno ) VALUES (-255, '-billion');
+INSERT INTO account (id, accno, category, heading ) VALUES (-255, '-billion', 'T', -255);
+INSERT INTO account (id, accno, category, heading ) VALUES (-256, '-billiontest', 'T', -255);
+INSERT INTO country_tax_form (country_id, form_name, id) VALUES (232, 'Testing Form', -511);
+INSERT INTO parts (id, partnumber, description) values (-255, 'test1', 'test 1');
+INSERT INTO parts (id, partnumber, description) values (-256, 'test2', 'test 2');
+-- Set up an ECAs, for AP.
+INSERT INTO entity_credit_account (id, entity_id, entity_class, meta_number, taxform_id, ar_ap_account_id) VALUES (-255, -100, 1, 'Test account 1', -511, -255);
+INSERT INTO company (id, entity_id, legal_name) VALUES (-1024, -100, 'Testing Tax Form');
+INSERT INTO entity_credit_account (id, entity_id, entity_class, meta_number, taxform_id, ar_ap_account_id) VALUES (-256, -101, 1, 'Test account 2', -511, -255);
+INSERT INTO company (id, entity_id, legal_name) VALUES (-1025, -101, 'Testing Tax Form');
+SELECT (extract('YEAR' from now())|| '-12-01')::date;
+$$ language sql;
+SELECT ((extract('YEAR' from now())|| '-12-01')::date
+        + '1 year'::interval)::date;
+$$ language sql;
+INSERT INTO account_link (account_id, description)
+values (-1000, 'AP');
+UPDATE account SET category = 'L' WHERE id = -1000;
+INSERT INTO account_link (account_id, description)
+values (-1001, 'AP_amount');
+UPDATE account SET category = 'E' WHERE id = -1001;
+INSERT INTO account_link (account_id, description)
+values (-1002, 'AP_paid');
+UPDATE account SET category = 'A' WHERE id = -1002;
+--AP transactions.
+--1) AP transaction: Reportable amount 1000, non-reportable amount $10, paid
+-- in full in current year. id -1024
+INSERT INTO ap (id, transdate, amount, netamount, curr, entity_credit_account,
+                approved)
+values(-1024, date1(), 1010, 1010, 'USD', -255, true);
+INSERT INTO acc_trans(trans_id, chart_id, transdate, amount, approved, entry_id)
+     VALUES (-1024, -1000, date1(), 1010, true, -111);
+INSERT INTO acc_trans(trans_id, chart_id, transdate, amount, approved, entry_id)
+     VALUES (-1024, -1001, date1(), -1000, true, -112);
+INSERT INTO ac_tax_form(entry_id, reportable) values (-112, true);
+INSERT INTO acc_trans(trans_id, chart_id, transdate, amount, approved, entry_id)
+     VALUES (-1024, -1001, date1(), -10, true, -113);
+INSERT INTO acc_trans(trans_id, chart_id, transdate, amount, approved, entry_id)
+     VALUES (-1024, -1002, date1(), 1010, true, -114);
+INSERT INTO acc_trans(trans_id, chart_id, transdate, amount, approved, entry_id)
+     VALUES (-1024, -1000, date1(), -1010, true, -115);
+INSERT INTO test_result(test_name, success)
+SELECT '-1024, cash impact 1 across all dates', sum(portion) = 1 
+  FROM cash_impact
+ WHERE id = -1024;
+INSERT INTO test_result(test_name, success)
+SELECT '-1024, one cash impact row', count(*) = 1 
+  FROM cash_impact
+ WHERE id = -1024;
+-- 2) AP transaction: Reportable amount $1000, non-reportable amount $10,
+-- partially paid ($500) in current year -1025
+INSERT INTO ap (id, transdate, amount, netamount, curr, entity_credit_account,
+            approved)
+values(-1025, date1(), 1010, 1010, 'USD', -255, true);
+INSERT INTO acc_trans(trans_id, chart_id, transdate, amount, approved, entry_id)
+     VALUES (-1025, -1000, date1(), 1010, true, -121);
+INSERT INTO acc_trans(trans_id, chart_id, transdate, amount, approved, entry_id)
+     VALUES (-1025, -1001, date1(), -1000, true, -122);
+INSERT INTO ac_tax_form(entry_id, reportable) values (-122, true);
+INSERT INTO acc_trans(trans_id, chart_id, transdate, amount, approved, entry_id)
+     VALUES (-1025, -1001, date1(), -10, true, -123);
+INSERT INTO acc_trans(trans_id, chart_id, transdate, amount, approved, entry_id)
+     VALUES (-1025, -1002, date1(), 505, true, -124);
+INSERT INTO acc_trans(trans_id, chart_id, transdate, amount, approved, entry_id)
+     VALUES (-1025, -1000, date1(), -505, true, -125);
+INSERT INTO test_result(test_name, success)
+SELECT '-1025, cash impact 0.5 across all dates', sum(portion) = 0.5 
+  FROM cash_impact
+ WHERE id = -1025;
+INSERT INTO test_result(test_name, success)
+SELECT '-1025, one cash impact row', count(*) = 1 
+  FROM cash_impact
+ WHERE id = -1025;
+-- 3)_AP Transaction: Reportable amount $1000, non-reportable amount $10,
+-- paid $500 currnet year, $500 in future year -1026
+INSERT INTO ap (id, transdate, amount, netamount, curr, entity_credit_account,
+            approved)
+      values(-1026, date1(), 1010, 1010, 'USD', -255, true);
+INSERT INTO acc_trans(trans_id, chart_id, transdate, amount, approved, entry_id)
+     VALUES (-1026, -1000, date1(), 1010, true, -131);
+INSERT INTO acc_trans(trans_id, chart_id, transdate, amount, approved, entry_id)
+     VALUES (-1026, -1001, date1(), -1000, true, -132);
+INSERT INTO ac_tax_form(entry_id, reportable) values (-132, true);
+INSERT INTO acc_trans(trans_id, chart_id, transdate, amount, approved, entry_id)
+     VALUES (-1026, -1001, date1(), -10, true, -133);
+INSERT INTO acc_trans(trans_id, chart_id, transdate, amount, approved, entry_id)
+     VALUES (-1026, -1002, date1(), 505, true, -134);
+INSERT INTO acc_trans(trans_id, chart_id, transdate, amount, approved, entry_id)
+     VALUES (-1026, -1000, date1(), -505, true, -135);
+INSERT INTO acc_trans(trans_id, chart_id, transdate, amount, approved, entry_id)
+     VALUES (-1026, -1002, date2(), 505, true, -136);
+INSERT INTO acc_trans(trans_id, chart_id, transdate, amount, approved, entry_id)
+     VALUES (-1026, -1000, date2(), -505, true, -137);
+INSERT INTO test_result(test_name, success)
+SELECT '-1026, cash impact 1 across all dates', sum(portion) = 1 
+  FROM cash_impact
+ WHERE id = -1026;
+INSERT INTO test_result(test_name, success)
+SELECT '-1026, two cash impact rows', count(*) = 2
+  FROM cash_impact
+ WHERE id = -1026;
+INSERT INTO test_result(test_name, success)
+SELECT '-1026, cash impact 0.5 on date 1', portion=0.5
+  FROM cash_impact
+ WHERE id = -1026 and transdate = date1();
+INSERT INTO test_result(test_name, success)
+SELECT '-1026, cash impact 0.5 on date 2', portion=0.5
+  FROM cash_impact
+ WHERE id = -1026 and transdate = date2();
+-- 4) AP transaction: Reportable amount 1000, non-reportable amount $10, paid
+-- $500 currnet year, $500 in future year -1027, to second vendor
+-- Vendor Invoices.
+INSERT INTO ap (id, transdate, amount, netamount, curr, entity_credit_account,
+            approved)
+values(-1027, date1(), 1010, 1010, 'USD', -256, true);
+INSERT INTO acc_trans(trans_id, chart_id, transdate, amount, approved, entry_id)
+     VALUES (-1027, -1000, date1(), 1010, true, -141);
+INSERT INTO acc_trans(trans_id, chart_id, transdate, amount, approved, entry_id)
+     VALUES (-1027, -1001, date1(), -1000, true, -142);
+INSERT INTO ac_tax_form(entry_id, reportable) values (-142, true);
+INSERT INTO acc_trans(trans_id, chart_id, transdate, amount, approved, entry_id)
+     VALUES (-1027, -1001, date1(), -10, true, -143);
+INSERT INTO acc_trans(trans_id, chart_id, transdate, amount, approved, entry_id)
+     VALUES (-1027, -1002, date1(), 1010, true, -144);
+INSERT INTO acc_trans(trans_id, chart_id, transdate, amount, approved, entry_id)
+     VALUES (-1027, -1000, date1(), -1010, true, -145);
+INSERT INTO test_result(test_name, success)
+SELECT '-1027, cash impact 1 across all dates', sum(portion) = 1 
+  FROM cash_impact
+ WHERE id = -1027;
+INSERT INTO test_result(test_name, success)
+SELECT '-1027, one cash impact row', count(*) = 1
+  FROM cash_impact
+ WHERE id = -1027;
+INSERT INTO test_result(test_name, success)
+SELECT 'Account -1001 shows up in accrual income statement', count(*) = 1
+  FROM pnl__income_statement_accrual(date1(), date2() - 1, ARRAY[]::int[])
+ WHERE account_id = -1001;
+INSERT INTO test_result(test_name, success)
+SELECT 'Account -1001 accrual total 4040', amount = 4040
+  FROM pnl__income_statement_accrual(date1(), date2() - 1, ARRAY[]::int[])
+ WHERE account_id = -1001;
+INSERT INTO test_result(test_name, success)
+SELECT 'Account -1001 does not show up in future accrual pnl', count(*) = 0
+  FROM pnl__income_statement_accrual(date2(), date2() + 365, ARRAY[]::int[])
+ WHERE account_id = -1001;
+INSERT INTO test_result(test_name, success)
+SELECT 'Account -1001 shows up in cash income statement', count(*) = 1
+  FROM pnl__income_statement_cash(date1(), date2() - 1, ARRAY[]::int[])
+ WHERE account_id = -1001;
+INSERT INTO test_result(test_name, success)
+SELECT 'Account -1001 cash total 3030', amount = 3030
+  FROM pnl__income_statement_cash(date1(), date2() - 1, ARRAY[]::int[])
+ WHERE account_id = -1001;
+SELECT * FROM pnl__income_statement_cash(date1(), date2() - 1, ARRAY[]::int[]);
+INSERT INTO test_result(test_name, success)
+SELECT 'Account -1001 shows up in future cash pnl', count(*) = 1
+  FROM pnl__income_statement_cash(date2() - 5, date2() + 20, ARRAY[]::int[])
+ WHERE account_id = -1001;
+INSERT INTO test_result(test_name, success)
+SELECT 'Account -1001 future cash total 505', sum(amount) = 505
+  FROM pnl__income_statement_cash(date2() - 5, date2() + 20, ARRAY[]::int[])
+ WHERE account_id = -1001;
+SELECT * FROM test_result;
+SELECT (select count(*) from test_result where success is true) 
+|| ' tests passed and ' 
+|| (select count(*) from test_result where success is not true) 
+|| ' failed' as message;

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