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SF.net SVN: ledger-smb:[4973] trunk/LedgerSMB/DBObject/Entity/Contact.pm

Revision: 4973
Author:   einhverfr
Date:     2012-07-13 06:53:21 +0000 (Fri, 13 Jul 2012)
Log Message:
Adding accidently omitted entity contact class

Added Paths:

Added: trunk/LedgerSMB/DBObject/Entity/Contact.pm
--- trunk/LedgerSMB/DBObject/Entity/Contact.pm	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/LedgerSMB/DBObject/Entity/Contact.pm	2012-07-13 06:53:21 UTC (rev 4973)
@@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
+=head1 NAME
+LedgerSMB::DBObject::Entity::Contact - Contact info handling for LSMB
+=head1 SYNPOSIS
+  @contact_list = LedgerSMB::DBObject::Entity::Contact->list(
+         {entity_id = $entity_id, credit_id = $credit_id }
+  );
+This module provides contact info handling for LedgerSMB.  Each contact info
+record consists of optionally an entity_id or a credit_id, a class, a class
+name, a description, and the actual contact information.  This is used to track
+everything from phone numbers to email addresses both of natural persons and
+companies in LedgerSMB.
+package LedgerSMB::DBObject::Entity::Contact;
+use Moose;
+extends 'LedgerSMB::DBObject_Moose';
+=head1 INHERITS
+=item LedgerSMB::DBObject_Moose;
+=item entity_id Int
+If set this is attached to an entity.  This can optionally be set to a contact
+record attached to a credit account but is ignored in that case.
+has 'entity_id' => (is => 'rw', isa => 'Maybe[Int]');
+=item credit_id Int
+If this is set, this is attached to an entity credit account.  If this and
+entity_id are set, entity_id is ignored.
+has 'credit_id' => (is => 'rw', isa => 'Maybe[Int]');
+=item class_id Int
+This must be set, and references the class id of the contact.  These can be
+presumed to be static values, and are contained in the contact_class table.
+Currently that table contains:
+  id |      class      
+ ----+-----------------
+   1 | Primary Phone
+   2 | Secondary Phone
+   3 | Cell Phone
+   4 | AIM
+   5 | Yahoo
+   6 | Gtalk
+   7 | MSN
+   8 | IRC
+   9 | Fax
+  10 | Generic Jabber
+  11 | Home Phone
+  12 | Email
+  13 | CC
+  14 | BCC
+  15 | Billing Email
+  16 | Billing CC
+  17 | Billing BCC
+has 'class_id' => (is => 'rw', isa => 'Int');
+=item class Str
+This is set when retrieving a contact record to the name of the contact class,
+such as IRC, Fax, or Email.
+has 'class' => (is => 'ro', isa => 'Maybe[Str]');
+=item description Str
+This is set to the description of the contact record.
+has 'description' => (is => 'rw', isa => 'Maybe[Str]');
+=item contact Str
+This is the string with the actual contact information, such as an email address
+or phone number.
+has 'contact' => (is => 'rw', isa => 'Str');
+=item old_class_id
+If this is set, along with old_contact (below), then saving will try to overwrite
+if possible.
+=item old_contact 
+has 'old_class_id' => (is => 'rw', isa => 'Maybe[Int]');
+has 'old_contact' => (is => 'rw', isa => 'Maybe[Str]');
+=head1 METHODS
+=item list($args, $request);
+Returns a list of blessed contact references
+sub list {
+    my ($self, $args, $request) = @_;
+    my @results;
+    for my $ref ($self->call_procedure(procname => 'entity__list_contacts',
+                                             args => [$args->{entity_id}])
+    ){
+       $self->prepare_dbhash($ref);
+       push @results, $self->new($ref);
+    }
+    for my $ref ($self->call_procedure(procname => 'eca__list_contacts',
+                                             args => [$args->{credit_id}])
+    ){
+       $self->prepare_dbhash($ref);
+       $ref->{credit_id} = $args->{credit_id};
+       push @results, $self->new($ref);
+    }
+    return @results;
+=item save()
+Saves the record
+sub save {
+    my ($self) = @_;
+    my $ref;
+    if ($self->credit_id){
+        ($ref) = $self->exec_method({funcname => 'eca__save_contact'});
+    } elsif ($self->entity_id){
+        ($ref) = $self->exec_method({funcname => 'entity__save_contact'});
+    } else {
+        die $LedgerSMB::App_State::Locale->text('Must have credit or entity id');
+    }
+    $self->prepare_dbhash($ref);
+    return $self->new($ref);
+=item delete()
+deletes the record
+sub delete {
+    my ($self) = @_;
+    if ($self->credit_id){
+        $self->exec_method({funcname => 'eca__delete_contact'});
+    } else {
+        $self->exec_method({funcname => 'entity__delete_contact'});
+    }
+=item list_classes()
+Lists classes as unblessed hashrefs
+sub list_classes {
+    return LedgerSMB::DBObject_Moose->call_procedure(
+          procname => 'contact_class__list'
+    );
+OPYRIGHT (C) 2012 The LedgerSMB Core Team.  This file may be re-used under the
+terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 or at your option any later
+version.  Please see the enclosed LICENSE file for details.
+return 1;

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