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SF.net SVN: ledger-smb:[4916] addons/1.3/enhanced_tb/trunk/sql/modules/ enhanced_tb/menu2.sql

Revision: 4916
Author:   einhverfr
Date:     2012-06-18 13:52:40 +0000 (Mon, 18 Jun 2012)
Log Message:
Alternative menu that does not remove previous trial balance for comparison and testing

Added Paths:

Added: addons/1.3/enhanced_tb/trunk/sql/modules/enhanced_tb/menu2.sql
--- addons/1.3/enhanced_tb/trunk/sql/modules/enhanced_tb/menu2.sql	                        (rev 0)
+++ addons/1.3/enhanced_tb/trunk/sql/modules/enhanced_tb/menu2.sql	2012-06-18 13:52:40 UTC (rev 4916)
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+-- Create the trial balance menu entries.
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION enhanced_trial_balance_menu () RETURNS int AS $body$
+        v_tb_node int;
+        v_tb_attr_node int;
+        v_new_id int;
+        v_reports_id int;
+    BEGIN
+        SELECT max(id) + 1 
+          INTO v_tb_node 
+          FROM menu_node;
+        DELETE FROM menu_attribute WHERE node_id = v_tb_node;
+        INSERT INTO menu_attribute (node_id, attribute, value ) 
+             VALUES (v_tb_node, 'menu', 1)
+             RETURNING id INTO v_tb_attr_node;
+        INSERT INTO menu_node (label, parent, position) 
+             VALUES ('New', v_tb_node, 2)
+          RETURNING id INTO v_new_id;
+        INSERT INTO menu_node (label, parent, position)
+             VALUES ('Reports', v_tb_node, 1)
+          RETURNING id INTO v_reports_id;
+        /*
+           Set up the control structire for the menu attribute stuff.
+           First, new. We need:
+           * action
+           * module (code file)
+        */
+        INSERT INTO menu_attribute (node_id, attribute, value)
+             VALUES (v_new_id, 'action', 'new');
+        INSERT INTO menu_attribute (node_id, attribute, value)
+             VALUES (v_new_id, 'module', 'trial_balance.pl');
+        /* Then the reports */
+        INSERT INTO menu_attribute (node_id, attribute, value)
+             VALUES (v_reports_id, 'action', 'reports');
+        INSERT INTO menu_attribute (node_id, attribute, value)
+             VALUES (v_reports_id, 'module', 'trial_balance.pl');
+        RETURN 1;
+    END;
+SELECT * FROM enhanced_trial_balance_menu (); 
+DROP FUNCTION enhanced_trial_balance_menu ();
+SELECT 'Commit if 2 records.';
+SELECT ma.* FROM menu_attribute ma, menu_node p, menu_node c WHERE ma.node_id = c.id AND (p.id = c.parent AND p.label = 'Trial Balance') group by ma.id, ma.node_id, ma.attribute, ma.value;

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