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SF.net SVN: ledger-smb:[4895] trunk/sql/modules/trial_balance.sql

Revision: 4895
Author:   einhverfr
Date:     2012-06-14 12:11:27 +0000 (Thu, 14 Jun 2012)
Log Message:
New trial balance stored procedures now work, but needs some help with porting to business units

Added Paths:

Added: trunk/sql/modules/trial_balance.sql
--- trunk/sql/modules/trial_balance.sql	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/sql/modules/trial_balance.sql	2012-06-14 12:11:27 UTC (rev 4895)
@@ -0,0 +1,343 @@
+  RETURNS SETOF anyelement AS
+    generate_series(array_lower($1,1),
+                    array_upper($1,1)) i;
+create type tb_row AS (
+   account_id int,
+   account_number text,
+   account_desc text,
+   gifi_accno	text,
+   starting_balance numeric,
+   debits numeric,
+   credits numeric,
+   ending_balance numeric
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION trial_balance__generate 
+(in_date_from DATE, in_date_to DATE, in_heading INT, in_accounts INT[],
+ in_ignore_yearend TEXT, in_department INT) 
+returns setof tb_row AS
+	out_row         tb_row;
+        t_roll_forward  date;
+        t_cp            account_checkpoint;
+        ignore_trans    int[];
+        t_start_date    date; 
+        t_end_date      date;
+    IF in_date_from IS NULL AND in_ignore_yearend = 'none' THEN
+       SELECT max(end_date) INTO t_roll_forward 
+         FROM account_checkpoint;
+    ELSIF in_date_from IS NULL AND in_ignore_yearend = 'last' THEN
+       SELECT max(end_date) INTO t_roll_forward 
+         FROM account_checkpoint 
+        WHERE end_date < (select max(gl.transdate)
+                            FROM gl JOIN yearend y ON y.trans_id = gl.id
+                           WHERE y.transdate < coalesce(in_date_to, gl.transdate)
+                         );
+    ELSIF in_date_from IS NULL THEN
+       SELECT min(transdate)  INTO t_roll_forward
+         FROM (select min(transdate) as transdate from ar
+                union ALL
+               select min(transdate) from ap
+                union all
+               select min(transdate) from gl) gl;
+    ELSE
+      SELECT max(end_date) INTO t_roll_forward
+         FROM account_checkpoint 
+        WHERE end_date < in_date_from;
+    END IF;
+    IF t_roll_forward IS NULL THEN
+       SELECT min(transdate) INTO t_roll_forward FROM acc_trans;
+    END IF;
+    IF in_ignore_yearend = 'last' THEN
+       SELECT ARRAY[trans_id] INTO ignore_trans FROM yearend 
+     ORDER BY transdate DESC LIMIT 1;
+    ELSIF in_ignore_yearend = 'all' THEN
+       SELECT array_agg(trans_id) INTO ignore_trans FROM yearend;
+    ELSE 
+       ignore_trans := '{}';
+    END IF;
+    IF in_date_to IS NULL THEN
+        SELECT max(transdate) INTO t_end_date FROM acc_trans;
+    ELSE
+        t_end_date := in_date_to;
+    END IF;
+       WITH ac (transdate, amount, chart_id) AS (
+       SELECT ac.transdate, ac.amount, ac.chart_id
+         FROM acc_trans ac
+         JOIN (SELECT id, approved, department_id FROM ar UNION ALL
+               SELECT id, approved, department_id FROM ap UNION ALL
+               SELECT id, approved, department_id FROM gl) gl
+                   ON ac.approved and gl.approved and ac.trans_id = gl.id
+        WHERE ac.transdate BETWEEN t_roll_forward + '1 day'::interval 
+                                    AND t_end_date
+              AND ac.trans_id <> ALL(ignore_trans)
+              AND (in_department is null 
+                 or gl.department_id = in_department)
+       )
+       SELECT a.id, a.accno, a.description, a.gifi_accno,
+         case when in_date_from is null then 0 else
+              CASE WHEN a.category IN ('A', 'E') THEN -1 ELSE 1 END 
+              * (coalesce(cp.amount, 0) 
+              + sum(CASE WHEN ac.transdate <= coalesce(in_date_from, 
+                                                      t_roll_forward)
+                         THEN ac.amount ELSE 0 END)) end, 
+              sum(CASE WHEN ac.transdate BETWEEN coalesce(in_date_from, 
+                                                         t_roll_forward)
+                                                 AND coalesce(in_date_to, 
+                                                         ac.transdate)
+                             AND ac.amount < 0 THEN ac.amount * -1 ELSE 0 END) -
+              case when in_date_from is null then coalesce(cp.debits, 0) else 0 end, 
+              sum(CASE WHEN ac.transdate BETWEEN coalesce(in_date_from, 
+                                                         t_roll_forward) 
+                                                 AND coalesce(in_date_to, 
+                                                         ac.transdate)
+                             AND ac.amount > 0 THEN ac.amount ELSE 0 END) + 
+              case when in_date_from is null then coalesce(cp.credits, 0) else 0 end, 
+              CASE WHEN a.category IN ('A', 'E') THEN -1 ELSE 1 END 
+              * (coalesce(cp.amount, 0) + sum(coalesce(ac.amount, 0)))
+         FROM account a
+    LEFT JOIN ac ON ac.chart_id = a.id
+    LEFT JOIN account_checkpoint cp ON cp.account_id = a.id
+              AND end_date = t_roll_forward
+        WHERE (in_accounts IS NULL OR in_accounts = '{}' 
+               OR a.id = ANY(in_accounts))
+              AND (in_heading IS NULL OR in_heading = a.heading)
+     GROUP BY a.id, a.accno, a.description, a.category, a.gifi_accno,
+              cp.end_date, cp.account_id, cp.amount, cp.debits, cp.credits
+     ORDER BY a.accno;
+$$ language plpgsql;
+CREATE TABLE trial_balance__yearend_types (
+    type text primary key
+INSERT INTO trial_balance__yearend_types (type) VALUES ('none');
+INSERT INTO trial_balance__yearend_types (type) VALUES ('all');
+INSERT INTO trial_balance__yearend_types (type) VALUES ('last');
+CREATE TABLE trial_balance (
+    id serial primary key,
+    date_from date, 
+    date_to date,
+    description text NOT NULL,
+    yearend text not null references trial_balance__yearend_types(type)
+CREATE TABLE trial_balance__account_to_report (
+    report_id int not null references trial_balance(id),
+    account_id int not null references account(id)
+CREATE TABLE trial_balance__heading_to_report (
+    report_id int not null references trial_balance(id),
+    heading_id int not null references account_heading(id)
+CREATE TYPE trial_balance__entry AS (
+    id int,
+    date_from date,
+    date_to date,
+    description text,
+    yearend text,
+    heading_id int,
+    accounts int[]
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION trial_balance__get (
+    in_report_id int
+) RETURNS trial_balance__entry AS $body$
+    SELECT tb.id, 
+           tb.date_from, 
+           tb.date_to, 
+           tb.description, 
+           tb.yearend,
+           tbh.heading_id,
+           (ARRAY(SELECT account_id FROM trial_balance__account_to_report WHERE report_id = tb.id)) as accounts
+     FROM trial_balance tb
+     LEFT OUTER JOIN trial_balance__heading_to_report tbh ON tbh.report_id = tb.id
+     WHERE tb.id = $1;
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION trial_balance__save (
+    in_id int,
+    in_date_from date,
+    in_date_to date,
+    in_desc text,
+    in_yearend text,
+    in_heading int,
+    in_accounts int[]
+) RETURNS int AS $body$
+        old_heading_id int;
+        new_report_id int;
+        iter int;
+        acc_id int;
+    BEGIN
+        PERFORM id 
+           FROM trial_balance
+          WHERE id = in_id;
+            -- This is an edit.
+            UPDATE trial_balance
+               SET date_from   = in_date_from,
+                   date_to     = in_date_to,
+                   description = in_desc,
+                   yearend     = in_yearend
+             WHERE id = in_id;
+            SELECT heading_id 
+              INTO old_heading_id
+              FROM trial_balance__heading_to_report
+             WHERE heading_id = in_heading
+               AND report_id = in_id;
+            IF FOUND AND in_heading IS NULL THEN
+                DELETE FROM trial_balance__heading_to_report
+                      WHERE report_id = in_id
+                        AND heading_id = old_heading_id;
+                -- Expect to remove the heading ID.
+            ELSIF FOUND AND in_heading <> old_heading_id THEN
+                UPDATE trial_balance__heading_to_report
+                   SET heading_id = in_heading
+                 WHERE heading_id = old_heading_id
+                   AND report_id = in_id;
+            -- Else, do nothing.
+            END IF;
+            IF in_accounts IS NOT NULL AND in_accounts <> '{}' THEN
+                -- First, we add the new ones.
+                DELETE FROM trial_balance__account_to_report WHERE report_id = in_id;
+                FOR 
+                    iter IN array_lower(in_accounts, 1) .. array_upper(in_accounts, 1) 
+                LOOP
+                    INSERT INTO trial_balance__account_to_report (report_id, account_id)
+                         VALUES (in_id, in_accounts[iter]);
+                END LOOP;
+            ELSE
+                -- It's null.
+                -- We can drop all the direct account entries.
+                DELETE 
+                  FROM trial_balance__account_to_report
+                 WHERE report_id = in_id;
+            END IF;
+            return in_id;
+        ELSE 
+            -- We don't have a trial balance setup.
+            -- We can just create a new one whole cloth. Woo!
+            new_report_id := nextval('trial_balance_id_seq');
+            INSERT INTO trial_balance (id, date_from, date_to, description, yearend)
+                 VALUES (new_report_id, in_date_from, in_date_to, in_desc, in_yearend);
+            IF in_heading IS NOT NULL THEN
+                INSERT INTO trial_balance__heading_to_report (report_id, heading_id)
+                     VALUES (new_report_id, in_heading);
+            END IF;
+            IF in_accounts IS NOT NULL and in_accounts <> '{}' THEN
+                -- Iterate over the length of the array, and insert each one into the
+                -- account-to-report table.
+                -- Because this targets 8.2, we can't use the 8.4 function unnest();
+                FOR 
+                    iter IN array_lower(in_accounts, 1) .. array_upper(in_accounts, 1) 
+                LOOP
+                    INSERT INTO trial_balance__account_to_report (report_id, account_id)
+                         VALUES (new_report_id, in_accounts[iter]);
+                END LOOP;
+            END IF;
+            return new_report_id;
+        END IF;
+    END;
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION trial_balance__accounts (
+    in_report_id INT
+) RETURNS SETOF account AS $body$
+    SELECT a.* 
+      FROM account a
+      JOIN trial_balance__account_to_report tbr ON a.id = tbr.account_id
+     WHERE tbr.report_id = $1
+     UNION
+     SELECT a.*
+       FROM account a
+       JOIN trial_balance__heading_to_report tbhr ON a.heading = tbhr.heading_id
+      WHERE tbhr.report_id = $1
+      ORDER BY accno DESC;
+-- Just lists all valid report_ids
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION trial_balance__list (
+) RETURNS SETOF trial_balance AS $body$
+    SELECT * FROM trial_balance ORDER BY id ASC;
+CREATE TYPE trial_balance__heading AS (
+    id int,
+    accno text,
+    description text,
+    accounts int[]
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION trial_balance__list_headings (
+) RETURNS SETOF trial_balance__heading AS $body$
+    SELECT id, accno, description, ARRAY( SELECT id FROM account where heading = ah.id) FROM account_heading ah;
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION trial_balance__heading_accounts (
+    in_accounts int[]
+) RETURNS SETOF account AS $body$
+    SELECT * FROM account WHERE id in (SELECT unnest($1));
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION trial_balance__delete (
+    in_report_id int
+) RETURNS boolean AS $body$
+    BEGIN
+        PERFORM id FROM trial_balance WHERE id = in_report_id;
+        IF FOUND THEN
+            DELETE FROM trial_balance__heading_to_report WHERE report_id = in_report_id;
+            DELETE FROM trial_balance__account_to_report WHERE report_id = in_report_id;
+            DELETE FROM trial_balance WHERE id = in_report_id;
+            RETURN TRUE;
+        END IF;
+        RETURN FALSE;
+    END;

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