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SF.net SVN: ledger-smb:[4893] addons/1.3/enhanced_tb/trunk/sql/modules/ trial_balance.sql

Revision: 4893
Author:   einhverfr
Date:     2012-06-13 11:12:23 +0000 (Wed, 13 Jun 2012)
Log Message:
Enhanced trial balance now seems to work with a small issue that accounts which have been inactive for long enough fall out of the unbounded report ignoring all yearends.  I believe this is actually a bug in the checkpoint logic however

Modified Paths:

Modified: addons/1.3/enhanced_tb/trunk/sql/modules/trial_balance.sql
--- addons/1.3/enhanced_tb/trunk/sql/modules/trial_balance.sql	2012-06-12 01:27:44 UTC (rev 4892)
+++ addons/1.3/enhanced_tb/trunk/sql/modules/trial_balance.sql	2012-06-13 11:12:23 UTC (rev 4893)
@@ -21,229 +21,117 @@
 CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION trial_balance__generate 
-(i_date_from DATE, i_date_to DATE, in_heading INT, in_accounts INT[],
- in_ignore_yearend TEXT, in_department INT, in_precision int) 
+(in_date_from DATE, in_date_to DATE, in_heading INT, in_accounts INT[],
+ in_ignore_yearend TEXT, in_department INT) 
 returns setof tb_row AS
 	out_row         tb_row;
-	adj_row         RECORD;
-	cpa_date        DATE;
-	cpb_date        DATE;
-	date_to         DATE;
-	date_from       DATE;
-	yearend_trans   INT;
-	yearends        INT[];
-    include_trans   INT;
-    precision    int;
+        t_roll_forward  date;
+        t_cp            account_checkpoint;
+        ignore_trans    int;
+        t_start_date    date; 
+        t_end_date      date;
-    precision := coalesce(in_precision, 1000);
-    -- don't bother with checking from/to dates for NULL below.
-    IF i_date_from IS NULL THEN
-     SELECT min(transdate) - '1 day'::interval INTO date_from from acc_trans;
+    IF in_date_from IS NULL AND in_ignore_yearend = 'none' THEN
+       SELECT max(end_date) INTO t_roll_forward 
+         FROM account_checkpoint;
+    ELSIF in_date_from IS NULL AND in_ignore_yearend = 'last' THEN
+       SELECT max(end_date) INTO t_roll_forward 
+         FROM account_checkpoint 
+        WHERE end_date < (select max(gl.transdate)
+                            FROM gl JOIN yearend y ON y.trans_id = gl.id
+                           WHERE y.transdate < coalesce(in_date_to, gl.transdate)
+                         );
+    ELSIF in_date_from IS NULL THEN
+       SELECT min(transdate)  INTO t_roll_forward
+         FROM (select min(transdate) as transdate from ar
+                union
+               select min(transdate) from ap
+                union
+               select min(transdate) from gl) gl;
-     date_from = i_date_from;
-    END IF;          
-    IF i_date_to IS NULL THEN
-     SELECT max(transdate) + '1 day'::interval INTO date_to from acc_trans;
-    ELSE
-     date_to = i_date_to;
+      SELECT max(end_date) INTO t_roll_forward
+         FROM account_checkpoint 
+        WHERE end_date < in_date_from;
     END IF;
-    -- assemble a list of transactions that shouldn't be included in a trial
-    -- balance
-    IF in_ignore_yearend = 'last' THEN
-        SELECT  trans_id INTO include_trans
-        FROM yearend WHERE transdate <= date_to
-        ORDER by transdate DESC LIMIT 1;
-        yearends = yearends || include_trans;
+    IF t_roll_forward IS NULL THEN
+       SELECT min(transdate) INTO t_roll_forward FROM acc_trans;
     END IF;
-    IF in_ignore_yearend = 'all' THEN
-        FOR yearend_trans IN SELECT trans_id FROM yearend 
-        WHERE transdate <= date_to
-        LOOP
-            yearends = yearends || yearend_trans;
-        END LOOP;
-    END IF;
-    -- setup checkpoint stuff since can't do this in the from clause so well
-    -- the latest checkpoint before the start of the balance period
-    IF i_date_from IS NOT NULL THEN
-        SELECT end_date INTO cpa_date 
-        FROM account_checkpoint
-        WHERE end_date < date_from
-        ORDER BY end_date DESC LIMIT 1;
-    ELSE
-        cpa_date = NULL;
+    IF in_ignore_yearend = 'last' THEN
+       SELECT trans_id INTO ignore_trans FROM yearend 
+     ORDER BY transdate DESC LIMIT 1;
     END IF;
-    -- the latest checkpoint before the end of the balance period
-    SELECT end_date INTO cpb_date
-    FROM account_checkpoint
-    WHERE end_date >= date_from AND end_date <= date_to
-    ORDER BY end_date DESC LIMIT 1;
-	FOR out_row IN
-                -- main trial balance query
-		SELECT a.id, a.accno, a.description, a.gifi_accno,
-			(COALESCE(SUM(CASE WHEN ac.transdate < date_from 
-                THEN COALESCE(round(ac.amount, precision), 0) 
-                ELSE 0 END), 0) + 
-                COALESCE(round(cpa.amount, precision), 0))
-                * CASE WHEN a.contra THEN -1 ELSE 1 END
-				* CASE WHEN a.category IN ('A', 'E') THEN -1 ELSE 1 END,
-			-- debits value is end_checkpoint.debit - start_checkpoint.debit
-			-- + all transactions after end_checkpoint - all transactions
-			-- between the start checkpoint and the start_date.
-			-- Most conditions are for the case of either start or the
-			-- checkpoint missing.
-			COALESCE(abs(round(cpb.debits, precision)), 0) +
-			ELSE
-			    CASE WHEN (cpb.end_date IS NOT NULL
-			               AND ac.transdate > cpb.end_date) OR
-			               (cpb.end_date IS NULL
-			               AND ac.transdate >= date_from) 
-			            THEN round(ac.amount, precision) * -1
-			        WHEN (cpb.end_date IS NOT NULL AND
-			              ac.transdate < date_from)
-			            THEN round(ac.amount, precision) * -1
-			        ELSE 0
-			    END
-			END), 0) - 
-			-- we should only substract starting segment if we have added
-			-- the value of ending one first.
-			CASE WHEN cpb.end_date IS NOT NULL THEN
-			    COALESCE(cpa.debits, 0)
-			ELSE 0 END,
-			-- see comment in debits for explanation of the case below.            
-            COALESCE(round(cpb.credits, precision), 0) +     
-            COALESCE(SUM (CASE WHEN COALESCE(ac.amount, -1) < 0 THEN 0 
-            ELSE    
-                CASE WHEN (cpb.end_date IS NOT NULL 
-                           AND ac.transdate > cpb.end_date) OR
-                           (cpb.end_date IS NULL 
-                           AND ac.transdate >= date_from)
-                        THEN round(ac.amount, precision)
-                     WHEN (cpb.end_date IS NOT NULL AND 
-                           ac.transdate < date_from)
-                        THEN -ac.amount
-                     ELSE 0
-                END
-            END), 0) - 
-            CASE WHEN cpb.end_date IS NOT NULL THEN 
-                COALESCE(cpa.credits, 0)
-            ELSE 0 END,
-			               ac.transdate > cpb.end_date) AND 
-		                   (ac.transdate >= date_from)
-                        THEN 
-                        COALESCE(round(ac.amount, precision), 0) ELSE 0 END), 0) +
-                        COALESCE(round(cpb.amount, precision), 0))
-               * CASE WHEN a.contra 
-                        THEN -1 ELSE 1 END
-               * CASE WHEN a.category IN ('A', 'E') 
-                        THEN -1 ELSE 1 END
-       -- acc_trans has the most rows among all tables. We try to eliminate
-       -- most before the join. 
-		FROM account a
-		(SELECT ac.chart_id, ac.trans_id, ac.amount, ac.transdate 
-    	 FROM acc_trans ac
-     	 JOIN -- Moving this join into the inline view so as to avoid
-             -- inner vs left join problems 
-     	(SELECT id, approved FROM ar
- 		 UNION
-         SELECT id, approved FROM gl
-         UNION
-         SELECT id, approved FROM ap) gl 
-        ON (ac.trans_id = gl.id AND gl.approved IS TRUE)
-    	 WHERE ac.approved IS TRUE AND transdate <= date_to AND
-    	 ((cpa_date IS NULL AND cpb_date IS NOT NULL AND 
-     	 (ac.transdate < date_from OR ac.transdate > cpb_date)) OR
-     	 (cpa_date IS NOT NULL AND cpb_date IS NOT NULL AND 
-     	 ((ac.transdate > cpa_date AND ac.transdate < date_from) 
-     	 OR ac.transdate > cpb_date)) OR
-     	 (cpa_date IS NULL AND cpb_date IS NULL) OR 
-     	 (cpa_date IS NOT NULL AND cpb_date IS NULL AND 
-     	 ac.transdate > cpa_date))) ac ON  (ac.chart_id = a.id)
-		LEFT JOIN (SELECT account_id, amount, end_date, debits, credits
-                     FROM account_checkpoint 
-                    WHERE end_date = cpa_date) cpa
-                   ON (cpa.account_id = a.id)
-        LEFT JOIN (SELECT account_id, amount, end_date, debits, credits
-                    FROM account_checkpoint
-                    WHERE end_date = cpb_date) cpb
-                    ON (cpb.account_id = a.id)
-		WHERE ((a.heading = in_heading) OR 
-			  (a.id = any(in_accounts)) OR
-			  ((in_accounts IS NULL or in_accounts = '{}') 
-                          AND in_heading IS NULL))
-		GROUP BY a.id, a.description, a.accno, a.gifi_accno, 
-				 a.contra, a.category,cpa.end_date, cpb.end_date,
-                 cpa.amount, cpb.amount, cpa.debits, cpb.debits,
-                 cpa.credits, cpb.credits                                         
-          ORDER BY a.accno
-	    -- if ignore_yearends is none - we are done. Otherwise we have to
-	    -- substract the value of yearend transactions for each account.
-	    -- We can do it in the main query, cause some of these transactions
-	    -- are never visited there, since their amounts are included in the
-	    -- checkpoints.
-	    IF in_ignore_yearend != 'none' THEN
-	        SELECT
-	        SUM(CASE WHEN ac.transdate < date_from
-	        THEN ac.amount ELSE 0 END) 
-	         * CASE WHEN a.contra THEN -1 ELSE 1 END
-			 * CASE WHEN a.category IN ('A', 'E') THEN -1 ELSE 1 END
-	        AS start,
-            SUM(CASE WHEN ac.transdate >= date_from AND ac.amount < 0 
-            THEN ac.amount ELSE 0 END) AS debits,
-            SUM(CASE WHEN ac.transdate >= date_from AND ac.amount > 0 
-            THEN ac.amount ELSE 0 END) AS credits,
-            SUM(ac.amount) 
-            * CASE WHEN a.contra THEN -1 ELSE 1 END
-			* CASE WHEN a.category IN ('A', 'E') THEN -1 ELSE 1 END
-            AS end
-	        INTO adj_row FROM acc_trans ac JOIN account a 
-	        ON (a.id = ac.chart_id) WHERE 
-	        ac.chart_id = out_row.account_id AND 
-	        ac.trans_id = any(yearends) AND ac.transdate <= date_to
-	        GROUP BY a.contra,a.category;
-	        IF (ROW(adj_row.start, adj_row.debits, adj_row.credits,
-	            adj_row.end) != ROW(0,0,0,0)) THEN
-	            out_row.starting_balance = 
-	                out_row.starting_balance - adj_row.start;
-	            out_row.debits = 
-    	            out_row.debits - adj_row.debits;
-    	        out_row.credits = 
-        	        out_row.credits - adj_row.credits;
-        	    out_row.ending_balance = 
-        	        out_row.ending_balance - adj_row.end;    	            
-	        END IF;
-	    END IF;
-		RETURN NEXT out_row;
+       SELECT a.id, a.accno, a.description, a.gifi_accno,
+         case when in_date_from is null then 0 else
+              CASE WHEN a.category IN ('A', 'E') THEN -1 ELSE 1 END 
+              * (coalesce(cp.amount, 0) 
+              + sum(CASE WHEN ac.transdate <= coalesce(in_date_from, 
+                                                      t_roll_forward)
+                         THEN ac.amount ELSE 0 END)) end, 
+              sum(CASE WHEN ac.transdate BETWEEN coalesce(in_date_from, 
+                                                         t_roll_forward)
+                                                 AND coalesce(in_date_to, 
+                                                         ac.transdate)
+                             AND ac.amount < 0 THEN ac.amount * -1 ELSE 0 END) -
+              case when in_date_from is null then coalesce(cp.debits, 0) else 0 end, 
+              sum(CASE WHEN ac.transdate BETWEEN coalesce(in_date_from, 
+                                                         t_roll_forward) 
+                                                 AND coalesce(in_date_to, 
+                                                         ac.transdate)
+                             AND ac.amount > 0 THEN ac.amount ELSE 0 END) + 
+              case when in_date_from is null then coalesce(cp.credits, 0) else 0 end, 
+              CASE WHEN a.category IN ('A', 'E') THEN -1 ELSE 1 END 
+              * (coalesce(cp.amount, 0) + sum(coalesce(ac.amount, 0)))
+         FROM account a
+    LEFT JOIN (select acc_trans.*, department_id 
+                 from acc_trans 
+                 JOIN (SELECT id, approved, department_id FROM ar UNION ALL
+                       SELECT id, approved, department_id FROM ap UNION ALL
+                       SELECT id, approved, department_id FROM gl) gl
+                       ON acc_trans.approved and gl.approved 
+                              and acc_trans.trans_id = gl.id
+                WHERE t_roll_forward is null
+                union
+               select acc_trans.*, department_id 
+                 from acc_trans
+                 JOIN (SELECT id, approved, department_id FROM ar UNION ALL
+                       SELECT id, approved, department_id FROM ap UNION ALL
+                       SELECT id, approved, department_id FROM gl) gl 
+                       ON acc_trans.approved and gl.approved 
+                              and acc_trans.trans_id = gl.id
+                where acc_trans.transdate >= t_roll_forward) ac 
+              ON ac.chart_id = a.id
+    LEFT JOIN account_checkpoint cp ON cp.account_id = a.id
+              AND end_date = t_roll_forward
+    LEFT JOIN yearend y ON y.trans_id = ac.trans_id
+        WHERE (in_accounts IS NULL OR in_accounts = '{}' 
+               OR a.id = ANY(in_accounts))
+             and (ac.trans_id is null or 
+             (cp.end_date is null or cp.end_date < ac.transdate)
+             AND (in_date_to is null or ac.transdate <= in_date_to))
+   --           AND (in_department is null 
+   --              or ac.department_id = in_department)
+   --           AND (in_heading IS NULL OR in_heading = a.heading)
+   --           AND (in_ignore_yearend = 'none' OR
+   --                (in_ignore_yearend = 'last' AND ac.trans_id <> ignore_trans)
+   --                OR y.trans_id is null)
+     GROUP BY a.id, a.accno, a.description, a.category, a.gifi_accno,
+              cp.end_date, cp.account_id, cp.amount, cp.debits, cp.credits
+     ORDER BY a.accno;
 $$ language plpgsql;
 CREATE TABLE trial_balance__yearend_types (
     type text primary key
 INSERT INTO trial_balance__yearend_types (type) VALUES ('none');
 INSERT INTO trial_balance__yearend_types (type) VALUES ('all');
 INSERT INTO trial_balance__yearend_types (type) VALUES ('last');

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