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SF.net SVN: ledger-smb:[4783] trunk

Revision: 4783
Author:   einhverfr
Date:     2012-05-26 08:47:09 +0000 (Sat, 26 May 2012)
Log Message:
ordering now works on reporting framework.  Unsure about subtotals
Also moved contact search to new reporting framework and made it more extensible.

Modified Paths:

Added Paths:

Removed Paths:

Property Changed:

Property changes on: trunk
Modified: svn:mergeinfo
   - /branches/1.3:3711-4777
   + /branches/1.3:3711-4782

Modified: trunk/LedgerSMB/App_State.pm
--- trunk/LedgerSMB/App_State.pm	2012-05-25 23:36:03 UTC (rev 4782)
+++ trunk/LedgerSMB/App_State.pm	2012-05-26 08:47:09 UTC (rev 4783)
@@ -139,6 +139,19 @@
+=item get_url
+Returns URL of get request or undef
+sub get_url {
+    if ($ENV{REQUEST_METHOD} ne 'GET') {
+       return undef;
+    }

Modified: trunk/LedgerSMB/DBObject/Report/GL.pm
--- trunk/LedgerSMB/DBObject/Report/GL.pm	2012-05-25 23:36:03 UTC (rev 4782)
+++ trunk/LedgerSMB/DBObject/Report/GL.pm	2012-05-26 08:47:09 UTC (rev 4783)
@@ -205,6 +205,16 @@
              text => $locale->text('Source')}];
+=item subtotal_cols
+Returns list of columns for subtotals
+sub subtotal_cols {
+    return ['debits', 'credits'];
 =head2 Criteria Properties
 Note that in all cases, undef matches everything.

Modified: trunk/LedgerSMB/DBObject/Report.pm
--- trunk/LedgerSMB/DBObject/Report.pm	2012-05-25 23:36:03 UTC (rev 4782)
+++ trunk/LedgerSMB/DBObject/Report.pm	2012-05-26 08:47:09 UTC (rev 4783)
@@ -108,6 +108,46 @@
 has 'format' => (is => 'rw', isa => 'Maybe[Str]');
+=item order_by
+The column to order on.  used in providing subtotals also.
+has order_by  => (is => 'rw', isa => 'Maybe[Str]');
+=item old_order_by
+Previous order by.  Used internally to determine order direction.
+has old_order_by  => (is => 'rw', isa => 'Maybe[Str]');
+=item order_dir
+either asc, desc, or undef.  used to determine next ordering.
+has order_dir  => (is => 'rw', isa => 'Maybe[Str]');
+=item order_url
+Url for order redirection.  Interal only.
+has order_url  => (is => 'rw', isa => 'Maybe[Str]');
+=item show_subtotals
+bool, determines whether to show subtotals.
+has show_subtotals => (is => 'rw', isa => 'Bool');
 =head1 METHODS
@@ -129,6 +169,52 @@
     eval {$template = $self->template};
     $template ||= 'Reports/display_report';
+    # Sorting and Subtotal logic
+    my $url = LedgerSMB::App_State::get_url();
+    if ($self->order_by eq $self->old_order_by){
+        if (lc($self->order_dir) eq 'asc'){
+            $self->order_dir('desc');
+        } else {
+            $self->order_dir('asc');
+        }
+    }
+    $url =~ s/&?order_by=[^\&]*/$1/g;
+    $url =~ s/&?order_dir=[^\&]*/$1/g;
+    $self->order_url(
+        "$url&old_order_by=".$self->order_by."&order_dir=".$self->order_dir
+    );
+    my $rows = $self->rows;
+    @$rows = sort {$a->{$self->order_by} cmp $b->{$self->order_by}} @$rows
+      if $self->order_by;
+    if (lc($self->order_dir) eq 'desc' and $self->order_by) {
+        @$rows = reverse @$rows;
+    }
+    $self->rows($rows);
+    if ($self->show_subtotals){
+        my @newrows;
+        my $subtotals = {html_class => 'subtotal'};
+        for my $col ({eval $self->subtotal_on}){
+           $subtotals->{$col} = 0;
+        }
+        my $col_val = undef;
+        for my $r (@{$self->rows}){
+            if (defined $col_val and ($col_val ne $r->{$self->order_by})){
+                push @newrows, $subtotals;
+                $subtotals = {html_class => 'subtotal'};
+                for my $col ({eval $self->subtotal_on}){
+                    $subtotals->{$col} = 0;
+                }
+            }
+            for my $col ({eval $self->subtotal_on}){
+                $subtotals->{$col} += $r->{$col};
+            }
+            push @newrows, $r;
+        }
+   } 
+    # Rendering
     if (!defined $self->format){
@@ -144,6 +230,7 @@
                          name => $self->name,
                        hlines => $self->header_lines,
                       columns => $self->show_cols($request), 
+                    order_url => $self->order_url,
                          rows => $self->rows});

Property changes on: trunk/LedgerSMB/Scripts/account.pm
Modified: svn:mergeinfo
   - /branches/1.3/LedgerSMB/Scripts/account.pm:4369-4777
   + /branches/1.3/LedgerSMB/Scripts/account.pm:3712-4782

Property changes on: trunk/LedgerSMB/Scripts/admin.pm
Modified: svn:mergeinfo
   - /branches/1.3/LedgerSMB/Scripts/admin.pm:3901-4777
   + /branches/1.3/LedgerSMB/Scripts/admin.pm:3712-4782

Copied: trunk/LedgerSMB/Scripts/contact.pm (from rev 4779, trunk/LedgerSMB/Scripts/customer.pm)
--- trunk/LedgerSMB/Scripts/contact.pm	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/LedgerSMB/Scripts/contact.pm	2012-05-26 08:47:09 UTC (rev 4783)
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+=head1 NAME
+LedgerSMB::Scripts::contact - LedgerSMB class defining the Controller
+functions, template instantiation and rendering for customer editing and display.
+=head1 SYOPSIS
+This module is the UI controller for the customer, vendor, etc functions; it 
+=head1 METHODS
+package LedgerSMB::Scripts::contact;
+use LedgerSMB::DBObject::Customer;
+use base qw(LedgerSMB::ScriptLib::Company);
+=head1 INHERITS
+Copyright (c) 2009, the LedgerSMB Core Team.  This is licensed under the GNU 
+General Public License, version 2, or at your option any later version.  Please 
+see the accompanying License.txt for more information.
+=head1 METHODS
+=item get_by_cc 
+Populates the company area with info on the company, pulled up through the 
+control code
+sub get_by_cc {
+    my ($request) = @_;
+    $request->{entity_class} ||= $request->{account_class};
+    $request->{legal_name} ||= 'test';
+    $request->{country_id} = 0;
+    my $company = LedgerSMB::DBObject::Entity::Company->new(%$request);
+    $company = $company->get_by_cc($request->{control_code});
+    $request->{company} = $company;
+    LedgerSMB::ScriptLib::Company::_render_main_screen($request, $company);
+=item get($self, $request, $user)
+Requires form var: id
+Extracts a single company from the database, using its company ID as the primary
+point of uniqueness. Shows (appropriate to user privileges) and allows editing
+of the company information.
+sub get {
+    my ($request) = @_;
+    $request->{entity_class} ||= $request->{account_class};
+    $request->{legal_name} ||= 'test';
+    my $company = LedgerSMB::DBObject::Entity::Company->new(%$request);
+    $company = $company->get($request->{entity_id});
+    $request->{company} = $company;
+    LedgerSMB::ScriptLib::Company::_render_main_screen($request, $company);

Property changes on: trunk/LedgerSMB/Scripts/contact.pm
Added: svn:mergeinfo
   + /branches/1.3/LedgerSMB/Scripts/customer.pm:3712-4782

Copied: trunk/LedgerSMB/Scripts/contact_reports.pm (from rev 4778, trunk/LedgerSMB/Scripts/report_aging.pm)
--- trunk/LedgerSMB/Scripts/contact_reports.pm	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/LedgerSMB/Scripts/contact_reports.pm	2012-05-26 08:47:09 UTC (rev 4783)
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+=head1 NAME
+LedgerSMB::Scripts::report_aging - Aging Reports and Statements for LedgerSMB
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+This module provides AR/AP aging reports and statements for LedgerSMB.
+=head1 METHODS
+package LedgerSMB::Scripts::contact_reports;
+our $VERSION = '1.0';
+use LedgerSMB;
+use LedgerSMB::Template;
+use LedgerSMB::DBObject::Report::Contact::Search;
+use strict;
+=item search
+Runs the search report and displays it
+sub search{
+    my ($request) = @_;
+    LedgerSMB::DBObject::Report::Contact::Search->prepare_criteria($request);
+    my $report = LedgerSMB::DBObject::Report::Contact::Search->new(%$request);
+    $report->run_report;
+    $report->render($request);
+return 1;

Property changes on: trunk/LedgerSMB/Scripts/customer.pm
Modified: svn:mergeinfo
   - /branches/1.3/LedgerSMB/Scripts/customer.pm:4288-4777
   + /branches/1.3/LedgerSMB/Scripts/customer.pm:3712-4782

Property changes on: trunk/LedgerSMB/Scripts/employee.pm
Modified: svn:mergeinfo
   - /branches/1.3/LedgerSMB/Scripts/employee.pm:3712-4777
   + /branches/1.3/LedgerSMB/Scripts/employee.pm:3712-4782

Property changes on: trunk/LedgerSMB/Scripts/file.pm
Modified: svn:mergeinfo
   - /branches/1.3/LedgerSMB/Scripts/file.pm:3711-4777
   + /branches/1.3/LedgerSMB/Scripts/file.pm:3711-4782

Property changes on: trunk/LedgerSMB/Scripts/journal.pm
Modified: svn:mergeinfo
   - /branches/1.3/LedgerSMB/Scripts/journal.pm:4288-4777
   + /branches/1.3/LedgerSMB/Scripts/journal.pm:3712-4782

Property changes on: trunk/LedgerSMB/Scripts/login.pm
Modified: svn:mergeinfo
   - /branches/1.3/LedgerSMB/Scripts/login.pm:4193-4777
   + /branches/1.3/LedgerSMB/Scripts/login.pm:3712-4782

Property changes on: trunk/LedgerSMB/Scripts/menu.pm
Modified: svn:mergeinfo
   - /branches/1.3/LedgerSMB/Scripts/menu.pm:4155-4777
   + /branches/1.3/LedgerSMB/Scripts/menu.pm:3712-4782

Property changes on: trunk/LedgerSMB/Scripts/payment.pm
Modified: svn:mergeinfo
   - /branches/1.3/LedgerSMB/Scripts/payment.pm:4010-4777
   + /branches/1.3/LedgerSMB/Scripts/payment.pm:3712-4782

Property changes on: trunk/LedgerSMB/Scripts/recon.pm
Modified: svn:mergeinfo
   - /branches/1.3/LedgerSMB/Scripts/recon.pm:3711-4777
   + /branches/1.3/LedgerSMB/Scripts/recon.pm:3711-4782

Property changes on: trunk/LedgerSMB/Scripts/setup.pm
Modified: svn:mergeinfo
   - /branches/1.3/LedgerSMB/Scripts/setup.pm:3937-4777
   + /branches/1.3/LedgerSMB/Scripts/setup.pm:3712-4782

Property changes on: trunk/LedgerSMB/Scripts/taxform.pm
Modified: svn:mergeinfo
   - /branches/1.3/LedgerSMB/Scripts/taxform.pm:4193-4777
   + /branches/1.3/LedgerSMB/Scripts/taxform.pm:3712-4782

Property changes on: trunk/LedgerSMB/Scripts/vendor.pm
Modified: svn:mergeinfo
   - /branches/1.3/LedgerSMB/Scripts/vendor.pm:4288-4777
   + /branches/1.3/LedgerSMB/Scripts/vendor.pm:3712-4782

Deleted: trunk/UI/Contact/search.html
--- trunk/UI/Contact/search.html	2012-05-25 23:36:03 UTC (rev 4782)
+++ trunk/UI/Contact/search.html	2012-05-26 08:47:09 UTC (rev 4783)
@@ -1,485 +0,0 @@
-<?lsmb INCLUDE 'ui-header.html' ?> 
-<?lsmb PROCESS elements.html ?> 
-<?lsmb account_class = entity_class ?>
-IF account_class == 0;
-   title = text('Contact Search'); #'
-ELSIF account_class == 1;
-   title = text('Vendor Search'); #'
-ELSIF account_class == 2;
-   title = text('Customer Search'); #'
-ELSIF account_class == 3;
-   title = text('Employee Search'); #'
-   title = text('Unsupported.  Expect errors'); #'
-END -?>
-<form method="get" action="">
-<?lsmb INCLUDE input element_data = {
-	type = "hidden"
-	name = "account_class"
-	value = account_class
-} -?>
-<table width="100%">
-  <tr><th class="listtop"><?lsmb title ?></th></tr>
-  <tr><td /></tr>
-  <tr valign="top">
-    <td>
-      <table>
-        <tr valign="top">
-          <td>
-            <table>
-              <tr>
-                <th align="right"><?lsmb text('Name') ?></th>
-                <td><?lsmb INCLUDE input element_data={size = '32', name = 'legal_name'} ?></td>
-              </tr>
-             <tr>
-                <th align="right"><?lsmb text('Control Code') ?></th>
-		<td><?lsmb PROCESS input element_data = {
-			size = 32
-			name = "control_code"
-			type = "text"
-			value = control_code
-			} ?></td>
-             </tr>
-              <tr>
-                <th align="right"><?lsmb text('Contact') ?></th>
-                <td><?lsmb INCLUDE input element_data={size = '32', name = 'contact'} ?></td>
-              </tr>
-              <tr>
-                <th align="right"><?lsmb text('E-mail') ?></th>
-                <td><?lsmb INCLUDE input element_data={size = '32', name = 'email'} ?></td>
-              </tr>
-              <tr>
-                <th align="right"><?lsmb text('Phone') ?></th>
-                <td><?lsmb INCLUDE input element_data={size = '20', name = 'phone'} ?></td>
-              </tr>
-              <tr>
-<?lsmb IF entity_type == 'Customer' -?>
-                <th align="right"><?lsmb text('Salesperson') ?></th>
-                <td><?lsmb INCLUDE input element_data={size = '32', name = 'employee'} ?></td>
-<?lsmb ELSIF entity_type == 'Vendor' -?>
-                <th align="right"><?lsmb text('Employee') ?></th>
-                <td><?lsmb INCLUDE input element_data={size = '32', name = 'employee'} ?></td>
-<?lsmb END -?>
-              </tr>
-              <!-- tr>
-                <th align="right"><?lsmb text('Notes') ?></th>
-                <td><?lsmb INCLUDE textarea element_data={
-  rows = '3', cols = '32', name = 'notes'} ?></td>
-              </tr -->
-            </table>
-          </td>
-          <td>
-            <table>
-              <tr>
-                <th align="right"><?lsmb text("Account Number") ?></th>
-                <td><?lsmb INCLUDE input element_data={
-  size = '32', name = "meta_number"} ?></td>
-              </tr>
-              <tr>
-                <th align="right"><?lsmb text('Address') ?></th>
-                <td><?lsmb INCLUDE input element_data={
-  size = '32', name = 'address'} ?></td>
-              </tr>
-              <tr>
-                <th align="right"><?lsmb text('City') ?></th>
-                <td><?lsmb INCLUDE input element_data={
-  size = '32', name = 'city'} ?></td>
-              </tr>
-              <tr>
-                <th align="right"><?lsmb text('State/Province') ?></th>
-                <td><?lsmb INCLUDE input element_data={
-  size = '32', name = 'state'} ?></td>
-              </tr>
-              <tr>
-                <th align="right"><?lsmb text('Zip/Postal Code') ?></th>
-                <td><?lsmb INCLUDE input element_data={
-  size = '10', name = 'mail_code'} ?></td>
-              </tr>
-              <tr>
-                <th align="right"><?lsmb text('Country') ?></th>
-                <td><?lsmb INCLUDE input element_data={
-  size = '32', name = 'country'} ?></td>
-              </tr>
-              <tr>
-                <th align="right"><?lsmb text('Active') ?></th>
-                <td>
-                   <?lsmb text('From'); ' '; INCLUDE input element_data={
-  size = '11', name = 'startdatefrom', class = 'date', title = user.dateformat};
-                          text('Date to'); ' '; INCLUDE input element_data={
-  size = '11', name = 'startdateto', class = 'date', title = user.dateformat} ?>
-                </td>
-              </tr>
-            </table>
-          </td>
-        </tr>
-      </table>
-    </td>
-  </tr>
-  <tr>
-    <td>
-      <table>
-<?lsmb IF target == 'list_history' -?>
-        <tr>
-          <td />
-          <td>
-            <table>
-              <tr>
-                <td>
-                  <table>
-                    <tr>
-                      <td align="right">
-                         <?lsmb INCLUDE input element_data={
-    type = 'radio',
-    name = 'type',
-    value = 'invoice',
-    label = text('Invoice'),
-    checked = 'checked',
-    } -?>
-                      </td>
-                    </tr>
-                    <tr>
-                      <td align="right">
-                         <?lsmb INCLUDE input element_data={
-    type = 'radio',
-    name = 'type',
-    value = 'order',
-    label = text('Order'),
-    } -?>
-                      </td>
-                    </tr>
-                    <tr>
-                      <td align="right">
-                         <?lsmb INCLUDE input element_data={
-    type = 'radio',
-    name = 'type',
-    value = 'quotation',
-    label = text('Quotation'),
-    } -?>
-                      </td>
-                    </tr>
-                  </table>
-                </td>
-                <td>
-                  <table>
-                    <tr>
-                      <th><?lsmb text('From') ?></th>
-                      <td><?lsmb INCLUDE input element_data={
-  size = '11', name = 'transdatefrom', class = 'date', title = user.dateformat} -?></td>
-                      <th><?lsmb text('To') ?></th>
-                      <td><?lsmb INCLUDE input element_data={
-  size = '11', name = 'transdateto', class = 'date', title = user.dateformat} -?></td>
-                    </tr>
-                    <tr>
-                      <td />
-                      <td colspan="3">
-                        <?lsmb INCLUDE input element_data={
-    name = 'open',
-    type = 'checkbox',
-    value = 'Y',
-    label = text('Open'),
-    checked = 'checked'
-    } -?>
-                        <?lsmb INCLUDE input element_data={
-    name = 'closed',
-    type = 'checkbox',
-    value = 'Y',
-    label = text('Closed'),
-    } -?>
-                      </td>
-                    </tr>
-                  </table>
-                </td>
-              </tr>
-            </table>
-          </td>
-        </tr>
-        <tr>
-          <th align="right"><?lsmb text('Include in Report') ?></th>
-            <td>
-              <table>
-                <tr>
-                  <td align="right">
-    <?lsmb INCLUDE input element_data={
-      name = 'history',
-      type = 'radio',
-      value = 'summary',
-      label = text('Summary'),
-      checked = 'checked',
-      } -?>
-                  </td>
-                  <td align="right">
-    <?lsmb INCLUDE input element_data={
-      name = 'history',
-      type = 'radio',
-      value = 'detail',
-      label = text('Detail'),
-      } -?>
-                  </td>
-                </tr>
-                <tr>
-                  <td align="right">
-    <?lsmb INCLUDE input element_data={
-      name = 'col_partnumber',
-      type = 'checkbox',
-      value = 'Y',
-      label = text('Part Number'), # '
-      checked = 'checked',
-      } -?>
-                  </td>
-                  <td align="right">
-    <?lsmb INCLUDE input element_data={
-      name = 'col_description',
-      type = 'checkbox',
-      value = 'Y',
-      label = text('Description'),
-      checked = 'checked',
-      } -?>
-                  </td>
-                  <td align="right">
-    <?lsmb INCLUDE input element_data={
-      name = 'col_sellprice',
-      type = 'checkbox',
-      value = 'Y',
-      label = text('Sell Price'), # '
-      checked = 'checked',
-      } -?>
-                  </td>
-                  <td align="right">
-    <?lsmb INCLUDE input element_data={
-      name = 'col_curr',
-      type = 'checkbox',
-      value = 'Y',
-      label = text('Currency'),
-      } -?>
-                  </td>
-                </tr>
-                <tr>
-                  <td align="right">
-    <?lsmb INCLUDE input element_data={
-      name = 'col_qty',
-      type = 'checkbox',
-      value = 'Y',
-      label = text('Qty'),
-      } -?>
-                  </td>
-                  <td align="right">
-    <?lsmb INCLUDE input element_data={
-      name = 'col_unit',
-      type = 'checkbox',
-      value = 'Y',
-      label = text('Unit'),
-      } -?>
-                  </td>
-                  <td align="right">
-    <?lsmb INCLUDE input element_data={
-      name = 'col_discount',
-      type = 'checkbox',
-      value = 'Y',
-      label = text('Discount'),
-      } -?>
-                  </td>
-                </tr>
-                <tr>
-                  <td align="right">
-    <?lsmb INCLUDE input element_data={
-      name = 'col_deliverydate',
-      type = 'checkbox',
-      value = 'Y',
-      label = text('Delivery Date'), # '
-      } -?>
-                  </td>
-                  <td align="right">
-    <?lsmb INCLUDE input element_data={
-      name = 'col_projectnumber',
-      type = 'checkbox',
-      value = 'Y',
-      label = text('Project Number'), # '
-      } -?>
-                  </td>
-                  <td align="right">
-    <?lsmb INCLUDE input element_data={
-      name = 'col_serialnumber',
-      type = 'checkbox',
-      value = 'Y',
-      label = text('Serial Number'), # '
-      } -?>
-                  </td>
-                </tr>
-              </table>
-            </td>
-          </tr>
-<?lsmb ELSIF target == 'list_names' ?>
-        <tr>
-          <td />
-          <td>
-  <?lsmb INCLUDE input element_data={name = 'status', type = 'radio', value = 'all', label = text('All'), checked = 'checked'} -?>
-  <?lsmb INCLUDE input element_data={name = 'status', type = 'radio', value = 'active', label = text('Active')} -?>
-  <?lsmb INCLUDE input element_data={name = 'status', type = 'radio', value = 'inactive', label = text('Inactive')} -?>
-  <?lsmb INCLUDE input element_data={name = 'status', type = 'radio', value = 'orphaned', label = text('Orphaned')} -?>
-          </td>
-        </tr>
-        <tr>
-          <td />
-          <td>
-            <table>
-              <tr>
-                <td>
-                  <table>
-                    <tr>
-                      <td align="right">
-  <?lsmb INCLUDE input element_data={
-    name = 'col_transnumber',
-    type = 'checkbox',
-    value = 'Y',
-    label = form.translabel,
-    } -?>
-                      </td>
-                    </tr>
-                    <tr>
-                      <td align="right">
-  <?lsmb INCLUDE input element_data={
-    name = 'col_invnumber',
-    type = 'checkbox',
-    value = 'Y',
-    label = form.invlabel,
-    } -?>
-                      </td>
-                    </tr>
-                    <tr>
-                      <td align="right">
-  <?lsmb INCLUDE input element_data={
-    name = 'col_ordnumber',
-    type = 'checkbox',
-    value = 'Y',
-    label = form.ordlabel,
-    } -?>
-                      </td>
-                    </tr>
-                    <tr>
-                      <td align="right">
-  <?lsmb INCLUDE input element_data={
-    name = 'col_quonumber',
-    type = 'checkbox',
-    value = 'Y',
-    label = form.quolabel,
-    } -?>
-                      </td>
-                    </tr>
-                  </table>
-                </td>
-                <td>
-                  <table>
-                    <tr>
-                      <th><?lsmb text('From') ?></th>
-                      <td>
-  <?lsmb INCLUDE input element_data={
-    name = 'transdatefrom',
-    class = 'date'
-    size = '11',
-    title = user.dateformat,
-    } -?>
-                      </td>
-                      <th><?lsmb text('To') ?></th>
-                      <td>
-  <?lsmb INCLUDE input element_data={
-    name = 'transdateto',
-    class = 'date'
-    size = '11',
-    title = user.dateformat,
-    } -?>
-                      </td>
-                    </tr>
-                    <tr>
-                      <td />
-                      <td colspan="3">
-                        <?lsmb INCLUDE input element_data={
-    name = 'open',
-    type = 'checkbox',
-    value = 'Y',
-    label = text('Open'),
-    checked = 'checked'
-    } -?>
-                        <?lsmb INCLUDE input element_data={
-    name = 'closed',
-    type = 'checkbox',
-    value = 'Y',
-    label = text('Closed'),
-    } -?>
-                      </td>
-                    </tr>
-                    <tr>
-                      <td />
-                      <td colspan="3">
-                        <?lsmb INCLUDE input element_data={
-    name = 'col_amount',
-    type = 'checkbox',
-    value = 'Y',
-    label = text('Amount'),
-    checked = 'checked'
-    } -?>
-                        <?lsmb INCLUDE input element_data={
-    name = 'col_tax',
-    type = 'checkbox',
-    value = 'Y',
-    label = text('Tax'),
-    checked = 'checked'
-    } -?>
-                        <?lsmb INCLUDE input element_data={
-    name = 'col_total',
-    type = 'checkbox',
-    value = 'Y',
-    label = text('Total'),
-    checked = 'checked'
-    } -?>
-                        <?lsmb INCLUDE input element_data={
-    name = 'col_subtotal',
-    type = 'checkbox',
-    value = 'Y',
-    label = text('Subtotal'),
-    } -?>
-                      </td>
-                    </tr>
-                  </table>
-                </td>
-              </tr>
-            </table>
-          </td>
-        </tr>
-        <tr>
-          <th align="right"><?lsmb text('Include in Report') ?></th>
-          <td>
-            <table>
-  <?lsmb FOREACH line IN form.includes -?>
-              <tr>
-    <?lsmb FOREACH item IN line -?>
-                <td align="right">
-        <?lsmb INCLUDE input element_data=item -?>
-                </td>
-    <?lsmb END -?>
-              </tr>
-  <?lsmb END -?>
-            </table>
-          </td>
-        </tr>
-<?lsmb END ?>
-      </table>
-    </td>
-  </tr>
-  <tr>
-    <td><hr size="3" noshade="noshade" /></td>
-  </tr>
-<?lsmb INCLUDE button element_data = {
-	text = text('Search')
-	name = "action"
-	value = 'get_results'
-	class = "submit"
-	type = "submit"
-} ?>
-  </form>

Modified: trunk/UI/Reports/display_report.html
--- trunk/UI/Reports/display_report.html	2012-05-25 23:36:03 UTC (rev 4782)
+++ trunk/UI/Reports/display_report.html	2012-05-26 08:47:09 UTC (rev 4783)
@@ -21,11 +21,11 @@
 <?lsmb FOREACH LINE IN hlines ?>
 <div class="report_header"><label><?lsmb LINE.text ?>:</label>
-<span class="report_header"><?lsmb request.${LINE.name} ?></span>
+<span class="report_header"><?lsmb request.${LINE.name} ?><?lsmb report ?></span>
 <?lsmb END ?>
 <?lsmb PROCESS dynatable tbody = {rows => rows } 
-               attributes = {class = 'report' } ?>
+               attributes = {class = 'report', order_url = order_url } ?>
 <a href="<?lsmb LINK ?>">[<?lsmb text('permalink') ?>]</a>&nbsp;
 <?lsmb IF FORMATS.grep('PDF').size()

Copied: trunk/UI/Reports/filters/contact_search.html (from rev 4781, trunk/UI/Contact/search.html)
--- trunk/UI/Reports/filters/contact_search.html	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/UI/Reports/filters/contact_search.html	2012-05-26 08:47:09 UTC (rev 4783)
@@ -0,0 +1,482 @@
+<?lsmb INCLUDE 'ui-header.html' ?> 
+<?lsmb PROCESS elements.html ?> 
+IF account_class == 0;
+   title = text('Contact Search'); #'
+ELSIF account_class == 1;
+   title = text('Vendor Search'); #'
+ELSIF account_class == 2;
+   title = text('Customer Search'); #'
+ELSIF account_class == 3;
+   title = text('Employee Search'); #'
+   title = text('Unsupported.  Expect errors'); #'
+END -?>
+<form method="get" action="contact_reports.pl">
+<?lsmb INCLUDE input element_data = {
+	type = "hidden"
+	name = "account_class"
+	value = account_class
+} -?>
+<table width="100%">
+  <tr><th class="listtop"><?lsmb title ?></th></tr>
+  <tr><td /></tr>
+  <tr valign="top">
+    <td>
+      <table>
+        <tr valign="top">
+          <td>
+            <table>
+              <tr>
+                <th align="right"><?lsmb text('Name') ?></th>
+                <td><?lsmb INCLUDE input element_data={
+                          size = '32', name = 'name_part'
+                     } ?></td>
+              </tr>
+             <tr>
+                <th align="right"><?lsmb text('Control Code') ?></th>
+		<td><?lsmb PROCESS input element_data = {
+			size = 32
+			name = "control_code"
+			type = "text"
+			value = control_code
+			} ?></td>
+             </tr>
+              <tr>
+                <th align="right"><?lsmb text('E-mail') ?></th>
+                <td><?lsmb INCLUDE input element_data={size = '32', name = 'email'} ?></td>
+              </tr>
+              <tr>
+                <th align="right"><?lsmb text('Phone') ?></th>
+                <td><?lsmb INCLUDE input element_data={size = '20', name = 'phone'} ?></td>
+              </tr>
+              <tr>
+<?lsmb IF entity_type == 'Customer' -?>
+                <th align="right"><?lsmb text('Salesperson') ?></th>
+                <td><?lsmb INCLUDE input element_data={size = '32', name = 'employee'} ?></td>
+<?lsmb ELSIF entity_type == 'Vendor' -?>
+                <th align="right"><?lsmb text('Employee') ?></th>
+                <td><?lsmb INCLUDE input element_data={size = '32', name = 'employee'} ?></td>
+<?lsmb END -?>
+              </tr>
+              <!-- tr>
+                <th align="right"><?lsmb text('Notes') ?></th>
+                <td><?lsmb INCLUDE textarea element_data={
+  rows = '3', cols = '32', name = 'notes'} ?></td>
+              </tr -->
+            </table>
+          </td>
+          <td>
+            <table>
+              <tr>
+                <th align="right"><?lsmb text("Account Number") ?></th>
+                <td><?lsmb INCLUDE input element_data={
+  size = '32', name = "meta_number"} ?></td>
+              </tr>
+              <tr>
+                <th align="right"><?lsmb text('Address') ?></th>
+                <td><?lsmb INCLUDE input element_data={
+  size = '32', name = 'address'} ?></td>
+              </tr>
+              <tr>
+                <th align="right"><?lsmb text('City') ?></th>
+                <td><?lsmb INCLUDE input element_data={
+  size = '32', name = 'city'} ?></td>
+              </tr>
+              <tr>
+                <th align="right"><?lsmb text('State/Province') ?></th>
+                <td><?lsmb INCLUDE input element_data={
+  size = '32', name = 'state'} ?></td>
+              </tr>
+              <tr>
+                <th align="right"><?lsmb text('Zip/Postal Code') ?></th>
+                <td><?lsmb INCLUDE input element_data={
+  size = '10', name = 'mail_code'} ?></td>
+              </tr>
+              <tr>
+                <th align="right"><?lsmb text('Country') ?></th>
+                <td><?lsmb INCLUDE input element_data={
+  size = '32', name = 'country'} ?></td>
+              </tr>
+              <tr>
+                <th align="right"><?lsmb text('Active') ?></th>
+                <td>
+                   <?lsmb text('From'); ' '; INCLUDE input element_data={
+  size = '11', name = 'active_date_from', class = 'date', title = user.dateformat};
+                          text('Date to'); ' '; INCLUDE input element_data={
+  size = '11', name = 'active_date_to', class = 'date', title = user.dateformat} ?>
+                </td>
+              </tr>
+            </table>
+          </td>
+        </tr>
+      </table>
+    </td>
+  </tr>
+  <tr>
+    <td>
+      <table>
+<?lsmb IF target == 'list_history' -?>
+        <tr>
+          <td />
+          <td>
+            <table>
+              <tr>
+                <td>
+                  <table>
+                    <tr>
+                      <td align="right">
+                         <?lsmb INCLUDE input element_data={
+    type = 'radio',
+    name = 'type',
+    value = 'invoice',
+    label = text('Invoice'),
+    checked = 'checked',
+    } -?>
+                      </td>
+                    </tr>
+                    <tr>
+                      <td align="right">
+                         <?lsmb INCLUDE input element_data={
+    type = 'radio',
+    name = 'type',
+    value = 'order',
+    label = text('Order'),
+    } -?>
+                      </td>
+                    </tr>
+                    <tr>
+                      <td align="right">
+                         <?lsmb INCLUDE input element_data={
+    type = 'radio',
+    name = 'type',
+    value = 'quotation',
+    label = text('Quotation'),
+    } -?>
+                      </td>
+                    </tr>
+                  </table>
+                </td>
+                <td>
+                  <table>
+                    <tr>
+                      <th><?lsmb text('From') ?></th>
+                      <td><?lsmb INCLUDE input element_data={
+  size = '11', name = 'transdatefrom', class = 'date', title = user.dateformat} -?></td>
+                      <th><?lsmb text('To') ?></th>
+                      <td><?lsmb INCLUDE input element_data={
+  size = '11', name = 'transdateto', class = 'date', title = user.dateformat} -?></td>
+                    </tr>
+                    <tr>
+                      <td />
+                      <td colspan="3">
+                        <?lsmb INCLUDE input element_data={
+    name = 'open',
+    type = 'checkbox',
+    value = 'Y',
+    label = text('Open'),
+    checked = 'checked'
+    } -?>
+                        <?lsmb INCLUDE input element_data={
+    name = 'closed',
+    type = 'checkbox',
+    value = 'Y',
+    label = text('Closed'),
+    } -?>
+                      </td>
+                    </tr>
+                  </table>
+                </td>
+              </tr>
+            </table>
+          </td>
+        </tr>
+        <tr>
+          <th align="right"><?lsmb text('Include in Report') ?></th>
+            <td>
+              <table>
+                <tr>
+                  <td align="right">
+    <?lsmb INCLUDE input element_data={
+      name = 'history',
+      type = 'radio',
+      value = 'summary',
+      label = text('Summary'),
+      checked = 'checked',
+      } -?>
+                  </td>
+                  <td align="right">
+    <?lsmb INCLUDE input element_data={
+      name = 'history',
+      type = 'radio',
+      value = 'detail',
+      label = text('Detail'),
+      } -?>
+                  </td>
+                </tr>
+                <tr>
+                  <td align="right">
+    <?lsmb INCLUDE input element_data={
+      name = 'col_partnumber',
+      type = 'checkbox',
+      value = 'Y',
+      label = text('Part Number'), # '
+      checked = 'checked',
+      } -?>
+                  </td>
+                  <td align="right">
+    <?lsmb INCLUDE input element_data={
+      name = 'col_description',
+      type = 'checkbox',
+      value = 'Y',
+      label = text('Description'),
+      checked = 'checked',
+      } -?>
+                  </td>
+                  <td align="right">
+    <?lsmb INCLUDE input element_data={
+      name = 'col_sellprice',
+      type = 'checkbox',
+      value = 'Y',
+      label = text('Sell Price'), # '
+      checked = 'checked',
+      } -?>
+                  </td>
+                  <td align="right">
+    <?lsmb INCLUDE input element_data={
+      name = 'col_curr',
+      type = 'checkbox',
+      value = 'Y',
+      label = text('Currency'),
+      } -?>
+                  </td>
+                </tr>
+                <tr>
+                  <td align="right">
+    <?lsmb INCLUDE input element_data={
+      name = 'col_qty',
+      type = 'checkbox',
+      value = 'Y',
+      label = text('Qty'),
+      } -?>
+                  </td>
+                  <td align="right">
+    <?lsmb INCLUDE input element_data={
+      name = 'col_unit',
+      type = 'checkbox',
+      value = 'Y',
+      label = text('Unit'),
+      } -?>
+                  </td>
+                  <td align="right">
+    <?lsmb INCLUDE input element_data={
+      name = 'col_discount',
+      type = 'checkbox',
+      value = 'Y',
+      label = text('Discount'),
+      } -?>
+                  </td>
+                </tr>
+                <tr>
+                  <td align="right">
+    <?lsmb INCLUDE input element_data={
+      name = 'col_deliverydate',
+      type = 'checkbox',
+      value = 'Y',
+      label = text('Delivery Date'), # '
+      } -?>
+                  </td>
+                  <td align="right">
+    <?lsmb INCLUDE input element_data={
+      name = 'col_projectnumber',
+      type = 'checkbox',
+      value = 'Y',
+      label = text('Project Number'), # '
+      } -?>
+                  </td>
+                  <td align="right">
+    <?lsmb INCLUDE input element_data={
+      name = 'col_serialnumber',
+      type = 'checkbox',
+      value = 'Y',
+      label = text('Serial Number'), # '
+      } -?>
+                  </td>
+                </tr>
+              </table>
+            </td>
+          </tr>
+<?lsmb ELSIF target == 'list_names' ?>
+        <tr>
+          <td />
+          <td>
+  <?lsmb INCLUDE input element_data={name = 'status', type = 'radio', value = 'all', label = text('All'), checked = 'checked'} -?>
+  <?lsmb INCLUDE input element_data={name = 'status', type = 'radio', value = 'active', label = text('Active')} -?>
+  <?lsmb INCLUDE input element_data={name = 'status', type = 'radio', value = 'inactive', label = text('Inactive')} -?>
+  <?lsmb INCLUDE input element_data={name = 'status', type = 'radio', value = 'orphaned', label = text('Orphaned')} -?>
+          </td>
+        </tr>
+        <tr>
+          <td />
+          <td>
+            <table>
+              <tr>
+                <td>
+                  <table>
+                    <tr>
+                      <td align="right">
+  <?lsmb INCLUDE input element_data={
+    name = 'col_transnumber',
+    type = 'checkbox',
+    value = 'Y',
+    label = form.translabel,
+    } -?>
+                      </td>
+                    </tr>
+                    <tr>
+                      <td align="right">
+  <?lsmb INCLUDE input element_data={
+    name = 'col_invnumber',
+    type = 'checkbox',
+    value = 'Y',
+    label = form.invlabel,
+    } -?>
+                      </td>
+                    </tr>
+                    <tr>
+                      <td align="right">
+  <?lsmb INCLUDE input element_data={
+    name = 'col_ordnumber',
+    type = 'checkbox',
+    value = 'Y',
+    label = form.ordlabel,
+    } -?>
+                      </td>
+                    </tr>
+                    <tr>
+                      <td align="right">
+  <?lsmb INCLUDE input element_data={
+    name = 'col_quonumber',
+    type = 'checkbox',
+    value = 'Y',
+    label = form.quolabel,
+    } -?>
+                      </td>
+                    </tr>
+                  </table>
+                </td>
+                <td>
+                  <table>
+                    <tr>
+                      <th><?lsmb text('From') ?></th>
+                      <td>
+  <?lsmb INCLUDE input element_data={
+    name = 'transdatefrom',
+    class = 'date'
+    size = '11',
+    title = user.dateformat,
+    } -?>
+                      </td>
+                      <th><?lsmb text('To') ?></th>
+                      <td>
+  <?lsmb INCLUDE input element_data={
+    name = 'transdateto',
+    class = 'date'
+    size = '11',
+    title = user.dateformat,
+    } -?>
+                      </td>
+                    </tr>
+                    <tr>
+                      <td />
+                      <td colspan="3">
+                        <?lsmb INCLUDE input element_data={
+    name = 'open',
+    type = 'checkbox',
+    value = 'Y',
+    label = text('Open'),
+    checked = 'checked'
+    } -?>
+                        <?lsmb INCLUDE input element_data={
+    name = 'closed',
+    type = 'checkbox',
+    value = 'Y',
+    label = text('Closed'),
+    } -?>
+                      </td>
+                    </tr>
+                    <tr>
+                      <td />
+                      <td colspan="3">
+                        <?lsmb INCLUDE input element_data={
+    name = 'col_amount',
+    type = 'checkbox',
+    value = 'Y',
+    label = text('Amount'),
+    checked = 'checked'
+    } -?>
+                        <?lsmb INCLUDE input element_data={
+    name = 'col_tax',
+    type = 'checkbox',
+    value = 'Y',
+    label = text('Tax'),
+    checked = 'checked'
+    } -?>
+                        <?lsmb INCLUDE input element_data={
+    name = 'col_total',
+    type = 'checkbox',
+    value = 'Y',
+    label = text('Total'),
+    checked = 'checked'
+    } -?>
+                        <?lsmb INCLUDE input element_data={
+    name = 'col_subtotal',
+    type = 'checkbox',
+    value = 'Y',
+    label = text('Subtotal'),
+    } -?>
+                      </td>
+                    </tr>
+                  </table>
+                </td>
+              </tr>
+            </table>
+          </td>
+        </tr>
+        <tr>
+          <th align="right"><?lsmb text('Include in Report') ?></th>
+          <td>
+            <table>
+  <?lsmb FOREACH line IN form.includes -?>
+              <tr>
+    <?lsmb FOREACH item IN line -?>
+                <td align="right">
+        <?lsmb INCLUDE input element_data=item -?>
+                </td>
+    <?lsmb END -?>
+              </tr>
+  <?lsmb END -?>
+            </table>
+          </td>
+        </tr>
+<?lsmb END ?>
+      </table>
+    </td>
+  </tr>
+  <tr>
+    <td><hr size="3" noshade="noshade" /></td>
+  </tr>
+<?lsmb INCLUDE button element_data = {
+	text = text('Search')
+	name = "action"
+	value = 'search'
+	class = "submit"
+	type = "submit"
+} ?>
+  </form>

Modified: trunk/UI/lib/dynatable.html
--- trunk/UI/lib/dynatable.html	2012-05-25 23:36:03 UTC (rev 4782)
+++ trunk/UI/lib/dynatable.html	2012-05-26 08:47:09 UTC (rev 4783)
@@ -1,13 +1,20 @@
 <?lsmb BLOCK dynatable ?>
 <table id="<?lsmb attributes.id ?>" class="dynatable <?lsmb attributes.class ?>"
+width="<?lsmb attributes.width ?>">
 <?lsmb- IF !hide_header -?>
    <?lsmb- FOREACH COL IN columns; 
    IF COL.type != 'hidden'; -?>
-   <th class="<?lsmb COL.col_id _ ' ' _ COL.class _ ' ' _ COL.type ?>">
-       <?lsmb COL.name ?>
+   <th class="<?lsmb COL.col_id _ ' ' _ COL.class _ ' ' _ COL.type ?>"><?lsmb
+IF attributes.order_url 
+?> <a href="<?lsmb order_url ?>&order_by=<?lsmb COL.col_id ?>"><?lsmb
+IF attributes.order_url 
+END; ?>
    <?lsmb- END; END; -?>

Copied: trunk/contact.pl (from rev 4778, trunk/reports.pl)
--- trunk/contact.pl	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/contact.pl	2012-05-26 08:47:09 UTC (rev 4783)
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+use FindBin;
+  lib->import($FindBin::Bin) unless $ENV{mod_perl}
+require 'lsmb-request.pl';

Copied: trunk/contact_reports.pl (from rev 4778, trunk/reports.pl)
--- trunk/contact_reports.pl	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/contact_reports.pl	2012-05-26 08:47:09 UTC (rev 4783)
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+use FindBin;
+  lib->import($FindBin::Bin) unless $ENV{mod_perl}
+require 'lsmb-request.pl';

Modified: trunk/css/ledgersmb.css
--- trunk/css/ledgersmb.css	2012-05-25 23:36:03 UTC (rev 4782)
+++ trunk/css/ledgersmb.css	2012-05-26 08:47:09 UTC (rev 4783)
@@ -147,8 +147,11 @@
 .listtop { font-size: 10pt; background-color: black; color: white; }
 .listheading, thead th { font-size: 10pt; background-color: #004a80; color: white; }
+.listheading, thead A:link {
+text-decoration: none; color: white; font-weight: bold
 A.listheading:link, A.listheading:active, A.listheading:visited {
-  text-decoration: none; }
+  text-decoration: none; color: white; font-weight: bold}
 .listrow1, table.dynatable tr:nth-child(odd) { font-size: 10pt; background-color: #e6e6fa; color: black; vertical-align: top; }
 .listrow0, table.dynatable tr:nth-child(even) { font-size: 10pt; background-color: #ffe4e1; color: black; vertical-align: top; }
 .listsubtotal { font-size: 10pt; background-color: #5a7d9b; color: white; }

Modified: trunk/sql/modules/Company.sql
--- trunk/sql/modules/Company.sql	2012-05-25 23:36:03 UTC (rev 4782)
+++ trunk/sql/modules/Company.sql	2012-05-26 08:47:09 UTC (rev 4783)
@@ -38,17 +38,16 @@
-DROP TYPE IF EXISTS  company_search_result CASCADE;
+DROP TYPE IF EXISTS  contact_search_result CASCADE;
-CREATE TYPE company_search_result AS (
+CREATE TYPE contact_search_result AS (
 	entity_id int,
 	entity_control_code text,
-	company_id int,
 	entity_credit_id int,
 	meta_number text,
 	credit_description text,
 	entity_class int,
-	legal_name text,
+	name text,
 	sic_code text,
 	business_type text,
 	curr text
@@ -222,15 +221,28 @@
  group by id, name, meta_number, curr, parts_id, partnumber, description, unit
  order by meta_number;
+COMMENT ON FUNCTION eca_history_summary
+(in_name text, in_meta_number text, in_contact_info text, in_address_line text,
+ in_city text, in_state text, in_zip text, in_salesperson text, in_notes text,
+ in_country_id int, in_from_date date, in_to_date date, in_type char(1),
+ in_start_from date, in_start_to date, in_account_class int,
+ in_inc_open bool, in_inc_closed bool) IS
+$$Creates a summary account (no quantities, just parts group by invoice).
+meta_number must match exactly or be NULL.  inc_open and inc_closed are exact
+matches too.  All other values specify ranges or may match partially.$$;
 --HV coalesce(ec.entity_class,e.entity_class) in case entity but not yet entity_credit_account
 (in_account_class int, in_contact text, in_contact_info text[], 
 	in_meta_number text, in_address text, in_city text, in_state text, 
-	in_mail_code text, in_country text, in_date_from date, in_date_to date,
-	in_business_id int, in_legal_name text, in_control_code text)
-RETURNS SETOF company_search_result AS $$
+	in_mail_code text, in_country text, in_active_date_from date, 
+        in_active_date_to date,
+	in_business_id int, in_name_part text, in_control_code text)
+RETURNS SETOF contact_search_result AS $$
-	out_row company_search_result;
+	out_row contact_search_result;
 	loop_count int;
 	t_contact_info text[];
@@ -238,17 +250,31 @@
 	FOR out_row IN
-		SELECT e.id, e.control_code, c.id, ec.id, ec.meta_number, 
+		SELECT e.id, e.control_code, ec.id, ec.meta_number, 
 			ec.description, ec.entity_class, 
 			c.legal_name, c.sic_code, b.description , ec.curr::text
-		FROM (select * from entity where in_control_code = control_code
+		FROM (select * from entity 
+                       where control_code like in_control_code || '%'
                       select * from entity where in_control_code is null) e
-		JOIN (SELECT * FROM company 
-                       WHERE legal_name ilike  '%' || in_legal_name || '%'
+		JOIN (SELECT legal_name, sic_code, entity_id 
+                        FROM company 
+                       WHERE legal_name @@ plainto_tsquery(in_name_part)
                       UNION ALL
-                      SELECT * FROM company
-                       WHERE in_legal_name IS NULL) c ON (e.id = c.entity_id)
+                      SELECT legal_name, sic_code, entity_id
+                        FROM company
+                       WHERE in_name_part IS NULL
+                      UNION ALL
+                     SELECT first_name || ' ' || middle_name || ' ' 
+                            || last_name, null, entity_id
+                       FROM person
+                      WHERE first_name || ' ' || middle_name || ' '
+                            || last_name @@ plainto_tsquery(in_name_part)
+                      UNION ALL
+                     SELECT first_name || ' ' || middle_name || ' ' 
+                            || last_name, null, entity_id
+                       FROM person
+                       WHERE in_name_part IS NULL) c ON (e.id = c.entity_id)
 		LEFT JOIN entity_credit_account ec ON (ec.entity_id = e.id)
 		LEFT JOIN business b ON (ec.business_id = b.id)
 		WHERE coalesce(ec.entity_class,e.entity_class) = in_account_class
@@ -260,8 +286,6 @@
                                                     OR t_contact_info IS NULL)
-			AND (c.legal_name ilike '%' || in_legal_name || '%'
-				OR in_legal_name IS NULL)
 			AND ((in_address IS NULL AND in_city IS NULL 
 					AND in_state IS NULL 
 					AND in_country IS NULL)
@@ -269,10 +293,14 @@
 				(select entity_id FROM entity_to_location
 				WHERE location_id IN 
 					(SELECT id FROM location
-					WHERE line_one 
-						ilike '%' || 
-							coalesce(in_address, '')
-							|| '%'
+					WHERE (line_one @@ plainto_tsquery(
+                                                              in_address)
+                                               OR
+					       line_two @@ plainto_tsquery(
+                                                              in_address)
+                                               OR
+					       line_three @@ plainto_tsquery(
+                                                              in_address))
 						AND city ILIKE 
 							'%' || 
 							coalesce(in_city, '') 
@@ -288,8 +316,8 @@
 							|| '%'
 						AND country_id IN 
 							(SELECT id FROM country
-							WHERE name ILIKE '%' ||
-								in_country ||'%'
+							WHERE name ilike
+                                                              in_country
 								OR short_name
@@ -297,12 +325,12 @@
 				coalesce(in_business_id, ec.business_id)
 				OR (ec.business_id IS NULL 
 					AND in_business_id IS NULL))
-			AND (ec.startdate <= coalesce(in_date_to, 
+			AND (ec.startdate <= coalesce(in_active_date_to, 
 				OR (ec.startdate IS NULL))
-			AND (ec.enddate >= coalesce(in_date_from, ec.enddate)
+			AND (ec.enddate >= coalesce(in_active_date_from, ec.enddate)
 				OR (ec.enddate IS NULL))
-	 		AND (ec.meta_number = in_meta_number
+	 		AND (ec.meta_number like in_meta_number || '%'
 			     OR in_meta_number IS NULL)
 		RETURN NEXT out_row;
@@ -310,17 +338,6 @@
 $$ language plpgsql;
-COMMENT ON FUNCTION eca_history_summary
-(in_name text, in_meta_number text, in_contact_info text, in_address_line text,
- in_city text, in_state text, in_zip text, in_salesperson text, in_notes text,
- in_country_id int, in_from_date date, in_to_date date, in_type char(1),
- in_start_from date, in_start_to date, in_account_class int,
- in_inc_open bool, in_inc_closed bool) IS
-$$Creates a summary account (no quantities, just parts group by invoice).
-meta_number must match exactly or be NULL.  inc_open and inc_closed are exact
-matches too.  All other values specify ranges or may match partially.$$;
 DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS eca__get_taxes(in_credit_id int);
 CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION eca__get_taxes(in_id int)

Property changes on: trunk/sql/upgrade/1.2-1.3-manual.sql
Modified: svn:mergeinfo
   - /branches/1.3/sql/upgrade/1.2-1.3-manual.sql:3712-4777
   + /branches/1.3/sql/upgrade/1.2-1.3-manual.sql:3712-4782

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