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SF.net SVN: ledger-smb:[4322] trunk
- Subject: SF.net SVN: ledger-smb:[4322] trunk
- From: ..hidden..
- Date: Fri, 17 Feb 2012 01:37:50 +0000
Revision: 4322
Author: einhverfr
Date: 2012-02-17 01:37:49 +0000 (Fri, 17 Feb 2012)
Log Message:
Adding import csv module
Modified Paths:
Added Paths:
Modified: trunk/Changelog
--- trunk/Changelog 2012-02-16 09:54:38 UTC (rev 4321)
+++ trunk/Changelog 2012-02-17 01:37:49 UTC (rev 4322)
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
* Projects and Departments can now have subprojects and Departments (Chris T)
* Project/department mechanism generalized to support funds, etc (Chris T)
* Removed the Config::Std dependency and moved to Config::General (Chris T)
+* Merged in transaction import add-on for 1.4, also for other csv's (Chirs T)
Changelog for 1.3 Series
Initial Release: Monday, Oct 12 2011
Added: trunk/LedgerSMB/Scripts/import_csv.pm
--- trunk/LedgerSMB/Scripts/import_csv.pm (rev 0)
+++ trunk/LedgerSMB/Scripts/import_csv.pm 2012-02-17 01:37:49 UTC (rev 4322)
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+=head1 NAME
+=head1 SYNPOSIS
+This is a module that demonstrates how to set up scripts for importing bulk
+package LedgerSMB::Scripts::import_trans;
+use LedgerSMB::Template;
+use LedgerSMB::Form;
+use strict;
+my $default_currency = 'USD';
+our $cols = {
+ gl => ['accno', 'debit', 'credit', 'source', 'memo'],
+ ap_multi => ['vendor', 'amount', 'account', 'ap', 'description',
+ 'invnumber', 'transdate'],
+our $preprocess = {};
+our $postprocess = {};
+our $process = {
+ gl => sub {
+ use LedgerSMB::GL;
+ my ($request, $entries) = @_;
+ my $form = Form->new();
+ $form->{reference} = $request->{reference};
+ $form->{description} = $request->{description};
+ $form->{transdate} = $request->{transdate};
+ $form->{rowcount} = 0;
+ $form->{approved} = '0';
+ $form->{dbh} = $request->{dbh};
+ for my $ref (@$entries){
+ if ($ref->[1] !~ /\d/){
+ delete $ref->[1];
+ } else {
+ print STDERR "debits $ref->[1]\n";
+ $ref->[1] = $form->parse_amount(
+ $request->{_user}, $ref->[1]
+ );
+ }
+ if ($ref->[2] !~ /\d/){
+ delete $ref->[2];
+ } else {
+ print STDERR "credits $ref->[2]\n";
+ $ref->[2] = $form->parse_amount(
+ $request->{_user}, $ref->[2]
+ );
+ }
+ next if !$ref->[1] and !$ref->[2];
+ for my $col (@{$cols->{$request->{type}}}){
+ $form->{"${col}_$form->{rowcount}"} = shift @$ref;
+ }
+ ++$form->{rowcount};
+ }
+ GL->post_transaction($request->{_user}, $form);
+ },
+ ap_multi => sub {
+ use LedgerSMB::AA;
+ use LedgerSMB::Batch;
+ my ($request, $entries) = @_;
+ my $batch = LedgerSMB::Batch->new({base => $request});
+ $batch->{batch_number} = $request->{reference};
+ $batch->{batch_date} = $request->{transdate};
+ $batch->{batch_class} = 'ap';
+ $batch->create();
+ # Necessary to test things are found before starting to
+ # import! -- CT
+ my $acst = $request->{dbh}->prepare(
+ "select count(*) from account where accno = ?"
+ );
+ my $vcst = $request->{dbh}->prepare(
+ "select count(*) from entity_credit_account where meta_number = ?"
+ );
+ for my $ref (@$entries){
+ my $pass;
+ next if $ref->[1] !~ /\d/;
+ my ($acct) = split /--/, $ref->[2];
+ $acst->execute($acct);
+ ($pass) = $acst->fetchrow_array;
+ $request->error("Account $acct not found") if !$pass;
+ ($acct) = split /--/, $ref->[3];
+ $acst->execute($acct);
+ ($pass) = $acst->fetchrow_array;
+ $request->error("Account $acct not found") if !$pass;
+ $vcst->execute(uc($ref->[0]));
+ ($pass) = $vcst->fetchrow_array;
+ $request->error("Vendor $ref->[0] not found") if !$pass;
+ }
+ for my $ref (@$entries){
+ my $form = Form->new();
+ $form->{dbh} = $request->{dbh};
+ $form->{rowcount} = 1;
+ $form->{batch_id} = $batch->{id};
+ $form->{vendornumber} = shift @$ref;
+ $form->{amount_1} = shift @$ref;
+ next if $form->{amount_1} !~ /\d/;
+ $form->{amount_1} = $form->parse_amount(
+ $request->{_user}, $form->{amount_1});
+ $form->{AP_amount_1} = shift @$ref;
+ $form->{ARAP} = 'AP';
+ $form->{vc} = "vendor";
+ $form->{arap} = 'ap';
+ $form->{AP} = shift @$ref;
+ $form->{description_1} = shift @$ref;
+ $form->{invnumber} = shift @$ref;
+ $form->{transdate} = shift @$ref;
+ $form->{currency} = $default_currency;
+ $form->{approved} = '0';
+ $form->{defaultcurrency} = $default_currency;
+ my $sth = $form->{dbh}->prepare(
+ "SELECT id FROM entity_credit_account
+ WHERE entity_class = 1 and meta_number = ?"
+ );
+ $sth->execute(uc($form->{vendornumber}));
+ ($form->{vendor_id}) = $sth->fetchrow_array;
+ AA->post_transaction($request->{_user}, $form);
+ }
+ },
+sub parse_file {
+ my $self = shift @_;
+ my $handle = $self->{_request}->upload('import_file');
+ my $contents = join("\n", <$handle>);
+ $self->{import_entries} = [];
+ for my $line (split /(\r\n|\r|\n)/, $contents){
+ next if ($line !~ /,/);
+ my @fields;
+ $line =~ s/[^"]"",/"/g;
+ while ($line ne '') {
+ if ($line =~ /^"/){
+ $line =~ s/"(.*?)"(,|$)//;
+ my $field = $1;
+ $field =~ s/\s*$//;
+ push @fields, $field;
+ } else {
+ $line =~ s/([^,]*),?//;
+ my $field = $1;
+ $field =~ s/\s*$//;
+ push @fields, $field;
+ }
+ }
+ push @{$self->{import_entries}}, ..hidden..;
+ }
+ unshift @{$self->{import_entries}}; # get rid of header line
+ return @{$self->{import_entries}};
+sub begin_import {
+ my ($request) = @_;
+ my $template = LedgerSMB::Template->new(
+ user =>$request->{_user},
+ locale => $request->{_locale},
+ path => 'UI/import_trans',
+ template => 'import_trans',
+ format => 'HTML'
+ );
+ $template->render($request);
+sub run_import {
+ my ($request) = @_;
+ my @entries = parse_file($request);
+ if (ref($preprocess->{$request->{type}}) eq 'CODE'){
+ $preprocess->{$request->{type}}($request, ..hidden..);
+ }
+ $process->{$request->{type}}($request, ..hidden..) || begin_import($request);
+ if (ref($postprocess->{$request->{type}}) eq 'CODE'){
+ $postprocess->{$request->{type}}($request, ..hidden..);
+ }
+ begin_import($request);
+eval { do 'scripts/custom/import_trans.pl'; };
Added: trunk/import_csv.pl
--- trunk/import_csv.pl (rev 0)
+++ trunk/import_csv.pl 2012-02-17 01:37:49 UTC (rev 4322)
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+require 'lsmb-request.pl';
Property changes on: trunk/import_csv.pl
Added: svn:executable
+ *
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