Does anyone have experience integrating handheld scanners into Ledger?
The specific application is for receiving and shipping. I would like to have a scanner that will allow people in our warehouse to scan items as they are shipped and received and mark them as SHIPPED or RECEIVED in the Ledger system.
I can see this done in any of several ways:
1. Use a smartphone to access Ledger via the web with an app that will scan the barcode of each item and allow the user to decide the SHIP or RECEIVE and the quantity of the item to use with that action. It should use the Bar Code to match the items sent or received to the item in our inventory. (I added a field for UPC/Bar Code to our installation of Ledger)
2. Use a wireless scanner with memory upload it to a PC periodically. The PC will have a script that will update LedgerSMB.
3. (Least preferable) have a wired scanner (or wireless) that will scan items and send the information directly to the PC which will upload it to Ledger.
Does anyone have any experience with this or suggestions that are different than mine?
Zev Steen
Fat Owls