I've got LSMB running and can log in.
The next thing is restoring from the .sqlc file saved as a backup from v.1.2.xx,I'm restoring into 1.3.18
Ive tried
pg_restore -U postgres -C my_backup_file (from a reply by Chris)
both as a normal user and as prostgres. All that seems to happen is the data scrolls by in the terminal window!
A couple of things:
The backup was created from within LSMB using the button. Do I need to be postgres user to restore?
Does the restore create the dbase?
How does restore create the Company name - if I need to enter the name, how do I deal with spaces in it?
Is there any problem with LSMB/Postgres comaptabilty - going from LSMB v1.2.xx to 1.3.18, Postgres 8.1 to 9.1?