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Re: RPM's for 1.3.0 RC series


I would like to see to see the snapshot - since RPMs were most of my issues and because of other delays I have had, I have been putting off doing any more testing until the RPM list was available . .


On Mon, 12 Sep 2011 10:40:55 -0700, Chris Travers wrote:
Hi all;

RC1 has had a permissions issue reported so I will probably start
releasing RPM's with RC2 (out later this week).  I have tested the
spec file and it builds.  Currently we include all the standard
recommended and default-installed dependencies, and don't bother with
the very optional ones (like Microsoft Excel output).  Users who want
these can install the dependencies themselves.

if anyone would like to see interim snapshot RPM's, feel free to email me.
Best Wishes,
Chris Travers

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