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Error when trying to mark AR as paid

I am running a LedgerSMB install in a test environment as I plan to move
over from SQL-Ledger.  I am trying to keep the two installs in sync, so
whatever transactions I perform in the SQL-Ledger install I also perform
in the LedgerSMB install.

I have an open AR.  When I enter the payment in SQL-Ledger, I enter the
transaction, and then under "Payments" I enter the date and ammount.  I
then click "Update" and "Post".  When I click "Post", I get a warning
about posting an existing transaction, but it goes through and the AR is
showed as closed and the amount of money shows up in the checking
account balance.

When I try the same thing with LedgerSMB, I get this error right after
clicking through the warning:

DBD::Pg::st execute failed: ERROR: duplicate key violates unique constraint "transactions_pkey"

INSERT INTO ar (id, customer_id) VALUES (?, ?)
ERROR: duplicate key violates unique constraint "transactions_pkey"

Why might that be?



Roberto C. Sánchez

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