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Re: Importing Customers, Vendors, Parts

Paul Bente wrote:
On Jun 10, 2008, at 3:11 PM, Roderick A. Anderson wrote:
Paul Bente wrote:
I have seen mention on this list of success in importing into LSMB
lists of customers, vendors, and parts from csv files, but not in a
form simple and detailed enough to for me to follow and succeed.

I was able to get the sample file "lsmb02-cli-example.pl" in
ledgersmb/doc/samples to work apparently (it reported the 3 sample
records as SAVED, etc and when I log in the records are there) but it
then follows with about 40 lines reporting errors of the type:
I can't find this script with my install.  I didn't do my install from
the tarball but a source RPM. If you would forward it I'll take a look.
  I see these kind of errors regularly in other stuff I deal with so
should be able to figure it out.
Best place to find it is here:

http://ledger-smb.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/ledger-smb/branches/1.2/ doc/samples/lsmb02-cli-example.pl?revision=741&view=markup
I will this evening.  Fighting a really wicked Quickbooks install issue 
which makes this all the more important.  8-(

To make it work I changed the path to my ledgersmb install in line 118.

The first error refs line 61 which begins a long concatenation with:
$arg = 'path=bin/mozilla&login=' .

I tried changing that to the path to the Camino web browser (Gecko- based written in Cocoa for OS X and works great with ledgersmb) but get the same errors as leaving it unchanged. I have no /bin/mozilla file installed.
Thanks for taking a look at this.
Paul Bente
PPC Mac OS X 10.4.11 ledgersmb-1.2.14-rc1

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