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Re: new installation help

Dne Mon, 10 Sep 2007 20:07:47 -0600
Joseph <..hidden..> napsal(a):

> I have postgresql-8.0.13, so that should be OK.
> I'm just not that good working with postgresql: setting up users /
> databases etc.


your problem is "unrecognized option" --no-superuser and this option is
not listed in your help output. Here is my output from the 8.2
postgresql version

vlado.srv# createuser --help
createuser creates a new PostgreSQL role.

  createuser [OPTION]... [ROLENAME]

  -s, --superuser           role will be superuser
  -S, --no-superuser        role will not be superuser
  -d, --createdb            role can create new databases
  -D, --no-createdb         role cannot create databases
  -r, --createrole          role can create new roles
  -R, --no-createrole       role cannot create roles
  -l, --login               role can login (default)
  -L, --no-login            role cannot login
  -i, --inherit             role inherits privileges of roles it is a
                            member of (default)
  -I, --no-inherit          role does not inherit privileges
  -c, --connection-limit=N  connection limit for role (default: no
limit) -P, --pwprompt            assign a password to new role
  -E, --encrypted           uloÅit heslo v zaÅifrovanà podobÄ
  -N, --unencrypted         uloÅit heslo v otevÅenÃm tvaru
  -e, --echo                ukazovat pÅÃkazy posÃlanà na server
  -q, --quiet               nevypisovat ÅÃdnà zprÃvy
  --help                    ukÃÅe tuto nÃpovÄdu a skonÄÃ
  --version                 ukÃÅe informaci o verzi a skonÄÃ

Parametry spojenÃ:
  -h, --host=HOSTNAME       jmÃno databÃzovÃho serveru nebo adresÃÅe se
soketem -p, --port=PORT          port databÃzovÃho serveru
  -U, --username=UÅIVATEL   jmÃno uÅivatele pro spojenà (ne pro tvorbu)
  -W, --password            dotÃzat se na heslo pro spojenÃ

If one of -s, -S, -d, -D, -r, -R and ROLENAME is not specified, you will
be prompted interactively.

Chyby hlaste na adresu <..hidden..>.


Dr.Vladimir Botka