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Re: Upgrade duplicate key "transactions_pkey" problem SL 2.6.5 -> Ledgersmb 1.1.12

Robert Fraser wrote:

On 6/16/07, *Robert Fraser* <..hidden.. <mailto:..hidden..>> wrote:


    INSERT INTO transactions (id, table_name) SELECT id, 'vendor' FROM

    There seem to be about 10 duplicate ids from customer and 5 from vendor


I assume that for some reason SQL-Ledger has lost integrity for these rows with duplicate ids (this instance of SQL-Ledger has been in use for quite a while). Do I need to choose one of the tables and change the offending ids to something unique? I guess depending on which one I choose to change, the id may be a foreign key in another relation?

I doubt (although I would have to check) that it is a foreign key. SQL Ledger lacks pretty much any idea of referential integrity. Your steps would probably work.

Joshua D. Drake



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