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Re: Backup After SL-->LS Switch

Michael Schultheiss wrote:
Chris Travers wrote:
You are using LedgerSMB 1.1.x and this is expected behavior.
I never got valid backups out of 1.0.x or 1.1.x (always got a zero byte
file that was then gzipped).

In 1.2.0, we changed the numbering scheme.
I just upgraded to 1.2.0 yesterday and now the backup feature tells me:


users/1175884381.amellus-1.2.0-20070406.sql.gz : No such file or

Now that I think about it, this is most likely since I no longer have a
users subdirectory (the UPGRADE doc told me to delete it).
Please file a bug report, it looks like we missed one of the users 
dependencies. We need to look at the code that calls pg_dump and have it 
use something else.
Joshua D. Drake

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