On 17 Nov 2006, at 18:37, Chris Travers wrote:
... With OpenLDAP2.1, you can build a backend called sql-back that let's you exposeSQL tables through LDAP. It takes writing some queries custom tothe SQL application and building some tables or views to map betweenthe schema. If I did this, I could reduce the duplication between having my customers' contact info in my LDAP addressbook and SQL-Ledger. http://nakedape.cc/wiki/ApplicationNotes_2fSqlLedgerNotes... Another (possibly better) option would be to have an option to export LDIF files that could be imported into another OpenLDAP server.
Would this not result in entries in the LDAP schema which can be edited by LDAP clients but not returned to the L-SMB database?
In regard the whole integration of L-SMB's customer db with other apps, the biggest nightmares I can conceive are the possibility of Joe Salesman editing the company name of an entry (say in line with the customer's new CAPITALisation policy), and this getting back to L- SMB & throwing out all invoices already assigned to the customer.
I had envisioned a read-only interface to SL / L-SMB's customer db - speaking for myself I need no more to be VERY happy.