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[ledgersmb-devel] LedgerSMB 1.12.4 released
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[ledgersmb-devel] LedgerSMB 1.12.4 released

The LedgerSMB development team is happy to announce yet another new
version of its open source ERP and accounting application.
This release contains the following fixes and improvements:

Changelog for 1.12.4
* Fix AR/AP Invoice search by date period
* Fix SASL authentication for SMTP when using ledgersmb.conf (#8669)

Additionally, the container images resolve a similar SASL
authentication issue with SMTP.

For installation instructions and system requirements, see

The release can be downloaded from our download site at

The release can be downloaded from GitHub at

Or pulled from the GitHub Container Registry
   $ docker pull ghcr.io/ledgersmb/ledgersmb:1.12.4

Or pulled from Docker Hub using the command
   $ docker pull ledgersmb/ledgersmb:1.12.4

These are the sha256 checksums of the uploaded files:

0c0c2b4623d2d5388f4fcea43c201ad57c742606445dc310b529c4dade803380  ledgersmb-1.12.4.tar.gz
d903ef2cfc2e0118b82ae7fc5133042e05f12ff7cd4a4353a67e17133966b123  ledgersmb-1.12.4.tar.gz.asc
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