As promised on my GitHub Sponsors account (
https://github.com/sponsors/ehuelsmann) I've drawn up a selection of bugs that I'm ready to take on. The community will be offered an opportunity to help select the bug that adds most value when being solved.
Today, I'm sending out my first mail with a list of bugs I think I can take on and solve in the upcoming weeks:
* Remove restriction on file types that can be uploaded
Currently, only files with a MIME type already known to LedgerSMB can be uploaded
With this issue fixed, files of all MIME types will be accepted
* Make contact type names translatable
Currently, the names of contact types (Vendor, ...) are presented straight from the database
without ways to translate them.
* '
setup.pl' shows system databases in the list of company databases
Currently, when logging into '
setup.pl' without a named database, a list of databases is shown.
This list includes databases not available for logging in, such as postgres, template0
and template1. Resolving this bug will remove these common databases from this list.
* The "Internal notes" field on the invoice isn't scrollable
* Contact Notes has empty Author and Entered At fields
Please provide your feedback as to which of these bugs adds the most value to you by Tue 2 Dec. Please note that sponsors get an actual vote; all others provide advisory feedback.
If you most-wanted bug isn't in this list, please mail me directly about that and I'll check to see if I can add it to the list on its next iteration. Before you mail me, please make sure your bug is registered as a bug on GitHub (
Robust and Flexible. No vendor lock-in.