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Re: Volunteer

Hi Rob,

On Tue, Mar 21, 2017 at 3:44 AM, R. Ransbottom <..hidden..> wrote:

A volunteer is a garden plant that was not planted deliberately.


Thanks for volunteering! (And sorry for not responding on your earlier mail; I had it marked for follow-up and suddenly a week passed by :-( ... )
Following up on my statement to volunteer, I have gone through several
source files in the refactoring mode.

In the small, the code is much better.  My complements to the team.

Thank you!
I have done some sample refactoring and am looking for guidance on what
you might want.  Where would you like to see this.

The steps to contribute your refactorings would include:

* Creating a GitHub account
* Cloning the main repository (ledgersmb/LedgerSMB.git) to your GitHub account
* Create a Travis CI account and link it to your GitHub LedgerSMB repository
* Creating a local clone of your own GitHub repository
* Install the "production" dependencies
* Try running the software using the Starman server and playing around a bit (probably create a test database)

Ideally, we receive refactorings back into our 'master' branch. From there, it can be backported to a release, if the refactoring brings large benefits (at a low cost for stability and other quality measures).

The workflow I use myself is to start with the local master branch. Then for each feature or refactoring, I try to keep the purpose of the feature or refactoring as small as possible. That way, changes are easier to review.

When you're done making changes to the branch, push the local branch into your GitHub repository and check the build-results on Travis CI. When the build result is green, you can open a pull request from your branch in your GitHub account to the main LedgerSMB repository. When the build result is red, come to the LedgerSMB developers' discussion room (https://vector.im/beta/#/room/#ledgersmb:matrix.org). Although you probably want to do that sooner rather than later, probably, to get help and answers to your questions.

As for what refactorings we're looking for: we keep a list of issues in GitHub which are marked as "bite-sized" (https://github.com/ledgersmb/LedgerSMB/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3Abite-sized); this is probably a good place to start. Even though they're "bite-sized" this means they're limited in scope; when you pick one up as your first change, I'd expect these to be sufficiently challenging.

Oh. Last but not least: if you're not yet up to building refactored code: we need lots of tests to be defined and coded. You could help out building those as a start as well. Most refactorings should include test cases to assure the refactored code does what it should do (even though the original code probably didn't have tests!), so starting to build tests makes for a good first step towards learning what you need to know to get to refactoring.

Thanks again for stepping up. If you have more questions (which I'm sure you do), please come to the chat channel, or mail your questions here...




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