LedgerSMB 1.4.26-rc2 was just uploaded to SourceForge. The 1.4.26 release is scheduled for Saturday, with the following release announcement:
The LedgerSMB development team is happy to announce yet another new
version of its open source ERP and accounting application. This release
is the first to contain fully functional Template Transactions, a means to
create transactions that can be used for posting many times. Other than
that, it contains the following fixes and improvements:
Changelog for 1.4.26
* Removed broken and largely useless lwp tests (Chris T)
* Moved X12 support from features downgraded to experimental (Chris T)
* Fixed stylesheet class for setup console (Chris T, #1204)
* Added Copy to New for GL transactions (Chris T, #1046)
* Fixed amount range not respected on gl search (Chris T, #1287)
* Fixed invalid number crash when not displaying credit (Chris T, #1263)
* Fixed template transactions (Chris T and Erik H, #1071)
* Fixed part description editing on invoices/orders(Chris T, #1373)
* Danish translation update (Mikkel H)
Chris T is Chris Travers
Mikkel H is Mikkel Hoegh
Erik H is Erik Huelsmann
The release can be downloaded from sourceforge at
https://sourceforge.net/projects/ledger-smb/files/Beta%20Releases/1.4.26-rc2/These are the sha256 checksums of the uploaded files:
34bd9f3b1f99d24d8b52d4e7796f09ed6c2ad14f0f1c1ab51656e13466b724e6 ledgersmb-1.4.26-rc2.tar.gz
6f32341e9ced995b134b20b5f0acc0d09b7ba9ac4fe4377176ebed96eb201472 ledgersmb-1.4.26-rc2.tar.gz.asc
Robust and Flexible. No vendor lock-in.