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LedgerSMB 1.4.23-rc1 released for testing


LedgerSMB 1.4.23-rc1 was just uploaded for testing. If no blocking issues are found, it'll be released as 1.4.23 with the following changelog:

Changelog for 1.4.23
* Fixed running balance column of GL report double-counting (Erik H, #1205)
* Fixed spelling errors (David G, #1178)
* Fixed spelling errors (Erik H, #1183, #1170)
* Fixed handling of recurring transactions (Erik H, #1227)
* Fixed selected currency in vouchers -> payments isn't default (Erik H, #1186)
* Fixed CoA screen offering Delete for referenced accounts (Erik H, #972)
* Fixed vouchers print total instead of due amount (Erik H, #1068)
* Fixed missing envelope and shipping label templates (Erik H, #874)
* Fixed detailed (AR/AP) aging statements not working (Erik H, #1177)

David G is David Godfrey
Erik H is Erik Huelsmann

Please provide your feedback on this release candidate so we can fix any issues before they end up in the final release.



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