Hi Chris,On github you filed the issue below (https://github.com/ledgersmb/LedgerSMB/issues/562):Planning the following regarding the journal design and rewrite:
Database tables:
- journal (stores journal identifiers, not journal entries, i.e, general journal, sales journal etc).
- journal_entry (stores journal entry data)
- journal_line (stores journal entry line items)
As we have developed a strong tradition in designing a functional interface to the database, I'd love to see some of that here as well.
Also, I don't see any tables related to currencies. Does that mean you're leaving that question out of the scope of this part? Or are currencies embedded in the GL lines (and you left out the tables for the default values?).
Can we proceed with this rewrite without touching reporting units?
URL namespaces:
- .../journal/general/entry/new/ (get a form for a new entry)
- .../journal/general/entry/:id (show an entry by id, as a report)
- .../journal/general/entry/:id.{html/json/xml/csv/pdf} (show entry with format shown)
- .../ledger/general/:accno[.ext]?date_from=...&date_to=... General ledger for account
- .../journal/search/... (current gl/search report)
This seems mostly concerned with GET requests? If so, could you quickly outline the effects and URLs for PUT, POST and DELETE? OTOH, maybe you can just refer me to documentation stating how they're usually handled, if you think we can use a standard approach.
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