1.4.7 rc1 is out, shooting for Monday on the release. Here's the changelog. Feel free to test.
This release has a number of usability fixes and a significant fix for the display of some financial statements.
Changelog for 1.4.7
* Fixed 1231, lack of validation on forms leads to Perl errors (Chris T)
* Fixed 1264, account numbers out of place on PNL (Chris T)
* Fixed 1268, name not clickable on customer/vendor searches (Chris T)
* Fixed 1274, error on posting payment reversals w. dd/mm/yyy dates (Chris T)
* Fixed 1227, 1252, added batch printing via batches (Chris T)
* Fixed bug 1275, post error due to trying to double encode arry (Chris T)
* Fixing position of returns checkbox on account screen (Chris T)
* Fixed bug 1278, multi-language templates not stored in db (Chris T)
Chris T is Chris Travers