Arch Linux is on 5.18, so no objection. I suppose it depends on what shipping distros are using. I can't see there is much point in supporting a distro that hasn't been shipped for a couple of years.
On 23/03/14 09:18, Chris Travers wrote:
Hi everyone;
Perl is moving onward and many modules have Perl 5.8 support only provisionally (Moose for example, already has a stated policy of only support 5.8 on a best effort basis). Perl 5.10 has a number of additional features we might want to use over time and by not be stuck with 5.8 ways of doing things.
I would like to suggest a policy going forward of bumping up the major Perl version once a year or so, starting with 5.10 for 1.5.
Perl 5.8 was released in 2008 and 5.10 in 2009. If supporting them presents a large issue, I can't see why LedgerSMB should.