How to extend LedgerSMB programmatically My experience in developing an extension to LedgerSMB Brian Wolf Activus Technologies Overview ---------- Adding sales invoices programmatically is an enormously valuable extension to LedgerSMB and provides a huge boost to productivity. In our particular situation, we've built an automated process to pull orders from Amazon and add sales invoices to LedgerSMB along with associated payments. Having navigated Amazon's complex API, we may offer an Amazon pull as a service in the near future. Meanwhile, let me describe some of my experience in adding sales invoices in hope of helping someone else running LedgerSMB. Technical ---------- Our LedgerSMB extension is built on Python 2.7, a versatile object-oriented programming language, and SQLAlchemy 0.8, an object-relational mapper (ORM) which simplifies interactions with a database (PostgreSQL). Everything in Python is an object. An integer is an object; a string is an object; an instance of a user-defined class is, well, an object. Let's go over a few useful, oft-used Python objects and methods. Attributes or methods of an object created in Python can be addressed with simple dot notation. For example, suppose a Python object named eca represents a row in the entity_credit_account table. The pay_to_name column can be addressed like this: eca.pay_to_name The following illustrates creating a string and then calling a method on the resulting object: joe = "J. Jonah Jameson" joe.upper() A Python list is an ordered, indexable array of objects. Python makes use of a non-ordered associative array called a dictionary. A group of customers could be stored in a dictionary, and a specific customer with 'A783X2' as its key would be addressed like this: customers['A783X2'] A query can be built in SQLAlchemy easily with Python objects. The first step is to define a Python class for each table in the LedgerSMB database. Below is an example of a Python class representing the country table. The class inherits from the Base class. Each column is defined on a separate line. class Country(Base): __tablename__ = 'country' id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) name = Column(Text) short_name = Column(Text) itu = Column(Text) Let's say you have a session object which provides connectivity to the database. The next step is to define a query. Here's an example of looking up the United States: usa = session.query(Country).filter(Country.short_name == 'US').first() print, The results of the print command: 232, United States SQLAlchemy let's you daisy-chain query components together, a really useful feature. That's because most methods return a query object. The query above could have been written in three steps like this: qry = session.query(Country) qry = qry.filter(Country.short_name == 'US') usa = qry.first() Adding a Sales Order ---------- A sales order involves a few components: - an order (table: oe) - items on the order (tables: orderitems, parts) - customer's credit account (table: entity_credit_account) One approach is to define two methods: one for the order itself and one for the items on the order. Your code can iterate through external data, adding orders; plus an inner loop to add items to each order. Below is an example of adding a sales order. Note: In Python, None is a keyword which has a rough analogy to null in SQL. def add_order(eca, order): oe = session.query(OE).filter(OE.ordnumber == order.external_order_number).first() if oe is None: oe = OE() oe.ordnumber = order.order_id oe.entity_id = eca.entity_id oe.amount = order.amount oe.netamount = order.amount oe.taxincluded = False oe.notes = 'some notes go here...' oe.entity_credit_account = oe.oe_class_id = 1 oe.language_code = 'en_US' session.add(oe) session.commit() return oe Armed with the methods defined above, we can iterate through inbound order data culled from an external source and create orders (and perhaps customers, too). Something like this: for order in external_orders: oe = add_order(eca, order) external_items = get_items(order) for item in external_items: oe_item = add_item_to_order(oe, item) ![]() Brian Wolf
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