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Re: Split db id's accuratly from dropdown

> Hi all I am testing a small change.
> If you name a project, group or whatever with a -- in it
> you will get a db error on searches by that group or project.
> Due to splitting the db id at the wrong point.
> I simply replaced every instance of
> split /--/
> With
> split /--([^--]+)$/
> And it seems to be working well.
> Interestingly Ledgersmb actually strips extra ----'s from customers names
> Would not be good if you had to have -- in a name this could probably be
> eliminated.
> Cheers &
> Happy September
> Turtle

Here is a picket fence I used to go through bin/*.pl and LedgerSMB/*.pm

sed -i 's|split /--/| split /--\(\[\^--\]\+\)\$/ |g'
