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Re: First upgrade attempt from 1.2.21 -> 1.3.0RC4 == Fail

I fix the problems found by 1.2-pre-upgrade-checks.sql before 1.2-1.3-manual.sql is run. This is what it looks like just before I kick off 1.2-1.3-manual.sql.

++ psql --username=ledgernew -f /usr/local/lsmb130/sql/upgrade/1.2-pre-upgrade-checks.sql lsmb13
count | customernumber -------+----------------
(0 rows)

count | vendornumber -------+--------------
(0 rows)

id | accno | description | charttype | category | link | gifi_accno | contra ----+-------+-------------+-----------+----------+------+------------+--------
(0 rows)

id | login | name | address1 | address2 | city | state | zipcode | country | workphone | homephone | startdate | enddate | notes | role | sales | email | ssn | iban | bic | managerid | employeenumber | dob ----+-------+------+----------+----------+------+-------+---------+---------+-----------+-----------+-----------+---------+-------+------+-------+-------+-----+------+-----+-----------+----------------+-----
(0 rows)

partnumber | count ------------+-------
(0 rows)

invnumber | count -----------+-------
(0 rows)

On Thu, 6 Oct 2011, Chris Travers wrote:

On Thu, Oct 6, 2011 at 3:00 PM,  <..hidden..> wrote:

I've been trying a different path using the 1.2-1.3-manual.sql script
using a script (below).

If you are going to run the 1.2-1.3-manual.sql script, please first
run the 1.2-pre-upgrade-checks.sql first and correct issues.

Also, you will be better on most recent svn because you can just cd to
sql/modules after and run sh reload_modules.sh [dbname]

Best Wishes,
Chris Travers

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