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Re: Notices when creating tables

On Wed, Jun 15, 2011 at 20:56, Luke <..hidden..> wrote:
> (1.3 installation)
> Not being a PostGreSQL expert, should I be concerned at the rather huge
> number of these notices during installation?

No.  This is not an error, only a notice.  When you create a column
with certain constraints, like a "serial" column or a primary key, a
sequence or index is automatically created.

if you go into psql from a command line (psql -U postgres ledgersmb)
you can ask the database to describe the database:
\dt -- show tables in the database
\ds -- show sequences
\di -- show indexes

The above will show you Schema, Name, Type, Owner

if you do \d $Name substituting the $name of a table, sequence, or
index, you'll get a detailed description of the object.

> NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE will create implicit sequence "entity_id_seq" for
> serial column "entity.id"
> NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE / PRIMARY KEY will create implicit index
> "entity_pkey" for table "entity"
> NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE / UNIQUE will create implicit index "entity_id_key"
> for table "entity"
> ...
> NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE will create implicit sequence "users_id_seq" for
> serial column "users.id"
> NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE / PRIMARY KEY will create implicit index
> "users_pkey" for
> table "users"
> NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE / UNIQUE will create implicit index "users_id_key"
> for table "users"


David A. Bandel
Focus on the dream, not the competition.
            - Nemesis Air Racing Team motto
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