There was discussion on having easier setup procedures. Even though the attached script doesn't install the required Perl modules and PostgreSQL contrib files, it does contain everything required to quickly generate a company database, without the complicated manual instructions you currently have to go through. It works on my Debian Squeeze system which has all the required modules installed. The script is still shell, but really should be able to run on most systems. I know there's been discussion on requiring it to be Perl. That's a task I'd rather leave to others. This one works and only needs a simple translation step to be applied. Possibly, the testing framework which is able to set up company databases too can be copy/pasted for the task of table/trigger setup. The script is by no means meant to be the final solution, but should relieve short term pain and serve as documentation for anybody trying to set up LSMB manually. Bye, Erik. #!/bin/sh # Script to explain the steps to take when installing LedgerSMB # Default variable values section owner=ledgersmb pass=LEDGERSMBINITIAL host=localhost port=5432 srcdir=$PWD dstdir=$PWD coa=us/General.sql gifi= pgsql_contrib_dir=ignore ADMIN_FIRSTNAME='Default' ADMIN_MIDDLENAME=NULL ADMIN_LASTNAME='Admin' ADMIN_USERNAME='admin' ADMIN_PASSWORD='admin' # Usage explanation section usage () { script_name=`basename $0` cat <<USAGE usage: $script_name [option1 .. optionN] This script wants to be run as the root user. If you don't, you'll be asked to enter the password of the 'postres' user This script creates a 'ledgersmb' user on the specified PostgreSQL host, if it does not exist. Then it proceeds to load the LedgerSMB database structure and content, loading Chart of Accounts data and GIFI data as specified in the argument list. After the database has been created, the script inserts a default user '$ADMIN_USER' (password: '$ADMIN_PASSWORD'), with these initial values: First name: $ADMIN_FIRSTNAME (NULL == none) Middle name: $ADMIN_MIDDLENAME (NULL == none) Last name: $ADMIN_LASTNAME (NULL == none) Country: 'US' This default user will be assigned all priviledges within the application. Available options: --srcdir The path where the sources for LedgerSMB are located [$srcdir] --dstdir The path where the sources will be located when invoked from the webserver [$dstdir] --host The PostgreSQL host to connect to (see 'man psql') [$host] --port The PostgreSQL port to connect to (see 'man psql') [$port] --pgsql-contrib The directory where the tsearch2.sql, pg_trgm.sql and tablefunc.sql PostgeSQL are located [$pgslq_contrib_dir] --company The name of the database to be created for the company [*] --owner The name of the superuser which is to become owner of the company's database [$owner] --password The password to be used to create the 'ledgersmb' user on the specified PostgreSQL server [$pass] --coa The path locating the file to be used to load the Chart of Accounts data --gifi The path locating the file to be used to load the GIFI data with the chart of accounts --progress Echoes the commands executed by the script during setup --help Shows this help screen * These arguments don't have a default, but are required USAGE } # Extract options and setup variables if ! options=$( getopt -u -l company:,coa:,gifi:,srcdir:,dstdir:,password:,host:,port:,help,progress,pgsql-contrib: '' "$@" ) then exit 1 fi set -- $options while test $# -gt 0 ; do shift_args=2 case "$1" in --) shift_args=1 ;; --company) company_name=$2 # break ;; --coa) coa=$2 # break ;; --gifi) gifi=$2 # break ;; --srcdir) srcdir=$2 # break ;; --dstdir) dstdir=$2 # break ;; --password) pass=$2 # break ;; --host) host=$2 # break ;; --port) port=$2 # break ;; --pgsql-contrib) pgsql_contrib_dir=$2 # break ;; --progress) progress=yes shift_args=1 # break ;; --help) usage exit 0;; esac shift $shift_args done if test -z "$company_name" then echo "missing or empty --company option" usage exit 1 fi if test "$pgsql_contrib_dir" = "ignore" then echo "missing argument --pgsql-contrib!" usage exit 1 fi psql_args="-h $host -p $port -U $owner" psql_cmd="psql $psql_args -d $company_name" if test -n "$progress" then # Use shell command-echoing to "report progress" set -x fi sed -e "s|WORKING_DIR|$dstdir|g" \ $srcdir/ledgersmb-httpd.conf >$dstdir/ledgersmb.conf cat <<EOF | su -c "psql -U postgres -d postgres " postgres CREATE ROLE $owner WITH SUPERUSER LOGIN NOINHERIT ENCRYPTED PASSWORD '$pass'; CREATE DATABASE $company_name WITH ENCODING = 'UNICODE' OWNER = $owner TEMPLATE = template0; \\c $company_name CREATE LANGUAGE plpgsql; EOF PGPASSWORD=$pass export PGPASSWORD #createdb $psql_args -O $owner -E UNICODE $company_name #createlang $psql_args plpgsql $company_name # Load the required PostgreSQL contribs, if a directory was specified if ! test "x$pgsql_contrib_dir" = "xignored" then for contrib in tsearch2.sql pg_trgm.sql tablefunc.sql do cat $pgsql_contrib_dir/$contrib | $psql_cmd done fi # Load the base file(s) # -- Basic database structure cat $srcdir/sql/Pg-database.sql | $psql_cmd # -- Additional database structure for module in `grep -v -E '^[[:space:]]*#' sql/modules/LOADORDER` do cat $srcdir/sql/modules/$module | $psql_cmd done # -- Authorizations sed -e "s/<?lsmb dbname ?>/$company_name/g" \ $srcdir/sql/modules/Roles.sql | $psql_cmd if test -n "$coa" ; then # Load a chart of accounts cat $coa | $psql_cmd if test -n "$gifi" ; then cat $gifi | $psql_cmd fi fi cat <<CREATE_USER | $psql_cmd EXECUTE admin__save_user(NULL, person__save(NULL, 3, '$ADMIN_FIRSTNAME', '$ADMIN_MIDDLENAME', '$ADMIN_LASTNAME', (SELECT id FROM country WHERE short_name = 'US')), '$ADMIN_USERNAME', '$ADMIN_PASSWORD'); SELECT admin__add_user_to_role('$ADMIN_USERNAME', rolname) FROM pg_roles WHERE rolname like 'lsmb_${company_name}_%'; CREATE_USER
Description: Bourne shell script