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[PATCH] Cash receipt search result selection

When selecting:

Cash -> Receipts

and clicking on Continue on the subsequent screen, I'm presented with
3 lines (I have 3 companies defined in my testing database) and 3
columns: a line number in the first, a radio button in the last and an
empty column in the middle.

The middle column should contain the company name, judging by
UI/payments/payment1_5.html, which injects the "name" element in the
middle column. Looking through scripts/payment.pl,
LedgerSMB/DBObject/Payment.pm and sql/modules/Payment.sql, I think the
column is defined to contain the company legal name, concatenated with
the description. The company legal name seems to agree with the "Name"
field in the AR/Customer definition screen.

[ testing interjected ]

Ah! None of my companies have descriptions, leading to an empty
account name column! Now that I set a description on one, suddenly the
company name and account description are shown in the list!

Wait! Now I know how to fix this. Patch below:

Index: sql/modules/Payment.sql
--- sql/modules/Payment.sql     (revision 3142)
+++ sql/modules/Payment.sql     (working copy)
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@

        FOR out_entity IN
-               SELECT ec.id, cp.legal_name||': '||ec.description as
name, e.entity_class, ec.discount_account_id, ec.meta_number
+               SELECT ec.id, cp.legal_name||coalesce(':
'||ec.description,'') as name, e.entity_class, ec.discount_account_id,
                FROM entity_credit_account ec
                JOIN entity e ON (ec.entity_id = e.id)
                JOIN company cp ON (cp.entity_id = e.id)

