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Re: Features you would like to see in 2.0

On Thu, 29 Jul 2010, Joshua D. Drake wrote:

What features would you like to see in 2.0?

Oh, and I would like to see invoices that don't change after the fact, to-wit:

I have an invoice for a non-taxable customer. That customer was later changed to be taxable. The invoice still shows up correctly in reports, but in the actual invoice, there are now tax lines, and a new total that is other than was actually billed. If I had to print this invoice again, it would be annoying to try to hack away those tax lines.

Additionally, I am uncertain about how this would effect payments, as i think this invoice was paid prior to the change to taxable.

So, invoices which become documents would be nice, or at least get locked records and become read only. Of course, that would kill the ability to repost.

The other thing on invoices is editable notes. It would be nice to be able to edit the notes/internal notes of an invoice, without having to repost. Of course, notes which were posted with the original invoice should be read only as well, since presumably they printed with the original, and are part of the legal paper trail.
