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2 nd email, Need your advise , not as my first email

Dear Christ,

I need your advice,

Chart information :

 select id , accno , description from chart where id in (10045,10007,10024,10025,10033,10004);
  id   | accno |        description        
 10033 | 4020  | Sales / Hardware
 10045 | 5020  | COGS / Hardware
 10004 | 1200  | Accounts Receivables
 10007 | 1520  | Inventory / Computer Parts
 10024 | 2310  | PST (5%)
 10025 | 2320  | GST (5%)
(6 rows)

    When I have many invoices from many Ap for the same item.
select id , invnumber from ap where id in ('303040','303041','303042');

   id   | invnumber

 303040 | 1010
 303041 | 1011
 303042 | 1012
(3 rows)

select id , parts_id , trans_id , qty , allocated from invoice where parts_id =303044;

  id   | parts_id | trans_id | qty | allocated

 76634 |   303044 |   303047 |  -1 |         0
 76633 |   303044 |   303046 |  -1 |         0
 76632 |   303044 |   303045 |  -1 |         0
(3 rows)

   if I sold them in one AR invoice,

  id   | parts_id | trans_id | qty | allocated
 76632 |   303044 |   303045 |  -1 |         1
 76633 |   303044 |   303046 |  -1 |         1
 76634 |   303044 |   303047 |  -1 |         1
 76637 |   303044 |   303051 |   3 |        -3
(4 rows)

select id , invnumber from ar where id = 303051;
   id   | invnumber
 303051 | 11374
(1 row)

   I will have that in acc_trans:

select * from acc_trans where trans_id = 303051;
 trans_id | chart_id | transdate  | source | cleared | fx_transaction | project_id | memo | invoice_id | amount | entry_id
   303051 |    10024 | 2009-11-30 |        | f       | f              |            |      |            |      3 |   132403
   303051 |    10025 | 2009-11-30 |        | f       | f              |            |      |            |      3 |   132402
   303051 |    10004 | 2009-11-30 |        | f       | f              |            |      |            |    -66 |   132401
   303051 |    10045 | 2009-11-30 |        | f       | f              |            |      |      76634 |     -5 |   132400
   303051 |    10045 | 2009-11-30 |        | f       | f              |            |      |      76633 |     -5 |   132399
   303051 |    10045 | 2009-11-30 |        | f       | f              |            |      |      76632 |     -5 |   132398
   303051 |    10007 | 2009-11-30 |        | f       | f              |            |      |      76637 |      5 |   132397
   303051 |    10007 | 2009-11-30 |        | f       | f              |            |      |      76633 |      5 |   132396
   303051 |    10007 | 2009-11-30 |        | f       | f              |            |      |      76632 |      5 |   132395
   303051 |    10033 | 2009-11-30 |        | f       | f              |            |      |            |     60 |   132394
(10 rows)

  The program add the invoice id as you see

  inventory_accno_id and expensive_accno_id  = id of invoice that belong to AP.

  except, When entry_id = 132397 , the program add the invoice id that belong to Ar.

  From monitoring the code I found those 2 lines in IS.pm,
$ndx = $#{ @{ $form->{acc_trans}{lineitems} } }; 

  # add invoice_id
            $form->{acc_trans}{lineitems}[$ndx]->{invoice_id} = $invoice_id;

  The program do that for every line, so in COGS function, if the item came from one invoice that is mean :
         expenses_accno_id will has  invoice id that belong to AP and
         inventory_accno_id will has  invoice id for this item that belong to AR.

 but If the item came from many ap invoices, That is mean one from the lines will have the ar invoice and the rest will have the invoice id that belong to AP.

I don't know depend on what the project do that. as you see on this line :
  # add invoice_id
            $form->{acc_trans}{lineitems}[$ndx]->{invoice_id} = $invoice_id;

I will going to fix it, if I am wrong please tell me .

Best wishes,


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