On Mon, Oct 26, 2009 at 9:40 AM, blck shp
<..hidden..> wrote:
While working on setting up ledger 1.2.99 from trunk, I came across a
few mistakes in the INSTALL text file in ledgersmb root directory. :
Line 330 missing country_id:
$ psql -U postgres -d mycompany -t -c "INSERT INTO entity (name,
entity_class, created) VALUES ('myuser', 3, NOW()) RETURNING name,
entity_class, created;"
Should be:
$ psql -U postgres -d mycompany -t -c "INSERT INTO entity (name,
entity_class, created, country_id) VALUES ('myuser', 3, NOW())
RETURNING name, entity_class, created, country_id;"
Line 341 had extra country_id:
$ psql -U postgres -d mycompany -t -c "INSERT INTO person (entity_id,
first_name, last_name, created,country_id) VALUES (2, 'Firstname',
'Lastname', NOW(),'232') RETURNING entity_id, first_name, last_name,
Should be:
$ psql -U postgres -d mycompany -t -c "INSERT INTO person (entity_id,
first_name, last_name, created) VALUES (2, 'Firstname', 'Lastname',
NOW(),'232') RETURNING entity_id, first_name, last_name, created;"
Line 352 was returing person_id instead of manager_id.
$ psql -U postgres -d mycompany -t -c "INSERT INTO entity_employee
(manager_id, entity_id, startdate, role) VALUES (1, 2, NOW(),
'myuser') RETURNING person_id, entity_id, startdate, role;"
Should be:
$ psql -U postgres -d mycompany -t -c "INSERT INTO entity_employee
(manager_id, entity_id, startdate, role) VALUES (1, 2, NOW(),
'myuser') RETURNING manager_id, entity_id, startdate, role;"
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