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Re: closing timecards?

On Fri, 14 Nov 2008 19:56:39 +0000, Chris Calef wrote:

> Hi,
> Could anyone possibly fill me in on how timecards are marked as open or
> closed?  My clients tell me that they used to be able to mark this in
> SQL-Ledger, and that they were marked as closed when they called Generate
> Sales Order, but I can't find anything in jcitems that seems to indicate
> active status.  Is it somewhere else?

Looking at my own timecards, the open ones have 0 (zero) in the
jcitems.allocated column.

A search (not tracing through the code) give a likely candidate as the
first match, testing for "open" timecards as jcitems.qty !=

  $ ack -B 3 -A 4 allocated LedgerSMB/JC.pm 
      if ( $form->{open} || $form->{closed} ) {
          unless ( $form->{open} && $form->{closed} ) {
              $where .= " AND j.qty != j.allocated" if $form->{open};
              $where .= " AND j.qty = j.allocated"
                if $form->{closed};
      $query = qq|
  		SELECT j.id, j.description, j.qty, j.allocated,
  		       to_char(j.checkedin, 'HH24:MI') AS checkedin,
  		       to_char(j.checkedout, 'HH24:MI') AS checkedout,
  		       to_char(j.checkedin, 'yyyymmdd') AS transdate,
  		       to_char(j.checkedin, ?) AS transdatea,
      for (qw(inhour inmin insec outhour outmin outsec)) {
          $form->{$_} = substr( "00$form->{$_}", -2 );
      for (qw(qty sellprice allocated)) {
          $form->{$_} = $form->parse_amount( $myconfig, $form->{$_} );
      my $checkedin  = "$form->{inhour}$form->{inmin}$form->{insec}";
  		       parts_id = ?,
  		       description = ?,
  		       qty = ?,
  		       allocated = ?,
  		       sellprice = ?,
  		       fxsellprice = ?,
  		       serialnumber = ?,
  		       checkedin = ?::timestamp,
          "$form->{transdate} $form->{inhour}:$form->{inmin}:" . $form->{insec},