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SF.net SVN: ledger-smb:[3804] trunk

Revision: 3804
Author:   einhverfr
Date:     2011-10-07 19:03:27 +0000 (Fri, 07 Oct 2011)
Log Message:
Initial commit for parts of code for journal entries

Added Paths:

Added: trunk/LedgerSMB/DBObject/Journal_Entry.pm
--- trunk/LedgerSMB/DBObject/Journal_Entry.pm	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/LedgerSMB/DBObject/Journal_Entry.pm	2011-10-07 19:03:27 UTC (rev 3804)
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
+=head1 NAME
+package LedgerSMB::DBObject::Journal_Entry;
+=head1 SYNOPSYS
+This module contains the routines for managing and recording journal entries.
+Such journal entries are the base of the accounting software and include all
+invoices issued to customers and vendors, all payments and receipts, all 
+transfers between bank accounts, etc.
+the following modules are in the inheritance tree of this module
+=item Moose
+=item LedgerSMB
+=item LedgerSMB::DBObject
+use Moose;
+use base qw(LedgerSMB::DBObject);
+has dbtype          => (is => 'ro', isa => 'str',
+                                                default => 'journal_entry_ext');
+has id              => (is => 'rw', isa => 'int',     required => 0);
+=item id (rw, int, not required)
+This is the id of the journal entry, auto-generated when saved.  Should be undef
+when the journal entry has not yet been saved.  Will be set on all entries 
+retrieved from the database.
+has reference       => (is => 'rw', isa => 'str',     required => 1);
+=item reference (rw, string, required)
+This is the source document number for the journal entry.  For an invoice this
+will be the invoice number.  For a check it will be the check number.  In other
+cases, it could be other specified identifiers.  All GL and all sales references
+must be unique.
+has description     => (is => 'rw', isa => 'str',     required => 0);
+=item description (rw, string, not required)
+This is an optional description for the transaction, such as the memo field
+of a check.
+has journal         => (is => 'rw', isa => 'int',     required => 1);
+=item journal (rw, int, required)
+This tells us which journal the transaction is being entered in and hence what 
+the transaction type is.  The following values are hard-coded in the database:
+=item 1 General
+Used for general journal entries, for example transfers between bank accounts,
+adjustments, and the like.
+=item 2 Sales
+Used for sales invoices with or without inventory.
+=item 3 Purchases
+Used to record vendor invoices with or without inventory.
+=item 4 Receipts
+Used to record moneys received from customers.
+=item 5 Dispursements
+Used to record moneys paid to vendors
+has post_date       => (is => 'rw', isa => 'pg_date', required => 1);
+=item post_date (rw, date, required)
+This records the date the transaction officially hits the books (with or without
+has effective_start => (is => 'rw', isa => 'pg_date', required => 0);
+=item effective_start(rw, date, optional)
+Records the date the transaction begins to take effect (for example the
+beginning of a lease).  Used for manually calculating adjustments and could be
+used for an add-on to do the same.  If not provided, defaults to post_date.
+has effective_end   => (is => 'rw', isa => 'pg_date', required => 0);
+=item effective_end (rw, date, optional)
+Records the date the transaction ceases to take effect (for example the ending 
+date of a year-long pre-paid lease).  Used for manually calculating adjustments
+and could be used for an add-on to do the same.  if not provided, defaults to
+has currency        => (is => 'rw', isa => 'str',     required => 1);
+=item currency(rw, string, required)
+Three characters identifying the currency in use (for example USD, CAD, or EUR).
+has approved        => (is => 'ro', isa => 'bool',    required => 1, 
+                                                                  default => 0);
+=item approved (ro, bool, required, defaults to 0)
+Reports whether the transaction has been approved.  Is not saved when the 
+journal entry is saved. 
+has is_template     => (is => 'rw', isa => 'bool',    required => 1,
+                                                                  default => 0);
+=item is_template (rw, bool, required, defaults to 0)
+This is set as true when saving as a template.  Templates can be copied to new
+transactions or deleted but cannot be approved themselves.
+has entered_by      => (is => 'ro', isa => 'int',     required => 0);
+=item entered_by (ro, int, not required)
+This is the entity id of the one entering the transaction.  It is set 
+automatically by the database.
+has entered_by_name  => (is => 'ro', isa => 'str',     required => 0);
+has approved_by      => (is => 'ro', isa => 'int',     required => 0);
+has approved_by_name => (is => 'ro', isa => 'str',     required => 0);
+has lines           => (is => 'rw', isa => 'list',    required => 1);

Added: trunk/sql/modules/Journal.sql
--- trunk/sql/modules/Journal.sql	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/sql/modules/Journal.sql	2011-10-07 19:03:27 UTC (rev 3804)
@@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
+--Journal entry stored procedures for LedgerSMB
+--Copyright (C) 2011, The LedgerSMB Core Team
+--Permission granted to use this work in accordance with the GNU General Public
+--License version 2 or at your option any later version.  Please see included
+--LICENSE file for details.
+-- This file contains many functions which are by nature security definer 
+-- functions.  The tradeoff security-wise is that we can more tightly control
+-- what can be inserted into the tables via security definer functions, but
+-- at the same time the opportunity for privilege escallation is also higher
+-- because security definer functions to some extent break a declarative 
+-- security model.   As always avoid executing dynamic SQL as much as possible,
+-- etc.
+CREATE TYPE journal_entry_ext AS (
+    id int, 
+    reference text,
+    description text,
+    journal int,
+    journal_name text,
+    post_date date,
+    effective_start date,
+    effective_end date,
+    currency char(3),
+    approved bool,
+    is_template bool,
+    entered_by int,
+    entered_by_name text,
+    approved_by int,
+    approved_by_name text,
+    lines journal_line[]
+COMMENT ON TYPE journal_entry_ext IS 
+$$ Contains all relevant data for journal entries. $$;
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION je_get (arg_id int) returns journal_entry_ext AS
+SELECT je.id, je.reference, je.journal, j.name, je.post_date, 
+       je.effective_start, je.effective_end, je.currency, je.approved,
+       je.is_template, je.entered_by, ee.name, je.approved_by, ae.name,
+       array_agg(row(jl.*))
+  FROM journal_entry je
+  JOIN journal j ON je.journal = j.id
+  JOIN entity ee ON je.entered_by = ee.id
+  JOIN entity ae ON je.approved_by = ae.id
+  JOIN journal_line jl ON jl.je_id = je.id
+ WHERE je.id = $1
+ GROUP BY je.id, je.reference, je.journal, j.name, je.post_date,
+       je.effective_start, je.effective_end, je.currency, je.approved,
+       je.is_template, je.entered_by, ee.name, je.approved_by, ae.name;
+$$ language sql;
+COMMENT ON FUNCTION je_get (arg_id int) IS
+$$ This is a simple function to retrieve the journal item of the id sent in the
+search crieria.$$;
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION je_approve (prop_id int) returns journal_entry_ext
+AS $$
+-- Must be security definer.  otherwise we risk giving people permission to
+-- de-approve transactions which is bad, even with column perms.  --CT
+UPDATE journal_entry 
+   SET approved = true, 
+       approved_by = person__get_my_entity_id() 
+ WHERE id = $1;
+SELECT je_get($1);
+COMMENT ON FUNCTION je_approve (prop_id int) IS
+$$ This function approvies the journal entry specified.$$;
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION je_delete_unapproved(arg_id int) 
+RETURNS journal_entry_ext AS
+DELETE FROM journal_line 
+ WHERE je_id = (select id 
+                 from journal_entry 
+                where id = $1 and approved is false);
+DELETE FROM journal_id
+ WHERE id = $1 and approved is false;
+SELECT je_get($1);
+$$ language sql SECURITY DEFINER;
+REVOKE EXECUTE ON je_approve FROM public;
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION je_modify_and_approve (
+prop_id int
+prop_reference text,
+prop_description text,
+prop_post_date date,
+prop_currency char(3),
+prop_effective_start date,
+prop_effective_end date,
+prop_lines journal_line[]
+) RETURNS journal_entry_ext AS 
+    test bool;
+-- error handling and checks before we begin
+IF (pg_has_role('lsmb_'||current_database()||'__draft_modify') IS NOT TRUE THEN
+    RAISE EXCEPTION 'Access denied';
+SELECT sum(amount) = 0 INTO test FROM expand(prop_lines);
+   RAISE EXCEPTION 'Unbalanced transaction';
+SELECT approved IS FALSE INTO test FROM journal_entry WHERE id = prop_id;
+   RAISE EXCEPTION 'Transaction laready approved';
+-- main function
+DELETE FROM journal_line WHERE je_id = prop_id;
+UPDATE journal_entry 
+   SET reference = prop_reference,
+       description = prop_description,
+       post_date = prop_post_date,
+       effective_start = coalesce(prop_effective_start, prop_post_date),
+       effective_end = coalesce(prop_effective_end, prop_post_date)
+ WHERE id = prop_id
+    RAISE EXCEPTION 'Entry not found'
+INSERT INTO journal_line
+            (je_id, account_id, amount, project_id, department_id)
+     SELECT prop_id, account_id, amount, project_id, department_id
+       FROM expand(prop_lines);
+RETURN je_get(prop_id);
+prop_reference text,
+prop_description text,
+prop_journal int,
+prop_post_date date,
+prop_is_template bool,
+prop_currency char(3),
+prop_effective_start date,
+prop_effective_end date,
+prop_lines journal_line[]
+) RETURNS journal_entry_ext AS 
+DECLARE retval journal_entry_ext;
+     test bool;
+     separate_duties bool;
+   -- must be security definer because otherwise we can't guarantee balanced 
+   -- transactions --CT
+   SELECT sum(amount) = 0 into test FROM expand(prop_lines);
+   IF test is not true
+     RAISE EXCEPTION 'Unbalanced transaction';
+   END IF;
+   SELECT value <> '0' INTO separate_duties 
+     FROM defaults 
+    WHERE setting_key = 'separate_duties';
+   INSERT INTO journal_entry 
+               (reference, description, journal, post_date, is_template, 
+               currency, effective_start, effective_end, approved)
+        VALUES (prop_reference, prop_description, prop_journal, prop_post_date,
+               prop_is_template, prop_currency, 
+               coalesce(prop_effective_start, prop_post_date),
+               coalesce(prop_effective_end, prop_post_date), 
+               separate_duties is false);
+     INTO journal_line
+          (je_id, account_id, amount, project_id, department_id)
+   SELECT currval('journal_entry_id_seq'), account_id, amount, 
+          project_id, department_id
+     FROM expand(prop_lines);
+   RETURN je_get(currval('journal_entry_id_seq'));
+(arg_id int, arg_reference text, arg_post_date date)
+RETURNS journal_entry_ext AS
+  INTO journal_entry
+       (reference, description, journal, post_date, is_template,
+       currency, effective_start, effective_end, approved)
+SELECT $2, description, journal, coalesce($3, post_date),
+       0, currency, effective_strt, effective_end, d.value = '0'
+  FROM journal_entry je, defaults d
+ WHERE d.setting_key = 'separate_duties' and je.id = $1;
+  INTO journal_line
+       (je_id, account_id, amount, project_id, department_id)
+SELECT currval('journal_entry_id_seq'), account_id, amount * -1, project_id,
+       department_id
+  FROM journal_line
+ WHERE je_id = $1;
+SELECT je_get(currval('journal_entry_id_seq'));

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