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SF.net SVN: ledger-smb:[3777] addons/1.3/budgetting/trunk/sql/modules

Revision: 3777
Author:   einhverfr
Date:     2011-09-29 07:01:54 +0000 (Thu, 29 Sep 2011)
Log Message:
More budgetting stuff

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Added Paths:

Removed Paths:

Copied: addons/1.3/budgetting/trunk/sql/modules/Budgetting.sql (from rev 3774, addons/1.3/budgetting/trunk/sql/modules/budgetting.sql)
--- addons/1.3/budgetting/trunk/sql/modules/Budgetting.sql	                        (rev 0)
+++ addons/1.3/budgetting/trunk/sql/modules/Budgetting.sql	2011-09-29 07:01:54 UTC (rev 3777)
@@ -0,0 +1,299 @@
+-- Beginnings of a budget module, released under the GPL v2 or later.
+-- Copyright 2011 The LedgerSMB Core Team 
+-- Notes for future versions:
+-- 1:  For 1.4, move to arrays of composites and unnest()
+-- 2:  Move to new input argument semantics
+-- 3:  Add array of composites to budget_info_ext for lines
+-- 4:  Make department_id default to 0 and be not null
+-- 5:  Convert type definitions to views.
+CREATE TYPE budget_info_ext AS (
+   id INT,
+   start_date date,
+   end_date date ,
+   reference text,
+   description text,
+   entered_by int, 
+   approved_by int,
+   obsolete_by int,
+   entered_at timestamp,
+   approved_at timestamp,
+   obsolete_at timestamp,
+   entered_by_name text
+   approved_by_name text,
+   obsolete_by_name text,
+   department_id int,
+   department_name text,
+   project_id int,
+   projectnumber text
+COMMENT ON TYPE budget_info_ext IS 
+$$ This is the base budget_info type.  In 1.4, it will be renamed budget and
+include an array of lines, but since we support 8.3, we can't do that. 
+The id, start_date, end_date, reference, description, entered_by, approved_by,
+entered_at, and approved_at fields reference the budget_info table.  The other
+two fields refer to the possible joins. $$; --'
+   in_start_date date,
+   in_end_date date ,
+   in_includes_date date,
+   in_reference text,
+   in_description text,
+   in_entered_by int, 
+   in_approved_by int,
+   in_department_id int,
+   in_project_id int,
+   in_is_approved bool, in_is_obsolete bool
+) RETURNS SETOF budget_info_ext AS
+select bi.*, ee.name, ae.name, oe.name, bd.department_id, d.description, 
+       bp.project_id, p.projectnumber
+  from budget_info 
+  JOIN entity ee ON bi.entered_by = ee.id
+  LEFT JOIN budget_to_department bd ON bd.budget_id = bi.id
+  LEFT JOIN entity ae ON bi.approved_by = ae.id
+  LEFT JOIN entity oe ON bi.obsolete_by = oe.id
+  LEFT JOIN budget_to_project bp ON bp.budget_id = bi.id
+  LEFT JOIN department d ON d.id = bd.department_id
+  LEFT JOIN project p ON bp.project_id = p.id
+ WHERE (start_date = $1) or ($2 = end_date) 
+       OR ($3 BETWEEN start_date AND end_date)
+       OR ($4 ilike reference || '%') OR (description @@ plain_to_tsquery($5)) 
+       OR ($6 = entered_by) OR ($7 = approved_by) OR ($8 = obsolete_by) 
+       OR ($9 = department_id) OR ($10 = project_id)
+       OR ($11 IS NULL OR ($11 = (approved_by IS NOT NULL)))
+       OR ($12 IS NULL OR ($12 = (obsolete_by IS NOT NULL)))
+ ORDER BY department_id, project_id, reference;
+$$ language sql;
+   in_start_date date,
+   in_end_date date ,
+   in_includes_date date,
+   in_reference text,
+   in_description text,
+   in_entered_by int,
+   in_approved_by int,
+   in_department_id int,
+   in_project_id int,
+   in_is_approved bool, in_is_obsolete bool
+)  IS $$ This is a general search for budgets$$;
+(in_id int, in_start_date date, in_end_date date, in_reference text,
+in_description text, in_department_id int, in_project_id int)
+RETURNS budget_info_ext AS
+   retval budget_info_ext;
+   t_id int;
+  UPDATE budget_info
+     SET start_date = in_start_date,
+         end_date = in_end_date,
+         reference = in_reference,
+         description = in_description
+   WHERE id = in_id and approved is not true;
+      t_id := in_id;
+       PERFORM * FROM budget_info WHERE id = in_id and approved is true;
+           RAISE EXCEPTION 'report approved';
+       END IF;
+       INSERT INTO budget_info (start_date, end_date, reference, description)
+            VALUES (in_start_date, in_end_date, in_reference, in_description);
+       t_id = currval('budget_info_id_seq');
+  END IF;
+  IF in_project_id IS NOT NULL THEN
+     UPDATE budget_to_project 
+        SET project_id = in_project_id 
+      WHERE budget_id = t_id;
+        INSERT INTO budget_to_project(budget_id, project_id)
+             VALUES (t_id, in_project_id);
+     END IF;
+  END IF;
+  IF in_department_id IS NOT NULL THEN
+     UPDATE budget_to_department 
+        SET department_id = in_department_id 
+      WHERE budget_id = t_id;
+        INSERT INTO budget_to_department(budget_id, department_id)
+             VALUES (t_id, in_department_id);
+     END IF;
+  END IF;
+  SELECT bi.*, in_department_id, in_project_id FROM budget_info
+   WHERE id = t_id;
+$$ language plpgsql;
+COMMENT ON FUNCTION budget__save_info
+(in_id int, in_start_date date, in_end_date date, in_reference text,
+in_description text, in_department_id int, in_project_id int) IS
+$$Saves the extended budget info passed through to the function.  See the 
+comment on type budget_info_ext for more information.$$;
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION budget__save_details(in_id int, in_details text[])
+RETURNS budget_info_ext AS
+   loop_count int;
+   retval int;
+    FOR loop_count in   
+        array_lower(in_transactions, 1) ..
+        array_upper(in_transactions, 1)
+    LOOP
+        INSERT INTO budget_line 
+                    (budget_id, 
+                     account_id, 
+                     description, 
+                     amount)
+             VALUES (in_id, 
+                     in_details[loop_count][1]::int, 
+                     in_details[loop_count][2], 
+                     in_details[loop_count][3]::numeric);
+    END LOOP;
+    return budget__get_info(in_id);
+$$ language plpgsql;
+COMMENT ON FUNCTION budget__save_details(in_id int, in_details text[]) IS
+$$ This saves the line items for the budget.  in_details is an array n long
+where each entry is {int account_id, text description, numeric amount}.  The
+in_id parameter is the budget_id.$$;
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION budget__get_info(in_id int)
+returns budget_info AS
+select bi.*, ee.name, ae.name, oe.name, bd.department_id, d.description, 
+       bp.project_id, p.projectnumber
+  from budget_info 
+  JOIN entity ee ON bi.entered_by = ee.id
+  LEFT JOIN budget_to_department bd ON bd.budget_id = bi.id
+  LEFT JOIN entity ae ON bi.approved_by = ae.id
+  LEFT JOIN entity oe ON bi.obsolete_by = oe.id
+  LEFT JOIN budget_to_project bp ON bp.budget_id = bi.id
+  LEFT JOIN department d ON d.id = bd.department_id
+  LEFT JOIN project p ON bp.project_id = p.id
+ where bi.id = $1; 
+$$ language sql;
+COMMENT ON FUNCTION budget__get_info(in_id int) IS
+$$ Selects the budget info. $$;
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION budget__get_details(in_id int)
+RETURNS SETOF budget_line AS
+  SELECT * FROM budget_line where budget_id = in_id;
+$$ language sql;
+COMMENT ON FUNCTION budget__get_details(in_id int) IS
+$$ This retrieves the budget lines associated with a budget.$$;
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION budget__save_note(in_id, in_subject, in_note)
+RETURNS budget_note AS
+INSERT INTO budget_note (note_class, subject, note, ref_key) 
+     values (5, in_subject, in_note, in_id);
+SELECT * FROM budget_note WHERE id = currval('note_id_seq'::regclass);
+$$ language sql;
+COMMENT ON FUNCTION budget__save_note(in_id, in_subject, in_note) IS
+$$ Saves a note attached to a budget.$$;
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION budget__get_notes(in_id) 
+RETURNS SETOF budget_note AS
+SELECT * FROM budget_note WHERE ref_key = in_id
+ ORDER BY created;
+$$ language sql;
+COMMENT ON FUNCTION budget__get_notes(in_id) IS
+$$ Returns all notes associated with a budget, by default in the order they 
+were created.$$;
+CREATE TYPE budget_variance_report AS (
+    accno text,
+    account_label text,
+    account_id int,
+    budget_description text,
+    budget_amount numeric,
+    used_amount numeric,
+    variance numeric
+COMMENT ON TYPE budget_variance_report IS
+$$ This is the base type for the budget variance report.$$;
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION budget__variance_report(in_id) 
+RETURNS SETOF budget_variance_report
+   WITH agg_account (amount, id, accno, description, transdate)
+        AS ( SELECT ac.amount *
+                    CASE WHEN a.contra THEN -1 ELSE 1 END *
+                    CASE WHEN a.category IN ('A', 'E') THEN -1 ELSE 1 END
+                    AS amount,
+                    a.id, a.account, a.description, ac.transdate
+               FROM acc_trans ac
+               JOIN account ON ac.chart_id = account.id
+           )
+   SELECT a.accno, a.description, a.id, b.description, b.amount
+          sum(a.amount), b.amount - sum(a.amount) AS variance
+     FROM budget_info bi
+     JOIN agg_account a ON a.transdate BETWEEN bi.start_date and bi.end_date
+     JOIN budget_line b ON bi.id = b.budget_id
+    WHERE bi.id = $1;
+$$ sql;
+COMMENT ON FUNCTION budget__variance_report(in_id int) IS
+$$ Retrieves a variance report for budget with an id of in_id.$$; 
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION budget__mark_obsolete(in_id int) 
+RETURNS budget_info_ext AS
+UPDATE budget_info 
+   set obsolete_by = person__get_my_entity_id, obsolete_at = now()
+ WHERE id = $1;
+SELECT budget__get_info($1)
+$$ language sql;
+COMMENT ON FUNCTION budget__mark_obsolete(in_id int) IS
+$$ Marks a budget as obsolete $$;
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION budget__reject(in_id int)
+DELETE FROM budget_line 
+ WHERE budget_id IN (SELECT id from budget_info 
+                      WHERE id = in_id AND approved_by IS NULL);
+DELETE FROM budget_to_project
+ WHERE budget_id IN (SELECT id from budget_info 
+                      WHERE id = in_id AND approved_by IS NULL);
+DELETE FROM budget_to_department
+ WHERE budget_id IN (SELECT id from budget_info 
+                      WHERE id = in_id AND approved_by IS NULL);
+DELETE FROM budget_info WHERE id = in_id AND approved_by IS NULL;
+REVOKE EXECUTE ON FUNCTION budget__reject(in_id int) FROM public;
+COMMENT ON FUNCTION budget__reject(in_id int) IS
+$$ Deletes unapproved budgets only.$$;

Modified: addons/1.3/budgetting/trunk/sql/modules/budgetting-tables.sql
--- addons/1.3/budgetting/trunk/sql/modules/budgetting-tables.sql	2011-09-29 06:25:49 UTC (rev 3776)
+++ addons/1.3/budgetting/trunk/sql/modules/budgetting-tables.sql	2011-09-29 07:01:54 UTC (rev 3777)
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
    entered_by int not null references entity(id) 
                   default person__get_my_entity_id(),
    approved_by int references entity(id),
+   obsolete_by int references entity(id),
    entered_at timestamp not null default now(),
    approved_at timestamp,
    obsolete_at timestamp,

Deleted: addons/1.3/budgetting/trunk/sql/modules/budgetting.sql
--- addons/1.3/budgetting/trunk/sql/modules/budgetting.sql	2011-09-29 06:25:49 UTC (rev 3776)
+++ addons/1.3/budgetting/trunk/sql/modules/budgetting.sql	2011-09-29 07:01:54 UTC (rev 3777)
@@ -1,249 +0,0 @@
--- Beginnings of a budget module, released under the GPL v2 or later.
--- Copyright 2011 The LedgerSMB Core Team 
--- Notes for future versions:
--- 1:  For 1.4, move to arrays of composites and unnest()
--- 2:  Move to new input argument semantics
--- 3:  Add array of composites to budget_info_ext for lines
--- 4:  Make department_id default to 0 and be not null
--- 5:  Convert type definitions to views.
-CREATE TYPE budget_info_ext AS (
-   id INT,
-   start_date date,
-   end_date date ,
-   reference text,
-   description text,
-   entered_by int, 
-   approved_by int,
-   entered_at timestamp,
-   approved_at timestamp,
-   obsolete_by timestamp,
-   entered_by_name text
-   approved_by_name text,
-   obsolete_by_name text,
-   department_id int,
-   project_id int
-COMMENT ON TYPE budget_info_ext IS 
-$$ This is the base budget_info type.  In 1.4, it will be renamed budget and
-include an array of lines, but since we support 8.3, we can't do that. 
-The id, start_date, end_date, reference, description, entered_by, approved_by,
-entered_at, and approved_at fields reference the budget_info table.  The other
-two fields refer to the possible joins. $$; --'
-(in_id int, in_start_date date, in_end_date date, in_reference text,
-in_description text, in_department_id int, in_project_id int)
-RETURNS budget_info_ext AS
-   retval budget_info_ext;
-   t_id int;
-  UPDATE budget_info
-     SET start_date = in_start_date,
-         end_date = in_end_date,
-         reference = in_reference,
-         description = in_description
-   WHERE id = in_id and approved is not true;
-      t_id := in_id;
-       PERFORM * FROM budget_info WHERE id = in_id and approved is true;
-           RAISE EXCEPTION 'report approved';
-       END IF;
-       INSERT INTO budget_info (start_date, end_date, reference, description)
-            VALUES (in_start_date, in_end_date, in_reference, in_description);
-       t_id = currval('budget_info_id_seq');
-  END IF;
-  IF in_project_id IS NOT NULL THEN
-     UPDATE budget_to_project 
-        SET project_id = in_project_id 
-      WHERE budget_id = t_id;
-        INSERT INTO budget_to_project(budget_id, project_id)
-             VALUES (t_id, in_project_id);
-     END IF;
-  END IF;
-  IF in_department_id IS NOT NULL THEN
-     UPDATE budget_to_department 
-        SET department_id = in_department_id 
-      WHERE budget_id = t_id;
-        INSERT INTO budget_to_department(budget_id, department_id)
-             VALUES (t_id, in_department_id);
-     END IF;
-  END IF;
-  SELECT bi.*, in_department_id, in_project_id FROM budget_info
-   WHERE id = t_id;
-$$ language plpgsql;
-COMMENT ON FUNCTION budget__save_info
-(in_id int, in_start_date date, in_end_date date, in_reference text,
-in_description text, in_department_id int, in_project_id int) IS
-$$Saves the extended budget info passed through to the function.  See the 
-comment on type budget_info_ext for more information.$$;
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION budget__save_details(in_id int, in_details text[])
-RETURNS budget_info_ext AS
-   loop_count int;
-   retval int;
-    FOR loop_count in   
-        array_lower(in_transactions, 1) ..
-        array_upper(in_transactions, 1)
-    LOOP
-        INSERT INTO budget_line 
-                    (budget_id, 
-                     account_id, 
-                     description, 
-                     amount)
-             VALUES (in_id, 
-                     in_details[loop_count][1]::int, 
-                     in_details[loop_count][2], 
-                     in_details[loop_count][3]::numeric);
-    END LOOP;
-    return budget__get_info(in_id);
-$$ language plpgsql;
-COMMENT ON FUNCTION budget__save_details(in_id int, in_details text[]) IS
-$$ This saves the line items for the budget.  in_details is an array n long
-where each entry is {int account_id, text description, numeric amount}.  The
-in_id parameter is the budget_id.$$;
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION budget__get_info(in_id int)
-returns budget_info AS
-select bi.*, ee.name, ae.name, oe.name, bd.department_id, bp.project_id 
-  from budget_info 
-  JOIN budget_to_department bd ON bd.budget_id = bi.id
-  JOIN entity ee ON bi.entered_by = ee.id
-  LEFT 
-  JOIN entity ae ON bi.approved_by = ae.id
-  JOIN entity oe ON bi.obsolete_by = oe.id
-  JOIN budget_to_project bp ON bp.budget_id = bi.id
- where bi.id = $1; 
-$$ language sql;
-COMMENT ON FUNCTION budget__get_info(in_id int) IS
-$$ Selects the budget info. $$;
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION budget__get_details(in_id int)
-RETURNS SETOF budget_line AS
-  SELECT * FROM budget_line where budget_id = in_id;
-$$ language sql;
-COMMENT ON FUNCTION budget__get_details(in_id int) IS
-$$ This retrieves the budget lines associated with a budget.$$;
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION budget__save_note(in_id, in_subject, in_note)
-RETURNS budget_note AS
-INSERT INTO budget_note (note_class, subject, note, ref_key) 
-     values (5, in_subject, in_note, in_id);
-SELECT * FROM budget_note WHERE id = currval('note_id_seq'::regclass);
-$$ language sql;
-COMMENT ON FUNCTION budget__save_note(in_id, in_subject, in_note) IS
-$$ Saves a note attached to a budget.$$;
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION budget__get_notes(in_id) 
-RETURNS SETOF budget_note AS
-SELECT * FROM budget_note WHERE ref_key = in_id
- ORDER BY created;
-$$ language sql;
-COMMENT ON FUNCTION budget__get_notes(in_id) IS
-$$ Returns all notes associated with a budget, by default in the order they 
-were created.$$;
-CREATE TYPE budget_variance_report AS (
-    accno text,
-    account_label text,
-    account_id int,
-    budget_description text,
-    budget_amount numeric,
-    used_amount numeric,
-    variance numeric
-COMMENT ON TYPE budget_variance_report IS
-$$ This is the base type for the budget variance report.$$;
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION budget__variance_report(in_id) 
-RETURNS SETOF budget_variance_report
-   WITH agg_account (amount, id, accno, description, transdate)
-        AS ( SELECT ac.amount *
-                    CASE WHEN a.contra THEN -1 ELSE 1 END *
-                    CASE WHEN a.category IN ('A', 'E') THEN -1 ELSE 1 END
-                    AS amount,
-                    a.id, a.account, a.description, ac.transdate
-               FROM acc_trans ac
-               JOIN account ON ac.chart_id = account.id
-           )
-   SELECT a.accno, a.description, a.id, b.description, b.amount
-          sum(a.amount), b.amount - sum(a.amount) AS variance
-     FROM budget_info bi
-     JOIN agg_account a ON a.transdate BETWEEN bi.start_date and bi.end_date
-     JOIN budget_line b ON bi.id = b.budget_id
-    WHERE bi.id = $1;
-$$ sql;
-COMMENT ON FUNCTION budget__variance_report(in_id int) IS
-$$ Retrieves a variance report for budget with an id of in_id.$$; 
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION budget__mark_obsolete(in_id int) 
-RETURNS budget_info_ext AS
-UPDATE budget_info 
-   set obsolete_by = person__get_my_entity_id, obsolete_at = now()
- WHERE id = $1;
-SELECT budget__get_info($1)
-$$ language sql;
-COMMENT ON FUNCTION budget__mark_obsolete(in_id int) IS
-$$ Marks a budget as obsolete $$;
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION budget__reject(in_id int)
-DELETE FROM budget_line 
- WHERE budget_id IN (SELECT id from budget_info 
-                      WHERE id = in_id AND approved_by IS NULL);
-DELETE FROM budget_to_project
- WHERE budget_id IN (SELECT id from budget_info 
-                      WHERE id = in_id AND approved_by IS NULL);
-DELETE FROM budget_to_department
- WHERE budget_id IN (SELECT id from budget_info 
-                      WHERE id = in_id AND approved_by IS NULL);
-DELETE FROM budget_info WHERE id = in_id AND approved_by IS NULL;
-REVOKE EXECUTE ON FUNCTION budget__reject(in_id int) FROM public;
-COMMENT ON FUNCTION budget__reject(in_id int) IS
-$$ Deletes unapproved budgets only.$$;

Added: addons/1.3/budgetting/trunk/sql/modules/test/Budgetting.sql
--- addons/1.3/budgetting/trunk/sql/modules/test/Budgetting.sql	                        (rev 0)
+++ addons/1.3/budgetting/trunk/sql/modules/test/Budgetting.sql	2011-09-29 07:01:54 UTC (rev 3777)
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+\i Base.sql
+INSERT INTO department (id, department) values (-1, 'test1');
+INSERT INTO department (id, department) values (-2, 'test2');
+INSERT INTO project (id, projectnumber) values (-1, 'test1');
+INSERT INTO project (id, projectnumber) values (-2, 'test2');

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