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SF.net SVN: ledger-smb:[3496] trunk/sql/upgrade
- Subject: SF.net SVN: ledger-smb:[3496] trunk/sql/upgrade
- From: ..hidden..
- Date: Tue, 12 Jul 2011 13:13:59 +0000
Revision: 3496
Author: einhverfr
Date: 2011-07-12 13:13:59 +0000 (Tue, 12 Jul 2011)
Log Message:
Beginnings of upgrade scripts.
Plan is to use 1.2-pre-upgrade-checks.sql as a basis for an interactive Perl library usable from the command line or web interface to check a 1.2 database prior to upgrading, and 1.2-1.3-work-in-progress.sql to eventually become the 1.2-1.3-upgrade.sql.
Added Paths:
Added: trunk/sql/upgrade/1.2-1.3-work-in-progress.sql
--- trunk/sql/upgrade/1.2-1.3-work-in-progress.sql (rev 0)
+++ trunk/sql/upgrade/1.2-1.3-work-in-progress.sql 2011-07-12 13:13:59 UTC (rev 3496)
@@ -0,0 +1,391 @@
+\set default_country '''us'''
+\set ar '''1200'''
+\set ap '''2100'''
+\i sql/modules/Setting.sql
+\i sql/modules/Location.sql
+\i sql/modules/Account.sql
+-- adding mapping info for import.
+ALTER TABLE lsmb12.vendor ADD COLUMN entity_id int;
+ALTER TABLE lsmb12.vendor ADD COLUMN company_id int;
+ALTER TABLE lsmb12.vendor ADD COLUMN credit_id int;
+ALTER TABLE lsmb12.customer ADD COLUMN entity_id int;
+ALTER TABLE lsmb12.customer ADD COLUMN company_id int;
+ALTER TABLE lsmb12.customer ADD COLUMN credit_id int;
+INSERT INTO entity (name, control_code, entity_class, country_id)
+SELECT name, 'V-' || vendornumber, 1,
+ (select id from country
+ where lower(short_name) = :default_country)
+FROM lsmb12.vendor
+GROUP BY name, vendornumber;
+INSERT INTO entity (name, control_code, entity_class, country_id)
+SELECT name, 'C-' || customernumber, 2,
+ (select id from country
+ where lower(short_name) = :default_country)
+FROM lsmb12.customer
+GROUP BY name, customernumber;
+UPDATE lsmb12.vendor SET entity_id = (SELECT id FROM entity WHERE 'V-' || vendornumber = control_code);
+UPDATE lsmb12.customer SET entity_id = coalesce((SELECT min(id) FROM entity WHERE 'C-' || customernumber = control_code), entity_id);
+--Entity Credit Account
+INSERT INTO entity_credit_account
+(entity_id, meta_number, business_id, creditlimit, ar_ap_account_id,
+ cash_account_id, startdate, enddate, threshold, entity_class)
+SELECT entity_id, vendornumber, business_id, creditlimit,
+ (select id from account where accno = :ap),
+ NULL, startdate, enddate, 0, 1
+FROM lsmb12.vendor WHERE entity_id IS NOT NULL;
+UPDATE lsmb12.vendor SET credit_id =
+ (SELECT id FROM entity_credit_account e
+ WHERE e.meta_number = vendornumber);
+INSERT INTO entity_credit_account
+(entity_id, meta_number, business_id, creditlimit, ar_ap_account_id,
+ cash_account_id, startdate, enddate, threshold, entity_class)
+SELECT entity_id, customernumber, business_id, creditlimit,
+ (select id from account where accno = :ar),
+ NULL, startdate, enddate, 0, 2
+FROM lsmb12.customer WHERE entity_id IS NOT NULL;
+UPDATE lsmb12.customer SET credit_id =
+ (SELECT id FROM entity_credit_account e
+ WHERE e.meta_number = customernumber AND customer.entity_id = e.entity_id);
+INSERT INTO company (entity_id, legal_name, tax_id)
+SELECT entity_id, name, max(taxnumber) FROM lsmb12.vendor
+WHERE entity_id IS NOT NULL AND entity_id IN (select id from entity) GROUP BY entity_id, name;
+UPDATE lsmb12.vendor SET company_id = (select id from company c where entity_id = vendor.entity_id);
+INSERT INTO company (entity_id, legal_name, tax_id)
+SELECT entity_id, name, max(taxnumber) FROM lsmb12.customer
+WHERE entity_id IS NOT NULL AND entity_id IN (select id from entity) GROUP BY entity_id, name;
+UPDATE lsmb12.customer SET company_id = (select id from company c where entity_id = customer.entity_id);
+-- Contact
+insert into eca_to_contact (credit_id, contact_class_id, contact,description)
+select v.credit_id, 1, v.phone, 'Primary phone: '||max(v.contact) as description
+from lsmb12.vendor v
+where v.company_id is not null and v.phone is not null
+ and v.phone ~ '[[:alnum:]_]'::text
+group by v.credit_id, v.phone
+select v.credit_id, 12, v.email,
+ 'email address: '||max(v.contact) as description
+from lsmb12.vendor v
+where v.company_id is not null and v.email is not null
+ and v.email ~ '[[:alnum:]_]'::text
+group by v.credit_id, v.email
+select v.credit_id, 12, v.cc, 'Carbon Copy email address' as description
+from lsmb12.vendor v
+where v.company_id is not null and v.cc is not null
+ and v.cc ~ '[[:alnum:]_]'::text
+group by v.credit_id, v.cc
+select v.credit_id, 12, v.bcc, 'Blind Carbon Copy email address' as description
+from lsmb12.vendor v
+where v.company_id is not null and v.bcc is not null
+ and v.bcc ~ '[[:alnum:]_]'::text
+group by v.credit_id, v.bcc
+ select v.credit_id, 9, v.fax, 'Fax number' as description
+from lsmb12.vendor v
+where v.company_id is not null and v.fax is not null
+ and v.fax ~ '[[:alnum:]_]'::text
+group by v.credit_id, v.fax;
+insert into eca_to_contact (credit_id, contact_class_id, contact,description)
+select v.credit_id, 1, v.phone, 'Primary phone: '||max(v.contact) as description
+from lsmb12.customer v
+where v.company_id is not null and v.phone is not null
+ and v.phone ~ '[[:alnum:]_]'::text
+group by v.credit_id, v.phone
+select v.credit_id, 12, v.email,
+ 'email address: '||max(v.contact) as description
+from lsmb12.customer v
+where v.company_id is not null and v.email is not null
+ and v.email ~ '[[:alnum:]_]'::text
+group by v.credit_id, v.email
+select v.credit_id, 12, v.cc, 'Carbon Copy email address' as description
+from lsmb12.customer v
+where v.company_id is not null and v.cc is not null
+ and v.cc ~ '[[:alnum:]_]'::text
+group by v.credit_id, v.cc
+select v.credit_id, 12, v.bcc, 'Blind Carbon Copy email address' as description
+from lsmb12.customer v
+where v.company_id is not null and v.bcc is not null
+ and v.bcc ~ '[[:alnum:]_]'::text
+group by v.credit_id, v.bcc
+ select v.credit_id, 9, v.fax, 'Fax number' as description
+from lsmb12.customer v
+where v.company_id is not null and v.fax is not null
+ and v.fax ~ '[[:alnum:]_]'::text
+group by v.credit_id, v.fax;
+-- addresses
+INSERT INTO public.country (id, name, short_name) VALUES (-1, 'Invalid Country', 'XX');
+INSERT INTO eca_to_location(credit_id, location_class, location_id)
+SELECT eca.id, 1,
+ min(location_save(NULL,
+ case
+ when oa.address1 = '' then 'Null'
+ when oa.address1 is null then 'Null'
+ else oa.address1
+ end,
+ oa.address2,
+ case
+ when oa.city !~ '[[:alnum:]_]' then 'Invalid'
+ when oa.city is null then 'Null'
+ else oa.city
+ end,
+ case
+ when oa.state !~ '[[:alnum:]_]' then 'Invalid'
+ when oa.state is null then 'Null'
+ else oa.state
+ end,
+ case
+ when oa.zipcode !~ '[[:alnum:]_]' then 'Invalid'
+ when oa.zipcode is null then 'Null'
+ else oa.zipcode
+ end,
+ coalesce(c.id, -1)
+ ))
+FROM country c
+ lsmb12.vendor oa
+ lower(trim(both ' ' from c.name)) = lower( trim(both ' ' from oa.country))
+ lower(trim(both ' ' from c.short_name)) = lower( trim(both ' ' from oa.country))
+JOIN entity_credit_account eca ON (oa.credit_id = eca.id)
+GROUP BY eca.id;
+INSERT INTO eca_to_location(credit_id, location_class, location_id)
+SELECT eca.id, 1,
+ min(location_save(NULL,
+ case
+ when oa.address1 = '' then 'Null'
+ when oa.address1 is null then 'Null'
+ else oa.address1
+ end,
+ oa.address2,
+ case
+ when oa.city !~ '[[:alnum:]_]' then 'Invalid'
+ when oa.city is null then 'Null'
+ else oa.city
+ end,
+ case
+ when oa.state !~ '[[:alnum:]_]' then 'Invalid'
+ when oa.state is null then 'Null'
+ else oa.state
+ end,
+ case
+ when oa.zipcode !~ '[[:alnum:]_]' then 'Invalid'
+ when oa.zipcode is null then 'Null'
+ else oa.zipcode
+ end,
+ coalesce(c.id, -1)
+ ))
+FROM country c
+ lsmb12.customer oa
+ lower(trim(both ' ' from c.name)) = lower( trim(both ' ' from oa.country))
+ lower(trim(both ' ' from c.short_name)) = lower( trim(both ' ' from oa.country))
+JOIN entity_credit_account eca ON (oa.credit_id = eca.id)
+GROUP BY eca.id;
+-- Shipto
+INSERT INTO eca_to_location(credit_id, location_class, location_id)
+SELECT eca.id, 2,
+ min(location_save(NULL,
+ case
+ when oa.shiptoaddress1 = '' then 'Null'
+ when oa.shiptoaddress1 is null then 'Null'
+ else oa.shiptoaddress1
+ end,
+ oa.shiptoaddress2,
+ case
+ when oa.shiptocity !~ '[[:alnum:]_]' then 'Invalid'
+ when oa.shiptocity is null then 'Null'
+ else oa.shiptocity
+ end,
+ case
+ when oa.shiptostate !~ '[[:alnum:]_]' then 'Invalid'
+ when oa.shiptostate is null then 'Null'
+ else oa.shiptostate
+ end,
+ case
+ when oa.shiptozipcode !~ '[[:alnum:]_]' then 'Invalid'
+ when oa.shiptozipcode is null then 'Null'
+ else oa.shiptozipcode
+ end,
+ coalesce(c.id, -1)
+ ))
+FROM country c
+ lsmb12.shipto oa
+ lower(trim(both ' ' from c.name)) = lower( trim(both ' ' from oa.shiptocountry))
+ lower(trim(both ' ' from c.short_name)) = lower( trim(both ' ' from oa.shiptocountry))
+JOIN lsmb12.vendor ov ON (oa.trans_id = ov.id)
+JOIN entity_credit_account eca ON (ov.credit_id = eca.id)
+GROUP BY eca.id;
+INSERT INTO eca_to_location(credit_id, location_class, location_id)
+SELECT eca.id, 2,
+ min(location_save(NULL,
+ case
+ when oa.shiptoaddress1 = '' then 'Null'
+ when oa.shiptoaddress1 is null then 'Null'
+ else oa.shiptoaddress1
+ end,
+ oa.shiptoaddress2,
+ case
+ when oa.shiptocity !~ '[[:alnum:]_]' then 'Invalid'
+ when oa.shiptocity is null then 'Null'
+ else oa.shiptocity
+ end,
+ case
+ when oa.shiptostate !~ '[[:alnum:]_]' then 'Invalid'
+ when oa.shiptostate is null then 'Null'
+ else oa.shiptostate
+ end,
+ case
+ when oa.shiptozipcode !~ '[[:alnum:]_]' then 'Invalid'
+ when oa.shiptozipcode is null then 'Null'
+ else oa.shiptozipcode
+ end,
+ coalesce(c.id, -1)
+ ))
+FROM country c
+ lsmb12.shipto oa
+ lower(trim(both ' ' from c.name)) = lower( trim(both ' ' from oa.shiptocountry))
+ lower(trim(both ' ' from c.short_name)) = lower( trim(both ' ' from oa.shiptocountry))
+JOIN lsmb12.customer ov ON (oa.trans_id = ov.id)
+JOIN entity_credit_account eca ON (ov.credit_id = eca.id)
+GROUP BY eca.id;
+INSERT INTO eca_note(note_class, ref_key, note, vector)
+SELECT 3, credit_id, notes, '' FROM lsmb12.vendor
+INSERT INTO eca_note(note_class, ref_key, note, vector)
+SELECT 3, credit_id, notes, '' FROM lsmb12.customer
+UPDATE entity SET country_id =
+(select country_id FROM location l
+ JOIN eca_to_location e2l ON l.id = e2l.location_id
+ AND e2l.location_class = 1
+ JOIN entity_credit_account eca ON e2l.credit_id = eca.id
+ WHERE eca.entity_id = entity_id
+ AND l.country_id > -1
+ LIMIT 1)
+(select eca.entity_id FROM location l
+ JOIN eca_to_location e2l ON l.id = e2l.location_id
+ AND e2l.location_class = 1
+ JOIN entity_credit_account eca ON e2l.credit_id = eca.id
+ WHERE eca.entity_id = entity_id
+ aND l.country_id > -1);
+INSERT INTO account_heading(id, accno, description)
+SELECT id, accno, description
+ FROM lsmb12.chart WHERE charttype = 'H';
+SELECT account_save(id, accno, description, category, gifi_accno, NULL, contra,
+ CASE WHEN link like '%tax%' THEN true ELSE false END,
+ string_to_array(link,':'))
+ FROM chart
+ WHERE charttype = 'A';
+INSERT INTO pricegroup
+SELECT * FROM lsmb12.pricegroup;
+ALTER TABLE lsmb12.employee ADD entity_id int;
+INSERT INTO entity(control_code, entity_class, country_id)
+select 'E-' || employeenumber, 3,
+ (select id from country where lower(short_name) = :default_country)
+FROM lsmb12.employee;
+UPDATE lsmb12.employee set entity_id =
+ (select id from entity where 'E-'||employeenumber = control_code);
+INSERT INTO person (first_name, last_name, entity_id)
+select name, name, entity_id FROM lsmb12.employee;
+INSERT INTO users (entity_id, username)
+ SELECT entity_id, login FROM lsmb12.employee em;
+ INTO entity_employee(entity_id, startdate, enddate, role, ssn, sales,
+ employeenumber, dob, manager_id)
+SELECT entity_id, startdate, enddate, role, ssn, sales, employeenumber, dob,
+ (select entity_id from lsmb12.employee where id = em.managerid)
+ FROM lsmb12.employee em;
+-- must rebuild this table due to changes since 1.2
+INSERT INTO makemodel
+SELECT * FROM lsmb12.makemodel;
+INSERT INTO gl(id, reference, description, transdate, person_id, notes,
+ department_id)
+ SELECT gl.id, reference, description, transdate, entity_id, gl.notes,
+ department_id
+ FROM lsmb12.gl
+ LEFT JOIN lsmb12.employee em ON gl.employee_id = em.id;
+-- TODO: User/password Migration
Added: trunk/sql/upgrade/1.2-pre-upgrade-checks.sql
--- trunk/sql/upgrade/1.2-pre-upgrade-checks.sql (rev 0)
+++ trunk/sql/upgrade/1.2-pre-upgrade-checks.sql 2011-07-12 13:13:59 UTC (rev 3496)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+SELECT count(*), customernumber from lsmb12.customer
+GROUP BY customernumber
+HAVING count(*) > 1;
+SELECT count(*), vendornumber from lsmb12.vendor
+GROUP BY vendornumber
+HAVING count(*) > 1;
+SELECT * FROM lsmb12.chart where link LIKE '%CT_tax%';
+SELECT * FROM lsmb12.employee where employeenumber IS NULL;
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