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SF.net SVN: ledger-smb:[3455] trunk

Revision: 3455
Author:   einhverfr
Date:     2011-07-06 14:45:03 +0000 (Wed, 06 Jul 2011)

Log Message:
Merging fixed assets in except for menu

Modified Paths:

Added Paths:

Added: trunk/LedgerSMB/DBObject/Asset.pm
--- trunk/LedgerSMB/DBObject/Asset.pm	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/LedgerSMB/DBObject/Asset.pm	2011-07-06 14:45:03 UTC (rev 3455)
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+package LedgerSMB::DBObject::Asset;
+=head1 NAME
+LedgerSMB::DBObject::Asset.pm, LedgerSMB Base Class for Fixed Assets
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+This library contains the base utility functions for creating, saving, and
+retrieving fixed assets for depreciation
+use base qw(LedgerSMB::DBObject);
+use strict;
+sub save {
+    my ($self) = @_;
+    my ($ref) = $self->exec_method(funcname => 'asset__save');
+    $self->merge($ref);
+    $self->{dbh}->commit || $self->error(
+                  $self->{_locale}->text("Unable to save [_1] object", 
+                          $self->{_locale}->text('Asset'))
+    );
+    return $ref if $self->{dbh}->commit;
+sub import_file {
+    my $self = shift @_;
+    my $handle = $self->{_request}->upload('import_file');
+    my $contents = join("\n", <$handle>);
+    $self->{import_entries} = [];
+    for my $line (split /(\r\n|\r|\n)/, $contents){
+        next if ($line !~ /,/);
+        my @fields;
+        $line =~ s/[^"]"",/"/g;
+        while ($line ne '') {
+            if ($line =~ /^"/){
+                $line =~ s/"(.*?)"(,|$)//;
+                my $field = $1;
+                $field =~ s/\s*$//;
+                push @fields, $field;
+            } else {
+                $line =~ s/([^,]*),?//;
+                my $field = $1;
+                $field =~ s/\s*$//;
+                push @fields, $field;
+            }
+        }
+        push @{$self->{import_entries}}, ..hidden..;
+    }     
+    unshift @{$self->{import_entries}}; # get rid of header line
+    return @{$self->{import_entries}};
+sub get {
+    my ($self) = @_;
+    my ($ref) = $self->exec_method(funcname => 'asset__get');
+    $self->merge($ref);
+    return $ref;
+sub search {
+    my ($self) = @_;
+    my @results = $self->exec_method(funcname => 'asset_item__search');
+    $self->{search_results} = ..hidden..;
+    return @results;
+sub save_note {
+    my ($self) = @_;
+    my ($ref) = $self->exec_method(funcname => 'asset_item__add_note');
+    $self->{dbh}->commit;
+sub get_metadata {
+    my ($self) = @_;
+    @{$self->{asset_classes}} = $self->exec_method(funcname => 'asset_class__list');
+   @{$self->{locations}} = $self->exec_method(funcname => 'warehouse__list_all');
+   @{$self->{departments}} = $self->exec_method(funcname => 'department__list_all');
+    @{$self->{asset_accounts}} = $self->exec_method(funcname => 'asset_class__get_asset_accounts');
+    @{$self->{dep_accounts}} = $self->exec_method(funcname => 'asset_class__get_dep_accounts');
+    @{$self->{exp_accounts}} = $self->exec_method(
+                   funcname => 'asset_report__get_expense_accts'
+    );
+    my @dep_methods = $self->exec_method(
+                                funcname => 'asset_class__get_dep_methods'
+    );
+    for my $dep(@dep_methods){
+        $self->{dep_method}->{$dep->{id}} = $dep;
+    }
+    for my $acc (@{$self->{asset_accounts}}){
+        $acc->{text} = $acc->{accno} . '--' . $acc->{description};
+    }
+    for my $acc (@{$self->{dep_accounts}}){
+        $acc->{text} = $acc->{accno} . '--' . $acc->{description};
+    }
+    for my $acc (@{$self->{exp_accounts}}){
+        $acc->{text} = $acc->{accno} . '--' . $acc->{description};
+    }
+sub get_next_tag {
+    my ($self) =  @_;
+    my ($ref) = $self->call_procedure(
+          procname => 'setting_increment', 
+          args     => ['asset_tag']
+    );
+    $self->{tag} = $ref->{setting_increment};
+    $self->{dbh}->commit;
+sub import_asset {
+    my ($self) =  @_;
+    my ($ref) = $self->exec_method(funcname => 'asset_report__import');
+    return $ref;
+sub get_invoice_id {
+    my ($self) = @_;
+    my ($ref) = $self->exec_method(funcname => 'get_vendor_invoice_id');
+    if (!$ref) {
+        $self->error($self->{_locale}->text('Invoice not found'));
+    } else {
+        $self->{invoice_id} = $ref->{get_vendor_invoice_id};
+    }

Added: trunk/LedgerSMB/DBObject/Asset_Class.pm
--- trunk/LedgerSMB/DBObject/Asset_Class.pm	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/LedgerSMB/DBObject/Asset_Class.pm	2011-07-06 14:45:03 UTC (rev 3455)
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+package LedgerSMB::DBObject::Asset_Class;
+=head1 NAME
+LedgerSMB::DBObject::Asset_Class.pm, LedgerSMB Base Class for Asset Classes
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+This library contains the base utility functions for creating, saving, and
+retrieving depreciation categories of assets.
+use base qw(LedgerSMB::DBObject);
+use strict;
+sub save {
+    my ($self) = @_;
+    my ($ref) = $self->exec_method(funcname => 'asset_class__save');
+    $self->merge($ref);
+    $self->{dbh}->commit || $self->error(
+                  $self->{_locale}->text("Unable to save [_1] object", 
+                          $self->{_locale}->text('Asset Class'))
+    );
+    return $ref if $self->{dbh}->commit;
+sub get_metadata {
+    my ($self) = @_;
+    @{$self->{asset_accounts}} = $self->exec_method(funcname => 'asset_class__get_asset_accounts');
+    @{$self->{dep_accounts}} = $self->exec_method(funcname => 'asset_class__get_dep_accounts');
+    @{$self->{dep_methods}} = $self->exec_method(funcname => 'asset_class__get_dep_methods');
+    for my $acc (@{$self->{asset_accounts}}){
+        $acc->{text} = $acc->{accno} . '--' . $acc->{description};
+    }
+    for my $acc (@{$self->{dep_accounts}}){
+        $acc->{text} = $acc->{accno} . '--' . $acc->{description};
+    }
+sub get_asset_class {
+    my ($self) = @_;
+    my ($ref) = $self->exec_method(funcname => 'asset_class__get');
+    $self->merge($ref);
+    return $ref;
+sub list_asset_classes {
+    my ($self) = @_;
+    my @refs = $self->exec_method(funcname => 'asset_class__list');
+    $self->{classes} = ..hidden..;
+    return @refs;

Added: trunk/LedgerSMB/DBObject/Asset_Report.pm
--- trunk/LedgerSMB/DBObject/Asset_Report.pm	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/LedgerSMB/DBObject/Asset_Report.pm	2011-07-06 14:45:03 UTC (rev 3455)
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+package LedgerSMB::DBObject::Asset_Report;
+=head1 NAME
+LedgerSMB::DBObject::Asset_Report.pm, LedgerSMB Base Class for Asset Reports
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+This library contains the base utility functions for creating, saving, and
+retrieving depreciation categories of asset depreciation and disposal reports.
+use base qw(LedgerSMB::DBObject);
+use strict;
+sub save {
+    my ($self) = @_;
+    if ($self->{depreciation}){
+        my ($ref) = $self->exec_method(funcname => 'asset_report__save');
+        $self->{report_id} = $ref->{id};
+        $self->{asset_ids} = $self->_db_array_scalars(@{$self->{asset_ids}});
+        my ($dep) = $self->exec_method(funcname => 'asset_class__get_dep_method');
+        $self->exec_method(funcname => $dep->{sproc});
+    } else {
+       my ($ref) = $self->exec_method(funcname => 'asset_report__begin_disposal');
+       for my $i (0 .. $self->{rowcount}){
+           if ($self->{"asset_$i"} == 1){
+              my $id = $self->{"id_$i"};
+              $self->call_procedure(procname => 'asset_report__dispose',
+                               args => [$ref->{id}, 
+                                        $id, 
+                                        $self->{"amount_$id"},
+                                        $self->{"dm_$id"},
+                                        $self->{"percent_$id"}]);
+          }
+       }
+    }
+    $self->{dbh}->commit;
+sub get {
+    my ($self) = @_;
+    my ($ref) = $self->exec_method(funcname => 'asset_report__get');
+    $self->merge($ref);
+    $self->{report_lines} = [];
+    if ($self->{report_class} == 1){
+        @{$self->{report_lines}} = $self->exec_method(
+                                  funcname => 'asset_report__get_lines'
+        );
+    } elsif ($self->{report_class} == 2) {
+        @{$self->{report_lines}} = $self->exec_method(
+                                  funcname => 'asset_report__get_disposal'
+        );
+    } elsif ($self->{report_class} == 4) {
+       @{$self->{report_lines}} = $self->exec_method(
+                                   funcname => 'asset_report_partial_disposal_details'
+       );
+    }
+    return;
+sub get_nbv {
+    my ($self) = @_;
+    return $self->exec_method(funcname => 'asset_nbv_report');
+sub generate {
+    my ($self) = @_;
+    @{$self->{assets}} = $self->exec_method(
+                   funcname => 'asset_report__generate'
+    );
+    for my $asset (@{$self->{assets}}){
+        if ($self->{depreciation}){
+           $asset->{checked} = "CHECKED";
+        }
+    }
+sub approve {
+    my ($self) = @_;
+    $self->exec_method(funcname => 'asset_report__approve');
+    $self->{dbh}->commit;
+sub search {
+    my ($self) = @_;
+    return $self->exec_method(funcname => 'asset_report__search');
+sub get_metadata {
+    my ($self) = @_;
+    @{$self->{asset_classes}} = $self->exec_method(
+                   funcname => 'asset_class__list'
+    );
+    @{$self->{exp_accounts}} = $self->exec_method(
+                   funcname => 'asset_report__get_expense_accts'
+    );
+    @{$self->{gain_accounts}} = $self->exec_method(
+                   funcname => 'asset_report__get_gain_accts'
+    );
+    @{$self->{disp_methods}} = $self->exec_method(
+                   funcname => 'asset_report__get_disposal_methods'
+    );
+    @{$self->{loss_accounts}} = $self->exec_method(
+                   funcname => 'asset_report__get_loss_accts'
+    );
+    for my $atype (qw(exp_accounts gain_accounts loss_accounts)){
+        for my $acct (@{$self->{$atype}}){
+            $acct->{text} = $acct->{accno}. '--'. $acct->{description};
+        }
+    }

Added: trunk/asset.pl
--- trunk/asset.pl	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/asset.pl	2011-07-06 14:45:03 UTC (rev 3455)
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+use FindBin;
+  lib->import($FindBin::Bin) unless $ENV{mod_perl}
+require "lsmb-request.pl";

Property changes on: trunk/asset.pl
Added: svn:executable
   + *

Added: trunk/scripts/asset.pl
--- trunk/scripts/asset.pl	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/scripts/asset.pl	2011-07-06 14:45:03 UTC (rev 3455)
@@ -0,0 +1,936 @@
+=head1 LedgerSMB Asset Management workflow script
+package LedgerSMB::Scripts::asset;
+use LedgerSMB::Template;
+use LedgerSMB::DBObject::Asset_Class;
+use LedgerSMB::DBObject::Asset;
+use LedgerSMB::DBObject::Asset_Report;
+use strict;
+our @file_columns = qw(tag purchase_date description asset_class location vendor 
+                      invoice department asset_account purchase_value 
+                      accum_dep nbv start_depreciation usable_life
+                      usable_life_remaining); # override in custom/asset.pl
+our $default_dep_account = '5010'; # Override in custom/asset.pl
+our $default_asset_account = '1300'; # Override in custom/asset.pl
+sub begin_depreciation_all {
+    my ($request) = @_;
+    my $template = LedgerSMB::Template->new(
+        user =>$request->{_user}, 
+        locale => $request->{_locale},
+        path => 'UI/asset',
+        template => 'begin_depreciation_all',
+        format => 'HTML'
+    );
+    $template->render($request);
+sub depreciate_all {
+    my ($request) = @_;
+    my $report = LedgerSMB::DBObject::Asset_Report->new(base => $request);
+    $report->get_metadata;
+    for my $ac(@{$report->{asset_classes}}){
+        my $dep = LedgerSMB::DBObject::Asset_Report->new(base => $request);
+        $dep->{asset_class} = $ac->{id};
+        $dep->generate;
+        for my $asset (@{$dep->{assets}}){
+            push @{$dep->{asset_ids}}, $asset->{id};
+        }
+        $dep->save;
+    }
+    $request->{message} = $request->{_locale}->text('Depreciation Successful');
+    my $template = LedgerSMB::Template->new(
+        user =>$request->{_user}, 
+        locale => $request->{_locale},
+        path => 'UI',
+        template => 'info',
+        format => 'HTML'
+    );
+    $template->render($request);
+sub asset_category_screen {
+    my ($request) = @_;
+    if ($request->{id}){
+        $request->{title} = $request->{_locale}->text('Edit Asset Class');
+    } else {
+        $request->{title} = $request->{_locale}->text('Add Asset Class');
+    } 
+    my $ac = LedgerSMB::DBObject::Asset_Class->new(base => $request);
+    $ac->get_metadata;
+    my $template = LedgerSMB::Template->new(
+        user =>$request->{_user}, 
+        locale => $request->{_locale},
+        path => 'UI/asset',
+        template => 'edit_class',
+        format => 'HTML'
+    );
+    $template->render($ac);
+sub asset_category_save {
+    my ($request) = @_;
+    my $ac = LedgerSMB::DBObject::Asset_Class->new(base => $request);
+    $ac->save;
+    my $template = LedgerSMB::Template->new(
+        user =>$request->{_user}, 
+        locale => $request->{_locale},
+        path => 'UI/asset',
+        template => 'edit_class',
+        format => 'HTML'
+    );
+    $template->render($ac);
+sub asset_category_search {
+    my ($request) = @_;
+    my $template = LedgerSMB::Template->new(
+        user =>$request->{_user}, 
+        locale => $request->{_locale},
+        path => 'UI/asset',
+        template => 'search_class',
+        format => 'HTML'
+    );
+    $template->render($request);
+sub edit_asset_class {
+   my ($request) = @_;
+   my $ac = LedgerSMB::DBObject::Asset_Class->new(base => $request);
+   $ac->get_asset_class;
+   asset_category_screen($ac);
+sub asset_category_results {
+    my ($request) = @_;
+    my $ac = LedgerSMB::DBObject::Asset_Class->new(base => $request);
+    my @classes = $ac->list_asset_classes();
+    my $locale = $request->{_locale};
+    $ac->get_metadata;
+    my $template = LedgerSMB::Template->new(
+        user =>$request->{_user}, 
+        locale => $request->{_locale},
+        path => 'UI',
+        template => 'form-dynatable',
+        format => 'HTML'
+    );
+    my $columns;
+    @$columns = qw(id label dep_method asset_account dep_account);
+    my $heading = {
+         id            => $locale->text('ID'),
+         label         => $locale->text('Description'),
+         asset_account => $locale->text('Asset Account'),
+         dep_account   => $locale->text('Depreciation Account'),
+         dep_method    => $locale->text('Depreciation Method')
+    };
+    my $rows = [];
+    my $a_accs = {};
+    for my $a_acc (@{$ac->{asset_accounts}}){
+        $a_accs->{$a_acc->{id}} = $a_acc;
+    }
+    my $d_accs = {};
+    for my $d_acc (@{$ac->{dep_accounts}}){
+        $d_accs->{$d_acc->{id}} = $d_acc;
+    }
+    for my $aclass (@{$ac->{classes}}) {
+        print STDERR "$aclass\n";
+        my $a_acc = $a_accs->{$aclass->{asset_account_id}};
+        my $d_acc = $d_accs->{$aclass->{dep_account_id}};
+        my $href = "asset.pl?action=edit_asset_class";
+        my $row = {
+             id            => $aclass->{id},
+             label         => {
+                               text => $aclass->{label},
+                               href => "$href&id=$aclass->{id}",
+                              },
+             dep_method    => $aclass->{dep_method},
+             life_unit     => $aclass->{life_unit}, 
+             asset_account => $a_acc->{text},
+             dep_account   => $d_acc->{text},
+		};
+        push @$rows, $row;
+    }
+    $template->render({
+         form    => $ac,
+         heading => $heading,
+         rows    => $rows,
+         columns => $columns,
+   });
+sub asset_edit {
+    my ($request) = @_;
+    my $asset = LedgerSMB::DBObject::Asset->new(base => $request);
+    $asset->get();
+    $asset->get_metadata();
+    for my $label (qw(purchase_value salvage_value usable_life)){
+        $asset->{$label} = $asset->format_amount({amount => $asset->{$label}});
+    }
+    asset_screen($asset);
+sub asset_screen {
+    my ($request) = @_;
+    my $asset = LedgerSMB::DBObject::Asset->new(base => $request);
+    $asset->get_metadata;
+    if (!$asset->{tag}){
+        $asset->get_next_tag;
+    }
+    $asset->debug({file => '/tmp/asset'});
+    $asset->{title} = $request->{_locale}->text('Add Asset') 
+                 unless $asset->{title};
+    my $template = LedgerSMB::Template->new(
+        user =>$request->{_user}, 
+        locale => $request->{_locale},
+        path => 'UI/asset',
+        template => 'edit_asset',
+        format => 'HTML'
+    );
+    $template->render($asset);
+sub asset_results { 
+    my ($request) = @_;
+    my $locale = $request->{_locale};
+    my $asset = LedgerSMB::DBObject::Asset->new(base => $request);
+    $asset->get_metadata;
+    if (!$asset->{usable_life}){
+       delete $asset->{usable_life};
+    }
+    my @items = $asset->search();
+    my $columns = ['tag', 'description', 'class', 'purchase_date', 
+                  'purchase_value', 'usable_life', 'location', 'department'];
+    my $heading = { tag            => $locale->text('Tag'),
+                    description    => $locale->text('Description'),
+                    purchase_date  => $locale->text('Purchase Date'),
+                    purchase_value => $locale->text('Purchase Value'),
+                    class          => $locale->text('Class'),
+                    usable_life    => $locale->text('Usable Life'),
+                    location       => $locale->text('Location'),
+                    department     => $locale->text('Department'),
+    };
+    my $asset_classes = {};
+    for my $ac(@{$asset->{asset_classes}}){
+        $asset_classes->{$ac->{id}} = $ac;
+    }
+    my $departments = {};
+    for my $dept(@{$asset->{departments}}){
+        $departments->{$dept->{id}} = $dept;
+    }
+    my $locations = {};
+    for my $loc(@{$asset->{asset_classes}}){
+        $locations->{$loc->{id}} = $loc;
+    }
+    my $rows = [];
+    for my $item (@items){
+        my $ref = {};
+        for my $label (qw(id description purchase_date purchase_value 
+                   usable_life)){
+            $ref->{$label} = $item->{$label};
+        }
+        $ref->{tag} = { href => "asset.pl?action=asset_edit&id=$item->{id}",
+                        text => $item->{tag},
+                      };
+        for my $label (qw(purchase_value usable_life)){
+            $ref->{$label} = $asset->format_amount({amount => $ref->{$label}});
+        }
+        $ref->{class} = $asset_classes->{$item->{asset_class_id}}->{label};
+        $ref->{department} 
+          = $departments->{$item->{department_id}}->{description};
+        $ref->{location} = $locations->{$item->{location_id}}->{description};
+        push @$rows, $ref;
+    }
+    my $template = LedgerSMB::Template->new(
+        user =>$request->{_user}, 
+        locale => $request->{_locale},
+        path => 'UI',
+        template => 'form-dynatable',
+        format => 'HTML'
+    );
+    $template->render({
+         form    => $asset,
+         heading => $heading,
+         rows    => $rows,
+         columns => $columns,
+   });
+sub asset_save {
+    my ($request) = @_;
+    my $asset = LedgerSMB::DBObject::Asset->new(base => $request);
+    for my $number (qw(salvage_value purchase_value usable_life)){
+        $asset->{"$number"} = $asset->parse_amount(
+                   user => $asset->{_user}, amount => $asset->{"$number"}
+        );
+    }
+    $asset->save;
+    $asset->{note} = 'Vendor:' . $asset->{meta_number} . "\n" 
+                   . 'Invoice:'.$asset->{invnumber};
+    $asset->{subject} = 'Vendor/Invoice Note';
+    $asset->save_note;
+    my $newasset = LedgerSMB::DBObject::Asset->new(
+                  base  => $request, 
+                  copy  => 'list',
+                  merge => ['stylesheet'],
+    );
+    asset_screen($newasset);
+sub asset_search {
+    my ($request) = @_;
+    my $asset = LedgerSMB::DBObject::Asset->new(base => $request);
+    $asset->get_metadata;
+    unshift @{$asset->{asset_classes}}, {}; 
+    unshift @{$asset->{locations}}, {}; 
+    unshift @{$asset->{departments}}, {}; 
+    unshift @{$asset->{asset_accounts}}, {}; 
+    unshift @{$asset->{dep_accounts}}, {}; 
+    my $template = LedgerSMB::Template->new(
+        user =>$request->{_user}, 
+        locale => $request->{_locale},
+        path => 'UI/asset',
+        template => 'search_asset',
+        format => 'HTML'
+    );
+    $template->render($asset);
+sub new_report {
+    my ($request) = @_;
+    my $report = LedgerSMB::DBObject::Asset_Report->new(base => $request);
+    $report->get_metadata;
+    my $template = LedgerSMB::Template->new(
+        user =>$request->{_user}, 
+        locale => $request->{_locale},
+        path => 'UI/asset',
+        template => 'begin_report',
+        format => 'HTML'
+    );
+    $template->render($report);
+sub report_init {
+    my ($request) = @_;
+    my $report = LedgerSMB::DBObject::Asset_Report->new(base => $request);
+    $report->generate;
+    display_report($report);
+sub report_save{
+    my ($request) = @_;
+    my $report = LedgerSMB::DBObject::Asset_Report->new(base => $request);
+    $report->{asset_ids} = [];
+    for my $count (0 .. $request->{rowcount}){
+        my $id = $request->{"id_$count"};
+        print STDERR "$count, $id, ".$request->{"asset_$count"}."\n";
+        if ($request->{"asset_$count"}){
+           push @{$report->{asset_ids}}, $id;
+        }
+    } 
+    $report->save;
+    my $ar = LedgerSMB::DBObject::Asset_Report->new(
+             base => $request, 
+             copy => 'base'
+    );
+    new_report($request);
+sub search_reports {
+    my ($request) = @_;
+    my $report = LedgerSMB::DBObject::Report->new(base => $request);
+    $report->get_metadata;
+    my $template = LedgerSMB::Template->new(
+        user =>$request->{_user}, 
+        locale => $request->{_locale},
+        path => 'UI/asset',
+        template => 'report_criteria',
+        format => 'HTML'
+    );
+    $template->render($report);
+sub report_get {
+    my ($request) = @_;
+    my $report = LedgerSMB::DBObject::Asset_Report->new(base => $request);
+    $report->get;
+    display_report($report);
+sub display_report {
+    my ($request) = @_;
+    my $report = LedgerSMB::DBObject::Asset_Report->new({base => $request});
+    $report->get_metadata;
+    my $locale = $request->{_locale};
+    my $cols = [];
+    @$cols = qw(select tag description purchase_date purchase_value);
+    my $heading = {
+       tag            =>  $locale->text('Asset Tag') ,
+       description    =>  $locale->text('Description') ,
+       purchase_date  =>  $locale->text('Purchase Date') ,
+       purchase_value =>  $locale->text('Purchase Value') ,
+       amount         =>  $locale->text('Proceeds'),
+       dm             =>  $locale->text('Disposal Method'),
+       percent        =>  $locale->text('Percent'),
+   };
+   my $rows = [];
+   my $hiddens = {};
+   my $count = 0;
+   for my $asset (@{$request->{assets}}){
+       push @$rows, 
+            { select         => {input => { name    => "asset_$count",
+                                            checked => $asset->{checked},
+                                            type    => "checkbox",
+                                            value   => '1',
+                                          },
+                                },
+              tag            => $asset->{tag},
+              description    => $asset->{description},
+              purchase_date  => $asset->{purchase_date},
+              purchase_value => $request->format_amount(
+                                         amount => $asset->{purchase_value}
+                                ),
+              dm             => {select => { name       => "dm_$asset->{id}",
+                                             options    => $report->{disp_methods},
+                                             text_attr  => 'label',
+                                             value_attr => 'id',
+                                           },
+                                },
+              amount         => {input => { name  => "amount_$asset->{id}",
+                                            type  => 'text',
+                                            class => 'amount',
+                                            value => $request->{"amount_$asset->{id}"},
+                                            size  => 20,
+                                          },
+                                },
+              percent        => {input => { name  => "percent_$asset->{id}",
+                                            type  => 'text',
+                                            class => 'percent',
+                                            value => $request->{"percent_$asset->{id}"},
+                                            size  => 6,
+                                          },
+                                },
+            };
+       $hiddens->{"id_$count"} = $asset->{id};
+       ++$count;
+   }
+   $request->{rowcount} = $count;
+   my $buttons = [
+      { name  => 'action',
+        text  => $locale->text('Save'),
+        value => 'report_save',
+        class => 'submit',
+        type  => 'submit',
+      },
+   ];
+   if ($request->{depreciation}){
+       $request->{title} = $locale->text('Asset Depreciation Report');
+   } else {
+       $request->{title} = $locale->text('Asset Disposal Report');
+       push @$cols, 'dm', 'amount';
+       $hiddens->{report_class} = $request->{report_class};
+   }
+   if ($request->{report_class} == 4){
+       $request->{title} = $locale->text('Asset Partial Disposal Report');
+       push @$cols, 'percent';
+   }
+   for my $hide (qw(exp_account_id gain_account_id loss_account_id report_date 
+                 asset_class rowcount depreciation))
+   {
+       $hiddens->{$hide} = $request->{$hide};
+   }
+    my $template = LedgerSMB::Template->new(
+        user =>$request->{_user}, 
+        locale => $request->{_locale},
+        path => 'UI',
+        template => 'form-dynatable',
+        format => 'HTML'
+    );
+    $template->render({ form => $request,
+                     columns => $cols,
+                     heading => $heading,
+                        rows => $rows,
+                     hiddens => $hiddens,
+                     buttons => $buttons,
+    });
+sub search_reports {
+    my ($request) = @_;
+    $request->{title} = $request->{_locale}->text('Search reports');
+    my $ar = LedgerSMB::DBObject::Asset_Report->new(base => $request);
+    $ar->get_metadata;
+    my $template = LedgerSMB::Template->new(
+        user =>$request->{_user}, 
+        locale => $request->{_locale},
+        path => 'UI/asset',
+        template => 'begin_approval',
+        format => 'HTML'
+    );
+    $template->render($ar);
+sub report_results {
+    my ($request) = @_;
+    my $locale = $request->{_locale};
+    my $ar = LedgerSMB::DBObject::Asset_Report->new(base => $request);
+    $ar->get_metadata;
+    $ar->{title} = $locale->text('Report Results');
+    my @results = $ar->search;
+    my $cols = [];
+    @$cols = qw(select id report_date type asset_class entered_at 
+                   approved_at total); 
+    my $header = {
+                        id => $locale->text('ID'),
+               report_date => $locale->text('Date'),
+                      type => $locale->text('Type'),
+               asset_class => $locale->text('Asset Class'),
+                entered_at => $locale->text('Entered at'),
+               approved_at => $locale->text('Approved at'),
+                     total => $locale->text('Total'),
+    };
+    my $rows = [];
+    my $hiddens = {};
+    my $count = 0;
+    my $base_href = "asset.pl?action=report_details&".
+                     "expense_acct=$ar->{expense_acct}";
+    if ($ar->{depreciation}){
+             $base_href .= '&depreciation=1';
+    } else {
+             $base_href .= "&gain_acct=$ar->{gain_acct}&loss_acct=".
+                            "$ar->{loss_acct}";
+    }
+    for my $r (@results){
+        next if (($r->{report_class} != 1 and $ar->{depreciation})
+                 or ($r->{report_class} == 1 and !$ar->{depreciation}));
+        $hiddens->{"id_$count"} = $r->{id};
+        my $ref = {
+              select         => {input => { name    => "report_$count",
+                                            checked => $r->{checked},
+                                            type    => "checkbox",
+                                            value   => $r->{id},
+                                          },
+                                },
+               id             => {href => $base_href . "&id=".$r->{id},
+                                  text => $r->{id},
+                                 },
+               report_date    => $r->{report_date},
+               entered_at     => $r->{entered_at},
+               approved_at    => $r->{approved_at},
+               total          => $ar->format_amount({amount => $r->{total},
+                                                    money => 1}),
+        };
+        for my $ac (@{$ar->{asset_classes}}){
+            if ($ac->{id} = $r->{asset_class}){
+                $ref->{asset_class} = $ac->{label};
+            }
+        }
+        if ($r->{report_class} == 1){
+           $ref->{type} = $locale->text('Depreciation');
+        } else {
+           $ref->{type} = $locale->text('Disposal');
+        }
+        push @$rows, $ref;
+        ++$count;
+    }
+    $request->{rowcount} = $count;
+    my $buttons = [{
+                   text  => $locale->text('Approve'),
+                   type  => 'submit',
+                   class => 'submit',
+                   name  => 'action',
+                   value => 'approve'
+                   },
+    ];
+    my $template = LedgerSMB::Template->new(
+        user =>$request->{_user}, 
+        locale => $request->{_locale},
+        path => 'UI',
+        template => 'form-dynatable',
+        format => 'HTML'
+    );
+    $template->render({
+         form    => $ar,
+         heading => $header,
+         rows    => $rows,
+         columns => $cols,
+         hiddens  => $request,
+        buttons  => $buttons,
+   });
+sub report_details {
+    my ($request) = @_;
+    my $locale = $request->{_locale};
+    my $report = LedgerSMB::DBObject::Asset_Report->new(base => $request);
+    $report->get;
+    if ($report->{report_class} == 2) {
+      disposal_details($report);
+      exit;
+    } elsif ($report->{report_class} == 4) {
+      partial_disposal_details($report);
+      exit;
+    }
+    my @cols = qw(tag start_depreciation purchase_value method_short_name
+                 usable_life basis prior_through prior_dep dep_this_time
+                 dep_ytd dep_total);
+    $report->{title} = $locale->text("Report [_1] on date [_2]", 
+                     $report->{id}, $report->{report_date});
+    my $header = {
+                            tag => $locale->text('Tag'),
+             start_depreciation => $locale->text('Dep. Starts'),
+                 purchase_value =>$locale->text('Aquired Value'),
+              method_short_name =>$locale->text('Dep. Method'),
+                    usable_life =>$locale->text('Est. Life'),
+                          basis =>$locale->text('Dep. Basis'),
+                  prior_through =>$locale->text('Prior Through'),
+                      prior_dep =>$locale->text('Prior Dep.'),
+                  dep_this_time =>$locale->text('Dep. this run'),
+                        dep_ytd =>$locale->text('Dep. YTD'),
+                      dep_total =>$locale->text('Total Accum. Dep.'),
+    };
+    my $rows = [];
+    for my $r (@{$report->{report_lines}}){
+        $r->{usable_life} = $report->format_amount({amount => $r->{usable_life}});
+        for my $amt (qw(purchase_value basis prior_dep dep_this_time dep_ytd
+                        dep_total)){
+             $r->{$amt} = $report->format_amount({amount => $r->{$amt},
+                                              money  => 1,});
+        }
+        push @$rows, $r;
+    }
+    my $template = LedgerSMB::Template->new(
+        user =>$request->{_user}, 
+        locale => $request->{_locale},
+        path => 'UI',
+        template => 'form-dynatable',
+        format => 'HTML'
+    );
+    my $buttons = [{
+                   text  => $locale->text('Approve'),
+                   type  => 'submit',
+                   class => 'submit',
+                   name =>  'action',
+                   value => 'approve'
+                   },
+    ];
+    $template->render({form => $report, 
+                    columns => ..hidden.., 
+                    heading => $header,
+                       rows => $rows,
+                    hiddens => $report,
+                    buttons => $buttons
+    });
+sub partial_disposal_details {
+    my ($request) = @_;
+    my $locale = $request->{_locale};
+    my $report = LedgerSMB::DBObject::Asset_Report->new(base => $request);
+    $report->get;
+    my @cols = qw(tag begin_depreciation purchase_value description 
+                 percent_disposed disposed_acquired_value
+                 percent_remaining remaining_aquired_value);
+    $report->{title} = $locale->text("Partial Disposal Report [_1] on date [_2]", 
+                        $report->{id}, $report->{report_date});
+    my $header = {
+                   tag                => $locale->text('Tag'),
+                   description        => $locale->text('Description'),
+                   begin_depreciation => $locale->text('Dep. Starts'),
+                   purchase_value     => $locale->text('Aquired Value'),
+                   percent_disposed   => $locale->text('Percent Disposed'),
+                   disposed_acquired_value => 
+                                   $locale->text('Disp. Aquired Value'),
+                   percent_remaining  => $locale->text('Percent Remaining'),
+                   remaining_aquired_value =>
+                                   $locale->text('Aquired Value Remaining')
+    };
+    my $rows = [];
+    for my $r (@{$report->{report_lines}}){
+        $r->{usable_life} = $report->format_amount({amount => $r->{usable_life}});
+        for my $amt (qw(purchase_value adj_basis disposed_acquired_value 
+                        remaining_aquired_value percent_disposed 
+                        percent_remaining)
+        ){
+             $r->{$amt} = $report->format_amount(
+                                  {amount => $r->{$amt},
+                                   money  => 1,
+                                  }
+             );
+        }
+        $r->{gain_loss} = $report->format_amount({amount => $r->{gain_loss},
+                                                 money => 1,
+                                               neg_format => '-' } );
+        push @$rows, $r;
+    }
+    my $template = LedgerSMB::Template->new(
+        user =>$request->{_user}, 
+        locale => $request->{_locale},
+        path => 'UI',
+        template => 'form-dynatable',
+        format => 'HTML'
+    );
+    my $buttons = [{
+                   text  => $locale->text('Approve'),
+                   type  => 'submit',
+                   class => 'submit',
+                   name =>  'action',
+                   value => 'approve'
+                   },
+    ];
+    $template->render({form => $report, 
+                    columns => ..hidden.., 
+                    heading => $header,
+                       rows => $rows,
+                    hiddens => $report,
+                    buttons => $buttons
+    });
+sub disposal_details {
+    my ($request) = @_;
+    my $locale = $request->{_locale};
+    my $report = LedgerSMB::DBObject::Asset_Report->new(base => $request);
+    $report->get;
+    my @cols = qw(tag description start_dep disposed_on dm purchase_value
+                 accum_depreciation adj_basis disposal_amt gain_loss);
+    $report->{title} = $locale->text("Disposal Report [_1] on date [_2]", 
+                     $report->{id}, $report->{report_date});
+    my $header = {
+                            tag => $locale->text('Tag'),
+                    description => $locale->text('Description'),
+                      start_dep => $locale->text('Dep. Starts'),
+                    disposed_on => $locale->text('Disposal Date'),
+                 purchase_value => $locale->text('Aquired Value'),
+                             dm => $locale->text('D M'),
+             accum_depreciation => $locale->text('Accum. Depreciation'),
+                   disposal_amt => $locale->text('Proceeds'),
+                      adj_basis => $locale->text('Adjusted Basis'),
+                      gain_loss => $locale->text('Gain (Loss)'),
+    };
+    my $rows = [];
+    for my $r (@{$report->{report_lines}}){
+        $r->{usable_life} = $report->format_amount({amount => $r->{usable_life}});
+        for my $amt (qw(purchase_value adj_basis accum_depreciation 
+                        disposal_amt)
+        ){
+             $r->{$amt} = $report->format_amount({amount => $r->{$amt},
+                                              money  => 1,});
+        }
+        $r->{gain_loss} = $report->format_amount({amount => $r->{gain_loss},
+                                                 money => 1,
+                                               neg_format => '-' } );
+        push @$rows, $r;
+    }
+    my $template = LedgerSMB::Template->new(
+        user =>$request->{_user}, 
+        locale => $request->{_locale},
+        path => 'UI',
+        template => 'form-dynatable',
+        format => 'HTML'
+    );
+    my $buttons = [{
+                   text  => $locale->text('Approve'),
+                   type  => 'submit',
+                   class => 'submit',
+                   name =>  'action',
+                   value => 'approve'
+                   },
+    ];
+    $template->render({form => $report, 
+                    columns => ..hidden.., 
+                    heading => $header,
+                       rows => $rows,
+                    hiddens => $report,
+                    buttons => $buttons
+    });
+sub disposal_details_approve {
+    report_details_approve(@_);
+sub report_details_approve {
+    my ($request) = @_;
+    my $report = LedgerSMB::DBObject::Asset_Report->new(base => $request);
+    $report->approve;
+    search_reports($request);
+sub report_results_approve {
+    my ($request) = @_;
+    for my $l (0 .. $request->{rowcount}){
+        if ($request->{"report_$l"}){
+            my $approved = LedgerSMB::DBObject::Asset_Report->new(base => $request);
+            $approved->{id} = $request->{"report_$l"};
+            $approved->approve;
+        }
+    }
+   search_reports($request);
+sub begin_nbv {
+    my ($request) = @_;
+    my $template = LedgerSMB::Template->new(
+        user =>$request->{_user}, 
+        locale => $request->{_locale},
+        path => 'UI/asset',
+        template => 'nbv_filter',
+        format => 'HTML'
+    );
+    $template->render($request);
+sub display_nbv {
+    my ($request) = @_;
+    my $locale = $request->{_locale};
+    my $report = LedgerSMB::DBObject::Asset_Report->new({base => $request });
+    my @cols = qw(id tag description begin_depreciation method remaining_life basis salvage_value
+                  through_date accum_depreciation net_book_value);
+    my $header = {
+                   id                  => $locale->text('ID'),
+                   tag                 => $locale->text('Tag'),
+                   description         => $locale->text('Description'),
+                   begin_depreciation  => $locale->text('In Svc.'),
+                   method              => $locale->text('Method'),
+                   remaining_life      => $locale->text('Rem. Life'), 
+                   basis               => $locale->text('Basis'),
+                   salvage_value       => $locale->text('(+) Salvage Value'),
+                   through_date        => $locale->text('Dep. through'),
+                   accum_depreciation  => $locale->text('(-) Accum. Dep.'),
+                   net_book_value      => $locale->text('(=) NBV'),
+                   percent_depreciated => $locale->text('Pct. Dep.'),
+    };
+    my @results = $report->get_nbv;
+    my $rows = [];
+    for my $r(@results){
+        for my $amt (qw(basis salvage_value accum_depreciation net_book_value)){
+            $r->{$amt} = $request->format_amount({amount => $r->{$amt}, money => 1});
+        }
+        for my $amt (qw(percent_depreciated remaining_life)){
+            $r->{$amt} = $request->format_amount({amount => $r->{$amt}});
+        }
+        push @$rows, $r;
+    }
+    my $template = LedgerSMB::Template->new(
+        user =>$request->{_user}, 
+        locale => $request->{_locale},
+        path => 'UI',
+        template => 'form-dynatable',
+        format => 'HTML'
+    );
+    $template->render({form => $report, 
+                    columns => ..hidden.., 
+                    heading => $header,
+                       rows => $rows,
+    });
+sub begin_import {
+    my ($request) = @_;
+    my $template = LedgerSMB::Template->new(
+        user =>$request->{_user}, 
+        locale => $request->{_locale},
+        path => 'UI/asset',
+        template => 'import_asset',
+        format => 'HTML'
+    );
+    $template->render($request);
+sub run_import {
+    my ($request) = @_;
+    my $asset = LedgerSMB::DBObject::Asset->new({base => $request});
+    $asset->get_metadata;
+    my @rresults = $asset->call_procedure(
+                               procname => 'asset_report__begin_import', 
+                                   args => [$asset->{asset_classes}->[0]->{id},
+                                            $asset->{report_date}]
+    );
+    my $report_results = shift @rresults;
+    my $department = {};
+    my $location = {};
+    my $class = {};
+    my $asset_account = {};
+    my $dep_account = {};
+    for my $c (@{$asset->{asset_classes}}){
+        $class->{"$c->{label}"} = $c; 
+    }
+    for my $l (@{$asset->{locations}}){
+        $location->{"$l->{description}"} = $l->{id};
+    }
+    for my $d (@{$asset->{departments}}){
+        $department->{"$d->{description}"} = $d->{id};
+    }
+    for my $a (@{$asset->{asset_accounts}}){
+       $asset_account->{"$a->{accno}"} = $a;
+    }
+    for my $a (@{$asset->{dep_accounts}}){
+       $dep_account->{"$a->{accno}"} = $a;
+    }
+    for my $ail ($asset->import_file($request->{import_file})){
+        my $ai = LedgerSMB::DBObject::Asset->new({copy => 'base', base => $request});
+        for (0 .. $#file_columns){
+          $ai->{$file_columns[$_]} = $ail->[$_];
+        }
+        next if $ai->{purchase_value} !~ /\d/;
+        $ai->{purchase_value} = $ai->parse_amount(amount => $ai->{purchase_value});
+        $ai->{accum_dep} = $ai->parse_amount(amount => $ai->{accum_dep});
+        $ai->{dep_account} = $default_dep_account if !$ai->{dep_account};
+        $ai->{asset_account} = $default_asset_account if !$ai->{dep_account};
+        if (!$ai->{start_depreciation}){
+            $ai->{start_depreciation} = $ai->{purchase_date};
+        }
+        if ($ai->{asset_class} !~ /Leasehold/i){
+           $ai->{usable_life} = $ai->{usable_life}/12;
+        }
+        $ai->{dep_report_id} = $report_results->{id};
+        $ai->{location_id} = $location->{"$ai->{location}"};
+        $ai->{department_id} = $department->{"$ai->{department}"};
+        $ai->{asset_class_id} = $class->{"$ai->{asset_class}"}->{id};
+        $ai->{dep_account_id} = $class->{"$ai->{asset_class}"}->{dep_account_id};
+        $ai->{asset_account_id} = $asset_account->{"$ai->{asset_account}"}->{id};
+        if (!$ai->{dep_account_id}){
+            $ai->{dep_account_id} = $dep_account->{$default_dep_account}->{id}; 
+        }
+        for my $l (@{$asset->{locations}}){
+            if ($ai->{location} eq $l->{description}){
+               $ai->{location} = $l->{id};
+            }
+        }
+        for my $l (@{$asset->{departments}}){
+            if ($ai->{location} eq $l->{description}){
+               $ai->{location} = $l->{id};
+            }
+        }
+        for my $l (@{$asset->{asset_classes}}){
+           if ($ai->{location} eq $l->{label}){
+               $ai->{location} = $l->{id};
+            }
+        }
+        for my $attr_name (qw(location department asset_class)){
+            my $attr = $ai->{$attr_name};
+            $ai->{$attr} = $asset->{"${attr}_name"};
+        }
+        $ai->import_asset;
+    }
+    $request->{dbh}->commit;
+    $request->{info} = $request->{_locale}->text('File Imported');
+    begin_import($request);
+eval { do "scripts/custom/asset.pl"};

Modified: trunk/sql/Pg-database.sql
--- trunk/sql/Pg-database.sql	2011-07-06 14:36:23 UTC (rev 3454)
+++ trunk/sql/Pg-database.sql	2011-07-06 14:45:03 UTC (rev 3455)
@@ -3447,4 +3447,138 @@
 GRANT SELECT ON periods TO public;
+CREATE TABLE asset_unit_class (
+	id int not null unique,
+	class text primary key
+INSERT INTO asset_unit_class (id, class) values (1, 'time');
+INSERT INTO asset_unit_class (id, class) values (2, 'production'); 
+-- production-based depreciation is unlikely to be supported initially
+CREATE TABLE asset_dep_method(
+	id serial unique not null,
+	method text primary key,
+        sproc text not null unique,
+        unit_label text not null,
+        short_name text not null unique,
+	unit_class int not null references asset_unit_class(id) 
+comment on column asset_dep_method.method IS 
+$$ These are keyed to specific stored procedures.  Currently only "straight_line" is supported$$;
+INSERT INTO asset_dep_method(method, unit_class, sproc, unit_label, short_name) 
+values ('Annual Straight Line Daily', 1, 'asset_dep_straight_line_yr_d', 'in years', 'SLYD');
+INSERT INTO asset_dep_method(method, unit_class, sproc, unit_label, short_name) 
+values ('Whole Month Straight Line', 1, 'asset_dep_straight_line_whl_m', 
+'in months', 'SLMM');
+INSERT INTO asset_dep_method(method, unit_class, sproc, unit_label, short_name) 
+values ('Annual Straight Line Daily', 1, 'asset_dep_straight_line_yr_m', 'in years', 'SLYM');
+CREATE TABLE asset_class (
+	id serial not null unique,
+	label text primary key,
+	asset_account_id int references account(id),
+	dep_account_id int references account(id),
+	method int references asset_dep_method(id)
+COMMENT ON asset_class IS $$
+The account fields here set the defaults for the individual asset items.  They
+are non-authoritative.
+CREATE TABLE asset_disposal_method (
+       label text primary key,
+       id serial unique,
+       multiple int check (multiple in (1, 0, -1)),
+       short_label char(1)
+INSERT INTO asset_disposal_method (label, multiple, short_label)
+values ('Abandonment', '0', 'A');
+INSERT INTO asset_disposal_method (label, multiple, short_label)
+values ('Sale', '1', 'S');
+CREATE TABLE asset_rl_to_disposal_method (
+       report_id int references asset_report(id),
+       asset_id int references asset_item(id),
+       disposal_method_id int references asset_disposal_method(id),
+       percent_disposed numeric,
+       primary key (report_id, asset_id, disposal_method_id)
+CREATE TABLE asset_item (
+	id serial primary key, -- needed due to possible null in natural key
+	description text,
+	tag text not null,
+	purchase_value numeric,
+	salvage_value numeric,
+	usable_life numeric,
+	purchase_date date  not null,
+        start_depreciation date not null,
+	location_id int references warehouse(id),
+	department_id int references department(id),
+	invoice_id int references ap(id),
+	asset_account_id int references account(id),
+	dep_account_id int references account(id),
+	exp_account_id int references account(id),
+        obsolete_by int references asset_item(id),
+	asset_class_id int references asset_class(id),
+        unique (tag, obsolete_by) -- part 1 of natural key enforcement
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX asset_item_active_tag_u ON asset_item(tag) 
+              WHERE obsolete_by is null; -- part 2 of natural key enforcement
+COMMENT ON column asset_item.tag IS $$ This can be plugged into other routines to generate it automatically via ALTER TABLE .... SET DEFAULT.....$$;
+CREATE TABLE asset_note (
+    foreign key (ref_key) references asset_item(id),
+    check (note_class = 4)
+) inherits (note);
+INSERT INTO note_class (id, class) values (4, 'Asset');
+ALTER TABLE asset_note alter column note_class set default 4;
+CREATE TABLE asset_report_class (
+	id int not null unique,
+	class text primary key
+INSERT INTO asset_report_class (id, class) values (1, 'depreciation');
+INSERT INTO asset_report_class (id, class) values (2, 'disposal');
+INSERT INTO asset_report_class (id, class) values (3, 'import');
+INSERT INTO asset_report_class (id, class) values (4, 'partial disposal');
+CREATE TABLE asset_report (
+	id serial primary key,
+	report_date date,
+	gl_id bigint references gl(id) unique,
+	asset_class bigint references asset_class(id),
+	report_class int references asset_report_class(id),
+	entered_by bigint not null references entity(id),
+	approved_by bigint references entity(id),
+	entered_at timestamp default now(),
+	approved_at timestamp,
+	depreciated_qty numeric,
+        dont_approve bool default false,
+	submitted bool not null default false
+CREATE TABLE asset_report_line(
+	asset_id bigint references asset_item(id),
+        report_id bigint references asset_report(id),
+	amount numeric,
+	department_id int references department(id),
+	warehouse_id int references warehouse(id),
+	PRIMARY KEY(asset_id, report_id)
+COMMENT ON asset_report_line.department_id IS
+$$ In case assets are moved between departments, we have to store this here.$$;

Added: trunk/sql/modules/Assets.sql
--- trunk/sql/modules/Assets.sql	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/sql/modules/Assets.sql	2011-07-06 14:45:03 UTC (rev 3455)
@@ -0,0 +1,1041 @@
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION asset_dep__straight_line_base
+(in_base_life numeric, in_life numeric, in_used numeric, in_basis numeric, 
+in_dep_to_date numeric)
+returns numeric as $$
+SELECT CASE WHEN $3/$1 * $4 < $4 - $5 THEN $3/$1 * $4 
+            ELSE $4 - $5
+            END;
+$$ language sql;
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION asset_dep__used_months
+(in_last_dep date, in_dep_date date, in_usable_life numeric)
+RETURNS numeric AS
+select CASE WHEN extract('MONTHS' FROM (date_trunc('day', $2) - date_trunc('day', $1))) 
+                 > $3
+            THEN $3
+            ELSE extract('MONTHS' FROM (date_trunc('day', $2) - date_trunc('day', $1)))::numeric
+            END;
+$$ language sql;
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION asset_dep_get_usable_life_yr
+(in_usable_life numeric, in_start_date date, in_dep_date date)
+returns numeric as
+   SELECT CASE WHEN $3 IS NULL or get_fractional_year($2, $3) > $1 
+               then $1
+               WHEN get_fractional_year($2, $3) < 0
+               THEN 0
+               ELSE get_fractional_year($2, $3)
+          END;
+$$ language sql;
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION months_passed (in_start timestamp, in_end timestamp)
+returns int as
+-- The addition of one day is so that it will return '1' when run on the end
+-- day of consecutive months.
+select (extract (months from age($2 + '1 day', $1 + '1 day'))
+       + extract (years from age($2, $1)) * 12)::int;
+$$ language sql;
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION asset_dep_straight_line_yr_m
+(in_asset_ids int[],  in_report_date date, in_report_id int)
+     INSERT INTO asset_report_line (asset_id, report_id, amount, department_id, 
+                                   warehouse_id)
+     SELECT ai.id, $3, 
+            asset_dep__straight_line_base(
+                  ai.usable_life * 12,
+                  ai.usable_life * 12 --months
+                  - months_passed(coalesce(start_depreciation, purchase_date),
+                                  coalesce(max(report_date),
+                                           start_depreciation,
+                                           purchase_date)),
+                  months_passed(coalesce(max(report_date),
+                                         start_depreciation,
+                                         purchase_date),
+                                $2),
+                  purchase_value - salvage_value,
+                  coalesce(sum(l.amount), 0)), 
+            ai.department_id, ai.location_id
+       FROM asset_item ai
+  LEFT JOIN asset_report_line l ON (l.asset_id = ai.id)
+  LEFT JOIN asset_report r ON (l.report_id = r.id)
+      WHERE ai.id = ANY($1) 
+   GROUP BY ai.id, ai.start_depreciation, ai.purchase_date, ai.purchase_value,
+            ai.salvage_value, ai.department_id, ai.location_id, ai.usable_life;
+    UPDATE asset_report SET report_class = 1 WHERE id = $3;
+    select true;
+$$ language sql;
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION asset_dep_straight_line_month
+(in_asset_ids int[],  in_report_date date, in_report_id int)
+     INSERT INTO asset_report_line (asset_id, report_id, amount, department_id, 
+                                   warehouse_id)
+     SELECT ai.id, $3, 
+            asset_dep__straight_line_base(
+                  ai.usable_life,
+                  ai.usable_life --months
+                  - months_passed(coalesce(start_depreciation, purchase_date),
+                                  coalesce(max(report_date),
+                                           start_depreciation,
+                                           purchase_date)),
+                  months_passed(coalesce(max(report_date),
+                                         start_depreciation,
+                                         purchase_date),
+                                $2),
+                  purchase_value - salvage_value,
+                  coalesce(sum(l.amount), 0)), 
+            ai.department_id, ai.location_id
+       FROM asset_item ai
+  LEFT JOIN asset_report_line l ON (l.asset_id = ai.id)
+  LEFT JOIN asset_report r ON (l.report_id = r.id)
+      WHERE ai.id = ANY($1) 
+   GROUP BY ai.id, ai.start_depreciation, ai.purchase_date, ai.purchase_value,
+            ai.salvage_value, ai.department_id, ai.location_id, ai.usable_life;
+    UPDATE asset_report SET report_class = 1 WHERE id = $3;
+    select true;
+$$ language sql;
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION asset_report__generate_gl(in_report_id int, in_accum_account_id int)
+	t_report_dept record;
+	t_dep_amount numeric;
+	INSERT INTO gl (reference, description, transdate, approved)
+	SELECT setting_increment('glnumber'), 'Asset Report ' || asset_report.id,
+		report_date, false
+	FROM asset_report 
+	JOIN asset_report_line 
+		ON (asset_report.id = asset_report_line.report_id)
+	JOIN asset_item 
+		ON (asset_report_line.asset_id = asset_item.id)
+	WHERE asset_report.id = in_report_id
+	GROUP BY asset_report.id, asset_report.report_date;
+	INSERT INTO acc_trans (trans_id, chart_id, transdate, approved, amount)
+	SELECT gl.id, a.exp_account_id, r.report_date, true, sum(amount) * -1
+	FROM asset_report r
+	JOIN asset_report_line l ON (r.id = l.report_id)
+	JOIN asset_item a ON (l.asset_id = a.id)
+	JOIN gl ON (gl.description = 'Asset Report ' || l.report_id)
+	WHERE r.id = in_report_id
+	GROUP BY gl.id, r.report_date, a.exp_account_id;
+	INSERT INTO acc_trans (trans_id, chart_id, transdate, approved, amount)
+	SELECT gl.id, a.dep_account_id, r.report_date, true, sum(amount)
+	FROM asset_report r
+	JOIN asset_report_line l ON (r.id = l.report_id)
+	JOIN asset_item a ON (l.asset_id = a.id)
+	JOIN gl ON (gl.description = 'Asset Report ' || l.report_id) 
+	WHERE r.id = in_report_id
+	GROUP BY gl.id, a.dep_account_id, r.report_date, a.tag, a.description;
+	RETURN in_report_id;
+$$ language plpgsql;
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION asset_class__get (in_id int) RETURNS asset_class AS
+DECLARE ret_val asset_class;
+	SELECT * INTO ret_val FROM asset_class WHERE id = in_id;
+	RETURN ret_val;
+$$ language plpgsql;
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION asset_class__list() RETURNS SETOF asset_class AS
+SELECT * FROM asset_class ORDER BY label;
+CREATE TYPE asset_class_result AS (
+	id int,
+	asset_account_id int,
+	asset_accno text,
+	asset_description text,
+	dep_account_id int,
+	dep_accno text,
+	dep_description text,
+	method text, 
+	method_id int, 
+	label text
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION asset_class__search
+(in_asset_account_id int, in_dep_account_id int, 
+in_method int, in_label text)
+RETURNS SETOF asset_class_result AS
+DECLARE out_var asset_class_result;
+	FOR out_var IN
+		SELECT ac.id, ac.asset_account_id, aa.accno, aa.description, 
+			ad.accno, ad.description, m.method, ac.method,
+			ac.label
+		FROM asset_class ac
+		JOIN account aa ON (aa.id = ac.asset_account_id)
+		JOIN account ad ON (ad.id = ac.dep_account_id)
+		JOIN asset_dep_method m ON (ac.method = m.id)
+			(in_asset_account_id is null 
+				or in_asset_account_id = ac.asset_account_id)
+			AND (in_dep_account_id is null OR
+				in_dep_account_id = ac.dep_account_id)
+			AND (in_method is null OR in_method = ac.method)
+			AND (in_label IS NULL OR ac.label LIKE 
+				'%' || in_label || '%')
+		RETURN NEXT out_var;
+$$ language plpgsql;
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION asset_class__get_dep_methods() 
+RETURNS SETOF asset_dep_method as $$
+SELECT * FROM asset_dep_method ORDER BY method;
+$$ LANGUAGE sql;
+(in_id int, in_asset_account_id int, in_dep_account_id int, 
+in_method int, in_label text, in_unit_label text)
+RETURNS asset_class AS
+DECLARE ret_val asset_class;
+	UPDATE asset_class 
+	SET asset_account_id = in_asset_account_id,
+		dep_account_id = in_dep_account_id,
+		method = in_method,
+		label = in_label
+	WHERE id = in_id;
+		SELECT * INTO ret_val FROM asset_class where id = in_id;
+		RETURN ret_val;
+	INSERT INTO asset_class (asset_account_id, dep_account_id, method,
+		label)
+	VALUES (in_asset_account_id, in_dep_account_id, in_method, 
+		in_label);
+	SELECT * INTO ret_val FROM asset_class 
+	WHERE id = currval('asset_class_id_seq');
+	RETURN ret_val;
+$$ language plpgsql;
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION asset__get (in_id int, in_tag text)
+RETURNS asset_item AS
+DECLARE ret_val asset_item;
+	SELECT * into ret_val from asset_item WHERE id = in_id OR in_tag = tag
+        ORDER BY id desc limit 1;
+	return ret_val;
+$$ language plpgsql;
+(in_asset_class int, in_description text, in_tag text, 
+in_purchase_date date, in_purchase_value numeric,
+in_usable_life numeric, in_salvage_value numeric)
+RETURNS SETOF asset_item AS $$
+DECLARE out_val asset_item;
+	FOR out_val IN
+		SELECT * FROM asset_item
+		WHERE (in_asset_class is null 
+			or asset_class_id = in_asset_class)
+			AND (in_description is null or description 
+				LIKE '%' || in_description || '%')
+			and (in_tag is not null or tag like '%'||in_tag||'%')
+			AND (in_purchase_date is null 
+				or purchase_date = in_purchase_date)
+			AND (in_purchase_value is null
+				or in_purchase_value = purchase_value)
+			AND (in_usable_life is null
+				or in_usable_life = usable_life)
+			AND (in_salvage_value is null
+				OR in_salvage_value = salvage_value)
+		RETURN NEXT out_val;
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION asset_class__get_asset_accounts()
+RETURNS SETOF account AS $$
+SELECT * FROM account 
+	(select account_id from account_link where description = 'Fixed_Asset')
+ORDER BY accno;
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION asset_class__get_dep_accounts()
+RETURNS SETOF account AS $$
+SELECT * FROM account 
+	(select account_id from account_link where description = 'Asset_Dep')
+ORDER BY accno;
+(in_id int, in_asset_class int, in_description text, in_tag text, 
+in_purchase_date date, in_purchase_value numeric,
+in_usable_life numeric, in_salvage_value numeric, 
+in_start_depreciation date, in_warehouse_id int, 
+in_department_id int, in_invoice_id int, 
+in_asset_account_id int, in_dep_account_id int, in_exp_account_id int)
+returns asset_item AS
+DECLARE ret_val asset_item;
+	UPDATE asset_item
+	SET asset_class_id = in_asset_class,
+		description = in_description,
+		tag = in_tag,
+		purchase_date = in_purchase_date,
+		purchase_value = in_purchase_value,
+		usable_life = in_usable_life,
+		location_id = in_warehouse_id,
+		department_id = in_department_id,
+		invoice_id = in_invoice_id,
+		salvage_value = in_salvage_value,
+                asset_account_id = in_asset_account_id,
+                exp_account_id = in_exp_account_id,
+                start_depreciation = 
+                         coalesce(in_start_depreciation, in_purchase_date),
+                dep_account_id = in_dep_account_id
+	WHERE id = in_id;
+		SELECT * INTO ret_val FROM asset_item WHERE id = in_id;
+		return ret_val;
+	INSERT INTO asset_item (asset_class_id, description, tag, purchase_date,
+		purchase_value, usable_life, salvage_value, department_id,
+		location_id, invoice_id, asset_account_id, dep_account_id,
+                start_depreciation, exp_account_id)
+	VALUES (in_asset_class, in_description, in_tag, in_purchase_date,
+		in_purchase_value, in_usable_life, in_salvage_value,
+		in_department_id, in_warehouse_id, in_invoice_id,
+                in_asset_account_id, in_dep_account_id,
+                coalesce(in_start_depreciation, in_purchase_date),
+                in_exp_account_id);
+	SELECT * INTO ret_val FROM asset_item 
+	WHERE id = currval('asset_item_id_seq');
+	RETURN ret_val;
+$$ language plpgsql;
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION asset_item__search
+(in_id int, in_asset_class int, in_description text, in_tag text, 
+in_purchase_date date, in_purchase_value numeric,
+in_usable_life numeric, in_salvage_value numeric, 
+in_start_depreciation date, in_warehouse_id int, 
+in_department_id int, in_invoice_id int, 
+in_asset_account_id int, in_dep_account_id int)
+returns setof asset_item as
+DECLARE retval asset_item;
+    FOR retval IN
+         SELECT * FROM asset_item
+          WHERE (id = in_id or in_id is null)
+                and (asset_class_id = in_asset_class or in_asset_class is null)
+                and (description like '%'||in_description||'%'
+                     or in_description is null)
+                and (tag like '%' || in_tag || '%' or in_tag is null)
+                and (purchase_value = in_purchase_value 
+                    or in_purchase_value is null)
+                and (in_purchase_date = purchase_date 
+                    or in_purchase_date is null)
+                and (start_depreciation = in_start_depreciation
+                    or in_start_depreciation is null)
+                and (in_warehouse_id = location_id OR in_warehouse_id is null)
+                and (department_id = in_department_id 
+                    or in_department_id is null)
+                and (in_invoice_id = invoice_id OR in_invoice_id IS NULL)
+                and (asset_account_id = in_asset_account_id
+                    or in_asset_account_id is null)
+                and (dep_account_id = in_dep_account_id
+                    or in_dep_account_id is null)
+   LOOP
+       return next retval;
+   end loop;
+$$ language plpgsql;
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION asset_class__get_dep_method (in_asset_class int) 
+RETURNS asset_dep_method AS $$
+SELECT * from asset_dep_method 
+WHERE id = (select method from asset_class where id = $1);
+$$ language sql;
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION asset_report__save
+(in_id int, in_report_date date, in_report_class int, in_asset_class int,
+in_submit bool)
+RETURNS asset_report AS
+	ret_val asset_report;
+	item record;
+	method_text text;
+	DELETE FROM asset_report_line where report_id = in_id;
+	UPDATE asset_report 
+	set asset_class = in_asset_class,
+		report_class = in_report_class,
+		report_date = in_report_date,
+		submitted = (in_submit or submitted)
+	WHERE id = in_id;
+		SELECT * INTO ret_val FROM asset_report WHERE id = in_id;
+		INSERT INTO asset_report(report_class, asset_class, report_date,
+			submitted)
+		values (in_report_class, in_asset_class, in_report_date, 
+			coalesce(in_submit, true));
+		SELECT * INTO ret_val FROM asset_report 
+		WHERE id = currval('asset_report_id_seq');
+        RETURN ret_val;
+$$ language plpgsql;
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION asset_report__dispose
+(in_id int, in_asset_id int, in_amount numeric, in_dm int, 
+in_percent_disposed numeric)
+returns bool AS
+    INSERT 
+      INTO asset_report_line (report_id, asset_id, amount)
+    values (in_id, in_asset_id, in_amount);
+    INSERT 
+      INTO asset_rl_to_disposal_method 
+           (report_id, asset_id, disposal_method_id, percent_disposed)
+    VALUES (in_id, in_asset_id, in_dm, in_percent_disposed);
+    END;
+$$ language PLPGSQL;
+CREATE TYPE asset_disposal_report_line 
+AS (
+       id int,
+       tag text,
+       description text,
+       start_dep date,
+       disposed_on date,
+       dm char(1),
+       purchase_value numeric,
+       accum_depreciation numeric,
+       disposal_amt numeric,
+       adj_basis numeric,
+       gain_loss numeric
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION asset_report__get_disposal (in_id int)
+returns setof asset_disposal_report_line AS
+   SELECT ai.id, ai.tag, ai.description, ai.start_depreciation, r.report_date,
+          dm.short_label, ai.purchase_value, 
+          sum (CASE WHEN pr.report_class in (1,3) THEN prl.amount ELSE 0 END) 
+          as accum_dep,
+          l.amount, 
+          ai.purchase_value - sum(CASE WHEN pr.report_class in (1,3) 
+                                       THEN prl.amount 
+                                       ELSE 0 
+                                   END) as adjusted_basis,
+          l.amount - ai.purchase_value + sum(CASE WHEN pr.report_class in (1,3)
+                                                  THEN prl.amount 
+                                                  ELSE 0 
+                                              END) as gain_loss
+     FROM asset_item ai
+     JOIN asset_report_line l   ON (l.report_id = $1 AND ai.id = l.asset_id)
+     JOIN asset_report r        ON (l.report_id = r.id)
+LEFT JOIN asset_rl_to_disposal_method adm 
+                             USING (report_id, asset_id)
+     JOIN asset_disposal_method dm
+                                ON (adm.disposal_method_id = dm.id)
+LEFT JOIN asset_report_line prl ON (prl.report_id <> $1 
+                                   AND ai.id = prl.asset_id)
+LEFT JOIN asset_report pr       ON (prl.report_id = pr.id)
+ GROUP BY ai.id, ai.tag, ai.description, ai.start_depreciation, r.report_date,
+          ai.purchase_value, l.amount, dm.short_label
+ ORDER BY ai.id, ai.tag;
+$$ language sql;
+CREATE TYPE asset_nbv_line AS (
+    id int, 
+    tag text,
+    description text,
+    begin_depreciation date,
+    method text,
+    remaining_life numeric,
+    basis numeric,
+    salvage_value numeric,
+    through_date date,
+    accum_depreciation numeric,
+    net_book_value numeric,
+    percent_depreciated numeric
+create  function asset_nbv_report () 
+returns setof asset_nbv_line AS
+   SELECT ai.id, ai.tag, ai.description, coalesce(ai.start_depreciation, ai.purchase_date),
+          adm.short_name, ai.usable_life 
+           - months_passed(coalesce(ai.start_depreciation, ai.purchase_date),
+                                  coalesce(max(r.report_date),
+                                           ai.start_depreciation,
+                                           ai.purchase_date))/ 12,
+          ai.purchase_value - ai.salvage_value, ai.salvage_value, max(r.report_date),
+          sum(rl.amount), ai.purchase_value - sum(rl.amount), (1 - (ai.usable_life 
+           - months_passed(coalesce(ai.start_depreciation, ai.purchase_date),
+                                  coalesce(max(r.report_date),
+                                           ai.start_depreciation,
+                                           ai.purchase_date))/ 12)/ai.usable_life) * 100
+     FROM asset_item ai
+     JOIN asset_class ac ON (ai.asset_class_id = ac.id)
+     JOIN asset_dep_method adm ON (adm.id = ac.method)
+LEFT JOIN asset_report_line rl ON (ai.id = rl.asset_id)
+LEFT JOIN asset_report r on (rl.report_id = r.id)
+ GROUP BY ai.id, ai.tag, ai.description, ai.start_depreciation, ai.purchase_date,
+          adm.short_name, ai.usable_life, ai.purchase_value, salvage_value
+   HAVING (NOT 2 = ANY(as_array(r.report_class))) 
+          AND (NOT 4 = ANY(as_array(r.report_class)))
+          OR max(r.report_class) IS NULL
+ ORDER BY ai.id, ai.tag, ai.description;
+$$ language sql;
+CREATE TYPE partial_disposal_line AS (
+id int,
+tag text,
+begin_depreciation date,
+purchase_value numeric,
+description text,
+disposal_date date,
+percent_disposed numeric,
+disposed_acquired_value numeric,
+percent_remaining numeric,
+remaining_aquired_value numeric
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION asset_report_partial_disposal_details(in_id int)
+SELECT ai.id, ai.tag, ai.start_depreciation, ai.purchase_value, ai.description,
+       ar.report_date, arld.percent_disposed, 
+       (arld.percent_disposed / 100) * ai.purchase_value, 
+       100 - arld.percent_disposed,
+       ((100 - arld.percent_disposed)/100) * ai.purchase_value
+  FROM asset_item ai
+  JOIN asset_report_line l ON (ai.id = l.asset_id)
+  JOIN asset_report ar ON (ar.id = l.report_id)
+  JOIN asset_rl_to_disposal_method arld
+       ON  ((arld.report_id, arld.asset_id) = (l.report_id, l.asset_id))
+ WHERE ar.id = $1;
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION asset_report__approve
+(in_id int, in_expense_acct int, in_gain_acct int, in_loss_acct int)
+RETURNS asset_report AS
+DECLARE ret_val asset_report;
+        UPDATE asset_report 
+           SET approved_at = now(),
+               approved_by = person__get_my_entity_id()
+         where id = in_id;
+	SELECT * INTO ret_val FROM asset_report WHERE id = in_id;
+        if ret_val.dont_approve is not true then 
+                if ret_val.report_class = 1 THEN
+                    PERFORM asset_report__generate_gl(in_id, in_expense_acct);
+                ELSIF ret_val.report_class = 2 THEN
+                    PERFORM asset_report__disposal_gl(
+                                 in_id, in_gain_acct, in_loss_acct);
+                ELSIF ret_val.report_class = 4 THEN
+                    PERFORM asset_disposal__approve(in_id, in_gain_acct, in_loss_acct, (select asset_account_id from asset_class 
+                                                                                         where id = ret_val.asset_class)
+                                                   );
+                ELSE RAISE EXCEPTION 'Invalid report class';
+                END IF;
+        end if;
+	SELECT * INTO ret_val FROM asset_report WHERE id = in_id;
+	RETURN ret_val;
+$$ language plpgsql;
+revoke execute on function asset_report__approve(int, int, int, int) from public;
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION asset_report__disposal_gl
+(in_id int, in_gain_acct int, in_loss_acct int)
+    INTO gl (reference, description, transdate, approved)
+  SELECT setting_increment('glnumber'), 'Asset Report ' || asset_report.id,
+		report_date, false
+    FROM asset_report 
+    JOIN asset_report_line ON (asset_report.id = asset_report_line.report_id)
+    JOIN asset_item        ON (asset_report_line.asset_id = asset_item.id)
+   WHERE asset_report.id = $1
+GROUP BY asset_report.id, asset_report.report_date;
+    INTO acc_trans (chart_id, trans_id, amount, approved, transdate)
+  SELECT a.dep_account_id, currval('id')::int, sum(r.accum_depreciation) * -1,
+         TRUE, r.disposed_on
+    FROM asset_report__get_disposal($1) r
+    JOIN asset_item a ON (r.id = a.id)
+GROUP BY a.dep_account_id, r.disposed_on;
+  -- GAIN is negative since it is a debit
+    INTO acc_trans (chart_id, trans_id, amount, approved, transdate)
+  SELECT case when sum(r.gain_loss) > 0 THEN $3 else $2 end,
+         currval('id')::int, sum(r.gain_loss),
+         TRUE, r.disposed_on
+    FROM asset_report__get_disposal($1) r
+    JOIN asset_item ai ON (r.id = ai.id)
+GROUP BY r.disposed_on;
+    INTO acc_trans (chart_id, trans_id, amount, approved, transdate)
+  SELECT a.asset_account_id, currval('id')::int, sum(r.purchase_value),
+         TRUE, r.disposed_on
+    FROM asset_report__get_disposal($1) r
+    JOIN asset_item a ON (r.id = a.id)
+GROUP BY a.asset_account_id, r.disposed_on;
+$$ language sql;
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION asset_item__add_note(in_id int, in_subject text, in_note text)
+RETURNS asset_note AS
+INSERT INTO asset_note (ref_key, subject, note) values ($1, $2, $3);
+SELECT * FROM asset_note WHERE id = currval('note_id_seq');
+$$ language sql;
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION asset_report__get_expense_accts()
+AS $$
+    SELECT * FROM account__get_by_link_desc('asset_expense');
+$$ language sql;
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION asset_report__get_gain_accts()
+AS $$
+    SELECT * FROM account__get_by_link_desc('asset_gain');
+$$ language sql;
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION asset_report__get_loss_accts()
+AS $$
+    SELECT * FROM account__get_by_link_desc('asset_loss');
+$$ language sql;
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION asset_report__get(in_id int)
+RETURNS asset_report
+select * from asset_report where id = $1;
+$$ language sql;
+CREATE TYPE asset_report_line_result AS(
+     tag text,
+     start_depreciation date,
+     purchase_value numeric,
+     method_short_name text,
+     usable_life numeric,
+     basis numeric,
+     prior_through date,
+     prior_dep numeric,
+     dep_this_time numeric,
+     dep_ytd numeric,
+     dep_total numeric,
+     description text,
+     purchase_date date
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION asset_report__get_lines(in_id int)
+RETURNS SETOF asset_report_line_result
+as $$
+   select ai.tag, coalesce(ai.start_depreciation, ai.purchase_date), ai.purchase_value, m.short_name, 
+          ai.usable_life, 
+          ai.purchase_value - ai.salvage_value, max(pr.report_date),
+          sum(case when pr.report_date < r.report_date then prl.amount
+                   else 0
+                end), 
+          rl.amount, 
+          sum (case when extract(year from pr.report_date)
+                         = extract(year from r.report_date)
+                         AND pr.report_date < r.report_date
+                    then prl.amount
+                    else 0
+                end), 
+          sum(prl.amount), 
+          ai.description, ai.purchase_date
+     FROM asset_item ai
+     JOIN asset_class c ON (ai.asset_class_id = c.id)
+     JOIN asset_dep_method m ON (c.method = m.id)
+     JOIN asset_report_line rl ON (rl.asset_id = ai.id)
+     JOIN asset_report r ON (rl.report_id = r.id)
+LEFT JOIN asset_report_line prl ON (prl.asset_id = ai.id)
+LEFT JOIN asset_report pr ON (prl.report_id = pr.id)
+    WHERE rl.report_id = $1
+ GROUP BY ai.tag, ai.start_depreciation, ai.purchase_value, m.short_name,
+          ai.usable_life, ai.salvage_value, r.report_date, rl.amount,
+          ai.description, ai.purchase_date;
+$$ language sql;
+CREATE TYPE asset_report_result AS (
+        id int,
+        report_date date,
+        gl_id bigint,
+        asset_class bigint,
+        report_class int,
+        entered_by bigint,
+        approved_by bigint,
+        entered_at timestamp,
+        approved_at timestamp,
+        depreciated_qty numeric,
+        dont_approve bool,
+        submitted bool,
+        total numeric
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION asset_report__search
+(in_start_date date, in_end_date date, in_asset_class int, in_approved bool,
+ in_entered_by int)
+returns setof asset_report_result AS $$
+  SELECT r.id, r.report_date, r.gl_id, r.asset_class, r.report_class, 
+         r.entered_by, r.approved_by, r.entered_at, r.approved_at, 
+         r.depreciated_qty, r.dont_approve, r.submitted, sum(l.amount)
+    FROM asset_report r
+    JOIN asset_report_line l ON (l.report_id = r.id)
+   where ($1 is null or $1 <= report_date)
+         and ($2 is null or $2 >= report_date)
+         and ($3 is null or $3 = asset_class)
+         and ($4 is null 
+              or ($4 is true and approved_by is not null)
+              or ($4 is false and approved_by is null))
+         and ($5 is null or $5 = entered_by)
+GROUP BY r.id, r.report_date, r.gl_id, r.asset_class, r.report_class,
+         r.entered_by, r.approved_by, r.entered_at, r.approved_at,
+         r.depreciated_qty, r.dont_approve, r.submitted;
+$$ language sql;
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION asset_report__generate
+(in_depreciation bool, in_asset_class int, in_report_date date) 
+RETURNS SETOF asset_item AS
+   SELECT ai.*
+     FROM asset_item ai
+     JOIN asset_class ac ON (ai.asset_class_id = ac.id)
+LEFT JOIN asset_report_line arl ON (arl.asset_id = ai.id)
+LEFT JOIN asset_report ar ON (arl.report_id = ar.id)
+    WHERE COALESCE(ai.start_depreciation, ai.purchase_date) <= $3 AND ac.id = $2
+          AND obsolete_by IS NULL
+ GROUP BY ai.id, ai.tag, ai.description, ai.purchase_value, ai.usable_life,
+          ai.purchase_date, ai.location_id, ai.invoice_id, ai.asset_account_id,
+          ai.dep_account_id, ai.asset_class_id, ai.start_depreciation,
+          ai.salvage_value, ai.department_id, ai.exp_account_id, ai.obsolete_by
+   HAVING     2 <> ALL(as_array(ar.report_class)) 
+          and 4 <> ALL(as_array(ar.report_class))
+          AND ((ai.purchase_value - coalesce(sum(arl.amount), 0) 
+               > ai.salvage_value) and ai.obsolete_by is null)
+               OR $1 is not true
+$$ language sql;
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION asset_report__begin_import 
+(in_asset_class int, in_report_date date)
+returns asset_report as
+INSERT INTO asset_report (asset_class, report_date, entered_at, entered_by, 
+            report_class, dont_approve)
+     VALUES ($1, $2, now(), person__get_my_entity_id(), 
+            3, true);
+SELECT * FROM asset_report where id = currval('asset_report_id_seq');
+$$ language sql;
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION asset_report__import(
+	in_description text,
+	in_tag text,
+	in_purchase_value numeric,
+	in_salvage_value numeric,
+	in_usable_life numeric,
+	in_purchase_date date,
+        in_start_depreciation date,
+	in_location_id int,
+	in_department_id int,
+	in_asset_account_id int,
+	in_dep_account_id int,
+	in_exp_account_id int,
+	in_asset_class_id int,
+        in_invoice_id int,
+        in_dep_report_id int,
+        in_accum_dep numeric,
+        in_obsolete_other bool
+SET CONSTRAINTS asset_item_obsolete_by_fkey DEFERRED;
+-- This fails a deferrable fkey constraint but avoids a partial unique index
+-- so in this case, the foreign key is deferred for the duration of this 
+-- specific stored proc call.
+UPDATE asset_item
+   SET obsolete_by = -1 
+ WHERE tag = $2 and $17 is true;
+  INTO asset_report_line 
+       (report_id, asset_id, amount, department_id, warehouse_id)
+select $15, id, $16, department_id, location_id
+  from asset__save
+       (NULL, $13, $1, $2, $6, $3, $5, coalesce($4, 0), $7, $8, $9, $14, $10, $11, $12);
+UPDATE asset_item 
+   SET obsolete_by = currval('asset_item_id_seq')
+ WHERE obsolete_by = -1;
+-- enforce fkeys now and raise exception if fail
+SET CONSTRAINTS asset_item_obsolete_by_fkey IMMEDIATE;
+SELECT true;
+$$ language sql;
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION asset_report__begin_disposal
+(in_asset_class int, in_report_date date, in_report_class int)
+returns asset_report as $$
+DECLARE retval asset_report;
+INSERT INTO asset_report (asset_class, report_date, entered_at, entered_by, 
+            report_class)
+     VALUES (in_asset_class, in_report_date, now(), person__get_my_entity_id(), 
+            in_report_class);
+SELECT * INTO retval FROM asset_report where id = currval('asset_report_id_seq');
+return retval;
+$$ language plpgsql;
+create or replace function asset_report__record_approve(in_id int)
+returns asset_report
+as $$
+UPDATE asset_report 
+   set approved_by = person__get_my_entity_id(),
+       approved_at = now()
+ where id = $1;
+select * from asset_report where id = $1;
+$$ language sql;
+create or replace function asset_depreciation__approve(in_report_id int, in_expense_acct int)
+returns asset_report
+as $$
+declare retval asset_report;
+retval := asset_report__record_approve(in_report_id);
+INSERT INTO gl (reference, description, approved)
+select 'Asset Report ' || in_id, 'Asset Depreciation Report for ' || report_date,
+       false
+ FROM asset_report where id = in_id;
+INSERT INTO acc_trans (amount, chart_id, transdate, approved, trans_id)
+SELECT l.amount, a.dep_account_id, r.report_date, true, currval('id')
+  FROM asset_report r
+  JOIN asset_report_line l ON (r.id = l.report_id)
+  JOIN asset_item a ON (a.id = l.asset_id)
+ WHERE r.id = in_id;
+INSERT INTO acc_trans (amount, chart_id, transdate, approved, trans_id)
+SELECT sum(l.amount) * -1, in_expense_acct, r.report_date, approved, 
+       currval('id')
+  FROM asset_report r
+  JOIN asset_report_line l ON (r.id = l.report_id)
+  JOIN asset_item a ON (a.id = l.asset_id)
+ WHERE r.id = in_id
+ GROUP BY r.report_date;
+return retval;
+$$ language plpgsql;
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION asset_report__get_disposal_methods()
+RETURNS SETOF asset_disposal_method as
+SELECT * FROM asset_disposal_method order by label;
+$$ language sql;
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION asset_disposal__approve
+(in_id int, in_gain_acct int, in_loss_acct int, in_asset_acct int)
+returns asset_report
+as $$
+   retval asset_report;
+   iter record;
+   t_disposed_percent numeric;
+-- this code is fairly opaque and needs more documentation that would be 
+-- otherwise optimal. This is mostly due to the fact that we have fairly
+-- repetitive insert/select routines and the fact that the accounting 
+-- requirements are not immediately intuitive.  Inserts marked functionally along
+-- with typical debit/credit designations.  Note debits are always negative.
+retval := asset_report__record_approve(in_id);
+if retval.report_class = 2 then
+     t_disposed_percent := 100;
+end if;
+INSERT INTO gl (reference, description, approved, transdate)
+select 'Asset Report ' || in_id, 'Asset Disposal Report for ' || report_date,
+       false, report_date
+ FROM asset_report where id = in_id;
+insert into acc_trans (trans_id, chart_id, amount, approved, transdate)
+SELECT currval('id'), a.asset_account_id, 
+       a.purchase_value 
+       * (coalesce(t_disposed_percent, m.percent_disposed)/100), 
+       true, r.report_date
+ FROM  asset_item a
+ JOIN  asset_report_line l ON (l.asset_id = a.id)
+ JOIN  asset_report r ON (r.id = l.report_id)
+ JOIN  asset_rl_to_disposal_method m 
+        ON (l.report_id = m.report_id and l.asset_id = m.asset_id)
+ WHERE r.id = in_id;
+INSERT into acc_trans (trans_id, chart_id, amount, approved, transdate)
+SELECT currval('id'), a.dep_account_id, 
+       sum(dl.amount) * -1 
+       * (coalesce(t_disposed_percent, m.percent_disposed)/100), 
+       true, r.report_date
+ FROM  asset_item a
+ JOIN  asset_report_line l ON (l.asset_id = a.id)
+ JOIN  asset_report r ON (r.id = l.report_id)
+ JOIN  asset_report_line dl ON (l.asset_id = dl.asset_id)
+ JOIN  asset_rl_to_disposal_method m 
+        ON (l.report_id = m.report_id and l.asset_id = m.asset_id)
+ JOIN  asset_report dr ON (dl.report_id = dr.id 
+                           and dr.report_class = 1
+                           and dr.approved_at is not null)
+ WHERE r.id = in_id
+group by a.dep_account_id, m.percent_disposed, r.report_date;
+-- INSERT asset/proceeds (Debit, credit for negative values)
+INSERT INTO acc_trans (trans_id, chart_id, amount, approved, transdate)
+SELECT currval('id'), in_asset_acct, coalesce(l.amount, 0) * -1, true, r.report_date
+ FROM  asset_item a
+ JOIN  asset_report_line l ON (l.asset_id = a.id)
+ JOIN  asset_report r ON (r.id = l.report_id)
+ JOIN  asset_rl_to_disposal_method m 
+        ON (l.report_id = m.report_id and l.asset_id = m.asset_id)
+ WHERE r.id = in_id;
+-- INSERT GAIN/LOSS (Credit for gain, debit for loss)
+INSERT INTO acc_trans(trans_id, chart_id, amount, approved, transdate)
+select currval('id'), 
+            CASE WHEN sum(amount) > 0 THEN in_loss_acct
+            else in_gain_acct
+        END,
+        sum(amount) * -1 , true, 
+        retval.report_date
+  FROM acc_trans
+  WHERE trans_id = currval('id');
+IF retval.report_class = 4 then
+   PERFORM asset__import_from_disposal(retval.id);
+end if;
+return retval;
+$$ language plpgsql;
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION asset__import_from_disposal(in_id int)
+DECLARE t_report asset_report;
+        t_import asset_report;
+    SELECT * INTO t_report from asset_report where id = in_id;
+    if t_report.report_class <> 4 THEN RETURN FALSE;
+    END IF;
+    SELECT * 
+      INTO t_import 
+      FROM  asset_report__begin_import 
+            (t_report.asset_class::int, t_report.report_date);
+    PERFORM asset_report__import(
+	ai.description,
+	ai.tag,
+	ai.purchase_value * rld.percent_disposed / 100,
+	ai.salvage_value * rld.percent_disposed / 100,
+	ai.usable_life,
+	ai.purchase_date,
+        ai.start_depreciation,
+	ai.location_id,
+	ai.department_id,
+	ai.asset_account_id,
+	ai.dep_account_id,
+	ai.exp_account_id,
+	ai.asset_class_id,
+        ai.invoice_id,
+        t_import.id,
+        r.accum_depreciation * rld.percent_disposed / 100,
+        TRUE)
+    FROM asset_item ai
+    JOIN asset_report__get_disposal(t_report.id) r  ON (ai.id = r.id)
+    JOIN asset_report_line rl ON (rl.asset_id = ai.id AND rl.report_id = in_id)
+    join asset_rl_to_disposal_method rld 
+         ON (rl.report_id = rld.report_id and ai.id = rld.asset_id)
+   where rld.percent_disposed is null or percent_disposed < 100;
+$$ language plpgsql;

Modified: trunk/sql/modules/LOADORDER
--- trunk/sql/modules/LOADORDER	2011-07-06 14:36:23 UTC (rev 3454)
+++ trunk/sql/modules/LOADORDER	2011-07-06 14:45:03 UTC (rev 3455)
@@ -23,3 +23,4 @@

Modified: trunk/sql/modules/Roles.sql
--- trunk/sql/modules/Roles.sql	2011-07-06 14:36:23 UTC (rev 3454)
+++ trunk/sql/modules/Roles.sql	2011-07-06 14:45:03 UTC (rev 3455)
@@ -1555,6 +1555,36 @@
 "lsmb_<?lsmb dbname ?>__part_translation_create",
 "lsmb_<?lsmb dbname ?>__project_translation_create";
+-- Fixed Assets
+CREATE ROLE "lsmb_<?lsmb dbname ?>__assets_administer" NOLOGIN INHERIT;
+TO "lsmb_<?lsmb dbname ?>__assets_administer";
+GRANT SELECT, UPDATE ON asset_class_id_seq
+TO "lsmb_<?lsmb dbname ?>__assets_administer";
+CREATE ROLE "lsmb_<?lsmb dbname ?>__assets_enter" NOLOGIN INHERIT;
+GRANT ALL ON asset_item_id_seq TO "lsmb_<?lsmb dbname ?>__assets_enter";
+TO "lsmb_<?lsmb dbname ?>__assets_enter";
+GRANT INSERT, SELECT ON asset_note TO "lsmb_<?lsmb dbname ?>__assets_enter";
+CREATE ROLE "lsmb_<?lsmb dbname ?>__assets_depreciate" NOLOGIN INHERIT;
+GRANT SELECT, INSERT ON asset_report, asset_report_line, asset_item, asset_class
+TO "lsmb_<?lsmb dbname ?>__assets_depreciate";
+CREATE ROLE "lsmb_<?lsmb dbname ?>__assets_approve" NOLOGIN INHERIT;
+GRANT SELECT ON asset_report, asset_report_line, asset_item, asset_class
+TO "lsmb_<?lsmb dbname ?>__assets_approve";
+GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION  asset_report__approve(int, int, int, int)
+TO "lsmb_<?lsmb dbname ?>__assets_approve";
+GRANT SELECT ON asset_class, asset_item to public;
+GRANT SELECT ON asset_unit_class TO public;
+GRANT SELECT ON asset_dep_method TO public;
 -- Grants to all users;
 GRANT SELECT ON makemodel TO public;
 GRANT SELECT ON custom_field_catalog TO public;

Added: trunk/sql/upgrade/3455-asset-schema.sql
--- trunk/sql/upgrade/3455-asset-schema.sql	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/sql/upgrade/3455-asset-schema.sql	2011-07-06 14:45:03 UTC (rev 3455)
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+CREATE TABLE asset_unit_class (
+	id int not null unique,
+	class text primary key
+INSERT INTO asset_unit_class (id, class) values (1, 'time');
+INSERT INTO asset_unit_class (id, class) values (2, 'production'); 
+-- production-based depreciation is unlikely to be supported initially
+CREATE TABLE asset_dep_method(
+	id serial unique not null,
+	method text primary key,
+        sproc text not null unique,
+        unit_label text not null,
+        short_name text not null unique,
+	unit_class int not null references asset_unit_class(id) 
+comment on column asset_dep_method.method IS 
+$$ These are keyed to specific stored procedures.  Currently only "straight_line" is supported$$;
+INSERT INTO asset_dep_method(method, unit_class, sproc, unit_label, short_name) 
+values ('Annual Straight Line Daily', 1, 'asset_dep_straight_line_yr_d', 'in years', 'SLYD');
+INSERT INTO asset_dep_method(method, unit_class, sproc, unit_label, short_name) 
+values ('Whole Month Straight Line', 1, 'asset_dep_straight_line_whl_m', 
+'in months', 'SLMM');
+INSERT INTO asset_dep_method(method, unit_class, sproc, unit_label, short_name) 
+values ('Annual Straight Line Daily', 1, 'asset_dep_straight_line_yr_m', 'in years', 'SLYM');
+CREATE TABLE asset_class (
+	id serial not null unique,
+	label text primary key,
+	asset_account_id int references account(id),
+	dep_account_id int references account(id),
+	method int references asset_dep_method(id)
+COMMENT ON asset_class IS $$
+The account fields here set the defaults for the individual asset items.  They
+are non-authoritative.
+CREATE TABLE asset_disposal_method (
+       label text primary key,
+       id serial unique,
+       multiple int check (multiple in (1, 0, -1)),
+       short_label char(1)
+INSERT INTO asset_disposal_method (label, multiple, short_label)
+values ('Abandonment', '0', 'A');
+INSERT INTO asset_disposal_method (label, multiple, short_label)
+values ('Sale', '1', 'S');
+CREATE TABLE asset_rl_to_disposal_method (
+       report_id int references asset_report(id),
+       asset_id int references asset_item(id),
+       disposal_method_id int references asset_disposal_method(id),
+       percent_disposed numeric,
+       primary key (report_id, asset_id, disposal_method_id)
+CREATE TABLE asset_item (
+	id serial primary key, -- needed due to possible null in natural key
+	description text,
+	tag text not null,
+	purchase_value numeric,
+	salvage_value numeric,
+	usable_life numeric,
+	purchase_date date  not null,
+        start_depreciation date not null,
+	location_id int references warehouse(id),
+	department_id int references department(id),
+	invoice_id int references ap(id),
+	asset_account_id int references account(id),
+	dep_account_id int references account(id),
+	exp_account_id int references account(id),
+        obsolete_by int references asset_item(id),
+	asset_class_id int references asset_class(id),
+        unique (tag, obsolete_by) -- part 1 of natural key enforcement
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX asset_item_active_tag_u ON asset_item(tag) 
+              WHERE obsolete_by is null; -- part 2 of natural key enforcement
+COMMENT ON column asset_item.tag IS $$ This can be plugged into other routines to generate it automatically via ALTER TABLE .... SET DEFAULT.....$$;
+CREATE TABLE asset_note (
+    foreign key (ref_key) references asset_item(id),
+    check (note_class = 4)
+) inherits (note);
+INSERT INTO note_class (id, class) values (4, 'Asset');
+ALTER TABLE asset_note alter column note_class set default 4;
+CREATE TABLE asset_report_class (
+	id int not null unique,
+	class text primary key
+INSERT INTO asset_report_class (id, class) values (1, 'depreciation');
+INSERT INTO asset_report_class (id, class) values (2, 'disposal');
+INSERT INTO asset_report_class (id, class) values (3, 'import');
+INSERT INTO asset_report_class (id, class) values (4, 'partial disposal');
+CREATE TABLE asset_report (
+	id serial primary key,
+	report_date date,
+	gl_id bigint references gl(id) unique,
+	asset_class bigint references asset_class(id),
+	report_class int references asset_report_class(id),
+	entered_by bigint not null references entity(id),
+	approved_by bigint references entity(id),
+	entered_at timestamp default now(),
+	approved_at timestamp,
+	depreciated_qty numeric,
+        dont_approve bool default false,
+	submitted bool not null default false
+CREATE TABLE asset_report_line(
+	asset_id bigint references asset_item(id),
+        report_id bigint references asset_report(id),
+	amount numeric,
+	department_id int references department(id),
+	warehouse_id int references warehouse(id),
+	PRIMARY KEY(asset_id, report_id)
+COMMENT ON asset_report_line.department_id IS
+$$ In case assets are moved between departments, we have to store this here.$$;

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