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SF.net SVN: ledger-smb:[3410] trunk/sql

Revision: 3410
Author:   einhverfr
Date:     2011-07-02 03:18:22 +0000 (Sat, 02 Jul 2011)

Log Message:
Correcting menu functions parent directory acl detection

Modified Paths:

Added Paths:

Modified: trunk/sql/Pg-database.sql
--- trunk/sql/Pg-database.sql	2011-07-01 20:45:41 UTC (rev 3409)
+++ trunk/sql/Pg-database.sql	2011-07-02 03:18:22 UTC (rev 3410)
@@ -3190,7 +3190,7 @@
                                                                  ilike 'ALLOW'
                                                             THEN TRUE
-                                       and cc.path like c.path || '%')
+                                       and cc.path like c.path || ',%')
             GROUP BY n.position, n.id, c.level, n.label, c.path, c.list_order
             ORDER BY c.list_order
@@ -3255,7 +3255,7 @@
                                                                  ilike 'ALLOW'
                                                             THEN TRUE
-                                       and cc.path like c.path || '%')
+                                       and cc.path like c.path || ',%')
             GROUP BY n.position, n.id, c.level, n.label, c.path, c.list_order
             ORDER BY c.list_order

Added: trunk/sql/upgrade/3410-menu-functions.sql
--- trunk/sql/upgrade/3410-menu-functions.sql	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/sql/upgrade/3410-menu-functions.sql	2011-07-02 03:18:22 UTC (rev 3410)
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+	item menu_item;
+	arg menu_attribute%ROWTYPE;
+	FOR item IN 
+		SELECT n.position, n.id, c.level, n.label, c.path, 
+                       to_args(array[ma.attribute, ma.value])
+		FROM connectby('menu_node', 'id', 'parent', 'position', '0', 
+				0, ',') 
+			c(id integer, parent integer, "level" integer, 
+				path text, list_order integer)
+		JOIN menu_node n USING(id)
+                JOIN menu_attribute ma ON (n.id = ma.node_id)
+               WHERE n.id IN (select node_id FROM menu_acl
+                               WHERE pg_has_role(CASE WHEN role_name 
+                                                           ilike 'public'
+                                                      THEN current_user
+                                                      ELSE role_name
+                                                   END, 'USAGE')
+                            GROUP BY node_id
+                              HAVING bool_and(CASE WHEN acl_type ilike 'DENY'
+                                                   THEN FALSE
+                                                   WHEN acl_type ilike 'ALLOW'
+                                                   THEN TRUE
+                                                END))
+                    or exists (select cn.id, cc.path
+                                 FROM connectby('menu_node', 'id', 'parent', 
+                                                'position', '0', 0, ',')
+                                      cc(id integer, parent integer, 
+                                         "level" integer, path text,
+                                         list_order integer)
+                                 JOIN menu_node cn USING(id)
+                                WHERE cn.id IN 
+                                      (select node_id FROM menu_acl
+                                        WHERE pg_has_role(CASE WHEN role_name 
+                                                           ilike 'public'
+                                                      THEN current_user
+                                                      ELSE role_name
+                                                   END, 'USAGE')
+                                     GROUP BY node_id
+                                       HAVING bool_and(CASE WHEN acl_type 
+                                                                 ilike 'DENY'
+                                                            THEN false
+                                                            WHEN acl_type 
+                                                                 ilike 'ALLOW'
+                                                            THEN TRUE
+                                                         END))
+                                       and cc.path like c.path || ',%')
+            GROUP BY n.position, n.id, c.level, n.label, c.path, c.list_order
+            ORDER BY c.list_order
+		RETURN NEXT item;
+$$ language plpgsql;
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION menu_children(in_parent_id int) RETURNS SETOF menu_item
+AS $$
+	item menu_item;
+	arg menu_attribute%ROWTYPE;
+        FOR item IN
+		SELECT n.position, n.id, c.level, n.label, c.path, 
+                       to_args(array[ma.attribute, ma.value])
+		FROM connectby('menu_node', 'id', 'parent', 'position', 
+				in_parent_id, 1, ',') 
+			c(id integer, parent integer, "level" integer, 
+				path text, list_order integer)
+		JOIN menu_node n USING(id)
+                JOIN menu_attribute ma ON (n.id = ma.node_id)
+               WHERE n.id IN (select node_id FROM menu_acl
+                               WHERE pg_has_role(CASE WHEN role_name 
+                                                           ilike 'public'
+                                                      THEN current_user
+                                                      ELSE role_name
+                                                   END, 'USAGE')
+                            GROUP BY node_id
+                              HAVING bool_and(CASE WHEN acl_type ilike 'DENY'
+                                                   THEN FALSE
+                                                   WHEN acl_type ilike 'ALLOW'
+                                                   THEN TRUE
+                                                END))
+                    or exists (select cn.id, cc.path
+                                 FROM connectby('menu_node', 'id', 'parent', 
+                                                'position', '0', 0, ',')
+                                      cc(id integer, parent integer, 
+                                         "level" integer, path text,
+                                         list_order integer)
+                                 JOIN menu_node cn USING(id)
+                                WHERE cn.id IN 
+                                      (select node_id FROM menu_acl
+                                        WHERE pg_has_role(CASE WHEN role_name 
+                                                           ilike 'public'
+                                                      THEN current_user
+                                                      ELSE role_name
+                                                   END, 'USAGE')
+                                     GROUP BY node_id
+                                       HAVING bool_and(CASE WHEN acl_type 
+                                                                 ilike 'DENY'
+                                                            THEN false
+                                                            WHEN acl_type 
+                                                                 ilike 'ALLOW'
+                                                            THEN TRUE
+                                                         END))
+                                       and cc.path like c.path || ',%')
+            GROUP BY n.position, n.id, c.level, n.label, c.path, c.list_order
+            ORDER BY c.list_order
+        LOOP
+                return next item;
+        end loop;
+$$ language plpgsql;

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