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SF.net SVN: ledger-smb:[3056] addons/1.3
- Subject: SF.net SVN: ledger-smb:[3056] addons/1.3
- From: ..hidden..
- Date: Mon, 23 Aug 2010 05:40:52 +0000
Revision: 3056
Author: einhverfr
Date: 2010-08-23 05:40:52 +0000 (Mon, 23 Aug 2010)
Log Message:
Aurynn's enhancements for AR/AP UI for large numbers of accounts
Added Paths:
Added: addons/1.3/extended_arap/trunk/UI/._aa.html
(Binary files differ)
Property changes on: addons/1.3/extended_arap/trunk/UI/._aa.html
Added: svn:mime-type
+ application/octet-stream
Added: addons/1.3/extended_arap/trunk/UI/aa.html
--- addons/1.3/extended_arap/trunk/UI/aa.html (rev 0)
+++ addons/1.3/extended_arap/trunk/UI/aa.html 2010-08-23 05:40:52 UTC (rev 3056)
@@ -0,0 +1,639 @@
+<?lsmb INCLUDE 'ui-header.html'
+ include_script = [
+ "UI/ajax/scriptaculous/lib/prototype.js",
+ "UI/ajax/scriptaculous/src/scriptaculous.js?load=builder,effects,dragdrop,controls",
+ "UI/ajax/helpers.js"]
+ stylesheet=stylesheet ?>
+<?lsmb PROCESS 'elements.html' ?>
+ <body onload="document.forms[0].amount_<?lsmb rowcount?>.focus()">
+ <form method="POST" action="<?lsmb script?>"> <?lsmb # This is definitely sub-ideal.?>
+ <?lsmb FOR id IN hidden_args?>
+ <?lsmb IF hidden_vars.id != ''?>
+ <?lsmb INCLUDE input element_data = {
+ type="hidden",
+ name=id,
+ value=hidden_vars.id
+ }?>
+ <?lsmb END?>
+ <?lsmb END?>
+ <table width="100%">
+ <tr class="listtop">
+ <th class="listtop">
+ <?lsmb title?> <?lsmb# The title is always included first. ?>
+ <?lsmb IF reverse?>
+ <?lsmb IF subtype && subtype == 'credit_note'?>
+ Credit Note
+ <?lsmb ELSIF subtype && subtype == 'debit_note'?>
+ Debit Note
+ <?lsmb END?>
+ <?lsmb ELSE?>
+ <?lsmb ARAP?> Transaction
+ <?lsmb END?>
+ </th>
+ </tr>
+ <tr height="5"></tr>
+ <tr valign="top">
+ <td>
+ <table width="100%">
+ <tr valign="top">
+ <td>
+ <table>
+ <tr>
+ <th align="right">
+ <?lsmb IF vc == 'customer'?>
+ Customer
+ <?lsmb ELSE?>
+ Vendor
+ <?lsmb END?>
+ </th>
+ <td colspan="3">
+ <?lsmb IF all_vc_names?>
+ <?lsmb INCLUDE select element_data = {
+ name = vc,
+ options = all_vc_names,
+ default_values = all_vc_value
+ }?>
+ <?lsmb ELSE?>
+ <?lsmb INCLUDE input element_data = {
+ type = "textarea",
+ name = vc,
+ size = 35,
+ value = all_vc_value
+ }?>
+ <?lsmb END?>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td></td>
+ <td colspan="3">
+ <table width="100%">
+ <tr>
+ <th align="left" nowrap="nowrap">
+ <?lsmb text("Credit Limit")?>
+ </th>
+ <td>
+ <?lsmb credit_limit || 0?>
+ </td>
+ <th align="left" nowrap="nowrap">
+ <?lsmb text("Remaining")?>
+ </th>
+ <?lsmb IF credit_remaining != ''?>
+ <td class="plus<?lsmb credit_remaining < 0 ? 0 : 1 ?>">
+ <?lsmb format_amount(credit_remaining)?>
+ </td>
+ <?lsmb ELSE?>
+ <td class="plus0">
+ 0
+ </td>
+ <?lsmb END?>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <?lsmb IF batch_id ?>
+ <tr>
+ <th align="right" nowrap="nowrap">
+ <?lsmb text("Batch Control Code")?>
+ </th>
+ <td><?lsmb batch_control_code?></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <th align="right" nowrap><?lsmb text("Batch Name")?></th>
+ <td><?lsmb batch_description?></td>
+ </tr>
+ <?lsmb END?>
+ <?lsmb IF entity_control_code?>
+ <tr>
+ <th align="right" nowrap><?lsmb text("Entity Control Code")?></th>
+ <td colspan="3"><?lsmb entity_control_code?></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <th align="right" nowrap="nowrap">
+ <?lsmb text("Account")?>
+ </th>
+ <td colspan="3">
+ <?lsmb meta_number?>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <?lsmb END?>
+ <?lsmb IF defaultcurrency?>
+ <tr>
+ <th aligh="right" nowrap="nowrap">
+ <?lsmb text("Currency")?>
+ </th>
+ <td>
+ <?lsmb INCLUDE select element_data = {
+ name="currency",
+ default_values=defaultcurrency,
+ options=all_currrencies
+ } ?>
+ </td>
+ <?lsmb IF currency != defaultcurrency?>
+ <?lsmb INCLUDE textarea element_data = {
+ name="exchangerate",
+ value=exchangerate,
+ size=10
+ }?>
+ <?lsmb END?>
+ </tr>
+ <?lsmb END?>
+ <?lsmb IF all_deparment?>
+ <tr>
+ <th align="right" nowrap="nowrap"><?lsmb text("Department")?></th>
+ <td colspan="3">
+ <?lsmb INCLUDE select element_data = {
+ name="department",
+ default_values=[department],
+ options=all_department
+ }?>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <?lsmb END?>
+ <?lsmb IF taxaccounts?>
+ <tr>
+ <th align="left" nowrap="nowrap"><?lsmb text("Tax Included?")?></th>
+ <td align="right">
+ <?lsmb INCLUDE input element_data = {
+ name="taxincluded",
+ type="checkbox",
+ value="1",
+ checked=taxincluded,
+ }?>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <?lsmb END?>
+ </table>
+ </td>
+ <td align="right">
+ <table>
+ <?lsmb IF all_employees?>
+ <?lsmb #Replaces selectemployee as the appropriate boolean item
+ #Allemployee is an array of option-compatible dicts.
+ ?>
+ <tr>
+ <th align="right" nowrap="nowrap">
+ <?lsmb IF ARAP == 'AR'?>
+ Salesperson
+ <?lsmb ELSE?>
+ Employee
+ <?lsmb END?>
+ </th>
+ <td>
+ <?lsmb INCLUDE select element_data = {
+ name="employee",
+ options=all_employee,
+ default_values=employee
+ }?>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <?lsmb END?>
+ <tr>
+ <th align="right" nowrap="nowrap">
+ <?lsmb text("Invoice Number")?>
+ </th>
+ <td>
+ <?lsmb INCLUDE input element_data = {
+ type="textarea",
+ size="20",
+ value=invnumber,
+ name="invnumber"
+ }?>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <th align="right" nowrap="nowrap">
+ <?lsmb text("Order Number")?>
+ </th>
+ <td>
+ <?lsmb INCLUDE input element_data = {
+ type="textarea",
+ name="ordernumber",
+ size="20",
+ value=ordernumber
+ }?>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <th align="right" nowrap="nowrap">
+ <?lsmb text("Invoice Date")?>
+ </th>
+ <td>
+ <?lsmb INCLUDE input element_data = {
+ type="textarea",
+ name="transdate",
+ size=11,
+ title=dateformat,
+ value=transdate
+ }?>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <th align="right" nowrap="nowrap">
+ <?lsmb text("Due Date")?>
+ </th>
+ <td>
+ <?lsmb INCLUDE input element_data = {
+ name="duedate",
+ type="textarea",
+ size="11",
+ title=dateformat,
+ value=duedate
+ }?>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <th align="right" nowrap="nowrap">
+ <?lsmb text("PO Number")?>
+ </th>
+ <td>
+ <?lsmb INCLUDE input element_data = {
+ name="ponumber",
+ type="textarea",
+ size=20,
+ value=ponumber
+ }?>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ <table>
+ <tr>
+ <th>
+ <?lsmb text("Amount")?>
+ </th>
+ <th></th>
+ <th><?lsmb text("Account")?></th>
+ <th><?lsmb text("Description")?></th>
+ <th><?lsmb text("Tax Form Applied")?></th>
+ <?lsmb IF has_project?>
+ <th><?lsmb text("Project")?></th>
+ <?lsmb END?>
+ </tr>
+ <?lsmb FOREACH row IN rowcount_arr?>
+ <tr valign="top">
+ <td>
+ <?lsmb INCLUDE input element_data = {
+ type="textarea",
+ name="amount_" _ row.id,
+ size=10,
+ value=row.amount,
+ accesskey=iter
+ }?>
+ </td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>
+ <?lsmb PROCESS ajaxselect element_data = {
+ name = ARAP _ "_amount" _ row.id,
+ initial_value = ${"accno_$INDEX"},
+ ajax_target = 'journal.pl',
+ params = { link_desc = '"' _ arap_amount_name _ '"' }
+ } ?>
+ </td>
+ <?lsmb #Not sure if numtextrows will show up as expected.?>
+ <td>
+ <?lsmb rowcount_arr.iter.desc_rows?>
+ <?lsmb IF rowcount_arr.iter.desc_rows != "" && rowcount_arr.iter.desc_rows > 1 ?>
+ <?lsmb INCLUDE textarea element_data = {
+ rows=rowcount_arr.iter.desc_rows,
+ name="description_" _ row.id,
+ cols="40",
+ text=row.description
+ }?>
+ <?lsmb ELSE?>
+ <?lsmb INCLUDE input element_data = {
+ name="description_" _ row.id,
+ type="textarea",
+ value=row.description,
+ size="40"
+ }?>
+ <?lsmb END?>
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ <?lsmb INCLUDE input element_data = {
+ name="taxformcheck_" _ row.id,
+ type="checkbox",
+ checked=row.taxchecked
+ }?>
+ </td>
+ <?lsmb IF needs_project?>
+ <td>
+ <?lsmb INCLUDE select element_data = {
+ name="projectnumber_" _ row.id,
+ options=project_numbers,
+ default_values=[row.project_default]
+ }?>
+ </td>
+ <?lsmb END?>
+ <?lsmb INCLUDE input element_data = {
+ name="entry_id_" _ row.id,
+ type="hidden",
+ value=row.entry_id
+ }?>
+ </tr>
+ <?lsmb END?> <?lsmb # End of for iter in [0..rowcount]?>
+ <tr>
+ <th align="left"><?lsmb #invtotal?></th>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>
+ <?lsmb INCLUDE select element_data = {
+ name=arap,
+ options=all_accounts_arap,
+ default_values=[all_accounts_arap_value]
+ }?>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <th align="right"><?lsmb text("Notes")?></th>
+ <td></td>
+ <td colspan="3">
+ <?lsmb INCLUDE textarea element_data = {
+ name="notes",
+ value=notes,
+ rows=note_rows,
+ cols=50,
+ wrap="soft"
+ }?>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class="listheading">
+ <th class="listheading"><?lsmb text("Payments")?></th>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ <table width="100%">
+ <tr>
+ <th><?lsmb text("Date")?></th>
+ <th><?lsmb text("Source")?></th>
+ <th><?lsmb text("Memo")?></th>
+ <th><?lsmb text("Amount")?></th>
+ <?lsmb IF currency != defaultcurrency ?> <?lsmb #If the currency values are not equal..?>
+ <th><?lsmb text("Exch")?></th>
+ <?lsmb END?>
+ <th><?lsmb text("Account")?></th>
+ </tr>
+ <?lsmb FOREACH pd IN paid_arr?>
+ <?lsmb INCLUDE input element_data = {
+ name="cleared_" _ pd.id,
+ type="hidden",
+ value=pd.cleared
+ }?>
+ <tr>
+ <td align="center">
+ <?lsmb INCLUDE input element_data = {
+ class="date",
+ name="datepaid_" _ pd.id,
+ size=11,
+ value= pd.datepaid,
+ type="textarea"
+ }?>
+ </td>
+ <td align="center">
+ <?lsmb INCLUDE input element_data = {
+ name="source_" _ pd.id,
+ size=11,
+ value=pd.source,
+ type="textarea"
+ }?>
+ </td>
+ <td align="center">
+ <?lsmb INCLUDE input element_data = {
+ name="memo_" _ pd.id,
+ size=11,
+ type="textarea",
+ value=pd.memo
+ }?>
+ </td>
+ <td align="center">
+ <?lsmb INCLUDE input element_data = {
+ name = 'paid_' _ pd.id,
+ size=11,
+ value= pd.amount,
+ type=textarea
+ }?>
+ </td>
+ <td align="center" <?lsmb #Exchange rate?> >
+ <?lsmb IF pd.forex?>
+ <?lsmb INCLUDE select element_data = {
+ name="forex_" _ pd.id,
+ type="hidden",
+ value=pd.forex
+ }?>
+ <?lsmb ELSE?>
+ <?lsmb INCLUDE input element_data = {
+ type="textarea"
+ name="exchangerate_" _ pd.id,
+ size=10,
+ value=pd.exchangerate
+ }?>
+ <?lsmb END?>
+ </td>
+ <td align="center">
+ <?lsmb INCLUDE select element_data = {
+ name=pd.type _ '_paid_' _ pd.id,
+ default_values=[ pd.ARAP_paid ],
+ options=all_accounts_arap
+ }?>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <?lsmb END?>
+ </table>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><hr size="3" noshade="noshade"></td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ <?lsmb #End of form header.?>
+ <?lsmb #Beginning of form footer.?>
+ <?lsmb #Print options stuff?>
+ <table width="100%">
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ <?lsmb INCLUDE select element_data = {
+ name="formname",
+ options=all_formnames,
+ default_value=formname
+ }?>
+ </td>
+ <?lsmb IF all_languages?>
+ <td>
+ <?lsmb INCLUDE select element_data = {
+ name = "language_code",
+ options=all_languages,
+ default_values=language_code
+ }?>
+ </td>
+ <?lsmb END?>
+ <td>
+ <?lsmb INCLUDE select element_data = {
+ name="format",
+ options=all_formats,
+ default_value=format
+ }?>
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ <?lsmb INCLUDE select element_data = {
+ name="media",
+ options=all_media,
+ default_value=media
+ }?>
+ </td>
+ <td align="right" width="90%">
+ <?lsmb IF recurring?>
+ <?lsmb text("Scheduled")?>
+ <?lsmb END?>
+ <?lsmb IF printed_bool == 1?>
+ <?lsmb text("Printed")?>
+ <br/>
+ <?lsmb END?>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ <br/>
+ <?lsmb # Buttons and things
+ # Update and Print never get removed.
+ ?>
+ <?lsmb INCLUDE button element_data = {
+ name="action",
+ value="update",
+ key='U',
+ text=text("Update")
+ }?>
+ <?lsmb INCLUDE button element_data = {
+ name="action",
+ value="print",
+ key='P',
+ text=text("Print")
+ }?>
+ <?lsmb IF approved && batch_id ?>
+ <?lsmb INCLUDE button element_data = {
+ name="action",
+ value="approve",
+ key='O',
+ text=text("Post as Saved")
+ }?>
+ <?lsmb IF user.has_role("draft_modify")?>
+ <?lsmb INCLUDE button element_data = {
+ name="action",
+ value="edit_and_approve",
+ key='O',
+ text=text("Post as Shown")
+ }?>
+ <?lsmb END?>
+ <?lsmb ELSE?>
+ <?lsmb IF !(locked) || !(transdate && le(transdate, closedto))?>
+ <?lsmb IF user.separate_duties || batch_id?>
+ <?lsmb INCLUDE button element_data = {
+ name="action",
+ value="post",
+ key='O',
+ text=text("Save")
+ }?>
+ <?lsmb ELSE?>
+ <?lsmb INCLUDE button element_data = {
+ name="action",
+ value="post",
+ key='O',
+ text=text("Post")
+ }?>
+ <?lsmb END?>
+ <?lsmb IF !settings.latex ?>
+ <?lsmb INCLUDE button element_data = {
+ name="action",
+ value="print_and_post",
+ key='R',
+ text=text("Print and Post")
+ }?>
+ <?lsmb END?>
+ <?lsmb END?> <?lsmb # End of if !(transdate) etc?>
+ <?lsmb END?>
+ <?lsmb INCLUDE button element_data = {
+ name="action",
+ value="schedule",
+ key='H',
+ text=text("Schedule")
+ }?>
+ <?lsmb IF (!id || !locked) && !(transdate && le(transdate, closedto)) ?>
+ <?lsmb INCLUDE button element_data = {
+ name="action",
+ key='D',
+ text=text("Delete"),
+ value=>"delete"
+ }?>
+ <?lsmb INCLUDE button element_data = {
+ name="action",
+ value="save_info",
+ key='I',
+ text=text("Save Info"),
+ }?>
+ <?lsmb END?>
+ <?lsmb INCLUDE button element_data = {
+ name="action",
+ value="save_template",
+ key="T",
+ text=text("Save Template")
+ }?>
+ </form>
+ </body>
\ No newline at end of file
Added: addons/1.3/extended_arap/trunk/bin/custom/._aa.pl
(Binary files differ)
Property changes on: addons/1.3/extended_arap/trunk/bin/custom/._aa.pl
Added: svn:mime-type
+ application/octet-stream
Added: addons/1.3/extended_arap/trunk/bin/custom/aa.pl
--- addons/1.3/extended_arap/trunk/bin/custom/aa.pl (rev 0)
+++ addons/1.3/extended_arap/trunk/bin/custom/aa.pl 2010-08-23 05:40:52 UTC (rev 3056)
@@ -0,0 +1,393 @@
+use LedgerSMB::Template;
+use Data::Dumper;
+sub display_form {
+ $form->close_form;
+ $form->open_form;
+ $form->{dbh}->commit;
+ if (!$form->{__create_ran}) {
+ &create_links
+ }
+ # The form header and footer stuff are removed due to lack of necessity.
+ $form->{stylesheet} = $myconfig{stylesheet};
+ my $template = new LedgerSMB::Template(
+ user => \%myconfig,
+ locale => $locale,
+ path => 'UI',
+ template => 'aa',
+ format => 'HTML',
+ );
+ print $template->render($form);
+ return;
+sub create_links {
+ $form->{__create_ran} = 1;
+ if ( $form->{script} eq 'ap.pl' ) {
+ $form->{ARAP} = 'AP';
+ $form->{vc} = 'vendor';
+ }
+ elsif ( $form->{script} eq 'ar.pl' ) {
+ $form->{ARAP} = 'AR';
+ $form->{vc} = 'customer';
+ }
+ $form->create_links( $form->{ARAP}, \%myconfig, $form->{vc} );
+ $duedate = $form->{duedate};
+ $taxincluded = $form->{taxincluded};
+ $form->{formname} = "transaction";
+ $form->{format} = "postscript" if $myconfig{printer};
+ $form->{media} = $myconfig{printer};
+ $form->{all_formnames} = [{value => 'transaction',
+ text => $locale->text('Transaction')}];
+ if ( ${LedgerSMB::Sysconfig::latex} ) {
+ if ( $form->{ARAP} eq 'AR' ) {
+ push @{$form->{all_formnames}}, {value => "receipt",
+ text => $locale->text('Receipt')};
+ }
+ else {
+ push @{$form->{all_formnames}}, {value => "check",
+ text => $locale->text('Check')};
+ }
+ }
+ # currencies
+ $form->{all_currencies} = [];
+ for my $curr ( split /:/, $form->{currencies} ) {
+ push @{$form->{all_currencies}}, {text=>$curr, value=>$curr};
+ }
+ $form->{defaultcurrency} = ${$form->{all_currrencies}}[0]->{text};
+ chomp $form->{defaultcurrency};
+ # Departments
+ @{$form->{all_department}} = map +{
+ text=> $_->{description},
+ value=>"$_->{description}--$_->{id}"
+ }, @{$form->{all_department}};
+ AA->get_name( \%myconfig, \%$form );
+ $form->{currency} =~ s/ //g;
+ $form->{duedate} = $duedate if $duedate;
+ $form->{taxincluded} = $taxincluded if $form->{id};
+ #$form->{notes} = $form->{intnotes} if !$form->{id};
+ # needs to be changed to be multi-run safe. Probably add a split? --CT
+ $form->{"old$form->{vc}"} =
+ qq|$form->{$form->{vc}}--$form->{"$form->{vc}_id"}|;
+ $form->{oldtransdate} = $form->{transdate};
+ # Needs to be changed to be multi-run safe. --CT
+ $form->{employee} = "$form->{employee}--$form->{employee_id}";
+ foreach $key ( keys %{ $form->{"$form->{ARAP}_links"} } ) {
+ # $key is the account_links description. AR, AP, AR_paid, etc.
+ $form->{"all_accounts_$key"} = $form->{"$form->{ARAP}_links"}{$key};
+ }
+ $form->{all_accounts_arap} = [];
+ for my $i (@{ $form->{"all_accounts_$form->{ARAP}"} }) {
+ # print STDERR Dumper ( $i );
+ push @{ $form->{all_accounts_arap} }, {
+ text=>$i->{accno}."--".$i->{description},
+ value=>$i->{accno}
+ };
+ }
+ $form->{all_accounts_arap_value} = $form->{$form->{ARAP}};
+ $form->{paidaccounts} = 1 if not defined $form->{paidaccounts};
+ # There's at least the one;
+ # So, we loop through this and turn it into a useful array instead of
+ # paid_foo, allowing for easier manipulation in the template.
+ $form->{paid_arr} = []; # arrayref
+ for $i (1 .. $form->{paidaccounts}) {
+ my $hr = {};
+ $hr->{id} = $i;
+ # This was paid_$i
+ $hr->{datepaid} = $form->{"datepaid_$i"};
+ $hr->{source} = $form->{"source_$i"};
+ $hr->{memo} = $form->{"memo_$i"};
+ $hr->{amount} = $form->format_amount( \%myconfig, $form->{"paid_$i"}, 2 );
+ $hr->{exchangerate} = $form->format_amount( \%myconfig, $form->{"exchangerate_$i"} );
+ $hr->{ARAP_paid} = $form->{"$form->{ARAP}_paid_$i"};
+ $hr->{type} = $form->{ARAP};
+ $hr->{forex} = $form->{"forex_$i"};
+ $hr->{cleared} = $form->{"cleared_$i"};
+ push (@{$form->{paid_arr}}, $hr);
+ }
+ # The rowcount amount accounts.
+ $form->{all_amount_accounts} = [];
+ for my $i ( @{ $form->{"all_accounts_$form->{ARAP}_amount"} } ) {
+ my $hr = {
+ text=>$i->{accno}."--".$i->{description}
+ };
+ push @{$form->{all_amount_accounts}}, $hr;
+ }
+ # The rowcount stuff.
+ # Handle the for rowcount loop; Verify all the items are in a useful array
+ # shape for the template.
+ $form->{amounts} = [];
+ $form->{descriptions} = [];
+ $form->{taxchecked} = [];
+ $form->{project_default} = [];
+ $form->{entry_id} = [];
+ $form->{summary} = [];
+ if (!$form->{rowcount}) {
+ $form->{rowcount} = 1;
+ }
+ else {
+ $form->{rowcount}++;
+ }
+ # if ($form->{rowcount}) {
+ # for my $i (1 .. $form->{rowcount}) {
+ # push @{$form->{amounts}}, $form->format_amount( \%myconfig, $form->{"amount_$i"}, 2 );
+ # push @{$form->{descriptions}}, $form->{"description_$i"};
+ # push @{$form->{taxchecked}}, $form->{"taxchecked_$i"};
+ # push @{$form->{project_default}}, $form->{"project_default_$i"};
+ # push @{$form->{entry_id}}, $form->{"entry_id_$i"};
+ # push @{$form->{summary}}, $form->{"$form->{ARAP}_amount_$i"};
+ # }
+ # }
+ $form->{rowcount_arr} = [];
+ for my $i ( 1 .. $form->{rowcount}) {
+ my $hr = {};
+ print STDERR "Amount $i: ".$form->{"amount_$i"};
+ if ($form->{taxincluded}) {
+ $diff = 0;
+ if ($netamount) {
+ my $amount = $form->{"amount_$i"} * ( 1 + $tax / $netamount );
+ $hr->{amount} = $form->round_amount( $amount, 2 )->bstr();
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $hr->{amount} = $form->round_amount($form->{"amount_$i"}, 2)->bstr();
+ }
+ if ($hr->{amount} eq "0") {
+ $hr->{amount} = "";
+ }
+ $hr->{id} = $i;
+ $hr->{account} = $form->{"account_$i"};
+ $hr->{description} = $form->{"description_$i"};
+ $hr->{taxformcheck} = $form->{"taxformcheck_$i"};
+ $hr->{projectnumber} = $form->{"projectnumber_$i"};
+ $hr->{summary} = $form->{"$form->{ARAP}_amount_$i"};
+ $hr->{entry_id} = $form->{"entry_id_$i"};
+ $hr->{desc_rows} = $form->numtextrows($form->{"description_$i"}, 40);
+ push @{$form->{rowcount_arr}}, $hr;
+ }
+ my $n_rows = $form->numtextrows( $form->{notes}, 50 );
+ if ( ( $n_rows - 1 ) < 2 ) {
+ $n_rows = 2;
+ }
+ $form->{note_rows} = $n_rows;
+ # if ( $form->{taxincluded} ) {
+ # $diff = 0;
+ #
+ # # add tax to individual amounts
+ # # XXX needs alteration for conditional taxes
+ # for $i ( 1 .. $form->{rowcount} ) {
+ # if ($netamount) {
+ # $amount =
+ # $form->{"amount_$i"} =
+ # }
+ # }
+ # }
+ $form->{invtotal} = $netamount + $tax;
+ # check if calculated is equal to stored
+ # taxincluded is terrible to calculate
+ # this works only if all taxes are checked
+ @taxaccounts = Tax::init_taxes( $form, $form->{taxaccounts} );
+ if ( $form->{id} ) {
+ if ( $form->{taxincluded} ) {
+ $amount =
+ Tax::calculate_taxes( ..hidden.., $form, $form->{invtotal},
+ 1 );
+ $tax = $form->round_amount( $amount, 2 );
+ }
+ else {
+ $tax =
+ $form->round_amount(
+ Tax::calculate_taxes( ..hidden.., $form, $netamount, 0 ) );
+ }
+ foreach $item (@taxaccounts) {
+ $tax{ $item->account } = $form->round_amount( $item->value, 2 );
+ $form->{ "calctax_" . $item->account } = 1
+ if $item->value
+ and
+ ( $tax{ $item->account } == $form->{ "tax_" . $item->account } );
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ for (@taxaccounts) { $form->{ "calctax_" . $_->account } = 1 }
+ }
+ $form->{summary_accounts} = $form->{"all_accounts_$form->{ARAP}"};
+ $form->{ $form->{ARAP} } = $form->{"$form->{ARAP}_1"};
+ $form->{locked} =
+ ( $form->{revtrans} )
+ ? '1'
+ : ( $form->datetonum( \%myconfig, $form->{transdate} ) <=
+ $form->datetonum( \%myconfig, $form->{closedto} ) );
+ # readonly
+ if ( !$form->{readonly} ) {
+ $form->{readonly} = 1
+ if $myconfig{acs} =~ /$form->{ARAP}--Add Transaction/;
+ }
+ # permits us to use numtextrows in the template.
+ $form->{numtextrows} = sub {$form->numtextrows(@_)};
+ if ($form->{all_employee}) {
+ $form->{all_employees} = [];
+ for my $employee (@{$form->{all_employee}}) {
+ push @{$form->{all_employees}},
+ {
+ text=>$employee->{name},
+ value=>"$employee->{name}--$employee->{id}"
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ $form->{all_vc_names} = [];
+ for my $i (@{$form->{"all_$form->{vc}"}}) {
+ # Turn this into a list of usable options for the template controller,
+ # per aa.pl:204. --AS
+ push @{$form->{all_vc_names}}, {
+ text=>"$i->{name}--$i->{id}",
+ value=>$i->{name}
+ };
+ }
+ $form->{all_vc_value} = $form->{ $form->{vc} }; # Use to avoid messy hash lookups in the template.
+ if ( $form->{printed} =~ /$form->{formname}/ ) {
+ $form->{printed_bool} = 1;
+ }
+ else {
+ $form->{printed_bool} = 0;
+ }
+ #print "Headerbreaker.";
+ $form->{le} = sub {
+ my ($l, $r) = @_;
+ if ($l <= $r) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ };
+ # The footer drop-boxes.
+ $form->{all_form_names} = [];
+ push @{ $form->{all_form_names} }, { value=>"transaction", text=> $locale->text('Transaction') };
+ if ( ${LedgerSMB::Sysconfig::latex} ) {
+ if ( $form->{ARAP} eq 'AR' ) {
+ push @{ $form->{all_form_names} }, { value=>"receipt", text=> $locale->text('Receipt') };
+ }
+ else {
+ push @{ $form->{all_form_names} }, { value=>"check", text=> $locale->text('Check') };
+ }
+ }
+ # the Media keys
+ $form->{all_media} = [];
+ push @{ $form->{all_media} }, {text=>$locale->text("Screen"), value=>"screen"};
+ if ( %{LedgerSMB::Sysconfig::printer} && ${LedgerSMB::Sysconfig::latex} ) {
+ for my $printer ( sort keys %{LedgerSMB::Sysconfig::printer} ) {
+ push @{ $form->{all_media} }, { text=>$printer, value=>$printer };
+ }
+ }
+ # the format
+ $form->{all_formats} = [];
+ push @{ $form->{all_formats} }, {text=>"HTML", value=>"html"};
+ if ( ${LedgerSMB::Sysconfig::latex} ) {
+ push @{ $form->{all_formats} }, {text=>$locale->text("Postscript"), value=>"postscript"};
+ push @{ $form->{all_formats} }, {text=>$locale->text("PDF"), value=>"pdf"};
+ push @{ $form->{all_media} }, {text=>$locale->text("Queue"), value=>"queue"};
+ }
+ if (@{ $form->{all_language} }) {
+ $form->{all_languages}= [];
+ for my $lang ( @{ $form->{all_language} } ) {
+ push @{$form->{all_languages}}, {text=>$lang->{description}, value=>$lang->{code}}
+ };
+ }
+ # This allows for the hidden variables to be declared and emitted as expected.
+ $form->{hidden_args} = [];
+ $form->{hidden_vars} = {};
+ for my $var ( qw(batch_id approved id printed emailed sort closedto locked
+ oldtransdate audittrail recurring checktax reverse batch_id subtype
+ entity_control_code meta_number terms creditlimit creditremaining
+ defaultcurrency rowcount callback path login sessionid form_id) ) {
+ push @{ $form->{hidden_args} }, $var;
+ $form->{hidden_vars}->{$var} = $form->{$var};
+ }
+ # Add the vc items, too. aa.pl:586.
+ push @{$form->{hidden_args}}, "old$form->{vc}";
+ $form->{hidden_vars}->{"old$form->{vc}"} = $form->{"old$form->{vc}"};
+ push @{$form->{hidden_args}}, "$form->{vc}_id";
+ $form->{hidden_vars}->{"$form->{vc}_id"} = $form->{"$form->{vc}_id"};
+ #print STDERR Dumper($form);
+ $form->{arap_amount_name} = $form->{ARAP}."_amount";
+ print STDERR $form->{arap_amount_name};
\ No newline at end of file
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