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SF.net SVN: ledger-smb: [1150] trunk/t/03-date-handling.t
- Subject: SF.net SVN: ledger-smb: [1150] trunk/t/03-date-handling.t
- From: ..hidden..
- Date: Sun, 06 May 2007 23:37:45 -0700
Revision: 1150
Author: tetragon
Date: 2007-05-06 23:37:44 -0700 (Sun, 06 May 2007)
Log Message:
Adding base date handling tests to trunk/
Added Paths:
Copied: trunk/t/03-date-handling.t (from rev 1149, branches/1.2/t/03-date-handling.t)
--- trunk/t/03-date-handling.t (rev 0)
+++ trunk/t/03-date-handling.t 2007-05-07 06:37:44 UTC (rev 1150)
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+# Note: This file assumes good dates, SL behaviour with bad dates is undefined
+#LedgerSMB/Form.pm:3153:sub from_to
+#LedgerSMB/Form.pm:1361:sub add_date {
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More 'no_plan';
+use Math::BigFloat;
+use LedgerSMB::Sysconfig;
+use LedgerSMB::Form;
+use LedgerSMB::Locale;
+my $form = new Form;
+my $locale_en = LedgerSMB::Locale->get_handle('en');
+my $locale_es = LedgerSMB::Locale->get_handle('es');
+my %myconfig;
+ok(defined $form);
+isa_ok($form, 'Form');
+$form->{dbh} = ${LedgerSMB::Sysconfig::GLOBALDBH};
+my @formats = ( ['mm-dd-yy', '-', 2, '02-29-00', '03-01-00'],
+ ['mm/dd/yy', '/', 2, '02/29/00', '03/01/00'],
+ ['dd-mm-yy', '-', 2, '29-02-00', '01-03-00'],
+ ['dd/mm/yy', '/', 2, '29/02/00', '01/03/00'],
+ ['dd.mm.yy', '.', 2, '29.02.00', '01.03.00'],
+# ['yyyymmdd', '', 4, '20000229', '20000301'],
+ ['yyyy-mm-dd', '-', 4, '2000-02-29', '2000-03-01']);
+my @months = ('January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May ', 'June',
+ 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December');
+my $today = `date +\%F`;
+chomp $today;
+my %today_parts;
+$today_parts{'yyyy'} = `date +\%Y`;
+$today_parts{'yy'} = $today_parts{'yyyy'};
+$today_parts{'yy'} =~ s/^..//;
+$today_parts{'mm'} = `date +\%m`;
+$today_parts{'dd'} = `date +\%d`;
+chomp $today_parts{'yyyy'};
+chomp $today_parts{'yy'};
+chomp $today_parts{'mm'};
+chomp $today_parts{'dd'};
+# $locale->date checks
+# Note that $locale->date assumes the year range 2000-2099
+# Note that $locale->date does not perform language-specific long forms
+# Note that $locale->date also takes in yyyymmdd
+foreach my $format (0 .. $#formats) {
+ %myconfig = (dateformat => $formats[$format][0]);
+ my $fmt = $formats[$format][0];
+ my $sep = $formats[$format][1];
+ my $yearcount = $formats[$format][2];
+ my $result = $formats[$format][3];
+ $result =~ s/^(.*)(20)?00(.*)$/${1}2000${3}/ if $yearcount == 2;
+ cmp_ok($locale_en->date(\%myconfig), 'eq',
+ '', "date, $fmt: empty string");
+ cmp_ok($locale_en->date(\%myconfig, $formats[$format][3]), 'eq',
+ $result, "date, $fmt: short");
+ cmp_ok($locale_en->date(\%myconfig, '20000229'), 'eq',
+ $result, "date, $fmt: chopped");
+ for my $mm (1 .. 12) {
+ my $start = $fmt;
+ my $temp = sprintf('%02d', $mm);
+ my $month_en = $locale_en->text($months[$mm - 1]);
+ my $month_es = $locale_es->text($months[$mm - 1]);
+ $start =~ s/dd/29/;
+ $start =~ s/yyyy/2000/;
+ $start =~ s/yy/00/;
+ $start =~ s/mm/$temp/;
+ cmp_ok($locale_es->date(\%myconfig, $start, 1), 'eq',
+ "$month_es 29 2000", "date, $start, $fmt: long, es");
+ cmp_ok($locale_en->date(\%myconfig, $start, 1), 'eq',
+ "$month_en 29 2000", "date, $start, $fmt: long, en");
+ }
+# $form->current_date checks
+# Note that $form->current_date always uses the database
+foreach my $format (0 .. $#formats) {
+ %myconfig = (dateformat => $formats[$format][0]);
+ my $fmt = $formats[$format][0];
+ my $sep = $formats[$format][1];
+ my $yearcount = $formats[$format][2];
+ is($form->current_date(\%myconfig), $today,
+ "current_date, $fmt: $today");
+ is($form->current_date(\%myconfig, $formats[$format][3]),
+ '2000-02-29', "current_date, $fmt: 2000-02-29");
+ is($form->current_date(\%myconfig, $formats[$format][3], 1),
+ '2000-03-01', "current_date, $fmt: 2000-03-01");
+# $form->datetonum checks
+# Note that $form->datetonum assumes the year range 2000-2099
+foreach my $format (0 .. $#formats) {
+ %myconfig = (dateformat => $formats[$format][0]);
+ my $fmt = $formats[$format][0];
+ my $sep = $formats[$format][1];
+ my $yearcount = $formats[$format][2];
+ cmp_ok($form->datetonum(\%myconfig, $formats[$format][3]), 'eq',
+ '20000229', "datetonum, $fmt");
+# $form->split_date checks
+# Note that $form->split_date assumes the year range 2000-2099
+# Note that $form->split_date only outputs two digit years
+foreach my $format (0 .. $#formats) {
+ %myconfig = (dateformat => $formats[$format][0]);
+ my $fmt = $formats[$format][0];
+ my $sep = $formats[$format][1];
+ my $yearcount = $formats[$format][2];
+ my @output = $form->split_date($fmt, $formats[$format][3]);
+ my $rv = $fmt;
+ $rv =~ s/\Q$sep\E//g;
+ $rv =~ s/(yy)?yy/$output[1]/;
+ $rv =~ s/mm/$output[2]/;
+ $rv =~ s/dd/$output[3]/;
+ cmp_ok($output[1], 'eq', '00', "split_date specified, year");
+ cmp_ok($output[2], 'eq', '02', "split_date specified, month");
+ cmp_ok($output[3], 'eq', '29', "split_date specified, day");
+ cmp_ok($output[0], 'eq', $rv, "split_date specified, unit");
+ @output = $form->split_date($fmt);
+ my $rv = $fmt;
+ $rv =~ s/\Q$sep\E//g;
+ $rv =~ s/(yy)?yy/$output[1]/;
+ $rv =~ s/mm/$output[2]/;
+ $rv =~ s/dd/$output[3]/;
+ my $tv = $fmt;
+ $tv =~ s/\Q$sep\E//g;
+ $tv =~ s/(yy)?yy/$today_parts{'yy'}/;
+ $tv =~ s/mm/$today_parts{'mm'}/;
+ $tv =~ s/dd/$today_parts{'dd'}/;
+ cmp_ok($output[1], 'eq', $today_parts{'yy'},
+ "split_date unspecified, year");
+ cmp_ok($output[2], 'eq', $today_parts{'mm'},
+ "split_date unspecified, month");
+ cmp_ok($output[3], 'eq', $today_parts{'dd'},
+ "split_date unspecified, day");
+# $form->format_date checks
+# Note that $form->format_date always outputs four digit years
+foreach my $format (0 .. $#formats) {
+ $form->{db_dateformat} = $formats[$format][0];
+ my $fmt = $formats[$format][0];
+ my $sep = $formats[$format][1];
+ my $yearcount = $formats[$format][2];
+ my $results = $fmt;
+ $results =~ s/(yy)?yy/2000/;
+ $results =~ s/mm/02/;
+ $results =~ s/dd/29/;
+ cmp_ok($form->format_date('2000-02-29'), 'eq',
+ $results, "format_date, $fmt, ISO");
+ cmp_ok($form->format_date($formats[$format][3]), 'eq',
+ $formats[$format][3], "format_date, $fmt, non-ISO");
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