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LedgerSMB 1.4.14-rc1 released

The LedgerSMB development team is happy to announce yet another new
version of its open source ERP and accounting application. This release
contains the following fixes and improvements:

Changelog for 1.4.14
* Replace spanish CoA for compliance; donated by AccountNet
* Correctly set HTML form element 'required' attribute in output (ErikH)
* In Employee entry screen, mark required fields as such (ErikH)
* Fix being unable to remove roles from user (SF 1395) (ErikH)
* Improved required input checking on form submit (SF 1382/GH 715) (ErikH)
* Fixed css making it difficult or impossible to save person records (Chris T)
* Fixed sudden bouncing to employee screen along with info loss (Chris T)
* Fixed salutation and entity class not setting, entering person (Chris T)
* Prevent CREATE LANGUAGE error when creating new company (RobR)
* Fixed errors not showing up properly using Starman (Chris T)

Chris T is Chris Travers
ErikH is Erik Huelsmann
RobR is Rob Ransbottom

The release can be downloaded from sourceforge at

These are the sha256 checksums of the uploaded files:
9714e93fc39aa40b6d1fa66e60642fd503cab71a564dc7455e5c24de67915bb7  ledgersmb-1.4.14-rc1.tar.gz
2e09047293b6fce56bc2341bd1d4618c675b948137f69f43718880bbab7a6a95  ledgersmb-1.4.14-rc1.tar.gz.asc

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